Neural Network with my own dataset - tensorflow

I have downloaded many face images from web. In order to learn Tensorflow I want to feed those images to a simple fully-connected neural network with a single hidden layer. I have found an example code in here.
Since I am a beginner, I don't know how to train, evaluate, and test the network with the downloaded images. The code owner used a '.mat' file and a .pkl file. I don't understand how he organized training and test set.
In order to run the code with my images;
Do I need to divide my images into training, test, and validation folders and turn each folder into a mat file? How am I going to provide labels for the training?
Besides, I don't understand why he used a '.pkl' file?
All in all, I would like to change this code so that I can find test, training , and validation set classification performance with my image dataset.
It might be an easy question, but it is important for me as it is a starting step. Thanks for your understanding.

First, you don't have to use .mat files nor pickles. Tensorflow expects numpy array.
For instance, let's say you have 70000 images of size 28x28 (=784 dimensions) belonging to 10 classes. Let's also assume that you'd like to train a simple feedforward neural network to classify the images.
The first step would be to split the images between train and test (and validation, but let's put this aside for the sake of simplicity). For the sake of the example, let's imagine that you chose randomly 60000 images for your training set and 10000 for your test set.
The second step would be to ensure that your data has the right format. Here, you'd like your training set to consist in one numpy array of shape (60000, 784) for the images and another one of shape (60000, 10) for the labels (if you use one-hot encoding to represent your classes). As for your test set, you should have an array of shape (10000, 784) for the images and one of shape (10000, 10) for the labels.
Once you have these big numpy arrays, you should define placeholders that will allow you to feed data to you network during training and evaluation.
images = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 784])
labels = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, shape=[None, 10])
The None here means that you can feed a batch of any size, i.e. as many images as you want, as long as you numpy array is of shape (anything, 784).
The third step consists in defining your model as well as the loss function and the optimizer.
The fourth step consists in training your network by feeding it with random batches of data using the placeholders created above. As your network is training, you can periodically print its performance like the training loss/accuracy as well as the test loss/accuracy.
You can find a complete and very simple example here.


Encoder Decoder for time series forecasting

I want to predict for 7 days from training size of 55 days. I tried to apply models given here and here, but I am getting output value for all 7 days as 1.
I am also confused about how to give time series as input to encoder decoder and it's code, I tried based on my understanding.
model.add(LSTM(150, input_shape=(None, 1)))
model.add(LSTM(150, return_sequences=True))
model.add(TimeDistributed(Dense(1, activation='softmax')))
model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='adam')
for i in range(7):
y=y.reshape(1,len(y),1), y, epochs=1, verbose=2)
after training I am predicting from entire train sequence for 7 days.
second I tried from link 2
#functions define_models and predict_sequence same as link
for i in range(0,47):
this is also giving output as 1.
I dont know exactly what x2 should be here.
Please correct me where I am wrong.
The first problem is that to train a deep network you should do the following steps:
Create a clear dataset. By a "clear dataset" I mean an instance of tf.Dataset object. To create an instance of tf.Dataset you should first organize your dataset in a NumPy array with shape (Maximum sequence length, Batch size, Size of each record). In your case, the size of the X array which contains the training data should be (7, 1, 1), and the Y array which contains the labels of the training data should be (7,1).
After organizing the data according to the explained format, you can create an instance of tf.Dataset using the function tf.Dataset.from_tensor_slices()
You should use the function using the created tf.Dataset instance and specifying a suitable number of epochs which is more than 1. The parameter specifies the number of times the network should iterate on the dataset to be trained. The value of this parameter is somehow arbitrary, but, you should try different values to reach the best one fitting your problem.
Note that using this process you do not need to make a for-loop anymore. The loop will be executed inside of the function.
For more information about how to implement and train an encoder-decoder model in TensorFlow take a look at the official sample for neural machine translation.

Why we have target_size for DeepLab while CNN can accept any sizes?

I still have not understood a concept. One reason that we use fully convolutional layer at the end in a CNN network is to handle different images sizes during training. My question is that if this is the case why we always crop or squeeze images into squared sizes in the input section. Please do not say the question is repeated, we use squared images to make it easier, check pyramid pooling, and so on.
For example, Here's a link
DeepLab can accept any images with different sizes. But in its code, there is a target_size as (513). Now, if CNN can accept images with different sizes, why we need to use target_size. If this is for converting images into a standard format, why 513?
During training, we should specify batch size. What is our batch_size in this case: (5, None, None, None). Is it possible to have images with different sizes in a batch?
I read many posts and still, I am confused with these questions:
- How can we train a model on images with different sizes (imagine that sizes are standard)? I see some codes use a batch size of one. I think it is not a solution.
- Is there any snipped code that shows how can we define batches for a model like FCN to accept dataset with different sizes?
- In this paper: Here's a link my problem was explained but authors again resized images into squared format, if we can use batches comprises of images with different sizes why they proposed that idea of using squared images between 180 by 180 and 224 by 224.
Has DeepLab used this part: link to make images into a standard format? or for other reason?
width, height = image.size
resize_ratio = 1.0 * 513 / max(width, height)
target_size = (int(resize_ratio * width), int(resize_ratio * height))
I could not find the place of their code when they training the model on PASCAL dataset.
I expected to find a simple code for Keras or Tensorflow whereas it shows easily that we can apply a CNN model such as FCN or DeepLab for a dataset such as PASCAL VOC2012 (for Segmentation) with images of different sizes without any resizing or cropping. Still, I am looking.
Thank you for detail answers in advance. Please do not repeat answers like you can use batch size one, squared images are common and better, you can add black margins to the images, fully connected layer is the problem, you can use global max pooling, and so on. I am looking to find a code that works on images with different sizes.
I could not find the place of DeepLab model in TensorFlow GitHub where it accepts batches with different sizes?? here
Also in here FCN it is trained on COCO dataset with target_size of 320 by 320. Why? it should be any size for FCN.
Also, could one explain to me how can we have a batch of images with different sizes? Could we have an np array of different sized images? Batch = [5, none, none, 3] each of 5 with different sizes.
I also found another confusing part in semantic segmentation. Using Keras Augmentation we can not augment image with more than 4 channels. It means that using Keras augmentation, we can not train PASCAL dataset with 21 channels. ??

Purpose of batch channel in tensorflow model on forward pass of 1 input

So far I have trained a couple different models in TensorFlow (with Keras) and I see that getting the batch_size right seems to be important not just for speed of training but also the resultant accuracy of the model.
What confuses me is a case where a model has an actual batch channel as the first dimension on the input (and output as well). If my batch size is 32 but I'm always inputting 1 data at run-time then where does the batch channel apply? How could I utilize the vast majority of it if I'm inherently only using 1/batch_size amount of it in forward pass?
If you are curious the model I am researching, it is this one:
Output shape of predictions: (batch, n_boxes_total, n_classes + 4 + 8)
predictions = Concatenate(axis=2, name='predictions')([mbox_conf_softmax, mbox_loc, mbox_priorbox])
The tensors had run through numerous other layers that had constants and such pretrained with [batch_size] as well. To me it just seems like inputs at various batch index would have to yield different results. Maybe I just need something incredibly obvious pointed out to me.
It would seem that after training you must recompile the model with a batch size of 1, then transfer the weights from the training model to the new model for evaluation. The alternative is performing 'batch_size' count of predictions at once (which of course is not always feasible per application). If there are alternatives (or if I read wrong) please feel free to add an answer.

tensorflow understanding train_batch_size

I'm working my way through the Tensorflow InceptionV3 tutorial:
I come across the following pargraph:
By default this script will run 4,000 training steps. Each step chooses ten images at random from the training set, finds their bottlenecks from the cache, and feeds them into the final layer to get predictions. Those predictions are then compared against the actual labels to update the final layer's weights through the back-propagation process.
Do the "ten images at random" mean that train_batch_size=10? Meanwhile in the source code I found this:
help='How many images to train on at a time.'
Does this mean I'm interpreting the paragraph incorrectly? If so, what does train_batch_size mean, and how is it different from the ten random images? Or does it simply mean that the tutorial page is out of date with the actual code?
Source Code:
Turns out it was a typo. The 10 random images is actually supposed to be 100 random images, which corresponds to train_batch_size.
Pull request that addressed the issue:

What is the best way to run saved model with different batch size in TensorFlow?

I trained Cifar10 example model from TensorFlow's repository with batch_size 128 and it worked fine. Then I froze graph and managed to run it with C++ just like they do it in their C++ label image example.
The only problem was that I had to artificially generate tensor of shape [128, image_height, image_width, channels] to classify single image with C++ because saved model expects input of 128 samples in a batch since that is number of samples that comes from queue.
I tried training Cifar10 example with batch_size = 1 and then I managed to classify examples one by one when I run model with C++, but that doesn't seem like a great solution. I also tried manually changing tensor shapes in saved graph file but it didn't work.
My question is what is the best way to train model with fixed batch size (like 32, 64, 128 etc.) and then save model so that it can be used with batch size of arbitrary length? If that's not possible, then how to save model to be able to classify samples one by one.
It sounds like the problem is that TensorFlow is "baking in" the batch size to other tensors in the graph (e.g. if the graph contains tf.shape(t) for some tensor t whose shape depends on the batch size, the batch size might be stored in the graph as a constant). The solution is to change your program slightly so that tf.train.batch() returns tensors with a variable batch size.
The tf.train.batch() method accepts a tf.Tensor for the batch_size argument. Perhaps the simplest way to modify your program for variable-sized batches would be to define a placeholder for the batch size:
# Define a scalar tensor for the batch size, so that you can alter it at
batch_size_tensor = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[])
input_tensors = tf.train.batch(..., batch_size=batch_size_tensor, ...)
This would prevent the batch size from being baked into your GraphDef, so you should be able to feed values of any batch size in C++. However, this modification would require you to feed a value for the batch size on every step, which is slightly tedious.
Assuming that you always want to train with batch size 128, but retain the flexibility to change the batch size later, you could use a tf.placeholder_with_default() to specify that the batch size should be 128 when you don't feed an alternative value:
# Define a scalar tensor for the batch size, so that you can alter it at
batch_size_tensor = tf.placeholder_with_default(128, shape=[])
input_tensors = tf.train.batch(..., batch_size=batch_size_tensor, ...)
Is there a reason you need fixed batch size in the graph?
I think a good way is to build a graph with a variable batch size - by putting None as the first dimension. During training, you can then pass the batch size flag to your data provider, so it feeds the desired amount of data in each iteration.
After the model is trained, you can export the graph using tf.train.Saver(), which exports the metagraph. To do inference, you can load the exported files and just evaluate with any number of examples - also just one.
Note, this is different from the frozen graph.