Teacher's client using Agora.io on Android - agora.io

With Agora Education on Android platform sdk, how can we set up a teacher's client? We tried to force user role from code but without success. When user log in into app is always set up as student and inside classroom we get an error saying that "there's no teacher in the room". Do we have to set teachers on web console? If yes how? And how can we manage teacher login from Android app?

It will be very helpful if you can provide the demo app's link so that we can take a look at the demo app directly. But for you question, in order to set a user's role as a teacher(which is a broadcaster), you need to call setClientRole method and pass CLIENT_ROLE_BROADCASTER in the parameter.
API document for setClientRole: https://docs.agora.io/en/Audio%20Broadcast/API%20Reference/cpp/classagora_1_1rtc_1_1_i_rtc_engine.html#a89ca6a15d5a388f3c82038e74bad4040
Document for how to set the user role:


iTunesConnect Users and Roles

Man this sucks....I am trying to set up ApplePay using stripe. It's documentation states I need to log into iTunesConnect and click Users and Roles.....
And when looking at the actual Apple docs, it says the same thing:
and here:
But, when I log into iTunesConnect I see this screen:
I just can't seem to find where I am supposed to find users and roles.....
Does anyone know how I can get to this elusive screen?
This is because you are not a team agent for your developer account or you are not added as a user to itunes connect.
The Team Agent of the apple developer program will have access to add other users and assign roles to them. Please refer to https://www.meatti.com/blog/how-to-create-itunes-connect-limited-user/ on how to add user and assign roles in iTunes connect.
Refer to https://developer.apple.com/support/roles/ to know about the iTunes connect and developer account roles in detail.
I'd look down the Apps route there.
If this is your first interaction with iTunes Connect, there will be a certain amount of setup you need to do before you get to view/edit users and roles.
It's because you have to register as a developer. Once I had done that, the options showed.

Google Play Games - How to ask the user to create a gamerId account when signin in

When a user signs in my web based game with Google SignIn through a web browser, access is granted. However, when the app makes a call to the Games Services API, it returns the following error:
User registration incomplete
If the user goes then to the Android Play Games app and creates a Gamer ID account, it works.
So, is there any way to tell the user to create a Gamer ID account when she signs in if she wants to proceed? Or, better, can Google redirect her to a page for that, complete the process and then come back to the app?
The Gamer account (also sometimes informally referred to as Games lite account) can only be created on Android devices. Once it is created it can be accessed from other platforms.

Twitter API - get Account Details from consumerKey and consumerToken

I inherited an application that has tons of users already authorized to get twitter data on their behalf.
The problem is the guy who created is not around anymore and I am left with consumerKey and consumerToken only.
That in itself is sufficient to interact with twitter API, but I now need to know the account details ( in particular the screen_name that created the app) .
I could not find any API to get such details. Any ideas on how to get it.?
There isn't a direct way to find the app owner's screen name, but here are a few things you can do to investigate:
Use the ConsumerKey and ConsumerSecret, that you have, to start the OAuth process.
On the Twitter Authorization screen, you can see the name of the app and who created it.
You might be able to do a Twitter search for the person who created the app and get their screen name.
Continue to authorize the app - this will put it in your app list.
Visit your personal Twitter Settings tab, click on Apps, and find the App that you authorized.
Click on the owner's name, which will lead you to a Web site.
The Web site might be the company Web site, in which case, there is no further help.
The Web site might belong to the owner and it might have a link to the owner's Twitter account where you can get their screen name.
Just know that there's nothing keeping you from using the ConsumerKey/ConsumerSecret that the other guy set up. You can create your own app - preferably with an account that belongs to the company with credentials that the company can access if you're no longer around. Then use the ConsumerKey/ConsumerSecret from the new app on subsequent deployments.

soundcloud authentication for server-side code (no app!)

I would like my server-side code to upload tracks to soundcloud in its own name, then later it will retrieve comments, favourites and listener counts. I do not want to do this on behalf of an app user - for there is no app! Previous questions here on stackoverflow§ (there is no "me too" button) and the API docs seem to suggest I cannot do this. Am I correct?
§ Can track belong to the application and not individual users?
This is called "Authenticating without the SoundCloud Connect Screen" in the API docs:
An "app" in this case is a program that wants to access the Soundcloud API. You register them here:
Normally you would make a unique username, and register the app to that user. Then, the code logs in as that user to authenticate.

Posting on game activity feed

Is there any way to post on a user's activity feed for an iOS game? There seems to be no API for this but there is a permission
on https://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/permissions/#open_graph_perms
I have noticed that there are activity feeds for Facebook games itself, but I haven't come across an activity feed regarding an iOS app.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
You can post user actions/achivements from iOS by taking publish_actions extended permission, but you need backend server support. You need a public url with open graph tags for each object/achievement.
Publish actions
Allows your app to publish to the Open Graph using Built-in Actions,
Achievements, Scores, or Custom Actions. Your app can also publish
other activity which is detailed in the Publishing Permissions doc.
Note: The user-prompt for this permission will be displayed in the
first screen of the Enhanced Auth Dialog and cannot be revoked as part
of the authentication flow. However, a user can later revoke this
permission in their Account Settings. If you want to be notified if
this happens, you should subscribe to the permissions object within
the Realtime API.
If you want to post achivements, here is basic info. For more info see the below link.
The Graph API for achievements allows game developers to publish user
achievements in their game to provide more meaningful and relevant
Note: This API is only available to applications categorized as
'Games'. You can categorize your app as 'Games' in the Developer app
by navigating to About > Basic Info and selecting 'Games` in the drop
down menu in the category field.
FYI: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/achievements/
FYI: Improving app distrubution