What does "branch##branch##branch" mean in Clearcase? - branch

I am trying to axe away some elements that are no longer needed in clearcase. I think I might have subverted some policy, becuase after I ran a rmbranch on the files I wanted to remove, each file ended up in this state:
I am familiar with /some/directory/element##/some/branch but not with the double "##" notation above. Hench my question...
What does the something##something##something notation mean in clearcase?

As I mentioned in "Access labels of file through extended filename as directory", everything after the ## is a version-extended pathname (see pathnames_ccase )
Branch: element-pname##branch-pname
Version: element-pname##version-selector
The first part /some/directory/##/ is a VOB-extended namespace directory
Then you have the pname followed by a version selector.
That does refer to the concept of "extended namespace":
An extension of the standard Windows or Linux or UNIX file system that allows access to versions of elements.


How to include .iuml path to generate PlantUML diagram in Doxygen

I'm working on the documentation of a component using Doxygen and I want to include UMLdiagrams in between the text.
I know how to do most of it, as I simply need to copy the .tuml source into my .dox file and run doxygen. However, one of my diagrams is a class diagram that includes other .iuml files, like explained in the PlantUML site.
So, basically, I do:
#mainpage main_page MyDoxygen
!include iuml_files/Class01.iuml
!include iuml_files/Class02.iuml
MainClass <|-- Class01
MainClass <|-- Class02
Long story short, I don't know how to make Doxygen understand it must look for the .iuml files in the directory (relative path) I'm giving as argument to the include directive.
If I wasn't clear enough as to what I need, please let me know and I will try make it clearer.
Can I please get some help?
I had a similar problem (I own the Word Add-in for plantuml)
You can specify the java property "plantuml.include.path" in the command line :
java -Dplantuml.include.path="c:/mydir" -jar plantuml.jar atest1.txt
(see http://plantuml.sourceforge.net/preprocessing.html)
I expect it'll work when you modify the batch file for calling Plantuml
I had a similar request for my Word Addin for Plantuml and here it worked.
The Real Answer
Use the PLANTUML_INCLUDE_PATH = ./someRelativeDir configuration, visible in the Doxygen wizard's DOT panel.
The include path is relative to your Doxygen config, ie the starting directory from which the doxygen config is taken.
A Red Herring
I'm leaving the rest of this answer here in case anyone found it previously.
I wrongly reported a bug because I needed new reading glasses and didn't notice a stray character in my path.
This was resolved as not a Doxygen bug
For any interested parties, this is what I saw.
Running PlantUML on generated file /Users/andydent/dev/touchgramdesign/doxygeneratedTG4IM/html/inline_umlgraph_1.pu
Preprocessor Error: Cannot include /Users/andydent/dev/touchgramdesign/doxygeneratedTG4IM/html/handDrawnStyle.iuml
Error line 2 in file: /Users/andydent/dev/touchgramdesign/doxygeneratedTG4IM/html/inline_umlgraph_1.pu
Some diagram description contains errors
error: Problems running PlantUML. Verify that the command 'java -jar "/Library/Java/Extensions/plantuml.jar" -h' works from the command line. Exit code: 1
This is using the configuration setting
Sharper eyes than mine (at the time) noticed the extra character in the path iuml t ToCopy

Matlab can't find member functions when directory changes. What can I do?

I have a Matlab program that does something like this
cd media;
for i =1:files
d(i).r = %some matlab file read command
cd ..;
When I change to my "media" directory I can still access member properties (such as 'r'), but Matlab can't seem to find functions like process(). How is this problem solved? Is there some kind of global function pointer I can call? My current solution is to do 2 loops, but this is somewhat deeply chagrining.
There are two solutions:
don't change directories - instead give the file path the your file read command, e.g.
d(i).r = load(['media' filesep 'yourfilename.mat']);
add the directory containing your process() to the MATLAB path:
As mentioned by tdc, you can use
if you also want to add all subdirectories to your path.
Jonas already mentioned addpath, but I usually use it in combination with genpath:
which also adds all of the subdirectories of 'path_to_folder' as well.

Difference between #import header file with <filename> and "filename" [duplicate]

I'm wondering what decides whether you're allowed to use <Header.h> or "Header.h" when you're importing files in Objective-C. So far my observation has been that you use the quote marks "" for files in your project that you've got the implementation source to, and angle brackets <> when you're referencing a library or framework.
But how exactly does that work? What would I have to do to get my own classes to use the brackets? Right now Xcode will not allow me to do that for my own headers.
Also, by looking in some frameworks headers, I see that the headers reference each other with <frameworkname/file.h>. How does that work? It looks a lot like packages in Java, but as far as I know, there is no such thing as a package in Objective-C.
Objective-C has this in common with C/C++; the quoted form is for "local" includes of files (you need to specify the relative path from the current file, e.g. #include "headers/my_header.h"), while the angle-bracket form is for "global" includes -- those found somewhere on the include path passed to the compiler (e.g. #include <math.h>).
So to have your own headers use < > not " " you need to pass either the relative or the absolute path for your header directory to the compiler. See "How to add a global include path for Xcode" for info on how to do that in Xcode.
See this MSDN page for more info.
In C, the convention is that header files in <> bracket are searched in 'system' directories and "" in user or local directories.
The definition of system and local is a bit vague, I guess. I believe it looks in system directories in include path or in CPPFLAGS for <header.h>, and local directory or directory specified with -I to compiler are searched for "header.h" files.
I assume it works similarly for Objective-C.
To import your own classes using "< >" you have to put the header files (*.h) in the lib folder of compiler or set a SYSTEM VARIABLES ponting to your lib folder.
#import <> vs ""
<Name.h> - Angle brackets tells to preprocessor to search in a special pre-designated system's directories. For example you import systems headers like <UIKit/UIKit.h> or added frameworks
"Name.h" - Quotation marks tells to preprocessor to search in a current directory. If a header was not found the preprocessor try to use <Name.h>. Usually you should use it with your project's files
Just stumbled upon the same problem, there are 2 types of search paths is Xcode:
User Header Search Paths
Header Search Paths
If you add your own include folders into Header Search Paths, you can use angled brackets without any problem.
Or set Always Search User Path to YES so you can use angle brackets.
With angle brackets e.g. <Foundation/Foundation.h> you import system files.
You use double quotes "Person.h" to import local files (files that you created) and to tell the compiler where to look for them.
If this is an Xcode project and you want to include it in a framework, have the header file you want to included open. Then, open Xcode's rightmost tab and under "Target Membership", click on the framework you want your file to available from.
e.g. If your framework is AlphaTools and your header, AceHeader, then you'll select AlphaTools on Target Membership so you can access < AlphaTools/AceHeader.h
Header files contain definitions of functions and variables which can be incorporated into any C program by using the pre-processor #include statement. Standard header files are provided with each compiler, and cover a range of areas, string handling, mathematical, data conversion, printing and reading of variables.
Ex- #include it contain the information about input like scanf(),and out put like printf() function and etc in a compiler.
It is a pre-processor that process before process of main function.
The main work of pre-processor is to initialize the environment of program i.e that is the program with the header file.
(Header file) A header file is a file with extension .h which contains C function declarations and macro definitions and to be shared between several source files.
Q) There are two types of header files: the files that the programmer writes and the files that come with your compiler ?
A)In a angular brackets
Angular-bracket form is for "global" includes -- those found somewhere on the include path passed to the compiler (e.g. #include)
It is used for using of library function which is all ready define in compiler.
In C the convention is that header files in <> bracket are searched in 'system' directories 
B) Quote marks:- “header.h”
quoted form is for "local" includes of files (you need to specify the relative path from the current file, e.g. #include "headers/my_header.h")
In C the convention is that header files in " " are searched in user or local directories.
In it one file to be included in another .(FILE INCLUSION).
It can be used in two cases:
Case 1: If we have a very large program, the code is best divided int several different files,each containing a set of related functions.
Case 2: There are some functions and micros definitions that we need at most in all programs that we write.

Automatically locating a file

By default AutoCAD installs a text based file called acad2010.lsp at the set location below
Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2010\Support\acad2010.lsp"
However it my be that the user/ administrator/ or third party has changed the location of this file. Is it possible to then locate it using the following
Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:\*\acad2010.lsp"
In other words search the entire c:\ drive for file acad2010.lsp?
If this doesn't work can you please let me know what would?
You could search for it with an FSO. It's not going to be fast however you do it but this is the fastest way I can think of.
http://www.microbion.co.uk/developers/fso.htm should give you a rough idea of how it's done.
Your solution will not work. Is not possible to locate it using *. (BTW is possible in ms-builds scripts). The only way of doing it is:
1- Create a FindFile function (check for example
2- Use it to locate the exact path of the file. (It could be really time
3- From this point your code is the same...
Unfortunately, you can't use wildcards in a filepath. You have two options:
Prompt the user for the file location using the "Open File" dialog. The code to do this varies based on which Office product you are using. In Excel, you would use the Application.FindFile method (more info here).
Write your own function to search the filesystem for the file. Microsoft provides an example here.
If that file is used by internal functions of the application, the installer will have recorded a registry key for the file's location.
Open regedit.exe and search for the file name and path.
You can read a registry entry using this VBA one-liner:
You may need a terminating backslash on the key address, but that's a safe and simple registry access method. More details on the MSDN site:

#import using angle brackets < > and quote marks " "

I'm wondering what decides whether you're allowed to use <Header.h> or "Header.h" when you're importing files in Objective-C. So far my observation has been that you use the quote marks "" for files in your project that you've got the implementation source to, and angle brackets <> when you're referencing a library or framework.
But how exactly does that work? What would I have to do to get my own classes to use the brackets? Right now Xcode will not allow me to do that for my own headers.
Also, by looking in some frameworks headers, I see that the headers reference each other with <frameworkname/file.h>. How does that work? It looks a lot like packages in Java, but as far as I know, there is no such thing as a package in Objective-C.
Objective-C has this in common with C/C++; the quoted form is for "local" includes of files (you need to specify the relative path from the current file, e.g. #include "headers/my_header.h"), while the angle-bracket form is for "global" includes -- those found somewhere on the include path passed to the compiler (e.g. #include <math.h>).
So to have your own headers use < > not " " you need to pass either the relative or the absolute path for your header directory to the compiler. See "How to add a global include path for Xcode" for info on how to do that in Xcode.
See this MSDN page for more info.
In C, the convention is that header files in <> bracket are searched in 'system' directories and "" in user or local directories.
The definition of system and local is a bit vague, I guess. I believe it looks in system directories in include path or in CPPFLAGS for <header.h>, and local directory or directory specified with -I to compiler are searched for "header.h" files.
I assume it works similarly for Objective-C.
To import your own classes using "< >" you have to put the header files (*.h) in the lib folder of compiler or set a SYSTEM VARIABLES ponting to your lib folder.
#import <> vs ""
<Name.h> - Angle brackets tells to preprocessor to search in a special pre-designated system's directories. For example you import systems headers like <UIKit/UIKit.h> or added frameworks
"Name.h" - Quotation marks tells to preprocessor to search in a current directory. If a header was not found the preprocessor try to use <Name.h>. Usually you should use it with your project's files
Just stumbled upon the same problem, there are 2 types of search paths is Xcode:
User Header Search Paths
Header Search Paths
If you add your own include folders into Header Search Paths, you can use angled brackets without any problem.
Or set Always Search User Path to YES so you can use angle brackets.
With angle brackets e.g. <Foundation/Foundation.h> you import system files.
You use double quotes "Person.h" to import local files (files that you created) and to tell the compiler where to look for them.
If this is an Xcode project and you want to include it in a framework, have the header file you want to included open. Then, open Xcode's rightmost tab and under "Target Membership", click on the framework you want your file to available from.
e.g. If your framework is AlphaTools and your header, AceHeader, then you'll select AlphaTools on Target Membership so you can access < AlphaTools/AceHeader.h
Header files contain definitions of functions and variables which can be incorporated into any C program by using the pre-processor #include statement. Standard header files are provided with each compiler, and cover a range of areas, string handling, mathematical, data conversion, printing and reading of variables.
Ex- #include it contain the information about input like scanf(),and out put like printf() function and etc in a compiler.
It is a pre-processor that process before process of main function.
The main work of pre-processor is to initialize the environment of program i.e that is the program with the header file.
(Header file) A header file is a file with extension .h which contains C function declarations and macro definitions and to be shared between several source files.
Q) There are two types of header files: the files that the programmer writes and the files that come with your compiler ?
A)In a angular brackets
Angular-bracket form is for "global" includes -- those found somewhere on the include path passed to the compiler (e.g. #include)
It is used for using of library function which is all ready define in compiler.
In C the convention is that header files in <> bracket are searched in 'system' directories 
B) Quote marks:- “header.h”
quoted form is for "local" includes of files (you need to specify the relative path from the current file, e.g. #include "headers/my_header.h")
In C the convention is that header files in " " are searched in user or local directories.
In it one file to be included in another .(FILE INCLUSION).
It can be used in two cases:
Case 1: If we have a very large program, the code is best divided int several different files,each containing a set of related functions.
Case 2: There are some functions and micros definitions that we need at most in all programs that we write.