Property or method "isOpen" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render - vue.js

I am relatively new to vue.js. I am trying to create a modal dialog that has an initial displayed state set to false. This dialog is used in another component like it is shown billow.
I cannot figure out why the data is isOpen is undefined
// My main component here
<button #click="openMyModal">Open</button>
<MyDialog ref="dialog"/>
methods: {
this.$ => {
console.log("confirm", confirm)
return true
<div class="overlay" v-if="isOpen">
<div class="modal">
<h1>My modal dialog here</h1>
export default {
name: 'my-dialog'
data () {
return {
isOpen: false
methods() {
open() {
this.isOpen = true;
close() {
this.isOpen = false;

It is mostly because of syntax errors. Here is an example after debugging your code:
In the parent:
methods: {
openMyModal() {
In the child:
export default {
name: "my-dialog",
data() {
return {
isOpen: false
methods: {
open() {
this.isOpen = true;
close() {
this.isOpen = false;

Something is missing in your example because from what you gave to us it's working as intended:
Vue.component('MyDialog', {
template: `
isOpen: {{ isOpen }}
<div v-if="isOpen">
<h1>My modal dialog here</h1>
data () {
return {
isOpen: false
methods: {
open() {
this.isOpen = true;
close() {
this.isOpen = false;
Vue.config.productionTip = false
new Vue({
el: '#app',
template: `
<button #click="openMyModal">Open</button>
<button #click="closeMyModal">Close</button>
<MyDialog ref="dialog"/>
methods: {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app" />


How can I use the method from other component

I want use the method 'pause()' in the component 'vue-count-to',but the webstorm tips Unresolved function or method pause() .How can I use the method in 'vue-count-to'?Thank you
<countTo ref="countTo1" :startVal='startVal' :endVal='endVal' :duration='3000'>
<input type="text" v-model="endVal">
<Button v-on:click="handleClick" >reset</Button>
import CountTox from 'vue-count-to';
export default {
components: {
countTo: CountTox},
data () {
return {
startVal: 0,
endVal: 2017,
autoplay: false
methods: {
handleClick() {
you can use $root.$emit() and $root.$on()
const componentA = {
template: `
<button #click="callMethodInComponentB">
call method in component-b
methods: {
callMethodInComponentB() {
this.$root.$emit('call-to-component-b', 2);
const componentB = {
template: `
<h1>Value: {{ value.toString() }}</h1>
return {
value: 0
methods: {
plus(add) {
this.value += add
mounted() {
this.$root.$on('call-to-component-b', add => {
new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: {
<script src=""></script>
<main id="app">
define the method in App.vue and access it from probs and emit

Vue.js Component emit

I have some problem about component $emit
This is my child component:
<div class="input-group mb-3 input-group-sm">
<input v-model="newCoupon" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="code">
<div class="input-group-append">
<button class="btn btn-outline-secondary" type="button" #click="addCoupon">comfirm</button>
export default {
props: ["couponcode"],
data() {
return {
newCoupon: this.couponcode
methods: {
addCoupon() {
this.$emit("add", this.newCoupon);
This is parent component
<cartData :couponcode="coupon_code" #add="addCoupon"></cartData>
import cartData from "../cartData";
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
coupon_code: ""
addCoupon() {
const api = `${process.env.API_PATH}/api/${
const vm = this;
const coupon = {
code: vm.coupon_code
this.$, { data: coupon }).then(response => {
When I click the 'confirm' button,the console.log display 'can't find the coupon' 。 If I don't use the component,it will work 。
What is the problem? It's about emit?
addCoupon() {
this.$emit("add", this.newCoupon); // You emitted a param
// then you should use it in the listener
addCoupon(coupon) { // take the param
const api = `${process.env.API_PATH}/api/${
const coupon = {
code: coupon // use it
this.$, { data: coupon }).then(response => {

Set css class for single items in v-for loop

I am playing around with Vue.js and I am trying to change the class of individual items in a v-for route dependent on a checkbox.
<div :class="{completed: done}" v-for="things in items">
<h6 v-bind:key="things"> {{things}} - <input #click="stateChange" type="checkbox"/></h6>
export default {
name: 'ItemList',
data() {
return {
items: [],
done: false
mounted() {
Event.$on('itemAdded', (data) => {
methods: {
stateChange() {
this.done = !this.done;
.completed {
text-decoration-line: line-through;
The above code places a line through every item, not just the checked one.
How do I code so only the checked item is crossed out?
It looks like you have only one done property. You should have a done property for each element in your items array for this to work. Your item should like {data: 'somedata', done: false }
This should work:
<div :class="{completed: item.done}" v-for="(item,index) in items">
<h6 v-bind:key="things"> {{}} - <input #click="stateChange(item)" type="checkbox"/></h6>
export default {
name: 'ItemList',
data() {
return {
items: [],
mounted() {
Event.$on('itemAdded', (data) => {
this.items.push({ data, done: false });
methods: {
stateChange(changeIndex) {
this.items =, index) => {
if (index === changeIndex) {
return {
done: !item.done,
return item;
.completed {
text-decoration-line: line-through;
You were very close. Thank you. Here is the little changes I made to get it working.
<div :class="{completed: item.done}" v-for="item in items">
<h6> {{}} - <input #click="item.done = !item.done" type="checkbox"/></h6>
export default {
name: 'ItemList',
data() {
return {
items: [],
mounted() {
Event.$on('itemAdded', (data) => {
this.items.push({ data, done: false });
console.log("DATA- ", this.items)
methods: {
.completed {
text-decoration-line: line-through;

Custom Vue Material md-Input how to get isDirty or isTouched

I would like to create my own CustomMdInput, with basic validation. I would like to implement a input that work that way:
I use a <fp-input v-model="test"></fp-input>, and It is important, that when this input is required, when someone clicked on it or typesomething (turns 'touched' or 'dirty' property), and next defocus this input and go to the another input, the previous one stays Invalid with all the validation, so i have something like this:
<div class="md-layout-item">
<label :for="id">Imię</label>
<md-input :name="id" :id="id" :required="required" v-model="value" :ref="id" #input="emitValue()"></md-input>
<span class="md-error">Imię jest obowiązkowe</span>
export default {
name: 'FpInput',
props: {
value: {
required: true
id: {
required: true,
type: String
required: {
default: false,
type: Boolean
methods: {
emitValue () {
this.$emit('input', this.$refs[].value)
<style scoped>
But i don't know how to check if this input isDirty or isTouched, and how can i set Validity of this input to check isFormValid after submit
give you an example
const MyInput = {
template: '#myInput',
props: ['value'],
data () {
return {
inputValue: this.value,
dirty: false,
touched: false,
inValid: false
methods: {
validate () {
this.inValid = true
this.dirty = true
this.inValid = false
this.dirty = false
this.touched = false
emitValue() {
this.$emit('input', this.inputValue);
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: {MyInput},
data () {
return {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<my-input value="5"></my-input>
<script type="text/x-template" id="myInput">
<input v-model="inputValue" #input="emitValue()" #touchstart="touched = true" #mousedown="touched = true"/>
<span v-show="(dirty || touched) && inValid">must be at least 5 letters</span>
give you a full example
const MyInput = {
template: '#myInput',
props: ['value'],
data () {
return {
inputValue: this.value,
dirty: false,
touched: false,
inValid: false
methods: {
validate () {
if(('' + this.inputValue).length<5){
this.inValid = true
this.dirty = true
this.inValid = false
this.dirty = false
this.touched = false
emitValue(e) {
this.$emit('input', this.inputValue);
created () {
this.inputValue = this.value;
this.dirty = false;
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: {MyInput},
data () {
return {
inputList: new Array(4).fill('').map(o=>({val:5}))
methods: {
submit () {
alert('you have some input invalid')
alert('submit data...')
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<form #submit.prevent="submit">
<my-input ref="inputs" v-for="item in inputList" v-model="item.val"></my-input>
<button type="submit">submit</button>
<script type="text/x-template" id="myInput">
<input v-model="inputValue" #input="emitValue()" #touchstart="touched = true"/>
<span v-show="(dirty || touched) && inValid">must be at least 5 letters</span>

How to passing data from Vue instance into a Vue.component?

I have a Vue instance with two components. If the user clicks on a button in the second component I want to hide the template of first ones.
I have this code:
<div id="app">
<mycomp-one :active="active"></mycomp-one>
<template id="mycomponent-one">
<div v-show="!active">
<!-- ... --->
<template id="mycomponent-two">
<button v-on:click="setActive">Click Me</button>
With this script code:
Vue.component('mycomp-one', {
template: '#mycompnent-one',
// etc...
Vue.component('mycomp-two', {
template: '#mycomponent-two',
data: function() {
return {
active: false
methods: {
setActive: function() {
new Vue({
active: false
methods: {
setActive: function() { = !;
If the button is clicked it working good to pass the information from the component to the instance. But here is stopping the data flow, the mycomp-one component did not get the change. How can I fix that? I want to hide the mycomp-one if the active is true.
this.$parent.$options.methods.setActive() is not a method bound to the Vue. I'm not sure how you got here, but this is not how you call a method on the parent.
Vue.component('mycomp-one', {
template: '#mycomponent-one',
Vue.component('mycomp-two', {
template: '#mycomponent-two',
data: function() {
return {
active: false
methods: {
setActive: function() {
new Vue({
active: false
methods: {
setActive: function() { = !;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<mycomp-one :active="active"></mycomp-one>
<template id="mycomponent-one">
<div v-show="!active">
<template id="mycomponent-two">
<button v-on:click="setActive">Click Me</button>
Beyond that, components shouldn't call methods on their parent. They should emit events the parent listens to. This is covered well in the documentation.
Vue.component('mycomp-one', {
template: '#mycomponent-one',
Vue.component('mycomp-two', {
template: '#mycomponent-two',
data: function() {
return {
active: false
methods: {
setActive: function() { = !
new Vue({
active: false
methods: {
setActive: function() { = !;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<mycomp-one :active="active"></mycomp-one>
<mycomp-two #set-active="active = $event"></mycomp-two>
<template id="mycomponent-one">
<div v-show="!active">
<template id="mycomponent-two">
<button v-on:click="setActive">Click Me</button>