Adding a decimal point to an integer with awk or sed - awk

So, I have csv files to use with hledger, and last field of every row is the amount for that line transaction.
Lines are in the following format:
date1, date2, description, amount
With the amount format any length between 4 and 6 digits; now for some reason all amounts are missing the period before the last two digits.
Now: 1000
Should be: 10.00
Now: 25452
Should be: 254.52
How to add a '.' before the last two digits of all lines, preferably with sed/awk?
So the input file is:
desired output

You could try:
awk -F , '{printf "%s,%s,%s,%-6.2f\n", $1, $2, $3, $4/100.0}'
You should always add a sample of your input file and of the output you want in your question.
In this input you provide, you will have to define what has to happen when the description field contains a ,, or if it is possible to have amount of less than 100 as input.
In function of your answer, I will need to adapt the code or not.

sed 's/..$/.&/'

You can also use cut utility to get the desired output. In your case, you always want to add '.' before the last two digits. So essentially it can be thought as something like this:
Step 1: Get all the characters from the beginning till the last 2 characters.
Step 2: Get the last 2 characters from the end.
Step 3: Concatenate them with the character that you want ('.' in this case).
The corresponding command for each of the step is the following:
$ a='17.12.2005,18.12.2005,utility,12523'
$ b=`echo $a | rev | cut -c3- | rev`
$ c=`echo $a | rev | cut -c1-2 | rev`
$ echo $b"."$c
This would produce the output

awk -F, '{sub(/..$/,".& ")}1' file


Bash command/script to split line on a certain character

I would like to split the below data to the expected output:
Raw Data:
931096|376601|1|ART|AT-2151780724|2151780724|2|102809198|I|CGM44I|MIL3VF03|52576377.3600|PENDING|MO|PEND-INFO|Pend ACS4R|N|N|N|N|N|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|N|NULL|NULL|N|system|NULL|NULL|52576377.3600|1317720|system|2020-02-13 02:00:42|0
931097|375789|1|AYT|AT-2151509210|2151509210|7|102614605|A|CTHGMI|OZF19|444006.6400|APPROVED|NULL|APPROVED|Approved|N|N|N|N|N|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|N|NULL|NULL|N|kg17718|NULL|NULL|0.0000|1317722|system|2020-02-13 02:00:43|0931098|375979|1|AHT|AT-2151780726|2151780726|2|102809199|I|CGMI|MILaesLF11|26312.0000|PENDING|MO|PEND-INFO|Pend ACRES|N|N|N|N|N|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|N|NULL|NULL|N|system|NULL|NULL|26312.0000|1317721|system|2020-02-13 02:00:43|0
931099|376572|1|AT|AT-2151399812|2151399812|5|102673999|I|CG2rMI|WEL44LF15|60991.6956|PENDING|MO|PEND-INFO|Pend ACERS|N|N|N|N|N|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|N|NULL|NULL|N|system|NULL|NULL|0.0000|1317723|system|2020-02-13 02:00:45|0
Expected Output:
931096|376601|1|ART|AT-2151780724|2151780724|2|102809198|I|CGM44I|MIL3VF03|52576377.3600|PENDING|MO|PEND-INFO|Pend ACS4R|N|N|N|N|N|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|N|NULL|NULL|N|system|NULL|NULL|52576377.3600|1317720|system|2020-02-13 02:00:42|0
931097|375789|1|AYT|AT-2151509210|2151509210|7|102614605|A|CTHGMI|OZF19|444006.6400|APPROVED|NULL|APPROVED|Approved|N|N|N|N|N|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|N|NULL|NULL|N|kg17718|NULL|NULL|0.0000|1317722|system|2020-02-13 02:00:43|0
931098|375979|1|AHT|AT-2151780726|2151780726|2|102809199|I|CGMI|MILaesLF11|26312.0000|PENDING|MO|PEND-INFO|Pend ACRES|N|N|N|N|N|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|N|NULL|NULL|N|system|NULL|NULL|26312.0000|1317721|system|2020-02-13 02:00:43|0
931099|376572|1|AT|AT-2151399812|2151399812|5|102673999|I|CG2rMI|WEL44LF15|60991.6956|PENDING|MO|PEND-INFO|Pend ACERS|N|N|N|N|N|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|N|NULL|NULL|N|system|NULL|NULL|0.0000|1317723|system|2020-02-13 02:00:45|0
Basically the \n character is getting lost sometimes in the data and the lines are getting merged. Sometimes more than 1 line gets merged as well (even the opposite happens but we can get to that later).
The data always has 43 columns | separated. The last but one column(42nd) always is a timestamp and the last column is usually 0 or 1.
Trying for the below approach:
If cols > 43
Split 44th column to add \n and print the remaining.
Repeat process until cols=43
echo "${curr}" | awk -F\| ' { if(NF > 43) {for(i=43;i<NF;i++) "sed '${NR}s/\(^0\)/\1\n/p' $i" }}' filename
less complex
awk 'BEGIN {FS=OFS="|"}
NF>43 {for(i=43;i<=NF;i+=42) {t=$i; $i=substr(t,1,1) ORS substr(t,2)}}1' file
931096|376601|1|ART|AT-2151780724|2151780724|2|102809198|I|CGM44I|MIL3VF03|52576377.3600|PENDING|MO|PEND-INFO|Pend ACS4R|N|N|N|N|N|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|N|NULL|NULL|N|system|NULL|NULL|52576377.3600|1317720|system|2020-02-13 02:00:42|0
931097|375789|1|AYT|AT-2151509210|2151509210|7|102614605|A|CTHGMI|OZF19|444006.6400|APPROVED|NULL|APPROVED|Approved|N|N|N|N|N|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|N|NULL|NULL|N|kg17718|NULL|NULL|0.0000|1317722|system|2020-02-13 02:00:43|0
931098|375979|1|AHT|AT-2151780726|2151780726|2|102809199|I|CGMI|MILaesLF11|26312.0000|PENDING|MO|PEND-INFO|Pend ACRES|N|N|N|N|N|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|N|NULL|NULL|N|system|NULL|NULL|26312.0000|1317721|system|2020-02-13 02:00:43|0
931099|376572|1|AT|AT-2151399812|2151399812|5|102673999|I|CG2rMI|WEL44LF15|60991.6956|PENDING|MO|PEND-INFO|Pend ACERS|N|N|N|N|N|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|N|NULL|NULL|N|system|NULL|NULL|0.0000|1317723|system|2020-02-13 02:00:45|0
following your spec
If cols > 43 Split 44th 43th column to add
\n and print the remaining. Repeat process until cols=43 the end.
The usual way with sed: write a regex that matches 43 | characters with anything in between and a digit. Then insert a newline after the matched string.
sed 's/[0-9]\{6\}\(|[^|]*\)\{41\}|[0-9]/&\n/g ; s/\n$//'
# ^^^^^^^ - remove the leftover newline
# ^ - the matched string
# ^^^^^ - trailing digit
# ^ - 42th pipe character
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - 41 fields with anything in between
# ^^^^^^^^^^ - leading 6 digits
tested on repl
Or maybe match 42 pipes with anything in front and a digit::
sed 's/\([^|]*|\)\{42\}[0-9]/&\n/g ; s/\n$//'
Or match a character after 42 pipes and a digit and insert a newline in between:
sed 's/\(\([^|]*|\)\{42\}[0-9]\)\(.\)/\1\n\3/g'
Could you please try following, written and tested with shown samples. This solution will take care of inserting new lines even if you have more than 1 occurrences present in your single line too.
awk '
match($0,/[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\|0/){
num=gsub(/[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\|0/,"&")
sub(/[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\|0/,"&\n")
' Input_file
You don't trust the source of the data. Maybe it will add another | and the number of columns is wrong.
Another approach is guessing that you can trust the timestamp field.
So try to split the line when the field after the timestamp has more dan one character (and split after the first).
sed -E 's/([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\|.)(.)/\1\n\2/g' file
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed 's/[^|]*/\n&/44;s/\(|.\)\([^|]*|\)\n/\1\n\2/;P;D' file
If there is a 44th field, insert a newline before it. Then remove that newline and insert it following the first character of the 43rd field. Print the first line, delete the first line and repeat.

awk compare two elements in the same line with regular expression

I have very long files where I have to compare two chromosome numbers present in the same line. I would like to use awk to create a file that take only the lines where the chromosome numbers are different.
Here is the example of my file:
1 ]1:1234567]T
1 T[1:2345678[
1 A[12:3456789[
2 etc...
In this example, I wish to compare the number of the chromosome (here '1' in the CHROM column) and the number that is between the first bracket ([ or ]) and the ":" symbol. If these numbers are different, I wish to print the corresponding line.
Here, the result should be like this:
1 A[12:3456789[
Thank you for your help.
$ awk -F'[][]' '$1+0 != $2+0' file
1 A[12:3456789[
2 etc...
This requires GNU awk for the 3 argument match() function:
gawk 'match($2, /[][]([0-9]+):/, a) && $1 != a[1]' file
Thanks again for the different answers.
Here are how my data looks like with several columns:
1 1000000 123:1 A ]1:1234567]T
1 2000000 456:1 A T[1:2345678[
1 3000000 789:1 T A[12:3456789[
2 ... ... . ...
My question is: how do I modify the previous code, when I have several columns?

Awk pattern matching on rows that have a value at specific column. No delimiter

I would like to search a file, using awk, to output rows that have a value commencing at a specific column number. e.g.
I looking for 979719 starting at column number 10:
As you can see, there are no delimiters. It is a raw data text file. I would like to output rows 1 and 4. Not row 3 which does contain the pattern but not at the desired column number.
awk '/979719$/' file
An simple sed approach.
$ cat file
Just search for a pattern, that end's up with 979719 and print the line:
$ sed -n '/^.*979719$/p' file
This code works:
awk 'length($1) == 9' FS="979719" raw-text-file
This code sets 979719 as the field separator, and checks whether the first field has a length of 9 characters. Then prints the line (as default action).
awk 'substr($0,10,6) == 979719' file
You can drop the ,6 if you want to search from the 10th char to the end of each line.

remove all fields from 2nd col which is not 5 consecutive numerical digits

Record | RegistrationID
Output file has to
Record | RegistrationID
My file is a Pipe delimited
any number in the 2nd col which is less than or more than 5lenght must be removed i.e only records that have 5 consecutive numbers must remain.I'm with google since an hour to fix this out any advice given would be highly appreciable. thanks in advance
tried this grep -E ' [0-9]{5}$|$' filename - > not getting any results ,tx to cyrus
If this doesn't do what you want:
$ awk '(NR==1) || ($NF~/^[0-9]{5}$/)' file
Acno | Zip
high | 12345
tyty | 19812
then your real input file simply does not match the format that you provided in your example and you'd have to follow up on that yourself to figure out the difference and post more truly representative sample input if you want more help.
Given your updated input file with no spaces around the |s:
$ awk -F'|' '(NR==1) || ($NF~/^[0-9]{5}$/)' file
Acno | Zip
If you REALLY have leading white space in your input that you want to remove from the output that's easily done but I'm going to assume for now that you actually don't really have that situation and it's just more mistakes in your posted sample input file.
With gawk 3.1.7 as the OP has (see comments below):
awk --re-interval -F'|' '(NR==1) || ($NF~/^[0-9]{5}$/)' file
If your columns (fields) are |-separated, may contain spaces, and the filtering criteria is exactly 5 digits in the second field, then try this:
awk -F'|' '$2 ~ /^[ ]*[0-9]{5}[ ]*$/' file
Additionally, to pass-through the header (first) line in addition:
awk -F'|' 'NR==1 || $2 ~ /^[ ]*[0-9]{5}[ ]*$/' file
Add --re-interval option to support the interval expression in the regular expression.
gawk --re-interval -F'|' '$NF~/^[0-9]{4,5}$/' file

formatted reading using awk

I am trying to read in a formatted file using awk. The content looks like the following:
1PS1 A1 1 11.197 5.497 7.783
1PS1 A1 1 11.189 5.846 7.700
Following c format, these lines are in following format
where, first 5 positions are integer (1), next 5 positions are characters (PS1), next 5 positions are characters (A1), next 5 positions are integer (1), next 24 positions are divided into 3 columns of 8 positions with 3 decimal point floating numbers.
What I've been using is just calling these lines separated by columns using "$1, $2, $3". For example,
cat test.gro | awk 'BEGIN{i=0} {MolID[i]=$1; id[i]=$2; num[i]=$3; x[i]=$4;
y[i]=$5; z[i]=$6; i++} END { ...} >test1.gro
But I ran into some problems with this, and now I am trying to read these files in a formatted way as discussed above.
Any idea how I do this?
Looking at your sample input, it seems the format string is actually "%5d%-5s%5s%5d%8.3f%.3f%8.3f" with the first string field being left-justified. It's too bad awk doesn't have a scanf() function, but you can get your data with a few substr() calls
awk -v OFS=: '
print a,b,c,d,e,f,g
1:PS1 : A1: 1: 11.197: 5.497: 7.783
1:PS1 : A1: 1: 11.189: 5.846: 7.700
If you have GNU awk, you can use the FIELDWIDTHS variable like this:
gawk -v FIELDWIDTHS="5 5 5 5 8 8 8" -v OFS=: '{print $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7}'
also outputs
1:PS1 : A1: 1: 11.197: 5.497: 7.783
1:PS1 : A1: 1: 11.189: 5.846: 7.700
You never said exactly which fields you think should have what number, so I'd like to be clear about how awk thinks that works (Your choice to be explicit about calling the whitespace in your output format string fields makes me worry a little. You might have a different idea about this than awk.).
From the manpage:
An input line is normally made up of fields separated by white space,
or by regular expression FS. The fields are denoted $1, $2, ..., while
$0 refers to the entire line. If FS is null, the input line is split
into one field per character.
Take note that the whitespace in the input line does not get assigned a field number and that sequential whitespace is treated as a single field separator.
You can test this with something like:
echo "1 2 3 4" | awk '{print "1:" $1 "\t2:" $2 "\t3:" $3 "\t4:" $4}'
at the command line.
All of this assumes that you have not diddles the FS variable, of course.