Navigation Error when navigating to Home page from Firebase registration - react-native

I'm following this guide: in attempt to learn how to use firebase, and even though I've followed the code very closely, I'm receiving a NAVIGATION error:
The action 'NAVIGATE' with payload {"name":"Home","params":{"user":{"id":"AWSKEmmUsua5koR1V3x5bapc3Eq2","email":"","fullName":"t"}}} was not handled by any navigator.
Do you have a screen named 'Home'?
I do however, have a screen named Home. App.js:
import Home from './src/Home';
import Login from './src/Login/Login';
import Registration from './src/Registration/Registration';
const Stack = createStackNavigator();
export default function App() {
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
const [user, setUser] = useState(null);
return (
{ user ? (
<Stack.Screen name="Home">
{props => <Home {...props} extraData={user} />}
) : (
<Stack.Screen name="Login" component={Login} />
<Stack.Screen name="Registration" component={Registration} />
When I use the Registration form to register a new user and Navigate to the Home page is when I get the error. Registration.js:
import { firebase } from '../firebase/config';
export default function Registration({ navigation }) {
const [fullName, setFullName] = useState('');
const [email, setEmail] = useState('');
const [password, setPassword] = useState('');
const [confirmPassword, setConfirmPassword] = useState('');
const onFooterLinkPress = () => {
const onRegisterPress = () => {
if (password !== confirmPassword) {
alert("Passwords do not match!");
// This works. However, navigation does not for some reason
.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
.then((response) => {
const uid = response.user.uid
const data = {
id: uid,
const usersRef = firebase.firestore().collection("users");
usersRef.doc(uid).set(data).then(() => {
// This is where the navigation error lies. It has nothing to do with the component
// This error happened even when I created a new plain Home component
navigation.navigate("Home", { user: data})
.catch((error) => alert(error))
.catch((error) => alert(error))
return (
....Input Forms
onPress={() => onRegisterPress()}
<Text style={styles.buttonTitle}>Create Account</Text>
I have used React Navigation before and haven't run into this issue. I am not using nested navigators and cannot see where the issue lies. Thank you for reading.

Adding to Göksel Pırnal answers:
At first, suppose there is no user. So We are in Registration Screen. At that stage, our navigator doesn’t even know whether there is any “Home” Screen. At this stage, our navigator only knows 2 screens: “Login” and “Registration” screens.
You need to notify our app.js whether anyone registered in the Registration screen or not. After that our app.js should change the value of 'user' in [user,setUser].
In your, App.js put this lines of code:
const [initializing,setInitializing]=useState(true)
const subscriber=firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged((user)=>{
return subscriber
if (initializing) return null //Here you may use an Activity indicator
Then after rerendering our navigator will see the value of “user” has changed and it should navigate to the Home screen.
And guess what! You do not need to navigate manually from Registration Screen as you already put a condition in App.js ( in return () ).

You have a problem where you check the user value in App.js. After the registration is done, you did not assign the state in the App.js page and it will always be null. The Home page will not be added to the stack because the user value is null. That's why you got the error.
Solution: You need to notify App.js after registration.


React-Native navigation doesn't recognize params

I have a typescript react-native application. I have used navigation with some sucess but in this case, no matter what I do, the id, filename, and file are all undefined.
Here is the code with the issue. I know according to react-native navigation doing what I'm doing with the file isn't necessary great coding practice, but this is just displaying a file, so it's not a huge deal. (I am storing the filename and id in a sqlite database). I added the useState hoping that the file gets passed or change that it can change the state.
export type Props = {
navigation: PropTypes.func.isRequired;;
name: PropTypes.string.isRequired;
uri: PropTypes.path.isRequired;
type: PropTypes.mime.isRequired};
const FileViewScreen: React.FC<Props> = ({navigation,id,filename,file}) => {
console.log("File View Screen?")
const [currentFile,setCurrentFile] = useState(file);
Here is where the user gets routed to the FileScreen. Here I was testing to see if any id is passed, I'm aware that the id needs changed to the id and not 1 but this was testing.
const HomeScreen: React.FC<Props> = ({navigation}) => {
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
const [file, setFile] = useState({});
const [files, setFiles] = useState([]);
const downloadFile = async () => {
try {
const newEntry = {
name: 'ImageFileName' + Math.random().toString(),
uri: result.path,
type: result.mime,
const res = await addFile(result.path);
navigation.navigate('FileView', { id:1,filename:res,file:newEntry });
} catch (error) {
console.log('downloadFile error', error);
return (
<View style={styles}>
<Text>Welcome Home</Text>
{loading && <ActivityIndicator size={'large'} color="#000" />}
{!loading && (
title="Start Recording"
Here is the addFile function. I don't think this matters but I've been wrong before. Here
export const addFile = file_path => {
db.transaction(txn => {
console.log("db transaction")
const response = txn.executeSql(
'INSERT INTO files(file_path,uploaded) VALUES (' +
file_path +
',' +
false +
(sqlTxn, res) => {
console.log(`${file_path} video added successfully`);
return file_path;
error => {
console.log('error on adding file ' + error.message);
return 0;
In my app.js (i do have a working register and, login, home screen. Right now this is the only time I have an issue.
<Stack.Navigator initialRouteName={initalRoute}>
<Stack.Screen name="Login">
{props => (
<LoginScreen {...props} setToken={setUserToken} setUser={setUser} />
<Stack.Screen name="Home">
{props => (
<HomeScreen {...props}/>
<Stack.Screen name="Register" component={RegisterScreen} />
<Stack.Screen name="FileView">
{props =>(
<FileViewScreen {...props} />
Things that I've tried.
I tried to change the RecordingView in app.js to make sure it's specifically passing props
I've changed props to be only an id, only a filename, or only the newentry.
I've tried to set the state as the file in case it gets passed later.
Things that I haven't tried
I haven't put this in a button. That's the main thing I haven't been able to find if navigation.navigate only works on a push event. I don't see any documentation stating that.
If your FileViewScreen is a child component of some parent view then id,filename,file will be available from component props object. If instead you navigate to FileViewScreen from another screen then id,filename,file will be part of route prop.
To account for both use cases you could so something like this
const FileViewScreen: React.FC<Props> = (props) {
// try extracting props from root prop object
let { id,filename,file } = props;
// if navigation route params are available,
// then extract props from route.params instead
// you could also check if id, filename, file etc are null
// before extracting from route.params
const { route } = props;
if (route && route.params) {
({ id,filename,file } = route.params);

How to pass data from async function to Drawer Navigator in React Native

im a new to react native but trying to build my own application.
I'm trying to pass storeKey and userName obtained from DB to CustomDrawer and Drawer.Screen so I don't need to repeat the function everytime.
so, it's working inside HomeScreen, console.log prints proper value. However, when I pass it in Drawer.Screen 'stock', and then print it in that module, it shows empty array.
How can I pass value from async to drawer navigator properly?
and how can I pass it to CustomDrawer? will {...props} already contain the value?
When I print props.params in the CustomDrawer module, it only says undefined..
const HomeScreen = ({ navigation }) => {
const [storeKey, setStoreKey] = useState([]);
const [userName, setName] = useState([]);
useEffect(async() => {
let isMounted = true;
const auth = getAuth();
const user = auth.currentUser;
if(user !== null){
const email =;
const UserInfo = await getDoc(doc(db, 'users', email));
return () => {
isMounted = false
}, [storeKey]);
return (
<Drawer.Navigator drawerContent={props => <CustomDrawer {...props} />} screenOptions={headerStyles} initialRouteName={HomeScreen} >
<Drawer.Screen name='Search' component={SearchScreen} options={QuitIcon}/>
<Drawer.Screen name='Stock' component={StockScreen} options={QuitIcon} initialParams={{storeKey: storeKey}}/>
Even if the UseEffect is async or none the following code will be the same,
when calling the console.log('this', storeKey) the data is not yet in the state, to wait the useEffect run before continue the code, you have to add an empty array as a second argument in the useEffect function like this :
useEffect(() => {
}, []) // <-- empty array here
by this way your useEffect will be run only the first render of the app and the program will wait the useEffect to be run before continue.

Can an independent functional component re-render based on the state change of another?

I'm new to React Native, and my understanding is that functional components and hooks are the way to go. What I'm trying to do I've boiled down to the simplest case I can think of, to use as an example. (I am, by the way, writing in TypeScript.)
I have two Independent components. There is no parent-child relationship between the two. Take a look:
The two components are a login button on the navigation bar and a switch in the enclosed screen. How can I make the login button be enabled when the switch is ON and disabled when the switch is OFF?
The login button looks like this:
const LoginButton = (): JSX.Element => {
const navigation = useNavigation();
const handleClick = () => {
// I want the 'disabled' value to update based on the state of the switch.
return (
<Button title="Login"
onPress={handleClick} />
As you can see, right now I've simply hard-coded the disabled setting for the button. I'm thinking that will no doubt change to something dynamic.
The screen containing the switch looks like this:
const HomeScreen = () => {
const [isEnabled, setEnabled] = useState(false);
const toggleSwitch = () => setEnabled(value => !value);
return (
What's throwing me for a loop is that the HomeScreen and LoginButton are setup like this in the navigator stack. I can think of no way to have the one "know" about the other:
<MainStack.Screen name="Home"
options={{title: "Home", headerRight: LoginButton}} />
I need to get the login button component to re-render when the state of the switch changes, but I cannot seem to trigger that. I've tried to apply several different things, all involving hooks of some kind. I have to confess, I think I'm missing at least the big picture and probably some finer details too.
I'm open to any suggestion, but really I'm wondering what the simplest, best-practice (or thereabouts) solution is. Can this be done purely with functional components? Do I have to introduce a class somewhere? Is there a "notification" of sorts (I come from native iOS development). I'd appreciate some help. Thank you.
I figured out another way of tracking state, for this simple example, that doesn't involve using a reducer, which I'm including here for documentation purposes in hopes that it may help someone. It tracks very close to the accepted answer.
First, we create both a custom hook for the context, and a context provider:
// FILE: switch-context.tsx
import React, { SetStateAction } from 'react';
type SwitchStateTuple = [boolean, React.Dispatch<SetStateAction<boolean>>];
const SwitchContext = React.createContext<SwitchStateTuple>(null!);
const useSwitchContext = (): SwitchStateTuple => {
const context = React.useContext(SwitchContext);
if (!context) {
throw new Error(`useSwitch must be used within a SwitchProvider.`);
return context;
const SwitchContextProvider = (props: object) => {
const [isOn, setOn] = React.useState(false);
const [value, setValue] = React.useMemo(() => [isOn, setOn], [isOn]);
return (<SwitchContext.Provider value={[value, setValue]} {...props} />);
export { SwitchContextProvider, useSwitchContext };
Then, in the main file, after importing the SwitchContextProvider and useSwitchContext hook, wrap the app's content in the context provider:
const App = () => {
return (
Use the custom hook in the Home screen:
const HomeScreen = () => {
const [isOn, setOn] = useSwitchContext();
return (
And in the Login button component:
const LoginButton = (): JSX.Element => {
const navigation = useNavigation();
const [isOn] = useSwitchContext();
const handleClick = () => {
return (
<Button title="Login"
onPress={handleClick} />
I created the above by adapting an example I found here:
The whole project is now up on GitHub, as a reference:
If you want to choose the context method, you need to create a component first that creates our context:
import React, { createContext, useReducer, Dispatch } from 'react';
type ActionType = {type: 'TOGGLE_STATE'};
// Your initial switch state
const initialState = false;
// We are creating a reducer to handle our actions
const SwitchStateReducer = (state = initialState, action: ActionType) => {
// In this case we only have one action to toggle state, but you can add more
return !state;
// Return the current state if the action type is not correct
return state;
// We are creating a context using React's Context API
// This should be exported because we are going to import this context in order to access the state
export const SwitchStateContext = createContext<[boolean, Dispatch<ActionType>]>(null as any);
// And now we are creating a Provider component to pass our reducer to the context
const SwitchStateProvider: React.FC = ({children}) => {
// We are initializing our reducer with useReducer hook
const reducer = useReducer(SwitchStateReducer, initialState);
return (
<SwitchStateContext.Provider value={reducer}>
export default SwitchStateProvider;
Then you need to wrap your header, your home screen and all other components/pages in this component. Basically you need to wrap your whole app content with this component.
<AppContent />
Then you need to use this context in your home screen component:
const HomeScreen = () => {
// useContext returns an array with two elements if used with useReducer.
// These elements are: first element is your current state, second element is a function to dispatch actions
const [switchState, dispatchSwitch] = useContext(SwitchStateContext);
const toggleSwitch = () => {
// Here, TOGGLE_STATE is the action name we have set in our reducer
dispatchSwitch({type: 'TOGGLE_STATE'})
return (
And finally you need to use this context in your button component:
// We are going to use only the state, so i'm not including the dispatch action here.
const [switchState] = useContext(SwitchStateContext);
<Button title="Login"
onPress={handleClick} />
Crete a reducer.js :
import {CLEAR_VALUE_ACTION, SET_VALUE_ACTION} from '../action'
const initialAppState = {
value: '',
export const reducer = (state = initialAppState, action) => {
if (action.type === SET_VALUE_ACTION) {
state.value =
}else if(action.type===CLEAR_VALUE_ACTION){
state.value = ''
return {...state};
Then action.js:
export function setValueAction(data) {
return {type: SET_VALUE_ACTION, data};
export function clearValueAction() {
return {type: CLEAR_VALUE_ACTION}
In your components :
import {connect} from 'react-redux';
function ComponentA({cartItems, dispatch}) {
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
value: state.someState,
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(ComponentA);
You can create more components and communicate between them, independently.

React Navigation 5: Switching between different stack navigators in React native

I'm finding difficulty in digesting the official documentation and I'm stuck finding out a solution to move between different stack navigators. I have provided my current implementation and code snippet to explain my problem better.
I have a bottom tab navigator and 2 stack navigators to handle different use cases.
I have created multiple stack navigators within StackNavigation.js and rendering each StackNavigators within BottomNavigation.js
const Stack = createStackNavigator();
const HomeStackNavigator = () => {
return (
<Stack.Navigator initialRouteName="Home" screenOptions={ScreenLogo}>
<Stack.Screen name="HomeScreen" component={Home} />
const ProfileStackNavigator = () => {
return (
<Stack.Navigator initialRouteName="Home" screenOptions={ScreenLogo}>
<Stack.Screen name="MahaExpo" component={Profile} />
export { HomeStackNavigator, ProfileStackNavigator };
And as I said I'm rendering each navigator inside tab navigator to switch between screens.
import { HomeStackNavigator, ProfileStackNavigator } from '../Navigations/StackNavigation'
const Tab = createMaterialBottomTabNavigator();
function BottomNavigation() {
return (
initialRouteName="Home" >
export default BottomNavigation
and I'm rendering this within app.js and inside NavigationContainer. I have created AuthStackNavigation.js which has a login and register screens.
const AuthStack = createStackNavigator();
const AuthStackNavigation = ({ }) => (
<AuthStack.Navigator headerMode='none'>
<AuthStack.Screen name="UserLogin" component={UserLogin}></AuthStack.Screen>
<AuthStack.Screen name="UserRegister" component={UserRegister}></AuthStack.Screen>
export default AuthStackNavigation
So currently, I'm showing the home screen with some public content and user can switch to different screens using the bottom tab navigator linked to different screens. When the user clicks on profile tab, im displaying a button to login which should take the user to AuthStackNavigation.js which has a login and register screen. Thanks in advance!
const ProfileStackNavigator = () => {
return (
<Stack.Navigator initialRouteName="Home" screenOptions={ScreenLogo}>
<Stack.Screen name="MahaExpo" component={Profile} />
<Stack.Screen name="UserLogin" component={UserLogin} />
<Stack.Screen name="UserRegister" component={UserRegister} />
on profile page check user is logged in or not, if not, simply navigate to UserLogin screen. Once login simply pop back to profile page are refresh.
There's no way of communicating between two separate navigators if they're not related to each other (one is a child navigator of another or etc.), unless you create something like RootStackNavigator, which would be on the higher level and which would contain all the navigators you have listed above.
Create guest navigators array, authorized navigators array and some shared routes (if needed). Guest navigator contains authstack only and authorized one contains other navigators, if you use redux, context or something like this you can check for the token on startup to determine which navigator you have to use. Logging in will give you the token and will automatically change your navigator to authorized navigators and logging out will throw you back (as you no longer have the token) to the guest navigators which will contain only authentication flow.
Pretty hard to explain ;) hope this helps..
Redux Example
const authNavigators = [
type: "screen",
key: "authNavigators",
name: "authNavigators",
component: authNavigators,
const otherNavigators = [
type: "screen",
key: "otherNavigators1",
name: "otherNavigator1",
component: otherNavigators1,
type: "screen",
key: "otherNavigators2",
name: "otherNavigator2",
component: otherNavigators3,
const RootStack = () => {
const { condition } = useSelector(
(state) =>;
let navigators = otherNavigators;
if(condition) {
navigators = authNavigators;
return (
{ => {
return (
options={({ route: { params } }) => ({
export default RootStack;`
from redux, you can dispatch an action which would change that condition and this would dynamically update your navigator.

How to pass current state of App to Tab Navigation Screen

If I'm using React Navigation v5, what is the best way to pass the current state of a parent component (in my case, the main App) down through a Tab and Stack navigator to a screen that I'd like to use the current state in?
Following the documentation, I have created a stack navigator for each tab that holds the respective screens.
App.js contains a state that needs to be used for a few things. Most importantly, it will provide badge count on the Tab navigator, as well as be a source of Flatlist data on one of the tab screens.
What is the correct approach to getting the state from App all the way down to a child component in a stack navigator in a tab navigator?
const Tab = createBottomTabNavigator()
export default class App extends React.Component {
this.state = {
neededArray: []
const updateTheArray = (newArray) => {
neededArray: newArray
//Listener that searches for nearby bluetooth beacons and updates the array with the passed function
name = "Home"
component = { HomeStack }/>
name = "About"
component = { AboutStack }/>
//The Stack that contains the screen that I need to use the App's state in
name = "Nearby"
component = { NearbyStack }/>
//This stack holds the screen that I need to use the App's state in
const NearbyStackNav = createStackNav()
const NearbyStack = () => {
name = "Nearby"
component = { NearbyScreen }
//The screen that I want to use the App's state in
const NearbyScreen = () => {
//Where I would like to use the App's state
You can pass some initial params to a screen. If you didn't specify any params when navigating to this screen, the initial params will be used. They are also shallow merged with any params that you pass. Initial params can be specified with an initialParams prop:
name = "Nearby"
component = { NearbyStack }
initialParams={{ arrayItem: this.state.neededArray }}
React.useEffect(() => {
if (route.params?.arrayItem) {
// Post updated, do something with `route.params.arrayItem`
// For example, send the arrayItem to the server
}, [route.params?.arrayItem]);
My solution was to use React's Context API.
BeaconContext.js - New
import React from 'react'
const BeaconContext = React.createContext()
export default BeaconContext
App.js - Modified
import BeaconContext from './path/to/BeaconContext'
const Tab = createBottomTabNavigator()
export default class App extends React.Component {
this.state = {
neededArray: []
const updateTheArray = (newArray) => {
neededArray: newArray
// Wrap the nav container in the newly created context!!!
<BeaconContext.Provider value = { this.state.neededArray }
name = "Home"
component = { HomeStack }/>
name = "About"
component = { AboutStack }/>
name = "Nearby"
component = { NearbyStack }/>
NearbyStack.js - Unchanged
const NearbyStackNav = createStackNav()
const NearbyStack = () => {
name = "Nearby"
component = { NearbyScreen }
NearbyScreen.js - Modified
import BeaconContext from './path/to/BeaconContext'
const NearbyScreen = () => {
//Wrap the component in the new context's consumer!!!
context => <Text>{ context }</Text>
I've been struggling with the exact same issue - when using the initialProps property to pass a state to a Tab.Screen the screen never receives any updates. It reads the intial state value once then nothing.
To make it work I skipped using the initialProps property and instead used the children property on Tab.Screen like so:
App containing <Tab.Navigator> and <Tab.Screen>:
const[myBool, setMyBool] = useState(false)
children={() => (
<MySecondScreen passedStateParam={ myBool } />
MySecondScreen consuming updates on passed myBool state:
export function MySecondScreen ({ passedStateParam }) {
const myPassedBoolState = passedStateParam
React.useEffect(() => {
if(myPassedBoolState) {
//Act upon App.tsx updating the state
}, [myPassedBoolState])
Not sure if I'm missing something when trying to perform this with the initialParams property but this way (using children property) I got it to work at least.