Xpress Mosel - Command to stop an optimization after a certain amount of time - optimization

I'm currenlty trying to resolve an optimization problem but it's way to big and the software can't handle it fast enough. What's the command to stop it after a certain amount of time?
Can't find it on documentation

Assuming that you are working with Xpress Optimizer (module "mmxprs"), you can set a time limit via
setparam("XPRS_MAXTIME", 60) ! time limit of 60 seconds (if solving MIP: continue until first solution is found)
setparam("XPRS_MAXTIME", -60) ! hard time limit of 60 seconds
(see the Xpress Optimizer reference manual for the documentation of the 'MAXTIME' control).
If you are working with a different solver, you need to check the corresponding solver manual to find out the name of the parameter to use for this purpose (for example, with the "kalis" module there is a parameter "KALIS_MAX_COMPUTATION_TIME").
An easy way of seeing the available parameters for a given solver module (e.g. mmxprs) is this command:
mosel exam -p mmxprs


Calculate % Processor Utilization in Redis

Using INFO CPU command on Redis, I get the following values back (among other values):
Based on my understanding, the value indicates the CPU time (expressed in seconds) accumulated since the launch of the Redis instance, as reported by the getrusage() call (source).
What I need to do is calculate the % CPU utilization based on these values. I looked extensively for an approach to do so but unfortunately couldn't find a way.
So my questions are:
Can we actually calculate the % CPU utilization based on these 2 values? If the answer is yes, then I would appreciate some pointers in that direction.
Do we need some extra data points for this calculation? If the answer is yes, I would appreciate if someone can tell me what those data points would be.
P.S. If this question should belong to Server Fault, please let me know and I will post it there (I wasn't 100% sure if it belongs here or there).
You need to read the value twice, calculate the delta, and divide by the time elapsed between the two reads. That should give you the cpu usage in % for that duration.

Graphing slow counters with prometheus and grafana

We graph fast counters with sum(rate(my_counter_total[1m])) or with sum(irate(my_counter_total[20s])). Where the second one is preferrable if you can always expect changes within the last couple of seconds.
But how do you graph slow counters where you only have some increments every couple of minutes or even hours? Having values like 0.0013232/s is not very human friendly.
Let's say I want to graph how many users sign up to our service (we expect a couple of signups per hour). What's a reasonable query?
We currently use the following to graph that in grafana:
Query: 3600 * sum(rate(signup_total[1h]))
Step: 3600s
Resolution: 1/1
Is this reasonable?
I'm still trying to understand how all those parameters play together to draw a graph. Can someone explain how the range selector ([10m]), the rate() and the irate() functions, the Step and Resolution settings in grafana influence each other?
That's a correct way to do it. You can also use increase() which is syntactic sugar for using rate() that way.
Can someone explain how the range selector
This is only used by Prometheus, and indicates what data to work over.
the Step and Resolution settings in grafana influence each other?
This is used on the Grafana side, it affects how many time slices it'll request from Prometheus.
These settings do not directly influence each other. However the resolution should work out to be smaller than the range, or you'll be undersampling and miss information.
The 3600 * sum(rate(signup_total[1h])) can be substituted with sum(increase(signup_total[1h])) . The increase(counter[d]) function returns counter increase on the given lookbehind window d. E.g. increase(signup_total[1h]) returns the number of signups during the last hour.
Note that the returned value from increase(signup_total[1h]) may be fractional even if signup_total contains only integer values. This is because of extrapolation - see this issue for technical details. There are the following solutions for this issue:
To use offset modifier: signup_total - (signup_total offset 1h) . This query returns correct results if signup_total wasn't reset to zero during the last hour. In this case the sum(signup_total - (signup_total offset 1h)) is roughly equivalent to sum(increase(signup_total[1h])), but returns more accurate integer results.
To use VictoriaMetrics. It returns the expected integer results from increase() out of the box. See this article and this comment for technical details.

Parallel Processing in MATLAB with more than 12 cores

I created a function to compute the correct number of ks for a dataset using the Gap Statistics algorithm. This algorithm requires at one point to compute the dispersion (i.e., the sum of the distances between every point and its centroid) for, let's say, 100 different datasets (called "test data(set)" or "reference data(set)"). Since these operations are independent I want to parallel them across all the cores. I have the Mathworks' Parallel Toolbox but I am not sure how to use it (problem 1; I can use past threads to understand this, I guess). However, my real problem is another one: this toolbox seems to allow the usage of just 12 cores (problem 2). My machine has 64 cores and I need to use all of them. Do you know how to parallel a process among 12+ cores?
For your information this is the bit of code that should run in parallel:
%This cycle is repeated n_tests times where n_tests is equal
%to the number of reference datasets we want to use
for id_test = 2:n_tests+1
test_data = generate_test_data(data);
%% Calculate the dispersion(s) for the generated dataset(s)
dispersions(id_test, 1:1:max_k) = zeros;
%We calculate the dispersion for the id_test reference dataset
for id_k = 1:1:max_k
dispersions(id_test, id_k) = calculate_dispersion(test_data, id_k);
Please note that in R2014a the limit on the number of local workers was removed. See the release notes.
The number of local workers available with Parallel Computing Toolbox is license dependent. When introduced, the limit was 4; this changed to 8 in R2009a; and to 12 in R2011b.
If you want to use 16 workers, you will need a 16-node MDCS licence, and you'll also need to set up some sort of scheduler to manage those. There are detailed instructions about how to do this here:http://www.mathworks.de/support/product/DM/installation/ver_current/. Once you've done that, yes, you'll be able to do "matlabpool open 16".
EDIT: As of Matlab version R2014a there is no longer a limit on the number of local workers for the Parallel Computing Toolbox. That is, if you are using an up-to-date version of Matlab you will not encounter the problem described by the OP.
The fact that matlab creates this restriction on its parallel toolbox make it often not worth the money and effort of using it.
One way of solving is by using a combination of the matlab compiler and virtual machines using either vmware or virtual box.
Compile the code required to run your tests.
Load your compiled code with the MCR(matlab compiler runtime)on a VM template.
Create multiple copies of the VM template, let each template run the required calculations for some of the datasets.
Gather the data of all your results
This method is time consuming and only worth it if it saves more time than porting the code and the code is already highly optimised.
I had the same problem on 32 core machine and 6 datasets. I've overcame this by creating shell script, which started matlab six times, one for each data set. I could do this, becase the computations weren't dependent. From what I understand, You could use similar approach. By starting around 6 instances, each counting around 16 datasets. It depends how much RAM you have and how much each instance consumes.

How to control the exact number of tests to run with caliper

I tried to understand, what is the proper way to control the number of runs: is it the trial or rep? It is confusing: I run the benchmark with --trial 1 and recieve the output:
0% Scenario{vm=java, trial=0, benchmark=SendPublisher} 1002183670.00 ns; Ï=315184.24 ns # 3 trials
It looks like 3 trials were run. What are that trials? What are reps? I can control the rep value with the options --debug & --debug-reps, but what is the value when running w/o debug? I need to know how many times exactly my tested method was called.
Between Caliper 0.5 and 1.0 a bit of the terminology has changed, but this should explain it for both. Keep in mind than things were a little murky in 0.5, so most of the changes made for 1.0 were to make things clearer and more precise.
Caliper 0.5
A single invocation of Caliper is a run. Each run has some number of trials, which is just another iteration of all of the work performed in a run. Within each trial, Caliper executes some number of scenarios. A scenario is the combination of VM, benchmark, etc. The runtime of a scenario is measured by timing the execution of some number of reps, which is the number passed to your benchmark method at runtime. Multiple reps are, of course, necessary because it would be impossible to get precise measurements for a single invocation in a microbenchmark.
Caliper 1.0
Caliper 1.0 follows a pretty similar model. A single invocation of Caliper is still a run. Each run consists of some number of trials, but a trial is more precisely defined as an invocation of a scenario measured with an instrument.
A scenario is roughly defined as what you're measuring (host, VM, benchmark, parameters) and the instrument is what code performs the measurement and how it was configured. The idea being that if a perfectly repeatable benchmark were a function of the form f(x)=y, Caliper would be defined as instrument(scenario)=measurements.
Within the execution of the runtime instrument (it's similar for others), there is still the same notion of reps, which is the number of iterations passed to the benchmark code. You can't control the rep value directly since each instrument will perform its own calculation to determine what it should be.
At runtime, Caliper plans its execution by calculating some number of experiments, which is the combination of instrument, benchmark, VM and parameters. Each experiment is run --trials number of times and reported as an individual trial with its own ID.
How to use the reps parameter
Traditionally, the best way to use the reps parameter is to include a loop in your benchmark code that looks more or less like:
for (int i = 0; i < reps; i++) {…}
This is the most direct way to ensure that the number of reps scales linearly with the reported runtime. That is a necessary property because Caliper is attempting to infer the cost of a single, uniform operation based on the aggregate cost of many. If runtime isn't linear with the number of reps, the results will be invalid. This also implies that reps should not be passed directly to the benchmarked code.

DOS batch: Advance system clock N number of days?

I need some pointer crafting an MS-DOS batch "function" to advance the system calendar N number of days from the current one. Is there a more machine-friendly command, or am I stuck with DATE and some Franken-hack parsing of it?
On one of my favorite batch sites on the net Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages you can find in the examples section a script called DateAdd.bat. It will calculate and print a new date based on a given date and offset.
It should be fairly easy to change the script to your needs or use it along with your own script. Get back to us if you need further help with that.
If you're truly using MS-DOS rather than the more advanced cmd.exe, your options are very limited since the variable manipulation was pretty bad.
I do remember needing something similar in a previous life. From memory, rather than trying to screw around with date calculations, we simply ran a loop (one iteration for each day) and, inside the loop, set the time to 23:59 then wait for five seconds or so. Unfortunately, I think that pre-dated ping so we couldn't even use the sleep trick - we had to run a lengthy goto loop to be certain.
That way, DOS itself figured out whether "tomorrow" was the 31st of September or 1st of October.
In the end, it became too much trouble so I would suggest you do what we finished up doing. Grab yourself a copy of Turbo C from Borland's (or InPrise or Enchilada or whatever they're called nowadays - they'll always be Borland to me) museum site and write a quick little C program to do it for you .