I am working to implement stylecop to enforce our coding standard, however, there are a lot of stylecop rules that are outside our standards, for example, SA1309 FieldNamesMustNotBeginWithUnderscore.
Following this example I added a rule disabling the FieldNamesMustNotBeginWithUnderscore rule like so
<Rule Name="FieldNamesMustNotBeginWithUnderscore">
<BooleanProperty Name="Enabled">False</BooleanProperty>
to the Settings.StyleCop file I created. However, I am still getting warnings for SA1309, even after a rebuild and reopening the project.
Other rules appear to work, for example,
<Rule Name="ConstructorSummaryDocumentationMustBeginWithStandardText">
<BooleanProperty Name="Enabled">False</BooleanProperty>
What's going on here?
Also, is there any way of globally disabling most/all rules that ship with stylecop? Adding a rule xml like these for every rule we want to exclude is going to be a PITA, and if we could instead selectively enable the rules we want it would speed things up (especially if we could go by some larger grouping, like category)
The page https://developer.sonos.com/build/content-service-add-features/customize-display/create-hero-views/ has conflicting information for ItemThumbnails. One part says the default is "none", and then at the very bottom it says the default for non-album types is "albumArtUri". In practice the rules seem more complicated than either of these but I can't figure out a rule that works for everything?
I have generated a grammar in ANTLR4. A sample excerpt is shown below:
list : defunExpr # defun
: lambdaExpr # lambda
: condExpr # cond
: items # other
The rules are listed in order of priority and are called as appropriate when testing the grammar. All higher priority rules of #defun, #lambda, #cond, etc. would also match items (#other) if they did not match higher up (expected behavior of placing higher-priority rules before lower).
I then implemented a simple listener-based application in Java, which simply formats the parsed code and prints it back out the the console. I have overridden the appropriate enter/exit methods for #defun, #lambda, #cond, etc. I would like to implement a generalized catch-all for items which do not match the more specific rule. However, when I implement enter/exit methods for #other, it executes for every matched rule further up the priority as well, effectively outputting formatted code twice for rules such as #defun, #lambda, #cond, etc.
Is there some way to achieve this behavior? I have a handful of specific rules I want to implement, and then have a general case catch the others. The grammar parses properly (test rig shows expected behavior over numerous test cases), but the catch-all method (enterOther) seems to act upon the specific rules as well.
EDIT: Wow, after all this time and posting this question, I now actually believe it is a grammar error. I will leave the question open until I verify, however.
Thanks for the interest, guys. I'm not evaluating anything, just echoing parsed input, so listeners work fine. Grammar was actually fine, non-ambiguous. The catch-all rule (it was catch-all, despite not showing enough of my grammar here) worked fine. My problem (embarrassingly), was that while I wanted to write enter/exit #other methods, I was actually writing enter/exit Expr methods the whole time, which was why all specific rules we triggered as well (since they are Exprs). Embarrassing, but lesson learned. Thanks for the ideas and taking the time. Cheers!
Can image resizer output image paths that don't contain query strings? Could not find this anywhere in documentation or googling it.
This page (http://imageresizing.net/docs/extend/extending) says that custom plugins can "Perform URL rewriting or query string expansion by registering an event handler."
Is there such a plugin, ready to be used? If so, anyone have a link?
FolderResizeSyntax is one such plugin (which simply adds and event handler to Config.Current.Pipeline.Rewrite), but you probably shouldn't use it.
Ask yourself: Why does pingdom say to remove query strings? Does it even make sense? Is there any logic behind the rule?
Query strings are often added to static resources as cache breakers and for development purposes; often they're forgotten and make it into production.
In the case of ImageResizer, they're an essential, meaningful part of the URL. Rewriting consistent name/value pairs (the querystring) into a custom URL syntax might be trendy and hip, but it adds brittleness and complexity for no actual added value.
If you have a real-world, known issues with querystrings, try the CloudFront plugin. It lets you express querystrings as image.jpg;width=100;height=100 instead of image.jpg?width=100&height=100. You still lose compatibility with all kinds of RIAPI-compliant front-end and back-end tooling, so make sure this is a real, not theoretical, issue.
I sometimes write client-side-only web applications, and I like a simple and fast development cycle. This leads me to project layouts which explicitly have no build step, so that I can just edit source files and then reload in the web browser. This is not always a healthy constraint to place on the design. I would therefore like the following functionality to use in my development environment:
Whenever the server receives a GET /foo/bar request and translates it to a file /whatever/foo/bar, it executes cd /whatever && make foo/bar before reading the file.
What is the simplest way to accomplish this?
The best form of solution would be an Apache configuration, preferably one entirely within .htaccess files; failing that, a lightweight web server which has such functionality already; or one which can be programmed to do so.
Since I have attracted quite a lot of “don't do that” responses, let me reassure you on a few points:
This is client-side-only development — the files being served are all that matters, and the build will likely be very lightweight (e.g. copying a group of files into a target directory layout, or packing some .js files into a single file). Furthermore, the files will typically be loaded once per edit-and-reload cycle — so interactive response time is not a priority.
Assume that the build system is fully aware of the relevant dependencies — if nothing has changed, no rebuilding will happen.
If it turns out to be impractically slow despite the above, I'll certainly abandon this idea and find other ways to improve my workflow — but I'd like to at least give it a try.
You could use http://aspen.io/.
Presuming the makefile does some magic, you could make a simplate that does:
import subprocess
RESULTFILE = "/whatever/foo/bar"
response.body = ''.join(open(resultfile).readlines())
but if it's less magic, you could of course encode the build process into the simplate itself (using something like https://code.google.com/p/fabricate/ ) and get rid of the makefile entirely.
Since I'm a lazy sod, I'd suggest something like that:
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^(.*)\/(.*)(/|)$ /make.php?base=$1&make=$2 [L,NC]
A regex pattern like that provides the two required parameters -
Which then can be passed to a shell-script by PHP function exec():
You might need to add exclusions above the pattern or inclusions to the pattern,
e.g define the first back-reference by words - else it would match other requests as well (which shouldn't be re-written).
The parameters can be accessed in shell-script like that:
cd /var/www/$1
make $2
This seems like a really bad idea. You will add a HUGE amount of latency to each request waiting for the "make" to finish. In a development environment that is okay, but in production you are going to kill performance.
That said, you could write a simple apache module that would handle this:
I would still recommend considering if this is what you want to do. In development you know if you change a file that you need to remake. In production it is a performance killer.
FxCop has a rule (CA1726) that checks for preferred terms. This looks for words like "Dont" and tells you to replace them with better words like "Do not". Generally this is fine, however one of the terms it objects to is "Flag". At our firm, the business deals with Flags meaning those cloth things at the end of flagpoles. Suppressing this rule each time is becoming a pain. Does anyone know a way to get this rule to work on everything except "Flag"?
Note: I know I can turn the rule off completly, but I don't want to do that. I just want to turn off part of the rule.
I have answered my own question.
It turns out that the list of preferred terms is listed in the CustomDictionary.xml file that is in the FxCop install directory (C:\Program Files\Microsoft FxCop 1.36\CustomDictionary.xml). There is a section <Dictionary><Words><Deprecated> that contains a number of <Term> elements. Simply removing the ones I don't want has done the trick.