Navigating to screen in another navigator in React Navigation 5 - react-native

I'm using the new React Navigation 5 in my React Native app.
The main menu is handled by the RootNavigator which is a Drawer. The login/sign up are handled by AuthNavigation which is a Stack.
I'm trying to send user to Home screen under RootNavigator after a successful login. In other words, I'm trying to send user to a screen under another navigator by issuing navigation.navigate('RootNavigator', {screen: 'Home'}); but I'm getting an error that reads:
The action 'NAVIGATE' with payload {"name":"RootNavigator"} was not
handled by any navigator.
Do you have a screen named 'RootNavigator'?
This is what my App.js looks like:
const App = () => {
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(true);
const [isAuthenticatedUser, setIsAuthenticatedUser] = useState(false);
useEffect( () => {
// Check for valid auth_token here
// If we have valid token, isLoading is set to FALSE and isAuthenticatedUser is set to TRUE
return (
<Provider store={store}>
? <SplashScreen />
: isAuthenticatedUser ? <RootNavigator /> : <AuthNavigator />
And here's my AuthNavigator which is a Stack:
import React from 'react';
import { createStackNavigator } from '#react-navigation/stack';
// Components
import Login from '../../login/Login';
const AuthStack = new createStackNavigator();
export const AuthNavigator = () => {
<AuthStack.Screen name="LoginScreen" component={Login} />
And here's the RootNavigator which is a Drawer:
import React from 'react';
import { createDrawerNavigator } from '#react-navigation/drawer';
// Components
import Dashboard from '../../home/Dashboard';
import DrawerContent from './DrawerContent';
import ToDoList from '../../active_lists/to_do_lists/ToDoList';
const MainMenuDrawer = createDrawerNavigator();
export const RootNavigator = () => {
return (
<MainMenuDrawer.Navigator drawerContent={(navigation) => <DrawerContent navigation={navigation} />}>
<MainMenuDrawer.Screen name="Home" component={Dashboard} />
<MainMenuDrawer.Screen name="To Do List" component={ToDoList} />
Any idea what I'm doing wrong here? I want to use the cleanest approach for handling this.

There are 2 issues:
You're doing navigation.navigate('RootNavigator', {screen: 'Home'});, which means navigate to Home screen in a navigator nested inside RootNavigator screen. but there's no screen named RootNavigator, you have a component named RootNavigator, but navigate expects a screen name.
Looking at your code, you don't have nested navigators, both navigators are still at the root, just rendered conditionally. So you'd usually do navigation.navigate('Home') for navigation.
Examples of how nesting works and how the structure looks when you nest:
When you are conditionally defining screens/navigators, React Navigation will take care of rendering correct screens automatically after you change the condition. You don't do navigate in this case.
From the auth flow docs:
It's important to note that when using such a setup, you don't need to navigate to the Home screen manually by calling navigation.navigate('Home'). React Navigation will automatically navigate to the Home screen when isSignedIn becomes true.
Auth flow docs:
So what you need to do, is change the isAuthenticatedUser state in your component. You can follow the guide in the docs for an example using React context, but if you're using Redux, move this state to Redux, or any other state management library you use.
And lastly, remove the navigation.navigate after successful login, since it'll happen automatically when you update your condition.


re render navigator screen in react navigation

Hi I am using React Navigation (v:6) in my React Native app for navigation. I have a StackNavigator like the following.
const AppStackNavigator = createStackNavigator<AppStackParamList>();
export const AppStack = () => {
const loggedIn = useSelector((state: AppState) => state.auth?.data?.accessToken ?? null);
return (
<AppStackNavigator.Navigator headerMode="none" mode="modal">
{loggedIn && (
<AppStackNavigator.Screen name={routes.OnboardingStack.MAIN_TABS} component={MainTabs} />
<AppStackNavigator.Screen name={routes.appStack.MainStack} component={MainStack} />
I am trying to have the MainTabs when the user has logged in. But when the user has logged in and navigated to the Home screen which is in the MainStack I don't see the MainTabs at the bottom. But If I reload the app from the debugger menu, I can see the MainTabs at the bottom of the screen.
I think React Navigation is using some sort of optimization to prevent re-render, Is there a way to forcefully re-render a stack in react navigation? Or any other solution?

Navigation Error when navigating to Home page from Firebase registration

I'm following this guide: in attempt to learn how to use firebase, and even though I've followed the code very closely, I'm receiving a NAVIGATION error:
The action 'NAVIGATE' with payload {"name":"Home","params":{"user":{"id":"AWSKEmmUsua5koR1V3x5bapc3Eq2","email":"","fullName":"t"}}} was not handled by any navigator.
Do you have a screen named 'Home'?
I do however, have a screen named Home. App.js:
import Home from './src/Home';
import Login from './src/Login/Login';
import Registration from './src/Registration/Registration';
const Stack = createStackNavigator();
export default function App() {
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
const [user, setUser] = useState(null);
return (
{ user ? (
<Stack.Screen name="Home">
{props => <Home {...props} extraData={user} />}
) : (
<Stack.Screen name="Login" component={Login} />
<Stack.Screen name="Registration" component={Registration} />
When I use the Registration form to register a new user and Navigate to the Home page is when I get the error. Registration.js:
import { firebase } from '../firebase/config';
export default function Registration({ navigation }) {
const [fullName, setFullName] = useState('');
const [email, setEmail] = useState('');
const [password, setPassword] = useState('');
const [confirmPassword, setConfirmPassword] = useState('');
const onFooterLinkPress = () => {
const onRegisterPress = () => {
if (password !== confirmPassword) {
alert("Passwords do not match!");
// This works. However, navigation does not for some reason
.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
.then((response) => {
const uid = response.user.uid
const data = {
id: uid,
const usersRef = firebase.firestore().collection("users");
usersRef.doc(uid).set(data).then(() => {
// This is where the navigation error lies. It has nothing to do with the component
// This error happened even when I created a new plain Home component
navigation.navigate("Home", { user: data})
.catch((error) => alert(error))
.catch((error) => alert(error))
return (
....Input Forms
onPress={() => onRegisterPress()}
<Text style={styles.buttonTitle}>Create Account</Text>
I have used React Navigation before and haven't run into this issue. I am not using nested navigators and cannot see where the issue lies. Thank you for reading.
Adding to Göksel Pırnal answers:
At first, suppose there is no user. So We are in Registration Screen. At that stage, our navigator doesn’t even know whether there is any “Home” Screen. At this stage, our navigator only knows 2 screens: “Login” and “Registration” screens.
You need to notify our app.js whether anyone registered in the Registration screen or not. After that our app.js should change the value of 'user' in [user,setUser].
In your, App.js put this lines of code:
const [initializing,setInitializing]=useState(true)
const subscriber=firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged((user)=>{
return subscriber
if (initializing) return null //Here you may use an Activity indicator
Then after rerendering our navigator will see the value of “user” has changed and it should navigate to the Home screen.
And guess what! You do not need to navigate manually from Registration Screen as you already put a condition in App.js ( in return () ).
You have a problem where you check the user value in App.js. After the registration is done, you did not assign the state in the App.js page and it will always be null. The Home page will not be added to the stack because the user value is null. That's why you got the error.
Solution: You need to notify App.js after registration.

Making navigation available to all components in React Native app

I'm using React Navigation 5 in my React Native app and I'm not exactly clear about how to make navigation available to all components. I also want to mention that my app uses Redux for state management but I didn't integrate React Navigation with Redux -- maybe I should!
My App.js renders my Navigator.js component which looks like below. BTW, my app requires authentication and one of the key functions of the navigator function is to redirect unauthenticated users to login screen.
class Navigator extends Component {
render() {
return (
? <MainMenuDrawer.Navigator drawerContent={(navigation) => <DrawerContent member={this.props.member} navigation={navigation} drawerActions={DrawerActions} handleClickLogOut={this.handleClickLogOut} />}>
<MainMenuDrawer.Screen name="Home" component={HomeStack} />
<MainMenuDrawer.Screen name="ToDoList" component={ToDoListStack} />
: <SignInStack />
Then in my HomeStack, I have my Dashboard component which happens to be a class component that needs to access navigation. Here's my HomeStack:
const HomeStackNav = new createStackNavigator();
const HomeStack = () => {
<HomeStackNav.Navigator screenOptions={{ headerShown: false }}>
<HomeStackNav.Screen name="DashboardScreen" component={Dashboard} />
<HomeStackNav.Screen name="SomeOtherScreen" component={SomeOtherComponent} />
export default HomeStack;
Say, my Dashboard component looks like below. How do I make navigation available to this component?
class Dashboard extends Component {
handleNav() {
// Need to use navigation here...
render() {
return (
<Text>Welcome to Dashboard</Text>
<Button onPress={() => this.handleNav()}>Go somewhere</Button>
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
actions: bindActionCreators(appActions, dispatch)
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Dashboard);
Do I need to pass navigation manually to each component? That seems too repetitive and prone to error. How do I make navigation available throughout my app?
Solution 1:
you can use useNavigation hook for functional component
import {useNavigation} from '#react-navigation/native';
const navigation = useNavigation();
Solution 2:
you can use HOC withNavigation to navigation in props in any component for class component Ref
you can install #react-navigation/compat by
yarn add #react-navigation/compat
You can import like below
import { withNavigation } from '#react-navigation/compat';
you can use withNavigation like below
export default withNavigation(Dashboard)
Note: then you can use this.props.navigation in Dashboard component

React Navigation V5, TabNavigation sharing props

In may Dashboard screen which is created using createMaterialTopTabNavigator, and has 5 screens.
I want to achieve that for example after doing some function in screen1, then i want screen2 to make a specific function, without rendering any screen again.
So my problem was how to make the tabs connected and know about each other.
I am looking to share state between screens or props.
That's my DashBoard Code (summarized).
function Switch0({navigation, route}) {return <Screen0 navigation = {navigation} route={route}/>}
function Switch1({navigation, route}) {return <Screen1 navigation = {navigation} route={route}/>}
function Switch2({navigation, route}) {return <Screen2 navigation = {navigation} route={route}/>}
function Switch3({navigation, route}) {return <Screen3 navigation = {navigation} route={route}/>}
function Switch4({navigation, route}) {return <Screen4 navigation = {navigation} route={route}/>}
export default class DashBoard1 extends React.Component {
return (
<Tab.Screen name="MyTeams" component={Switch0} options={navigationOptions0} />
<Tab.Screen name="Matches" component={Switch1} options={navigationOptions1}/>
<Tab.Screen name="PlayerMarket" component={Switch2} options={navigationOptions2}/>
<Tab.Screen name="Courts" component={Switch3} options={navigationOptions3}/>
<Tab.Screen name="Tournaments" component={Switch4} options={navigationOptions4}/>
I mean you should wrap you AppContainer with some state provider.
import { StoreProvider } from 'store';
<AppContainer />
This store provider can be made using redux.
Or if you are comfortable with hooks, you can try React context Api, something this and write your actions and reducers.
import Reducer, { initialState } from './reducers';
import useActions from './actions';
export const Store = React.createContext();
export const StoreProvider = props => {
const { children } = props;
const [state, dispatch] = React.useReducer(Reducer, initialState);
const actions = useActions(state, dispatch);
const value = { state, dispatch, actions };
return <Store.Provider value={value}>{children}</Store.Provider>;

React native react-navigation drawer not opening

I am using react-navigation as the navigation package for my react native application. and have also installed and configured react-native-gesture-handler along with react-navigation as mentioned in the documentation.
The problem i am facing is that the drawer doesn't open at random times. mostly this occurs when user goes through along the main stack navigation and comes back to home to open the drawer. otherwise the drawer seems to be working without any issues.
this is how i have configured my navigation,
const AppStack = createStackNavigator(
DrawerNav: DrawerNav,
Home: Home,
Notification: Notification,
HomeSearch: HomeSearch
const MyDrawerNavigator = createDrawerNavigator(
Home: Home,
MyAccount: MyAccount,
ContactUs: ContactUs,
InviteFriend: InviteFriend,
Terms: Terms,
SignOut: SignOut
And the MAIN STACK also contains a few TAB STACK also,
I want to know why the drawer doesn't respond.
The Code i used to open the drawer was
bu the above code gave
this.props.navigation.openDrawer() undefined
when ever the above crash i mentioned occurs
as a fix i used,
import { DrawerActions } from "react-navigation";
the above code also stop working after a the user goes through the STACK navigation a few times, but doesn't give any errors on development.
This error occurs both on production as well as development
currently running
react native : 0.59.8
react : 16.8.3
react navigation: 3.9.1,
any help would be much appreciated,
Thanks in advance
Try wrapping all your stack navigation with Drawer navigation.
const StackNav = createStackNavigator({
Home: Home,
Notification: Notification,
HomeSearch: HomeSearch
Now wrap the above with Drawer navigation
const AppStack = createDrawerNavigator({
StackNav: {
screen: StackNav,
navigationOptions: {
drawerLabel: <Hidden />,
Home: Home,
MyAccount: MyAccount,
ContactUs: ContactUs,
InviteFriend: InviteFriend,
Terms: Terms,
SignOut: SignOut
Now the StackNav will be showing in the Drawer as one of the screens. So create a class and return null then pass it down to Drawer label.
class Hidden extends Component {
render() {
return null;
Now you'll be able to call the this.props.navigation.openDrawer(); anywhere on the app. Let me know if it works.
I think you can use another easy way to handle this problem :
You can use react-native-drawer that is available in this link now i'm going to show you how you can work with it :
AppStack :
const AppStack = createStackNavigator(
Home: Home,
Notification: Notification,
HomeSearch: HomeSearch
Home Navigation
const MyHomeNavigator = createStackNavigator(
Home: Home,
MyAccount: MyAccount,
ContactUs: ContactUs,
InviteFriend: InviteFriend,
Terms: Terms,
SignOut: SignOut
Now lets assume this is your HomePage :
import Drawer from 'react-native-drawer'
import DrawerComponent from '../components/drawer'
export default class HomePage extends Component{
render() {
return (
<Drawer ref={(ref) => this._drawer = ref} content={<DrawerComponent {...this.props}/>} side='right' captureGestures openDrawerOffset={0.3} acceptTap>
//your home page components
as you can see you can access to the drawer by this._drawer and here i will show you how does <DrawerComponent> like :
DrawerComponent :
export default class DrawerComponent extends React.Component {
navigateTo = (path) => {
<Item path='MyAccount' navigate = {this.navigateTo}/>
<Item path='ContactUs' navigate = {this.navigateTo}/>
<Item path='InviteFriend' navigate = {this.navigateTo}/>
//And you add all the item you need here with navigateTo function
//LogOut Section
This Works for me fine, I hope this works for you too.
Best regards .