Implement Express Static in Apostrophe CMS - express

this is an Apostrophe CMS question entirely. Piggy-backing off this question, which was never answered, I decided to ask my question here on Stack Overflow. I could not find the topic here.
With that in mind, ApostropheCMS is a very cool in-editor CMS that is built on an express server, but I can not figure out how to access what would be, in a typical express setup, the app.js file.
This npm module does exactly what we need to implement.
The code to add to express:
var express = require('express');
var expressStaticGzip = require('express-static-gzip');
var app = express();
app.use('/', expressStaticGzip('/my/rootFolder/', {
enableBrotli: true,
customCompressions: [{
encodingName: 'deflate',
fileExtension: 'zz'
orderPreference: ['br']
1) How can I add this to a standard Apostrophe setup?
2) Is there already a method built into apostropheCMS that enables brotli and gzip?

First, Node.js code is not the best place to do this. You will get better performance if you implement it in production via your production reverse proxy, such as nginx, and do not implement it in dev at all. Since running Node behind a proxy is always best practice, that should be a viable option for you.
However, that being said, this can be done in Node too. And perhaps you have a use case like allowing pre-zipped files to be served in this way whether the proxy is present or not.
The servePublicAssets method of the apostrophe-assets module is responsible for serving /public via express.static. You can change it out at project level:
// in your PROJECT LEVEL lib/modules/apostrophe-assets/index.js file.
// DO NOT modify node_modules/apostrophe, you do not need to do that.
// DO NOT copy the entire index.js.
// This is all you need to override just this ONE method.
const expressStaticGzip = require('express-static-gzip');
module.exports = {
construct: function(self, options) {
self.servePublicAssets = function() {
const middleware = [];
if (self.lessMiddleware) {
self.apos.rootDir + '/public',
enableBrotli: true,
customCompressions: [
encodingName: 'deflate',
fileExtension: 'zz'
orderPreference: ['br']
self.expressMiddleware = {
when: 'beforeRequired',
middleware: middleware
We do override an entire method here rather than just injecting different middleware. It would be nice if Apostrophe didn't assume you wanted express.static but rather consulted an option allowing you to inject alternative middleware. That would make a good PR.


Is it possible to use DayJs in ant design Vue (antdv) in DatePickers instead of MomentJs?

I tryed to replace momentjs in project on antdv, and find this advice:
"We also provide another implementation, which we provide with
antd-dayjs-webpack-plugin, replacing momentjs with Day.js directly
without changing a line of existing code. More info can be found at
So then i tryed to do same steps like in instruction But i just changed webpack-config.js on vue-config.js and in code:
const AntdDayjsWebpackPlugin = require('antd-dayjs-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
plugins: [
new AntdDayjsWebpackPlugin()
// on
const AntdDayjsWebpackPlugin = require('antd-dayjs-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
configureWebpack: (config) => {
new AntdDayjsWebpackPlugin(),
But then i got mistake 502 Bad Gateway.
If i deleted configureWebpack mistake was still there. And then i deleted require and mistake was gone.
Also i found what in page with this plugin there was word about React but not about Vue.
So i had few questions:
Is it possible to use DayJs in antdv DatePickers? With plugins or any ways.
Is it mistake in FAQ? How i can tall about this issue (if it is)? I didnt found any method to communicate with them.

Dependency Injection (for HttpFetch) at setRoot in main.js Aurelia

I am having trouble getting dependency injection working for my AuthorizerService. Obviously, dep-inj is not ready until after Aurelia "starts", but I wasn't sure how to access it.
aurelia.container.registerInstance(HttpClient, http.c());
// set your interceptors to take cookie data and put into header
return aurelia.start().then(() => {
let Authorizer = new AuthorizerService();
aurelia.container.registerInstance(AuthorizerService, Authorization);
console.log('Current State: %o', Authorizer.auth);
Authorizer.checkCookieAndPingServer().then(() => { console.log('Current State: %o', Authorizer.auth); aurelia.setRoot(PLATFORM.moduleName('app')); }, () => { aurelia.setRoot(PLATFORM.moduleName('login-redirect')); });
Now the problem is that if I do "new AuthorizerService()" then "this.http.fetch()" is not available in AuthorizerService.js.
Am I meant to pass "http.c()" (which delivers the HttpClient instance) as a parameter inside:
or is there another way?
Can I delete "new AuthorizerService()" and just do (I made this up):
Somehow FORCE it to do dependency-injection and retrieve the "registered Instance" of "http.c()"?
I can't just check cookie. I have to ping server for security and the server will set the cookie.
I think this is all sorts of wrong, because I need a global parameter that just is false by default, then it does the query to backend server and setsRoot accordingly. Perhaps only query backend in the "login page"? Okay but then I would need to do "setRoot(backtoApp); aurelia.AlsoSetLoggedIn(true);" inside login module. But when I setRoot(backtoApp) then it just starts all over again.
In other words, when setRoot(login); then setRoot(backToApp); <-- then AuthorizerService instance doesn't have its proper data set (such as loggedIn=true).
EDIT: Better Solution maybe:
return aurelia.start().then(() => {
let Authorizer = aurelia.container.get(AuthorizerService);
let root = Authorizer.isAuthenticated() ? PLATFORM.moduleName('app') : PLATFORM.moduleName('login');
console.log('Current State: %o', Authorizer.auth);
constructor(http) {
this.http = http;
this.auth = {
isAuthenticated: false,
user: {}
"this.auth" is no longer static. No longer "static auth = { isAuthenticated: false }" which was some example code I had found.
So now "auth" gets set inside "login" module. But this means the "login" module is displayed every single time the app loads briefly, before being redirected back to "setRoot(backToApp)"
If the class you want to get the instance is purely based on service classes and has no dependencies on some Aurelia plugins, it doesn't need to wait until Aurelia has started to safely invoke the container.
For your example:
It can be
And you should not use new AuthorizerService(), as you have noticed in your question.

created hook for vuex / nuxtClientInit?

I was wondering whats the best way to do something like nuxtClientInit. I'm trying to load the Auth State as early as possible on the client and save it in my vuex store but not on the server side. It would be great if vuex had something like the created hook for components but that doesn't exist to my knowledge.
How could I achieve this behavior? One way could be calling an action from a layout but is that the best way?
I understand the nuxt team are working on a nuxtClientInit feature but before they release that you could just make your own. To understand the workflow that nuxt undertakes when there is a request you can look at the lifecycle here. This shows that nuxtServerInit is called first then middleware. During this middleware call nuxt.config.js is served and this contains your custom configuration. Part of this is 'plugins' which as the docs say,
This option lets you define JavaScript plugins that should be run
before instantiating the root Vue.js application.
So if you write a plugin to call a store action you can then get and set your local storage from there. So, start with a nuxt-client-init plugin:
export default async context => {
await'nuxtClientInit', context)
then add the plugin to nuxt.config.js:
plugins: [
If you notice the naming convention here, the .client.js part of the plugin tells nuxt this is a client only plugin and is shorthand for '{ src: '~/plugins/nuxt-client-init.js', mode: 'client' }' which since nuxt 2.4 is the way to define the old '{ src: '~/plugins/nuxt-client-init.js', ssr: false }'. Anyway, you now have a call to your store so you can have an action to call from local storage and set a state item.
export const actions = {
nuxtClientInit({ commit }, { req }) {
const autho = localStorage.getItem('auth._token.local') //or whatever yours is called
commit('SET_AUTHO', autho)
console.log('From nuxtClientInit - '+autho)
You probably need to restart your app for that to all take effect but you are then getting and using your Auth State without any of that pesky nuxtServerInit business.

vue server side rendering and data population

Im currently refactoring an app and converting all my base code into vue. One of my requirements is to do server side rendering.
I have been follow vue ssr example along with hacker news example to help me understand ssr.
I do have however a question for which I cant find any good answer, and before further development, I want to make sure we are doing the right thing.
I want to know if its a good practice to have some actions in a vue store calling an api for server side rendering.
All the examples I have found deal with a real external endpoint they connect and perform request. But that is not the setup we have.
We do have a "normal" express app with its own endpoints; so, for example, express router looks a bit like this:
// This is our post model, it lives on the same app, so its not a external API
app.get('/posts', (req, res) => Posts.getPosts());
// Resolve request for SSR rendering, pretty much the same as in [vue ssr example](
const context = { url: req.url }
createApp(context).then(app => {
renderer.renderToString(app, (err, html) => {
if (err) {
if (err.code === 404) {
res.status(404).end('Page not found')
} else {
res.status(500).end('Internal Server Error')
} else {
This part works fine on both client and server. If you request something to /posts you get your response back.
To have a more modular code, we are using vuex stores; being one of the actions called fetchPosts and this action is the responsible of fetching the current posts in the view.
actions: {
fetchPosts({ commit }) {
return $axios.get('/posts').then((response) => {
commit('setPosts', {
I believe for client side this is good, but when rendering on the server, this is probably not optimal.
Reason being axios performing an actual http request, which will also have to implement auth mechanism, and in general, really poor performant.
My question is: is this the recommended and standard way of doing this ?
What are other possibilities that works in server and client ?
Do people actually creates separated apps for api and rendering app ?
Thanks !
I know this is an old question, but for future visitors:
The recommended way is to leverage webpack module aliases to load a server side api for the server and a client side api for the browser. You have to share the same call signature which allows the api to be "swapped".
This of course greatly improves performance as the server side api can do direct db queries instead fetching data over http.
In essence your webpack.server.config.js should have:
resolve: {
alias: {
'create-api': './create-api-server.js'
In your webpack.client.config.js:
resolve: {
alias: {
'create-api': './create-api-client.js'
Importing create-api will now load the required api.
Have a look at to see a full example.

Can't figure out Parse Hosting - Cloud Code Integration

I've been working on this seemingly simple problem for about a week now and feel like there is conflicting information and am hoping someone can give shed some light for me. I'm trying to use Parse Hosting for a marketing site with bootstrap, just HTML and CSS with a little JS; and Cloud Code to do some simple server side tasks like charging a card via Stripe. Everything in the documentation makes it seem this is easily doable, but the documentation also seems to lead me to believe certain methods aren't.
For example, this video shows a Stripe engineer building exactly what I want. However, it's not abundantly clear that he is using pure HTML and CSS for the front end instead of an Express templating engine (which I am not using) -
This post says Parse Hosting and Express now work hand in hand, GREAT!
But the documentation (JS > Cloud Hosting > Dynamic Websites) says you have to delete index.html >> "If you choose to use Express or Node.js, you'll first need to delete public/index.html so that requests can get through to your custom handler functions."
I want to have a single page website hosted at public/index.html that uses Stripe Checkout v3 to create a token then pass that to Parse for a quick execution of the charge, but again, every which way I try has been unsuccessful so far.
In addition, I'm thinking Parse Hosting of pure HTML/CSS won't work with Cloud Code the way I want because a simple call of /hello below returns nothing.
Here's my code:
<form action="/charge" method="POST">
src="" class="stripe-button"
data-description="Shut up and take my money"
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var Stripe = require('stripe');
app.get('/hello', function(req, res) {
res.send('hello world');
});'/charge', function(req, res) {
res.send('Charge Attempt');
token_id = req.body.stripe_token
Stripe.Tokens.retrieve(token_id).then(function(token) {
return Stripe.Charges.create({
amount: 1000,
currency: "usd",
source: token_id
What you need is for express to serve your HTML. To do this, register a static resources directory. In your main.js, after you instantiate your app with var app = express(), do this:
Express should then treat your /public/index.html file as the directory index by default, and your app will serve any other files under /public. More info:
There are several things I did wrong here. I'll explain my mistakes, then you can compare the below code that works with the above code in the question that doesn't.
1) I wasn't parsing the data I was receiving (see underneath // App configuration section)
2) The JSON that is passed needs to be parsed using CamelCase (stripeToken not stripe_token)
3) The charge is set as a variable, not returned (var = charge instead of return charge). Return may work, I didn't test it however.
4) It is imperative that you include the app.listen(); in order to connect to the public folder from the cloud folder
var express = require('express');
var Stripe = require('stripe');
var app = express();
// App configuration section
app.use(express.bodyParser()); // Middleware for reading request body'/charge', function(req, res) {
var stripeToken = req.body.stripeToken;
var stripeEmail = req.body.stripeEmail;
res.send('Charging your card...');
var charge = Stripe.Charges.create({
amount: price,
currency: "usd",
source: stripeToken,
receipt_email: stripeEmail
}, function(err, charge) {
if (err && err.type === 'StripeCardError') {
res.send('The card has been declined. Please check your card and try again.');
// Attach the Express app to your Cloud Code