ADO.NET - Accessing Each DataView in DataViewManager -

Looks like a silly question, but I can't find a way to access the DataViews in my DataViewManager.
I can see it in the DataViewManager Visualizer window, so there must be a way.
What am I doing wrong?
dvm = New DataViewManager(MyDS) ''-- MyDS is a strongly typed dataset
MsgBox(dvm.DataViewSettings.Count) ''-- shows 7, even though I added only 2.
For Each view As DataView In dvm ''-- Error!
I also observed that irrespective of how many DataViews I create, data the DataViewManager Visualizer shows all DataViews in my dataset. Why?

how do I hide those rows in parent whose child data view returns 0 rows after applying RowFilter on child
I've done it like this, but it feels like a nasty hack; I've never read the source deeply enough to know if there is a better way:
Add a column to your child datatable: Name: IsShowing, Type: Int, Expression: 1, ReadOnly: True
Put the following code:
YourDataSet.ChildDataTable.IsShowingColumn.Expression = ""
YourDataSet.ChildDataTable.Expression = $"IIF([SomeColumn] Like '{SomeFilterText}',1,0)"
ChildBindingSource.Filter = "[IsShowing] > 0"
ParentBindingSource.Filter = "Sum(Child.IsShowing) > 0"
The removal and re-add triggers a re-evaluation of the expression and the filters. There is probably a way to do this without removing/re-adding but I haven't yet found it.. Expressions are normally only re-evaluated when row data changes; changing an expression doesn't seem to recalculate all the row values/trigger a refresh of the relations and BS filters
It would be great if the parent filter supported complex expressions like SUM(IIF(Child.SomeColumn = 'SomeFilter',1,0)>0 but the SUM operator expects only a column name in the parent or child. As such, the circuitous route of having a column with an Expression be the part inside the SUM is the only way i've found to leverage the built in filtering
Remember when you test that the search is case sensitive. If you want it not to be you might have to have another column of data that is the lowercase version of what you want to search and lowercase your query string


fnupdate updates wrong row datatables

I am trying to update a row by passing index.
But it most of the time replaces a wrong row.
The code is :-
$(document).ready(function() {
var table = $('#example').DataTable();
var index = table.column(0).data().indexOf("Cedric Kelly");
table.row().data(["ax","by","dd"], index);
} );
This is happening because of how you are sorting your data, leading to a difference between the "sort order" index and the "internal DataTables" index.
The table.column(0).data() function will return an array of names, as currently displayed in the table, taking into account sorting. In this scenario, the index of "Cedric Kelly" is therefore 1.
However, the internal unique index value stored by DataTables is actually 3 because that is the order provided to DataTables from your HTML code when the data was loaded for the very first time (where Cedric Kelly is the 4th record listed - so the index is 3).
This initial loading happens before data is sorted, and it is during this step that data indexes are assigned. Once assigned, they never change (unless you delete data).
Your data update function uses the value of 1 - thus updating the wrong row.
The fix for this is to tell DataTables to use the original loading order in the table.column(0).data() function:
var index = table.column(0, {order:'index'} ).data().indexOf("Cedric Kelly");
That directive {order:'index'} causes DataTables to use the original loading order. Now, the correct record will be updated because this index will now return 3 instead of 1.
You can see more details about this "selector modifier" syntax here.
Bear in mind that the correct syntax for updating a row is actually this:
table.row( index ).data(["ax","by","dd"]);
Finally, bear in mind that if you filter your data, then you are OK, since the default value used is search: 'none' - which means "do not take searching/filtering into account" when selecting the column data.

Peoplesoft CreateRowset with related display record

According to the Peoplebook here, CreateRowset function has the parameters {FIELD.fieldname, RECORD.recname} which is used to specify the related display record.
I had tried to use it like the following (just for example):
&rs1 = CreateRowset(Record.User, Field.UserId, Record.UserName);
For &k = 1 To &rs1.ActiveRowCount
MessageBox(0, "", 999999, 99999, &rs1(&k).UserName.Name.Value);
(Record.User contains only UserId(key), Password.
Record.UserName contains UserId(key), Name.)
I cannot get the Value of UserName.Name, do I misunderstand the usage of this parameter?
Fill is the problem. From the doco:
Note: Fill reads only the primary database record. It does not read
any related records, nor any subordinate rowset records.
Having said that, it is the only way I know to bulk-populate a standalone rowset from the database, so I can't easily see a use for the field in the rowset.
Simplest solution is just to create a view, but that gets old very soon if you have to do it a lot. Alternative is to just loop through the rowset yourself loading the related fields. Something like:
For &k = 1 To &rs1.ActiveRowCount
&rs1(&k).UserName.UserId.value = &rs1(&k).User.UserId.value;

Endeca UrlENEQuery java API search

I'm currently trying to create an Endeca query using the Java API for a URLENEQuery. The current query is:
collection()/record[CONTACT_ID = "xxxxx" and SALES_OFFICE = "yyyy"]
I need it to be:
collection()/record[(CONTACT_ID = "xxxxx" or CONTACT_ID = "zzzzz") and
SALES_OFFICE = "yyyy"]
Currently this is being done with an ERecSearchList with CONTACT_ID and the string I'm trying to match in an ERecSearch object, but I'm having difficulty figuring out how to get the UrlENEQuery to generate the or in the correct fashion as I have above. Does anyone know how I can do this?
One of us is confused on multiple levels:
Let me try to explain why I am confused:
If Contact_ID and Sales_Office are different dimensions, where Contact_ID is a multi-or dimension, then you don't need to use EQL (the xpath like language) to do anything. Just select the appropriate dimension values and your navigation state will reflect the query you are trying to build with XPATH. IE CONTACT_IDs "ORed together" with SALES_OFFICE "ANDed".
If you do have to use EQL, then the only way to modify it (provided that you have to modify it from the returned results) is via string manipulation.
ERecSearchList gives you ability to use "Search Within" functionality which functions completely different from the EQL filtering, though you can achieve similar results by using tricks like searching only specified field (which would be separate from the generic search interface") I am still not sure what's the connection between ERecSearchList and the EQL expression above?
Having expressed my confusion, I think what you need to do is to use String manipulation to dynamically build the EQL expression and add it to the Query.
A code example of what you are doing would be extremely helpful as well.

MOSS 2007: What is the source of "Directories"?

I'm trying to generate a new SharePoint list item directly using SQL server. What's stopping me is damn tp_DirName column. I have no ideas how to create this value.
Just for instance, I have selected all tasks from AllUserData, and there are possible values for the column: 'MySite/Lists/Task', 'Lists/Task' and even 'MySite/Lists/List2'.
MySite is the FullUrl value from Webs table. I can obtain it. But what about 'Lists/Task' and '/Lists/List2'? Where they are stored?
If try to avoid SQL context, I can formulate it the following way: what is the object, that has such attribute as '/Lists/List2'? Where can I set it up in GUI?
Just a FYI. It is VERY not supported to try and write directly to SharePoint's SQL Tables. You should really try and write something that utilizes the SharePoint Object Model. Writing to the SharePoint database directly mean Microsoft will not support the environment.
I've discovered, that [AllDocs] table, in contrast to its title, contains information about "directories", that can be used to generate tp_DirName. At least, I've found "List2" and "Task" entries in [AllDocs].[tp_Leaf] column.
So the solution looks like this -- concatenate the following 2 components to get tp_DirName:
[Webs].[FullUrl] for the web, containing list, containing item.
[AllDocs].[tp_Leaf] for the list, containing item.
Concatenate the following 2 components to get tp_Leaf for an item:
(Item count in the list) + 1
Well, my previous answer was not very useful, though it had a key to the magic. Now I have a really useful one.
Whatever they said, M$ is very liberal to the MOSS DB hackers. At least they provide the following documents:
Read? Then, you know that all folders are listed in the [AllDocs] table with '1' in the 'Type' column.
Now, let's look at 'tp_RootFolder' column in AllLists. It looks like a folder id, doesn't it? So, just SELECT the single row from the [AllDocs], where Id = tp_RootFolder and Type = 1. Then, concatenate DirName + LeafName, and you will know, what the 'tp_DirName' value for a newly generated item in the list should be. That looks like a solid rock solution.
Now about tp_LeafName for the new items. Before, I wrote that the answer is (Item count in the list) + 1 + '_.000', that corresponds to the following query:
DECLARE #itemscount int;
SELECT #itemscount = COUNT(*) FROM [dbo].[AllUserData] WHERE [tp_ListId] = ' list id...';
INSERT INTO [AllUserData] (tp_LeafName, ...) VALUES(CAST(#itemscount + 1 AS NVARCHAR(255)) + '_.000', ...)
Thus, I have to say I'm not sure that it works always. For items - yes, but for docs... I'll inquire into the question. Leave a comment if you want to read a report.
Hehe, there is a stored procedure named proc_AddListItem. I was almost right. MS people do the same, but instead of (count + 1) they use just... tp_ID :)
Anyway, now I know THE SINGLE RIGHT answer: I have to call proc_AddListItem.
UPDATE: Don't forget to present the data from the [AllUserData] table as a new item in [AllDocs] (just insert id and leafname, see how SP does it itself).

jqGrid/NHibernate/SQL: navigate to selected record

I use jqGrid to display data which is retrieved using NHibernate. jqGrid does paging for me, I just tell NHibernate to get "count" rows starting from "n".
Also, I would like to highlight specific record. For example, in list of employees I'd like a specific employee (id) to be shown and pre-selected in table.
The problem is that this employee may be on non-current page. E.g. I display 20 rows from 0, but "highlighted" employee is #25 and is on second page.
It is possible to pass initial page to jqGrid, so, if I somehow use NHibernate to find what page the "highlighted" employee is on, it will just navigate to that page and then I'll use .setSelection(id) method of jqGrid.
So, the problem is narrowed down to this one: given specific search query like the one below, how do I tell NHibernate to calculate the page where the "highlighted" employee is?
A sample query (simplified):
var query = Session.CreateCriteria<T>();
foreach (var sr in request.SearchFields)
query = query.Add(Expression.Like(sr.Key, "%" + sr.Value + "%"));
query.SetFirstResult((request.Page - 1) * request.Rows)
Here, I need to alter (calculate) request.Page so that it points to the page where request.SelectedId is.
Also, one interesting thing is, if sort order is not defined, will I get the same results when I run the search query twice? I'd say that SQL Server may optimize query because order is not defined... in which case I'll only get predictable result if I pull ALL query data once, and then will programmatically in C# slice the specified portion of query results - so that no second query occur. But it will be much slower, of course.
Or, is there another way?
Pretty sure you'd have to figure out the page with another query. This would surely require you to define the column to order by. You'll need to get the order by and restriction working together to count the rows before that particular id. Once you have the number of rows before your id, you can figure what page you need to select and perform the usual paging query.
OK, so currently I do this:
var iquery = GetPagedCriteria<T>(request, true)
var ids = iquery.List<Guid>();
var index = ids.IndexOf(new Guid(request.SelectedId));
if (index >= 0)
request.Page = index / request.Rows + 1;
and in jqGrid setup options
url: "${Url.Href<MyController>(c => c.JsonIndex(null))}?_SelectedId=${Id}",
// remove _SelectedId from url once loaded because we only need to find its page once
gridComplete: function() {
$("#grid").setGridParam({url: "${Url.Href<MyController>(c => c.JsonIndex(null))}"});
loadComplete: function() {
That is, in request I lookup for index of id and set page if found (jqGrid even understands to display the appropriate page number in the pager because I return the page number to in in json data). In grid setup, I setup url to include the lookup id first, but after grid is loaded I remove it from url so that prev/next buttons work. However I always try to highlight the selected id in the grid.
And of course I always use sorting or the method won't work.
One problem still exists is that I pull all ids from db which is a bit of performance hit. If someone can tell how to find index of the id in the filtered/sorted query I'd accept the answer (since that's the real problem); if no then I'll accept my own answer ;-)
UPDATE: hm, if I sort by id initially I'll be able to use the technique like "SELECT COUNT(*) ... WHERE id < selectedid". This will eliminate the "pull ids" problem... but I'd like to sort by name initially, anyway.
UPDATE: after implemented, I've found a neat side-effect of this technique... when sorting, the active/selected item is preserved ;-) This works if _SelectedId is reset only when page is changed, not when grid is loaded.
UPDATE: here's sources that include the above technique: