How to turn off Jasmine randomization for a single file? - testing

Tests are executed in random order by default from Jasmine 3.x (see pull request). I understand that it is bad practice to have inter-tests dependencies. However, I have a legitimate use case for this for a single test file and require tests to run sequentially. Currently, I have done the following in karma.config.js file to disable the randomization:
module.exports = function(config) {
client: {
jasmine: {
random: false
I would still like to have randomization turned on for the rest of the tests. Is there any way I can set random: false for that specific file? If not, are there any other alternatives to this?


Detox with Split.IO

I found a jest mock for for react-native. I am now trying to use this mock so that I do not receive network timeouts because is trying to sync in the background. Here is the mock:
jest.mock('#splitsoftware/splitio-react-native', () => {
const splitio = jest.requireActual('#splitsoftware/splitio-react-native');
return {
SplitFactory: () => {
return splitio.SplitFactory({
core: {
authorizationKey: 'localhost',
// Mock your splits and treatments here
features: {},
sync: {
localhostMode: splitio.LocalhostFromObject(),
I currently put this in my detox init.js file, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything. The only way, so far, I have been able to get my tests to run is to just immediately destroy my SplitFactory as soon as I create it (not through the mock). Obviously, this isn't ideal since I'd have to change the code every time I wanted to run it. I tried creating a .mock.ts file, but that also didn't get read, and when I tried to adjust my metro.config.js, it just failed to run at all. Does anyone have any ideas of how I can get this to run properly in detox for iOS, or have experience with this?
I had the same issue with and detox, when a particular would block my tests indefinitely. The only work around i found was
await device.disableSynchronization();
found here

An updated approach to testing vuex actions

In the "Testing Actions" documentation, there is a recommendation to use inject-loader in order to mock entire module imports, and their respective dependencies, when unit testing.
For example, you can mock the ../api/shop import found inside the ./actions file with the following:
const actionsInjector = require('inject-loader!./actions')
// create the module with our mocks
const actions = actionsInjector({
'../api/shop': {
getProducts (cb) {
setTimeout(() => {
cb([ /* mocked response */ ])
}, 100)
Unfortunately, that package does not support Webpack 5.
Is there an updated approach, or alternative package, that is recommended?
Thanks #Estus Flask.
The clarification/mixup was that, whilst I was using vi.mock, and it's auto-mocking algorithm :
"...will mock the module itself by invoking it and mocking every
i.e. it still runs the import statements. To prevent this, a factory must be provided (see documentation), e.g.:
vi.mock('module', <factory-here>)
Which then replaces the entire file import.

Implement Express Static in Apostrophe CMS

this is an Apostrophe CMS question entirely. Piggy-backing off this question, which was never answered, I decided to ask my question here on Stack Overflow. I could not find the topic here.
With that in mind, ApostropheCMS is a very cool in-editor CMS that is built on an express server, but I can not figure out how to access what would be, in a typical express setup, the app.js file.
This npm module does exactly what we need to implement.
The code to add to express:
var express = require('express');
var expressStaticGzip = require('express-static-gzip');
var app = express();
app.use('/', expressStaticGzip('/my/rootFolder/', {
enableBrotli: true,
customCompressions: [{
encodingName: 'deflate',
fileExtension: 'zz'
orderPreference: ['br']
1) How can I add this to a standard Apostrophe setup?
2) Is there already a method built into apostropheCMS that enables brotli and gzip?
First, Node.js code is not the best place to do this. You will get better performance if you implement it in production via your production reverse proxy, such as nginx, and do not implement it in dev at all. Since running Node behind a proxy is always best practice, that should be a viable option for you.
However, that being said, this can be done in Node too. And perhaps you have a use case like allowing pre-zipped files to be served in this way whether the proxy is present or not.
The servePublicAssets method of the apostrophe-assets module is responsible for serving /public via express.static. You can change it out at project level:
// in your PROJECT LEVEL lib/modules/apostrophe-assets/index.js file.
// DO NOT modify node_modules/apostrophe, you do not need to do that.
// DO NOT copy the entire index.js.
// This is all you need to override just this ONE method.
const expressStaticGzip = require('express-static-gzip');
module.exports = {
construct: function(self, options) {
self.servePublicAssets = function() {
const middleware = [];
if (self.lessMiddleware) {
self.apos.rootDir + '/public',
enableBrotli: true,
customCompressions: [
encodingName: 'deflate',
fileExtension: 'zz'
orderPreference: ['br']
self.expressMiddleware = {
when: 'beforeRequired',
middleware: middleware
We do override an entire method here rather than just injecting different middleware. It would be nice if Apostrophe didn't assume you wanted express.static but rather consulted an option allowing you to inject alternative middleware. That would make a good PR.

Jasmine test makes no pass/fail report under

Running the following jasmine test under like this: node path/to/test/script.js, the test executes (web browser is pulled up, target page visited), and thanks to the last line, the jasmine 'it' functions (below) do execute (without the last line, they don't, although the 'describe' function still runs).
But jasmine doesn't provide any kind of report result for the 'it' tests and the 'expect' assertions; there's nothing on the console from jasmine. There's no 'pass/fail' result, and so forth.
How to get jasmine to make a report, and esp. one that is readable by Jenkins?
The problem test script:
var webdriverjs = require('foo-bar/node_modules/webdriverio');
var jasmine = require('foo-bar/node_modules/jasmine-node');
var options = {
port: 4445,
desiredCapabilities: {
browserName: process.argv[2] || 'phantomjs'
describe('my webdriverjs tests', function () {
var client;
beforeEach(function() {
client = webdriverjs.remote(options);
it('shows the correct title', function (done) {
.url('http://localhost:4444').getTitle(function(err, title) {
expect(title).toBe('foo bar');
}).call( done );
afterEach(function(done) {
Note: Cross-posted here:!topic/webdriverio/-EOrQ003B9I
I ran into some of the same challenges when I was looking into this. The big issue is that this test needs to be executed as a jasmine test, not a webdriver test.
decribe('my webdriverio tests with jasmine', function(){
var client;
client = require('path/to/webdriverio').remote({
desiredCapabilities: {browserName:'safari'}
}, 5000);
}, 5000);
it('runs a very simple test',function(done){
expect(result).toBe('Stack Overflow');
}, 5000);
Now to run this test, you would just run a typical jasmine-node command from your terminal.
It comes down to the naming convention you are using. First, you need to remove the last line: jasmine.getEnv().execute(); then run the jasmine-node command with the --matchall flag:
jasmine-node --matchall path/to/test/script.js
If you named your file script_spec.js, then you could run it without the --matchall flag.
This is also assuming you have jasmine-node installed globally. If you want to use the local node_modules dependency, then you need to run this command:
./node_modules/jasmine-node/bin/jasmine-node --matchall path/to/test/script.js
When you are using jasmine-node module you should run your spec with
node_modules/jasmine-node/bin/jasmine-node $TEST_DIRECTORY
And your test should end with *spec.js, * or *spec.litcoffee as docs said.
And jasmine.getEnv().execute(); and var jasmine = require('foo-bar/node_modules/jasmine-node'); should not be in your script.

intern dojo loader issue

I'm trying to setup intern for my project, a Dojo/JS project, and the server is not Node... I get a loader issue, which seems to be due to dojo.has using Dojo loader... The require wrapper suggested in here did not work for me.
I get the error below:
> node node_modules/intern/client.js config=tests/intern
Defaulting to "console" reporter
dojo/text plugin failed to load because loader does not support getText
TypeError: undefined is not a function
at Object.load (lib/dojo/dojo/text.js:199:6)
Below are my intern configuration and the test file:
/tests/intern.js: (config file)
loader: {
packages: [ { name: 'visitorsPortal', location: 'portals/visitor' },
{ name: 'dojo', location: 'lib/dojo/dojo'},
{ name: 'dijit', location: 'lib/dojo/dijit'},
{ name: 'portalLib', location: 'portals/lib'} ]
suites: [ 'tests/uitests' ],
], function (test, assert, MyModule) {
// empty for now...
This has nothing to do with dojo/has and everything to do with the dojo/text plugin requiring functionality that only exists within the Dojo 1 loader when being used server-side.
If you are attempting to test software that relies on any non-standard AMD loader functionality, you will need to use the non-standard loader, or override those modules with alternative copies that are compatible with other loaders.
In this specific case, your easiest path forward is to use the geezer edition of Intern, since it includes the old Dojo loader which contains these non-standard extensions. The best path forward is to remap the dojo/text module to another compatible module that does not need anything special in the loader in order to retrieve the data:
// in intern.js
// ...
loader: {
map: {
'*': {
'dojo/text': 'my/text'
// ...
I struggled with the same problem yesterday, but thanks to C Snover's answer here and the question you're linking to, I did make some progress.
I added the map directive to the intern.js loader config (as C Snover suggests).
// in intern.js
// ...
loader: {
map: {
'*': {
'dojo/text': 'my/text'
// ...
For the my/text module, I just copied dojo/text and added an else if clause to the part that resolves the getText function:
getText= function(url, sync, load){
request(url, {sync:!!sync}).then(load);
} else if(has("host-node")){
// This was my addition...
getText = function(url, sync, load) {
require(["dojo/node!fs"], function(fs) {
fs.readFile(url, 'utf-8', function(err, data) {
if(err) console.error("Failed to read file", url);
} else {
// Path for node.js and rhino, to load from local file system.
// TODO: use node.js native methods rather than depending on a require.getText() method to exist.
getText= require.getText;
console.error("dojo/text plugin failed to load because loader does not support getText");
However, even though the tests were running in intern via node, the host-node value wasn't being set. That was fixed by setting dojo-has-api in my intern.js config:
define(["intern/node_modules/dojo/has"], function(has) {
has.add("dojo-has-api", true);
return { /* my intern config as normal */ };
I'll admit I don't understand 100% what I've done here, and with the copy/pasting it's not exactly pretty, but it serves as a temporary fix for my problem at least.
Note: This did introduce another set of issues though: Since Dojo now knows that it's running in node, dojo/request no longer tries to use XHR. I was using sinon.js to mock my xhr requests, so this had to be changed.