I am new to coding and I keep getting: /?UGFzc3dvcmQ6TE1BTyBYRCBVc2VybmFtZTpPd25lcg==
as my http request. Please help!
Source code: https://github.com/3top1a/SharpLocker
EDIT: Thanks to snakecharmerb who told me it was base64!
I have list of input data ex(ids = 1,2,3,4,5,6...)I am trying to access those(urls like : https://localhost:8080/1) using webclient then it is giving 400 bad request for random ids like
In https://localhost:8080/1 sometimes I am getting bad request and proper response for the same as well as some times I am getting bad request https://localhost:8080/2 and getting proper response for the same. I am not understanding where it is going wrong. Can anyone help me with this, Thanks in advance
My client has a site on 'ideacontainer.net/real_coffee/'. Now I guess he has accidentally deleted the app then recovered it. But from that time he is not able to access his site.
This is the code in his index file
require_once 'podio-php-master/PodioAPI.php';
$client_id = "some-client-id";
$client_secret = "3zLcr...";
$app_id = "17373109";
$app_token = "48148cfca3c...";
Podio::setup($client_id, $client_secret);
Podio::authenticate_with_app($app_id, $app_token);
When I am commenting it line by line it is working till "Podio::authenticate_with_app($app_id, $app_token);" line. So I think the problem is in this line.
Please let me know the solution.
Shashank Kumar
You need to create new client (the one mentioned in your code as client_id), also you will have to re-generate app token and re-check app_id. If it still doesn't work, please provide full error message returned from Podio API.
I'm trying to get data->web to a service that uses Incapsula for DDOS and I'm getting the error:
DataSource.Error: The server committed a protocol violation.
Section=ResponseHeader Detail=CR must be followed by LF
There was a workaround posted here:
Power BI (Power Query) Web request results in "CR must be followed by LF" Error
But that workaround won't work for me, as the data that is returned is not a Web.Page (rather it's JSON) and therefore the Web.Page function will return a message that the results don't look like a Web.page.
Query looks like this:
= Json.Document(Web.Contents("url", [Headers=[Authorization="Basic {encoded value}", #"X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id"="{org_id}"]]))
and will actually work when I use the query validator, but when I exit out to use I get the error shown above.
If I do this:
=Json.Document(Web.Page(Web.Contents(url, [Headers=[Authorization="Basic {encoded value}", #"X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id"="{org_id}"]])))
then I get this error:
DataFormat.Error: The resource at 'url' cannot be retrieved using
Web.Page. It doesn't appear to be a web page.
Stack overflow wouldn't let me post the actual urls because I don't have enough reputation.
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
[Disclaimer: I work for Incapsula]
I recommend contacting Incapsula support at support[at]incapsula.com
They can help you with this, but are unable to post the response publically.
When I use the following URI for the Google OAuth request I get error below:
"Realm didn't match redirect_uri/origin. Error code: 2".
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
The realm value you are providing as openid.realm is malformed.
More specifically, the openid4java match method is failing with a MALFORMED_REALM result. Make sure you are providing a valid url as realm!
Hope that helps.
Everytime I try to use AddDefaultUrlSegment it does not work.
var client = new RestClient("http://example.com/{test});
when I look into fiddler it does this %7Btest%7D it is not putting 123 in. If I do the same thing in the Request part it works.
Anyone know what I doing wrong?