assert_cmd::cargo_bin use Cargo.toml from a different directory - testing

So I'm developing a CLI that has commands like so:
sandwich [command]
create <destination> - Creates a Rust library at the specified destination to act as the sandwich.
eat - Used from within a library to eat the sandwich.
and I'm writing tests for it now which work fine until I need to write tests for eat:
use assert_cmd::prelude::*;
use predicates::prelude::*;
// It should create a sandwich then eat it.
fn create_sandwich_then_eat_it() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
std::env::set_current_dir("tests").expect("Unable to change to test directory");
// This runs the cli and the create command which in turn runs `cargo new pastrami --lib`.
let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin("sandwichy")?;
// Now we want to eat the sandwich but we need to go into the sandwich directory because the eat command can only be used from a created sandwich.
std::env::set_current_dir("veggie").expect("Unable to change to sandwich directory");
// We try to eat but get an error because the pastrami has a Cargo.toml which is trying to be used to run the command.
let mut cmd_eat = Command::cargo_bin("sandwichy")?;
In the example above I get the following error:
---- create_sandwich_then_eat_it stdout ----
Error: CargoError { cause Some(CargoError { kind: CommandFailed, context: Some("error: failed to parse manifest ...etc
So I looked at the docs and it says that cargo_bin runs the command from the current directory and since I changed to the sandwich directory and that has a Cargo.toml I assume it's trying to run something from there which doesn't exist.
I get that it's not an error on the part of cargo_bin because it's doing what it's supposed to be doing but is there a way of accomplishing what I'm trying to do either with or without it?


How to determine why process fails in kotlin script

I am developing a kotlin script which executes code on the platform which it is running on. Platform code is called using this method from the script:
fun exec(command: String, vararg arguments: String, runLive: Boolean = !isDebug): OutputStream {
val allArgs = arguments.joinToString(" ")
if (runLive) {
val process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command, arguments)
val exitCode = process.waitFor()
if (exitCode != 0) {
val platformError = String(BufferedInputStream(process.errorStream).readAllBytes(), Charset.defaultCharset())
throw IllegalStateException("Execution of '$command $allArgs' failed with exit code $exitCode!\n$platformError")
return process.outputStream
} else {
println("$command $allArgs")
return object : OutputStream() {
override fun write(b: Int) {
println("dummy $b")
In the script, I try to get all the tags for a git repository using this call:
exec(command = "git", "tag", runLive = true)
When the command fails, how can process.errorStream be read? The output now is not readable and the script failure says:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Execution of 'git tag' failed with exit code 1!
at Snap_tag_main.exec(snap-tag.main.kts:75)
at Snap_tag_main.<init>(snap-tag.main.kts:64)
Not all commands use the error stream when displaying errors. The solution is to bring both the input stream as well as the output stream like this:
if (exitCode != 0) {
val platformMessages = """
${String(BufferedInputStream(process.inputStream).readAllBytes(), Charset.defaultCharset())}
${String(BufferedInputStream(process.errorStream).readAllBytes(), Charset.defaultCharset())}
throw IllegalStateException("Execution of '$command $allArgs' failed with exit code $exitCode!\n$platformMessages\n---")
The failure message now looks like
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Execution of 'git tag' failed with exit code 1!
usage: git [--version] [--help] [-C <path>] [-c <name>=<value>]
[--exec-path[=<path>]] [--html-path] [--man-path] [--info-path]
[-p | --paginate | -P | --no-pager] [--no-replace-objects] [--bare]
[--git-dir=<path>] [--work-tree=<path>] [--namespace=<name>]
[--super-prefix=<path>] [--config-env=<name>=<envvar>]
<command> [<args>]
These are common Git commands used in various situations:
start a working area (see also: git help tutorial)
clone Clone a repository into a new directory
init Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one
work on the current change (see also: git help everyday)
add Add file contents to the index
mv Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink
restore Restore working tree files
rm Remove files from the working tree and from the index
examine the history and state (see also: git help revisions)
bisect Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug
diff Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc
grep Print lines matching a pattern
log Show commit logs
show Show various types of objects
status Show the working tree status
grow, mark and tweak your common history
branch List, create, or delete branches
commit Record changes to the repository
merge Join two or more development histories together
rebase Reapply commits on top of another base tip
reset Reset current HEAD to the specified state
switch Switch branches
tag Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG
collaborate (see also: git help workflows)
fetch Download objects and refs from another repository
pull Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch
push Update remote refs along with associated objects
'git help -a' and 'git help -g' list available subcommands and some
concept guides. See 'git help <command>' or 'git help <concept>'
to read about a specific subcommand or concept.
See 'git help git' for an overview of the system.
at Snap_tag_main.exec(snap-tag.main.kts:82)
at Snap_tag_main.<init>(snap-tag.main.kts:66)

Is it possible to enable exit on error behavior in an interactive Tcl shell?

I need to automate a huge interactive Tcl program using Tcl expect.
As I realized, this territory is really dangerous, as I need to extend the already existing mass of code, but I can't rely on errors actually causing the program to fail with a positive exit code as I could in a regular script.
This means I have to think about every possible thing that could go wrong and "expect" it.
What I currently do is use a "die" procedure instead of raising an error in my own code, that automatically exits. But this kind of error condition can not be catched, and makes it hard to detect errors especially in code not written by me, since ultimately, most library routines will be error-based.
Since I have access to the program's Tcl shell, is it possible to enable fail-on-error?
I am using Tcl 8.3, which is a severe limitation in terms of available tools.
Examples of errors I'd like to automatically exit on:
% puts $a(2)
can't read "a(2)": no such element in array
while evaluating {puts $a(2)}
% blublabla
invalid command name "blublabla"
while evaluating blublabla
As well as any other error that makes a normal script terminate.
These can bubble up from 10 levels deep within procedure calls.
I also tried redefining the global error command, but not all errors that can occur in Tcl use it. For instance, the above "command not found" error did not go through my custom error procedure.
Since I have access to the program's Tcl shell, is it possible to
enable fail-on-error?
Let me try to summarize in my words: You want to exit from an interactive Tcl shell upon error, rather than having the prompt offered again?
I am using Tcl 8.3, which is a severe limitation in terms of available
tools [...] only source patches to the C code.
As you seem to be deep down in that rabbit hole, why not add another source patch?
--- tclMain.c 2002-03-26 03:26:58.000000000 +0100
+++ tclMain.c.mrcalvin 2019-10-23 22:49:14.000000000 +0200
## -328,6 +328,7 ##
Tcl_WriteObj(errChannel, Tcl_GetObjResult(interp));
Tcl_WriteChars(errChannel, "\n", 1);
+ Tcl_Exit(1);
} else if (tsdPtr->tty) {
resultPtr = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp);
Tcl_GetStringFromObj(resultPtr, &length);
This is untested, the Tcl 8.3.5 sources don't compile for me. But this section of Tcl's internal are comparable to current sources, tested using my Tcl 8.6 source installation.
For the records
With a stock shell (tclsh), this is a little fiddly, I am afraid. The following might work for you (though, I can imagine cases where this might fail you). The idea is
to intercept writes to stderr (this is to where an interactive shell redirects error messages, before returning to the prompt).
to discriminate between arbitrary writes to stderr and error cases, one can use the global variable ::errorInfo as a sentinel.
Step 1: Define a channel interceptor
oo::class create Bouncer {
method initialize {handle mode} {
if {$mode ne "write"} {error "can't handle reading"}
return {finalize initialize write}
method finalize {handle} {
method write {handle bytes} {
if {[info exists ::errorInfo]} {
# This is an actual error;
# 1) Print the message (as usual), but to stdout
fconfigure stdout -translation binary
puts stdout $bytes
# 2) Call on [exit] to quit the Tcl process
exit 1
} else {
# Non-error write to stderr, proceed as usual
return $bytes
Step 2: Register the interceptor for stderr in interactive shells
if {[info exists ::tcl_interactive]} {
chan push stderr [Bouncer new]
Once registered, this will make your interactive shell behave like so:
% puts stderr "Goes, as usual!"
Goes, as usual!
% error "Bye, bye"
Bye, bye
Some remarks
You need to be careful about the Bouncer's write method, the error message has already been massaged for the character encoding (therefore, the fconfigure call).
You might want to put this into a Tcl package or Tcl module, to load the bouncer using package req.
I could imagine that your program writes to stderr and the errorInfo variable happens to be set (as a left-over), this will trigger an unintended exit.

Generating .gcda coverage files via QEMU/GDB

Executive summary: I want to use GDB to extract the coverage execution counts stored in memory in my embedded target, and use them to create .gcda files (for feeding to gcov/lcov).
The setup:
I can successfully cross-compile my binary, targeting my specific embedded target - and then execute it under QEMU.
I can also use QEMU's GDB support to debug the binary (i.e. use tar extended-remote localhost:... to attach to the running QEMU GDB server, and fully control the execution of my binary).
Now, to perform "on-target" coverage analysis, I cross-compile with
-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage. GCC then emits 64-bit counters to keep track of execution counts of specific code blocks.
Under normal (i.e. host-based, not cross-compiled) execution, when the app finishes __gcov_exit is called - and gathers all these execution counts into .gcdafiles (that gcov then uses to report coverage details).
In my embedded target however, there's no filesystem to speak of - and libgcov basically contains empty stubs for all __gcov_... functions.
Workaround via QEMU/GDB: To address this, and do it in a GCC-version-agnostic way, I could list the coverage-related symbols in my binary via MYPLATFORM-readelf, and grep-out the relevant ones (e.g. __gcov0.Task1_EntryPoint, __gcov0.worker, etc):
$ MYPLATFORM-readelf -s binary | grep __gcov
46: 40021498 48 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 4 __gcov0.Task1_EntryPoint
I could then use the offsets/sizes reported to automatically create a GDB script - a script that extracts the counters' data via simple memory dumps (from offset, dump length bytes to a local file).
What I don't know (and failed to find any relevant info/tool), is how to convert the resulting pairs of (memory offset,memory data) into .gcda files. If such a tool/script exists, I'd have a portable (platform-agnostic) way to do coverage on any QEMU-supported platform.
Is there such a tool/script?
Any suggestions/pointers would be most appreciated.
UPDATE: I solved this myself, as you can read below - and wrote a blog post about it.
Turned out there was a (much) better way to do what I wanted.
The Linux kernel includes portable GCOV related functionality, that abstracts away the GCC version-specific details by providing this endpoint:
size_t convert_to_gcda(char *buffer, struct gcov_info *info)
So basically, I was able to do on-target coverage via the following steps:
Step 1
I added three slightly modified versions of the linux gcov files to my project: base.c, gcc_4_7.c and gcov.h. I had to replace some linux-isms inside them - like vmalloc,kfree, etc - to make the code portable (and thus, compileable on my embedded platform, which has nothing to do with Linux).
Step 2
I then provided my own __gcov_init...
typedef struct tagGcovInfo {
struct gcov_info *info;
struct tagGcovInfo *next;
} GcovInfo;
GcovInfo *headGcov = NULL;
void __gcov_init(struct gcov_info *info)
"__gcov_init called for %s!\n",
GcovInfo *newHead = malloc(sizeof(GcovInfo));
if (!newHead) {
puts("Out of memory!");
newHead->info = info;
newHead->next = headGcov;
headGcov = newHead;
...and __gcov_exit:
void __gcov_exit()
GcovInfo *tmp = headGcov;
while(tmp) {
char *buffer;
int bytesNeeded = convert_to_gcda(NULL, tmp->info);
buffer = malloc(bytesNeeded);
if (!buffer) {
puts("Out of memory!");
convert_to_gcda(buffer, tmp->info);
printf("Emitting %6d bytes for %s\n", bytesNeeded, gcov_info_filename(tmp->info));
tmp = tmp->next;
Step 3
Finally, I scripted my GDB (driving QEMU remotely) via this:
$ cat coverage.gdb
tar extended-remote :9976
file bin.debug/fputest
b base.c:88 <================= This breaks on the "Emitting" printf in __gcov_exit
commands 1
set $filename = tmp->info->filename
set $dataBegin = buffer
set $dataEnd = buffer + bytesNeeded
eval "dump binary memory %s 0x%lx 0x%lx", $filename, $dataBegin, $dataEnd
And finally, executed both QEMU and GDB - like this:
$ # In terminal 1:
qemu-system-MYPLATFORM ... -kernel bin.debug/fputest -gdb tcp::9976 -S
$ # In terminal 2:
MYPLATFORM-gdb -x coverage.gdb
...and that's it - I was able to generate the .gcda files in my local filesystem, and then see coverage results over gcov and lcov.
UPDATE: I wrote a blog post showing the process in detail.

tcl tcltest unknown option -run

When I run ANY test I get the same message. Here is an example test:
package require tcltest
namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
test foo-1.1 {save 1 in variable name foo} {} {
set foo 1
} {1}
I get the following output:
WARNING: unknown option -run: should be one of -asidefromdir, -constraints, -debug, -errfile, -file, -limitconstraints, -load, -loadfile, -match, -notfile, -outfile, -preservecore, -relateddir, -singleproc, -skip, -testdir, -tmpdir, or -verbose
I've tried multiple tests and nothing seems to work. Does anyone know how to get this working?
Update #1:
The above error was my fault, it was due to it being run in my script. However if I run the following at a command line I got no output:
[root#server1 ~]$ tcl
tcl>package require tcltest
tcl>namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
tcl>test foo-1.1 {save 1 in variable name foo} {expr 1+1} {2}
tcl>echo [test foo-1.1 {save 1 in variable name foo} {expr 1+1} {2}]
How do I get it to output pass or fail?
You don't get any output from the test command itself (as long as the test passes, as in the example: if it fails, the command prints a "contents of test case" / "actual result" / "expected result" summary; see also the remark on configuration below). The test statistics are saved internally: you can use the cleanupTests command to print the Total/Passed/Skipped/Failed numbers (that command also resets the counters and does some cleanup).
(When you run runAllTests, it runs test files in child processes, intercepting the output from each file's cleanupTests and adding them up to a grand total.)
The internal statistics collected during testing is available in AFACT undocumented namespace variables like ::tcltest::numTests. If you want to work with the statistics yourself, you can access them before calling cleanupTests, e.g.
parray ::tcltest::numTests
array set myTestData [array get ::tcltest::numTests]
set passed $::tcltest::numTests(Passed)
Look at the source for tcltest in your library to see what variables are available.
The amount of output from the test command is configurable, and you can get output even when the test passes if you add p / pass to the -verbose option. This option can also let you have less output on failure, etc.
You can also create a command called ::tcltest::ReportToMaster which, if it exists, will be called by cleanupTests with the pertinent data as arguments. Doing so seems to suppress both output of statistics and at least most resetting and cleanup. (I didn't go very far in investigating that method.) Be aware that messing about with this is more likely to create trouble than solve problems, but if you are writing your own testing software based on tcltest you might still want to look at it.
Oh, and please use the newer syntax for the test command. It's more verbose, but you'll thank yourself later on if you get started with it.
Obligatory-but-fairly-useless (in this case) documentation link: tcltest

Registering a new Command Line Option in RYU App

I need to be able to read in a path file from my application.I have added the following code to my in python.
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
cfg.StrOpt('path-file', default='test.txt',
I attempt to start the application as follows.
bin/ryu-manager --observe-links --path-file test.txt ryu/app/
However I get the following error.
usage: ryu-manager [-h] [--app-lists APP_LISTS] [--ca-certs CA_CERTS]
[--config-dir DIR] [--config-file PATH]
[--ctl-cert CTL_CERT] [--ctl-privkey CTL_PRIVKEY]
[--default-log-level DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL] [--explicit-drop]
[--install-lldp-flow] [--log-config-file LOG_CONFIG_FILE]
[--log-dir LOG_DIR] [--log-file LOG_FILE]
[--log-file-mode LOG_FILE_MODE]
[--neutron-admin-auth-url NEUTRON_ADMIN_AUTH_URL]
[--neutron-admin-password NEUTRON_ADMIN_PASSWORD]
[--neutron-admin-tenant-name NEUTRON_ADMIN_TENANT_NAME]
[--neutron-admin-username NEUTRON_ADMIN_USERNAME]
[--neutron-auth-strategy NEUTRON_AUTH_STRATEGY]
[--neutron-controller-addr NEUTRON_CONTROLLER_ADDR]
[--neutron-url NEUTRON_URL]
[--neutron-url-timeout NEUTRON_URL_TIMEOUT]
[--noexplicit-drop] [--noinstall-lldp-flow]
[--noobserve-links] [--nouse-stderr] [--nouse-syslog]
[--noverbose] [--observe-links]
[--ofp-listen-host OFP_LISTEN_HOST]
[--ofp-ssl-listen-port OFP_SSL_LISTEN_PORT]
[--ofp-tcp-listen-port OFP_TCP_LISTEN_PORT] [--use-stderr]
[--use-syslog] [--verbose] [--version]
[--wsapi-host WSAPI_HOST] [--wsapi-port WSAPI_PORT]
[--test-switch-dir TEST-SWITCH_DIR]
[--test-switch-target TEST-SWITCH_TARGET]
[--test-switch-tester TEST-SWITCH_TESTER]
[app [app ...]]
ryu-manager: error: unrecognized arguments: --path-file
It does look like I need to register a new command line option somewhere before I can use it.Can some-one point out to me how to do that? Also can someone explain how to access the file(text.txt) inside the program?
You're on the right track, however the CONF entry that you are creating actually needs to be loaded before your app is loaded, otherwise ryu-manager has no way of knowing it exists!
The file you are looking for is, under the ryu directory of the source tree (or under the root installation directory).
This is how the ryu/tests/switch/ Ryu app defines it's own arguments, so you might use that as your reference:
# tests/switch/tester
cfg.StrOpt('target', default='0000000000000001', help='target sw dp-id'),
cfg.StrOpt('tester', default='0000000000000002', help='tester sw dp-id'),
cfg.StrOpt('dir', default='ryu/tests/switch/of13',
help='test files directory')
], group='test-switch')
Following this format, the CONF.register_cli_opts takes an array of config types exactly as you have done it (see ryu/ for the different types available).
You'll notice that when you run the ryu-manager help, i.e.
ryu-manager --help
the list that comes up is sorted by application (e.g. the group of arguments under 'test-switch options'). For that reason, you will want to specify a group name for your set of commands.
Now let us say that you used the group name 'my-app' and have an argument named 'path-file' in that group, the command line argument will be --my-app-path-file (this can get a little long), while you can access it in your application like this:
from ryu import cfg
path_file = CONF['my-app']['path_file']
Note the use of dash versus the use of underscores.