How to stop files inside moved directories (and newly created files) from automatically opening in editor (PyCharm 2020.1) - intellij-idea

I am using PyCharm 2020.1. When I create a new file, PyCharm automatically opens it in the editor. Also when I move a directory, PyCharm opens all the files inside the directory in the editor.
Sometimes it's tens of files opened at once. This behavior is frustrating and I would like to turn it off, but have not been able to find where in Preferences to do so.
Someone please help me figure out how to stop newly created files and files inside moved folders from automatically opening in editor. Thanks.

I don't think you can't open a new file via PyCharm, unless you create it via the Terminal tab on the bottom, for example:
When you move a directory into a new directory, there should be a checkmark on a popup saying "Open moved files in editor", so you probably have that checked.


how to properly remove files added under "My Project" in solution explorer?

I deleted the file Form1.vb on folder/explorer because I accidentally created it under MyProject in the solutions explorer. but when I tried to rebuild it I'm having below error already.
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Unable to create a manifest resource name for "My Project\Form1.resx". Could not find file 'C:\Users......\My Project\Form1.vb'.
all data of files is stored in the solution itself, Go to Solution Explorer, Select the file
1.) Right click the folder, Click Delete, Confirm Deletion Process if prompted.
2.) Left click the folder and hit the Delete key on your keyboard.
Do either of these will remove it from your solution and thus, the project. If you have folders being sync'd with git hub it will also update it this way, don't just straight up delete folders from the actual windows explorer though, this could cause pointer issues for reference.
I found the solution.
I created same file with same filename confirmed to replace this with the missing.
then added it again on "MyProject". Project -> Show All Files from the main menu.
I think what I needed was just the Project > show all files.
thank you to everyone who answered above it made me search for this

View file in project view Intellij

I have started using Intellij and I am trying to find a feature that was in eclipse. I often navigate to a file either through the code or through a CTRL-N search. When I have the file I found open, I want to see which project and which folder of the project the file is in. I found a way to open the file in Windows Explorer which tells me what I want but I would rather stay in intellij and see the folders on the left expanded to the location of the file. Does this exist in intellij?
On the heading of Project Explorer panel their will be a circle with 4 lines inside it.
Press that it will take you to the place where you file is inside the project
Image upload not working thats why explaination

Xcode "Building" a Project

Honestly, I don't fully understand my question, but hopefully I can still be fairly clear about it.
I just wrote a simple project in Objective-C/Xcode. It looks like Xcode generated an executable in a folder called "Debug" and when I double-click on it, it opens a terminal window and runs fine. However, while running, it reads from a text file in the same directory that it's in. So if I want move the executable to a different location, I also have to move the text file to the same location or it won't be able to find the text file.
My question is... when I download an application on my computer (like Google Chrome or Evernote), it comes as its own file and I can place it in any directory I like; there are no associated files I have to move whenever I move the "executable". Is there a way to generate a clean application like this using Xcode?

Xcode will not open my project

I where working with a project and I closed because my computer was geting slow. When I tried to open my solution again xcode quitted. So everytime I try to open my project I get this error:
I am not able to open my solution. IS THERE A WAY I CAN RECOVER MY PROJECT!?
Nothing mentioned above/below worked for me. Here's what I did instead:
Right click on the .xcodeproj file and select Show Package Contents. Then delete the project.xcworkspace file. Open the project in Xcode and voilà.
There are a couple of things you can try, first make sure Xcode is not running ,trash the ~/Library/Cache/ folder contents, and trash the contents of the ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ folder, if you what to can just find the stuff for your project in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ and trash just that. Then restart your computer.
If that doesn't work, rename your faulty projects folder to so method like ' old', create a new project of the same name, and then move all of the source files from ' old' to you new project and add them. Its a bit painful I known but I have had to do this once to get a project working again.
Double click the actual file! NOT the recent item!
Turns out that double-clicking on the actual file instead of selecting it from the Welcome to Xcode window will help open the project as expected!
Also, after the first time open it with double-clicking the file, the window will be fixed by itself 🤷🏻‍♂️
In my case, the project was moved to my iCloud Drive without me noticing it.
If it happens to you too, just go to your Finder, locate the project and check if there is a cloud next to it. Just right click it and "Download now". Try again once the download is finished.
I was having this issue with Xcode 12. Opening Xcode, and selecting my project from 'Recent projects' list was causing Xcode to crash
My solution: I navigated to the folder and opened ProjectName.xcworkspace file, then it worked
If you're working with git, right click the project-name.xcodeproj > Show Package Contents, open the file project.pbxproj and check for conflict and resolve it.
Quit Xcode, then make a copy of the xcworkspace file (just in case). In finder, right-click the xcworkspace file and choose Show File Contents.
In that directory, open the xcuserdata directory and delete any contents. Start Xcode again and open the project.
In my case there was something wrong with the saved project state, so doing this resets the state and it opened normally.
I had the same error and none of the above helped me.
Solution that helped me: Create a new project, then without closing it, go to
File -> Open
and select your .xcworkspace file.

intellij usability question - how to add a button that opens working folder

There's a small feature I have been yearning about in intellij idea and I will give it a try in this forum, maybe it is already possible.
In brief: I want a button that opens the working folder of the project I am working on.
Since this is the folder I put my settings files I am doing the following operation dozens of times a day -
open the run/debug configuration.
go to my activbe project tab.
copy the working directory.
open run (win+r).
paste the folder path and press enter.
X dozens of times.
Is there a way to add a button somewhere that opens my working folder?
BTW: I know that in the project settings - External tools - I can add actions. but there is no workingFolder in the macros. is there a way to add the working folder? (eventhough a button would be better)
Thanks a lot.
If you need to manage files, why not do it right from IntelliJ? If you have to go to explorer, right click any file or folder in the project panel, and there's a "Show in Explorer" option in Windows (no default key mapping). There's also "Show Path" (ctrl+alt+F12), which lets you open Explorer to any parent directory of the selected file all the way up to the drive. Finally, "Copy Path" (ctrl+shift+C) will copy the absolute path to the clipboard. (This is in IDEA 10.5, but I know Copy Path has been there a long time.)