Encoder Decoder for time series forecasting - tensorflow

I want to predict for 7 days from training size of 55 days. I tried to apply models given here and here, but I am getting output value for all 7 days as 1.
I am also confused about how to give time series as input to encoder decoder and it's code, I tried based on my understanding.
model.add(LSTM(150, input_shape=(None, 1)))
model.add(LSTM(150, return_sequences=True))
model.add(TimeDistributed(Dense(1, activation='softmax')))
model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='adam')
for i in range(7):
model.fit(x, y, epochs=1, verbose=2)
after training I am predicting from entire train sequence for 7 days.
second I tried from link 2
#functions define_models and predict_sequence same as link
for i in range(0,47):
this is also giving output as 1.
I dont know exactly what x2 should be here.
Please correct me where I am wrong.

The first problem is that to train a deep network you should do the following steps:
Create a clear dataset. By a "clear dataset" I mean an instance of tf.Dataset object. To create an instance of tf.Dataset you should first organize your dataset in a NumPy array with shape (Maximum sequence length, Batch size, Size of each record). In your case, the size of the X array which contains the training data should be (7, 1, 1), and the Y array which contains the labels of the training data should be (7,1).
After organizing the data according to the explained format, you can create an instance of tf.Dataset using the function tf.Dataset.from_tensor_slices()
You should use the model.fit() function using the created tf.Dataset instance and specifying a suitable number of epochs which is more than 1. The parameter specifies the number of times the network should iterate on the dataset to be trained. The value of this parameter is somehow arbitrary, but, you should try different values to reach the best one fitting your problem.
Note that using this process you do not need to make a for-loop anymore. The loop will be executed inside of the model.fit function.
For more information about how to implement and train an encoder-decoder model in TensorFlow take a look at the official sample for neural machine translation.


Keras variable input

Im working through a Keras example at https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/text/text_generation
The model is built here:
def build_model(vocab_size, embedding_dim, rnn_units, batch_size):
model = tf.keras.Sequential([
tf.keras.layers.Embedding(vocab_size, embedding_dim,
batch_input_shape=[batch_size, None]),
return model
During training, they always pass in a length 100 array of ints.
But during prediction, they are able to pass in any length of input and the output is the same length as the input. I was always under the impression that the lengths of the time steps had to be the same. Is that not the case and the # of time steps of the RNN somehow can change?
RNNs are sequence models, ie. they take in a sequence of input and give out a sequence of outputs. The sequence length is also called the time steps is number of time the RNN cell is unwrapped and for each unwrapping an input is passed and RNN cell using its gates gives out an output (per each unwrapping). So in theory you can have as long sequence as you want. Now lets assume you have different inputs of different size, since you cannot have variable size inputs in a single batches you have to collect the inputs of same size an make a batch if you want to train using batches. You can as well use batch size of 1 and not worry about all this, but training become painfully slow.
In ptractical situations, while training we divide input into same sizes so that training become fast. There are situations like language translation models where this is not feasible.
So in theory RNNs does not have any limitation on the sequence length, however large sequence will start to loose the context at the begging as the sequence length increases.
While predictions you can use any sequence length you want to.
In you case your output size is same as input size because of return_sequences=True. You can as well have single output by using return_sequences=False where in only the output of last unwrapping is returned by keras.
Length of training sequences should not be equal to predicted length.
RNN deals with two vectors: new word and hidden state (accumulated from the previous words). It doesn't keep length of sequence.
But to get good prediction of long sequences - you have to train RNN with long sequences - because RNN should learn a long context.

What dimension is the LSTM model considers the data sequence?

I know that an LSTM layer expects a 3 dimension input (samples, timesteps, features). But which of it dimension the data is considered as a sequence.
Reading some sites I understood that is the timestep, so I tried to create a simple problem to test.
In this problem, the LSTM model needs to sum the values in timesteps dimension. Then, assuming that the model will consider the previous values of the timestep, it should return as an output the sum of the values.
I tried to fit with 4 samples and the result was not good. Does my reasoning make sense?
import numpy as np
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, LSTM
X = np.array([
X = X.reshape(4, 5, 1)
y = np.array([[6.],[-9.],[0.],[50.]])
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(5, input_shape=(5, 1)))
model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam')
model.fit(X, y, epochs=1000, batch_size=4, verbose=0)
First of all, yes you're right that timestep is the dimension take as data sequence.
Next, I think there is some confusion about what you mean by this line
"assuming that the model will consider the previous values of the
In any case, LSTM doesn't take previous values of time step, but rather, it takes the output activation function of the last time step.
Also, the reason that your output is wrong is because you're using a very small dataset to train the model. Recall that, no matter what algorithm you use in machine learning, it'll need many data points. In your case, 4 data points are not enough to train the model. I used slightly more number of parameters and here's the sample results.
However, remember that there is a small problem here. I initialised the training data between 0 and 50. So if you make predictions on any number outside of this range, this won't be accurate anymore. Farther the number from this range, lesser the accuracy. This is because, it has become more of a function mapping problem than addition. By function mapping, I mean that your model will learn to map all values that are in training set(provided it's trained on enough number of epochs) to outputs. You can learn more about it here.

Questions about tensorflow GetStarted tutorial

So I was reading the tensorflow getstarted tutorial and I found it very hard to follow. There were a lot of explanations missing about each function and why they are necesary (or not).
In the tf.estimator section, what's the meaning or what are they supposed to be the "x_eval" and "y_eval" arrays? The x_train and y_train arrays give the desired output (which is the corresponding y coordinate) for a given x coordinate. But the x_eval and y_eval values are incorrect: for x=5, y should be -4, not -4.1. Where do those values come from? What do x_eval and y_eval mean? Are they necesary? How did they choose those values?
The difference between "input_fn" (what does "fn" even mean?) and "train_input_fn". I see that the only difference is one has
num_epochs=None, shuffle=True
num_epochs=1000, shuffle=False
but I don't understand what "input_fn" or "train_input_fn" are/do, or what's the difference between the two, or if both are necesary.
3.In the
estimator.train(input_fn=input_fn, steps=1000)
piece of code, I don't understand the difference between "steps" and "num_epochs". What's the meaning of each one? Can you have num_epochs=1000 and steps=1000 too?
The final question is, how do i get the W and the b? In the previous way of doing it (not using tf.estimator) they explicitelly found that W=-1 and b=1. If I was doing a more complex neural network, involving biases and weights, I think I would want to recover the actual values of the weights and biases. That's the whole point of why I'm using tensorflow, to find the weights! So how do I recover them in the tf.estimator example?
These are just some of the questions that bugged me while reading the "getStarted" tutorial. I personally think it leaves a lot to desire, since it's very unclear what each thing does and you can at best guess.
I agree with you that the tf.estimator is not very well introduced in this "getting started" tutorial. I also think that some machine learning background would help with understanding what happens in the tutorial.
As for the answers to your questions:
In machine learning, we usually minimizer the loss of the model on the training set, and then we evaluate the performance of the model on the evaluation set. This is because it is easy to overfit the training set and get 100% accuracy on it, so using a separate validation set makes it impossible to cheat in this way.
Here (x_train, y_train) corresponds to the training set, where the global minimum is obtained for W=-1, b=1.
The validation set (x_eval, y_eval) doesn't have to perfectly follow the distribution of the training set. Although we can get a loss of 0 on the training set, we obtain a small loss on the validation set because we don't have exactly y_eval = - x_eval + 1
input_fn means "input function". This is to indicate that the object input_fn is a function.
In tf.estimator, you need to provide an input function if you want to train the estimator (estimator.train()) or evaluate it (estimator.evaluate()).
Usually you want different transformations for training or evaluation, so you have two functions train_input_fn and eval_input_fn (the input_fn in the tutorial is almost equivalent to train_input_fn and is just confusing).
For instance, during training we want to train for multiple epochs (i.e. multiple times on the dataset). For evaluation, we only need one pass over the validation data to compute the metrics we need
The number of epochs is the number of times we repeat the entire dataset. For instance if we train for 10 epochs, the model will see each input 10 times.
When we train a machine learning model, we usually use mini-batches of data. For instance if we have 1,000 images, we can train on batches of 100 images. Therefore, training for 10 epochs means training on 100 batches of data.
Once the estimator is trained, you can access the list of variables through estimator.get_variable_names() and the value of a variable through estimator.get_variable_value().
Usually we never need to do that, as we can for instance use the trained estimator to predict on new examples, using estimator.predict().
If you feel that the getting started is confusing, you can always submit a GitHub issue to tell the TensorFlow team and explain your point.

What is the difference between model.fit() an model.evaluate() in Keras?

I am using Keras with TensorFlow backend to train CNN models.
What is the between model.fit() and model.evaluate()? Which one should I ideally use? (I am using model.fit() as of now).
I know the utility of model.fit() and model.predict(). But I am unable to understand the utility of model.evaluate(). Keras documentation just says:
It is used to evaluate the model.
I feel this is a very vague definition.
fit() is for training the model with the given inputs (and corresponding training labels).
evaluate() is for evaluating the already trained model using the validation (or test) data and the corresponding labels. Returns the loss value and metrics values for the model.
predict() is for the actual prediction. It generates output predictions for the input samples.
Let us consider a simple regression example:
# input and output
x = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, (200))
y = 0.3 + 0.6*x + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05, len(y))
Now lets apply a regression model in keras:
# A simple regression model
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(1, input_shape=(1,)))
model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='rmsprop')
# The fit() method - trains the model
model.fit(x, y, nb_epoch=1000, batch_size=100)
Epoch 1000/1000
200/200 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.0023
# The evaluate() method - gets the loss statistics
model.evaluate(x, y, batch_size=200)
# returns: loss: 0.0022612824104726315
# The predict() method - predict the outputs for the given inputs
# returns: [ 0.65680361],[ 0.70067143],[ 0.70482892]
In Deep learning you first want to train your model. You take your data and split it into two sets: the training set, and the test set. It seems pretty common that 80% of your data goes into your training set and 20% goes into your test set.
Your training set gets passed into your call to fit() and your test set gets passed into your call to evaluate(). During the fit operation a number of rows of your training data are fed into your neural net (based on your batch size). After every batch is sent the fit algorithm does back propagation to adjust the weights in your neural net.
After this is done your neural net is trained. The problem is sometimes your neural net gets overfit which is a condition where it performs well for the training set but poorly for other data. To guard against this situation you run the evaluate() function to send new data (your test set) through your neural net to see how it performs with data it has never seen. There is no training occurring, this is purely a test. If all goes well then the score from training is similar to the score from testing.
fit(): Trains the model for a given number of epochs (this is for training time, with the training dataset).
predict(): Generates output predictions for the input samples (this is for somewhere between training and testing time).
evaluate(): Returns the loss value & metrics values for the model in test mode (this is for testing time, with the testing dataset).
While all the above answers explain what these functions : fit(), evaluate() or predict() do however more important point to keep in mind in my opinion is what data you should use for fit() and evaluate().
The most clear guideline that I came across in Machine Learning Mastery and particular quote in there:
Training set: A set of examples used for learning, that is to fit the parameters of the classifier.
Validation set: A set of examples used to tune the parameters of a classifier, for example to choose the number of hidden units in a neural network.
Test set: A set of examples used only to assess the performance of a fully-specified classifier.
: By Brian Ripley, page 354, Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks, 1996
You should not use the same data that you used to train(tune) the model (validation data) for evaluating the performance (generalization) of your fully trained model (evaluate).
The test data used for evaluate() should be unseen/not used for training(fit()) in order to be any reliable indicator of model evaluation (for generlization).
For Predict() you can use just one or few example(s) that you choose (from anywhere) to get quick check or answer from your model. I don't believe it can be used as sole parameter for generalization.
One thing which was not mentioned here, I believe needs to be specified. model.evaluate() returns a list which contains a loss figure and an accuracy figure. What has not been said in the answers above, is that the "loss" figure is the sum of ALL the losses calculated for each item in the x_test array. x_test would contain your test data and y_test would contain your labels. It should be clear that the loss figure is the sum of ALL the losses, not just one loss from one item in the x_test array.
I would say the mean of losses incurred from all iterations, not the sum. But sure, that's the most important information here, otherwise the modeler would be slightly confused.

Neural Network with my own dataset

I have downloaded many face images from web. In order to learn Tensorflow I want to feed those images to a simple fully-connected neural network with a single hidden layer. I have found an example code in here.
Since I am a beginner, I don't know how to train, evaluate, and test the network with the downloaded images. The code owner used a '.mat' file and a .pkl file. I don't understand how he organized training and test set.
In order to run the code with my images;
Do I need to divide my images into training, test, and validation folders and turn each folder into a mat file? How am I going to provide labels for the training?
Besides, I don't understand why he used a '.pkl' file?
All in all, I would like to change this code so that I can find test, training , and validation set classification performance with my image dataset.
It might be an easy question, but it is important for me as it is a starting step. Thanks for your understanding.
First, you don't have to use .mat files nor pickles. Tensorflow expects numpy array.
For instance, let's say you have 70000 images of size 28x28 (=784 dimensions) belonging to 10 classes. Let's also assume that you'd like to train a simple feedforward neural network to classify the images.
The first step would be to split the images between train and test (and validation, but let's put this aside for the sake of simplicity). For the sake of the example, let's imagine that you chose randomly 60000 images for your training set and 10000 for your test set.
The second step would be to ensure that your data has the right format. Here, you'd like your training set to consist in one numpy array of shape (60000, 784) for the images and another one of shape (60000, 10) for the labels (if you use one-hot encoding to represent your classes). As for your test set, you should have an array of shape (10000, 784) for the images and one of shape (10000, 10) for the labels.
Once you have these big numpy arrays, you should define placeholders that will allow you to feed data to you network during training and evaluation.
images = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 784])
labels = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, shape=[None, 10])
The None here means that you can feed a batch of any size, i.e. as many images as you want, as long as you numpy array is of shape (anything, 784).
The third step consists in defining your model as well as the loss function and the optimizer.
The fourth step consists in training your network by feeding it with random batches of data using the placeholders created above. As your network is training, you can periodically print its performance like the training loss/accuracy as well as the test loss/accuracy.
You can find a complete and very simple example here.