Using VUETIFY with vue-sfc-rollup tool - vue.js

Has anyone used VUETIFY with this tool vue-sfc-rollup?
I need to add VUETIFY to the project that tool created, but using the VUE CLI command VUE ADD VUETIFY will not work due to the fact that the rollup solution is not a complete vuejs application, but a compact solution for creating distributed components. The problem I am trying to solve is where do I add the vuetify specific code?


Adding Vuetify to vue-sfc-rollup pacakge

Hello I'm creating a package that will be used on vue.js project that uses vuetify. So what I did is follow the vuetify documentaion on how to install it using a webpack. and after that i publish my package and tried to use it the project with vuetify and it gives me an error unknown custom element v-app
what I want to do is create a package [my-package-using-vuetify] then use to other Vue js project that also has vuetify in it.

Adding VUE js to an existing Electron App

I have an existing Electron APP with hand coded HTML all over the place and a lot of copy pasted code.
I would like to slowly integrate VUE to reduce the copy pasted components.
All the articles I find assume I use "vue add electron-builder" and start a project from scratch.
How can I add VUE to an existing complete Electron Append migrate 1 component at a time?
here I've found a link. You can add Vue to your project however you like it.
You can use vue create news-app command and add electron builder top of it.

material-components-web for vue js

I have a website based on Vue framework and webpack.
I came across this css framework developed by Google (Material Components Web) where you can directly get started using a cdn or an npm package. It worked extremely well for a simple html/javascript based website. But, I am having issues setting it up for the Vue project.
There are other wrappers available for Vue framework like Veutify and Vue Material. But, it comes with lot of additional stuff like the grid layout which I don't want the developers to follow as we are already using a flex layout. I only want the component library.
So, is there a way use the Material Components Web with the Vue framework?
I didn't get the Material Components Web working with the Vue framework. But I did found another light-weight material design framework i.e. Material Design Lite.
Note: It is not specific to any framework. It lets you add Material Design look to your website developed in any framework
You can easily get started with a wide variety of options like cdn, bower, npm or even by downloading the files.
Material Components Web has modular architecture. Each component or API is distributed as a separate package. It means that you can use them separately, although there are some dependencies.
Also there is "root" package - material-components-web, which just references all other packages.
By default, when you add a package, it will not be included in your app. You'll need to import component's SCSS and optionally JavaScript. Basically like you would use any other component.
Reference this Vue app template as an example. As you can see here, it references only subset of MDC's components/APIs.

PhpStorm Vuetify autocomplete

I'm having trouble trying to get the autocomplete of vuetify components. v-card for example.
I'm running PhpStorm 2018.2.4 on Windows 10. I have the Vue.js plugin installed.
It can be related to Vuetify version being used; the way components are defined has been changed in 1.1+, and this new format is not yet supported (WEB-32886). Please follow this ticket for updates.
See for possible workaround

Adding Routing to a Vue.js cli 3.0 app

The new Vue.js 3.0 plugin architecture is nice, but it seems to to be missing a router plugin. If I choose not to install routing when I first create the project (vue create my-project), I'd expect that I could change my mind later and add routing with something like vue add #vue/router, but that plugin doesn't appear to exist. Is there a way to add routing from the CLI after the fact?
After some experimenting with vue-cli3, i found that you can use vue add to setup components you missed.
Use vue add router That set up the routing and created some sample components Home and About.
This also work for other modules like adding vuetify with vue add vuetify. You can read more about vue add from the plugins and presets guide
Have a look at the issue page here:, the conclusion is you can't use cli to add router if you didn't choose router initially.
With three reasons:
Late-adding router when you've already modified the entry file is extremely fragile.
If you haven't modified the file much, you can just re-generate the project instead.
If we only add the dependency and skip the file-modifying part, then it's easier to just npm install vue-router or yarn add vue-router.