awk compare two elements in the same line with regular expression - awk

I have very long files where I have to compare two chromosome numbers present in the same line. I would like to use awk to create a file that take only the lines where the chromosome numbers are different.
Here is the example of my file:
1 ]1:1234567]T
1 T[1:2345678[
1 A[12:3456789[
2 etc...
In this example, I wish to compare the number of the chromosome (here '1' in the CHROM column) and the number that is between the first bracket ([ or ]) and the ":" symbol. If these numbers are different, I wish to print the corresponding line.
Here, the result should be like this:
1 A[12:3456789[
Thank you for your help.

$ awk -F'[][]' '$1+0 != $2+0' file
1 A[12:3456789[
2 etc...

This requires GNU awk for the 3 argument match() function:
gawk 'match($2, /[][]([0-9]+):/, a) && $1 != a[1]' file

Thanks again for the different answers.
Here are how my data looks like with several columns:
1 1000000 123:1 A ]1:1234567]T
1 2000000 456:1 A T[1:2345678[
1 3000000 789:1 T A[12:3456789[
2 ... ... . ...
My question is: how do I modify the previous code, when I have several columns?


extract specific row with numbers over N

I have a dataframe like this
1 3 MAPQ=0;CT=3to5;SRMAPQ=60
2 34 MAPQ=60;CT=3to5;SRMAPQ=67
4 56 MAPQ=67;CT=3to5;SRMAPQ=50
5 7 MAPQ=44;CT=3to5;SRMAPQ=61
with using awk (or others)
I want to extract rows with only SRMAPQ over 60.
This means the output is
2 34 MAPQ=60;CT=3to5;SRMAPQ=67
5 7 MAPQ=44;CT=3to5;SRMAPQ=61
update: "SRMAPQ=60" can be anywhere in the line,
You don't have to extract the value out of SRMAPQ separately and do the comparison. If the format is fixed like above, just use = as the field separator and access the last field using $NF
awk -F= '$NF > 60' file
Or if SRMAPQ can occur anywhere in the line (as updated in the comments), use a generic approach
awk 'match($0, /SRMAPQ=([0-9]+)/){ l = length("SRMAPQ="); v = substr($0, RSTART+l, RLENGTH-l) } v > 60' file
I would use GNU AWK following way let file.txt content be
1 3 MAPQ=0;CT=3to5;SRMAPQ=60
2 34 MAPQ=60;CT=3to5;SRMAPQ=67;SOMETHING=2
4 56 MAPQ=67;CT=3to5;SRMAPQ=50
5 7 MAPQ=44;CT=3to5;SRMAPQ=61
awk 'BEGIN{FS="SRMAPQ="}$2>60' file.txt
2 34 MAPQ=60;CT=3to5;SRMAPQ=67;SOMETHING=2
5 7 MAPQ=44;CT=3to5;SRMAPQ=61
Note: added SOMETHING to test if it would work when SRMAPQ is not last. Explantion: I set FS to SRMAPQ= thus what is before that becomes first field ($1) and what is behind becomes second field ($2). In 2nd line this is 67;SOMETHING=2 with which GNU AWK copes by converting its' longmost prefix which constitute number in this case 67, other lines have just numbers. Disclaimer: this solution assumes that all but last field have trailing ;, if this does not hold true please test my solution fully before usage.
(tested in gawk 4.2.1)

Adding a decimal point to an integer with awk or sed

So, I have csv files to use with hledger, and last field of every row is the amount for that line transaction.
Lines are in the following format:
date1, date2, description, amount
With the amount format any length between 4 and 6 digits; now for some reason all amounts are missing the period before the last two digits.
Now: 1000
Should be: 10.00
Now: 25452
Should be: 254.52
How to add a '.' before the last two digits of all lines, preferably with sed/awk?
So the input file is:
desired output
You could try:
awk -F , '{printf "%s,%s,%s,%-6.2f\n", $1, $2, $3, $4/100.0}'
You should always add a sample of your input file and of the output you want in your question.
In this input you provide, you will have to define what has to happen when the description field contains a ,, or if it is possible to have amount of less than 100 as input.
In function of your answer, I will need to adapt the code or not.
sed 's/..$/.&/'
You can also use cut utility to get the desired output. In your case, you always want to add '.' before the last two digits. So essentially it can be thought as something like this:
Step 1: Get all the characters from the beginning till the last 2 characters.
Step 2: Get the last 2 characters from the end.
Step 3: Concatenate them with the character that you want ('.' in this case).
The corresponding command for each of the step is the following:
$ a='17.12.2005,18.12.2005,utility,12523'
$ b=`echo $a | rev | cut -c3- | rev`
$ c=`echo $a | rev | cut -c1-2 | rev`
$ echo $b"."$c
This would produce the output
awk -F, '{sub(/..$/,".& ")}1' file

AWK select rows where all columns are equal

I have a file with tab-separated values where the number of columns is not known a priori. In other words the number of columns is consistent within a file but different files have different number of columns. The first column is a key, the other columns are some arbitrary values.
I need to filter out the rows where the values are not the same. For example, assuming that the number of columns is 4, I need to keep the first 2 rows and filter out the 3-rd:
1 A A A
2 B B B
3 C D C
I'm planning to use AWK for this purpose, but I don't know how to deal with the fact that the number of columns is unknown. The case of the known number of columns is simple, this is a solution for 4 columns:
$2 == $3 && $3 == $4 {print}
How can I generalize the solution for arbitrary number of columns?
If you guarantee no field contains regex-active chars and the first field never match the second, and there is no blank line in the input:
awk '{tmp=$0;gsub($2,"")} NF==1{print tmp}' file
Note that this solution is designed for this specific case and less extendable than others.
Another slight twist on the approach. In your case you know you want to compare fields 2-4 so you can simply loop from i=3;i<=NF checking $i!=$(i-1) for equality, and if it fails, don't print, get the next record, e.g.
awk '{for(i=3;i<=NF;i++)if($i!=$(i-1))next}1'
Example Use/Output
With your data in file.txt:
$ awk '{for(i=3;i<=NF;i++)if($i!=$(i-1))next}1' file.txt
1 A A A
2 B B B
Could you please try following. This will compare all columns from 2nd column to till last column and check if every element is equal or not. If they are all same it will print line.
awk '{for(i=3;i<=NF;i++){if($(i-1)==$i){count++}};if((NF-2)==count){print};count=""}' Input_file
OR(by hard coding $2 in code, since if $2=$3 AND $3=$4 it means $2=$3=$4 so intentionally taking $2 in comparison rather than having i-1 fetching its previous value.)
awk '{for(i=3;i<=NF;i++){if($2==$i){count++}};if((NF-2)==count){print};count=""}' Input_file
I'd use a counter t with initial value of 2 to add the number of times $i == $(i+1) where i iterates from 2 to NF-1. print the line only if t==NF is true:
awk -F'\t' '{t=2;for(i=2;i<NF;i++){t+=$i==$(i+1)}}t==NF' file.txt
Here is a generalisation of the problem:
Select all lines where a set of columns have the same value: c1 c2 c3 c4 ..., where ci can be any number:
Assume we want to select the columns: 2 3 4 11 15
awk 'BEGIN{n=split("2 3 4 11 15",a)}
{for(i=2;i<=n;++i) if ($(a[i])!=$(a[1])) next}1' file
A bit more robust, in case a line might not contain all fields:
awk 'BEGIN{n=split("2 3 4 11 15",a)}
{for(i=2;i<=n;++i) if (a[i] <= NF) if ($(a[i])!=$(a[1])) next}1' file

AWK - find min value of each row with arbitrary size

I have a file with the lines as:
5 3 6 4 2 3 5
1 4 3 2 6 5 8
I want to get the min on each line, so for example with the input given above, I should get:
min of first line: 2
min of second line: 1
How can I use awk to do this for any arbitrary number of columns in each line?
If you don't mind the output using digits instead of words you can use this one liner:
$ awk '{m=$1;for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i<m)m=$i;print "min of line",NR": ",m}' file
min of line 1: 2
min of line 2: 1
If you really do want to count in ordinal numbers:
split("first second third fourth",count," ")
print "min of",count[NR],"line: \t",min
Save this to script.awk and run like:
$ awk -f script.awk file
min of first line: 2
min of second line: 1
Obviously this will only work for files with upto 4 lines but just increase the ordinal numbers list to the maximum number you think you will need. You should be able to find a list online pretty easily.
Your problem is pretty simple. All you need to do is to define a variable min in the BEGIN part of your script, and at each line, you just have to perform a simple C-like algorithm for minimum element (set the first field as min, and then perform a check with the next field, and so on until you reach the final field of the line). The total number of fields in the line will be known to you because of the variable NF. So its just a matter of writing a for loop. Once the for loop is fully executed for the line, you will have the minimum element with you, and you could just print it.

Awk: printing undetermined number of columns

I have a file that contains a number of fields separated by tab. I am trying to print all columns except the first one but want to print them all in only one column with AWK. The format of the file is
col 1 col 2 ... col n
There are at least 2 columns in one row.
2012029754 901749095
2012028240 901744459 258789
2012024782 901735922
2012026032 901738573 257784
2012027260 901742004
2003062290 901738925 257813 257822
2012026806 901741040
2012024252 901733947 257493
2012024365 901733700
2012030848 901751693 260720 260956 264843 264844
So I want to tell awk to print column 2 to column n for n greater than 2 without printing blank lines when there is no info in column n of that row, all in one column like the following.
This is the first time I am using awk, so bear with me. I wrote this from command line which works:
awk '{i=2;
while ($i ~ /[0-9]+/)
printf "%s\n", $i
It is more of a seeking approval than asking a question whether it is the right way of doing something like this in AWK or is there a better/shorter way of doing it.
Note that the actual input file could be millions of lines.
Is this what you want as output?
awk '{for(i=2; i<=NF; i++) print $i}'
NF is one of several pre-defined awk variables. It indicates the number of fields on a given input line. For instance, it is useful if you want to always print out the last field in a line print $NF. Or of course if you want to iterate through all or part of the fields on a given line to the end of the line.
Seems like awk is the wrong tool. I would do:
cut -f 2- < | tr -s '\t' '\n'
Note that with -s, this avoids printing blank lines as stated in the original problem.