RESTful for Axon Repositories - spring-data-rest

PROBLEM: Application uses Axon Framework and org.axonframework.eventsourcing.EventSourcingRepository and building _links in HAL format is needed in responses.
RESEARCH: Can be tuned with Spring Hateoas, but a lot requires to be handcoded in rest-controller. Spring Data REST offers autogeneration of links with an only annotation on CRUD repository. The project is not RDBS & JPA-based, so Spring Data REST is not an option.
QUESTION: Does Axon offer any RESTful solutions from the box, or is there a better autoconfigured alternative to Spring HATEOAS?

Gotcha, so you are essentially looking to expose a service's capabilities when it comes to which commands can be handled by a given Command Handling Component, disregarding whether that component is an Aggregate or an External Command Handler.
Note, that interaction between a component which dispatches commands and one which handles them resides within the CommandBus. When an Axon application starts up, it's the CommandBus which receives all the registrations for known command handlers.
That way, the CommandBus provides the location transparency for this part of the application. And it's location transparency which provides clear and cleanly segregated components; essentially what will help you to take an evolutionary microservices approach (as AxonIQ describes here).
I'd thus argue the necessity of sharing all known command handlers on a given service/aggregate through REST.
Regardless, whether it makes sense is always a question of "it depends". I for one have created a means to share the known commands a service could handle as JSON schema, as you can see here in a sample project I helped built between AxonIQ and Pivotal.
So, to come round to your question:
QUESTION: Does Axon offer any RESTful solutions from the box, or is there a better autoconfigured alternative to Spring HATEOAS?
No, Axon does not provide something like this out of the box, as it expect you use the CommandBus for communication. I do know you might need a starting point somewhere, for which REST makes sense, but even then exposing all known commands can be regarded as exposing your internal domain to the outside world. In the majority of scenarios, that would be undesirable, but as stated this highly "depends" on your use case.


Should a REST API reflect server-side application architecture

I'm in the middle of writing my first web app. Just wondering how the conventions are when it comes to REST API designs. Is it better to have it reflect my server side architecture or whatever seems to be easier to reason about?
I'm thinking of either doing:
My server side architecture are all separated into modules organized by service providers, however they all expose a product query API.
APIs ideally should be designed to make most sense for its consumer. There isn't really a good reason to reflect your "server architecture" at all. In fact, it's what's usually called a leaky abstraction or a leaky API and is considered bad practice, mainly because your application structure may change and then you have these possible scenarios:
you need to change your API, which is a non-trivial task when it's already being used by someone;
your API stops being reflective of your application structure which leads to inconsistencies;
exposing your application structure or database schema to the world may have security implications.
With these things in mind, you might as well design the API with focus on ease of use in the first place. The consumer of your API doesn't need to know or care about your application architecture.
I believe that keeping on the same architecture is important because you're forced to offer simple API and it will enforce you a simplified architecture on the server side.
That said, of course that you don't want to expose any server side method or even every server side property of the returned objects.
In Kaltura we also believe in flat (not nested) paths to simplify the API.
For more guidelines, see my blog:

Service vs Controller vs Provider naming conventions

As i grow in my professional career i consider naming conventions very important. I noticed that people throw around controller, LibraryController, service, LibraryService, and provider, LibraryProvider and use them somewhat interchangeable. Is there any specific reasoning to use one vs the other?
If there are websites that have more concrete definitions that would be great.
In Java Spring, Spring Boot and also .NET you would have:
Repository: persist data in the database and perform SQL queries.
Service: contain most of the business logic
Controller: define REST endpoints, which contains as little logic as possible.
Conceptually this means that the WHAT (functional) is separated from the HOW (technical) as much as possible. The services try to stay technologically neutral. By contrast a controller only wants to define an external contract for communication. And finally the repository only wants to facilitate the access to the database.
Organizing your code in this way keeps the business logic short, clean and maintainable. Unfortunately it is not always easy to keep them separated. e.g. It is tempting to pollute or enrich your objects with meta-data in the form of decorators/annotations. (e.g. database column name and data type).
Some developers don't see harm in this and get away with it. Others keep their objects strictly separated and define multiple sets of objects.
The objects for the database are often referred to as "entities" or "models".
For a REST controller they are often referred to as DTOs which stands for data-transfer-object.
Having multiple objects means that you need Mappers to convert one type of object to another. Some frameworks can do this for you (e.g. MapStruct).
It would be easy to claim that strictness is always a good thing, but it can slow you down. It's okay to strike a balance.
In Node.js, the concepts of controllers and services are identical. However the term Repository isn't used very often. Instead, they would call that a Provider or sometimes they would just generalize Repositories as a kind of Service.
NestJS has stronger opinions about this (which can be a good thing). The naming conventions of NestJS (a Node.js framework) are strongly influenced by the naming conventions of Angular, which is of course a totally different kind of framework (front-end).
(For completeness, in Angular, a Provider is actually just something that can be injected as a dependency. Most providers are Services, but not necessarily. (It could be a Guard or even a Module. A Module would be more like a set of tools/driver or a connector.)
PS: Anyway, the usage of the term Module is a bit confusing because there also are "ES6 modules", which is a totally different thing.)
ES6 and more modern version of javascript (including typescript) are extremely powerful when it comes to (de)constructing objects. And that makes mappers unnecessary.
Having said that, most Node.js and Angular developers prefer to use typescript these days, which has more features than java or C# when it comes to defining types.
So, all these frameworks are influencing each other. And they pretty much all agree on what a Controller and a Service is. It's mostly the Repository and Provider words that have different meanings. It really is just a matter of conventions. If your framework has a convention, then stick to that. If there isn't one, then pick one yourself.
These terms can be synonymous with each other depending on context, which is why each framework or language creator is free to explicitly declare them as they see fit... think function/method/procedure or process/service, all pretty much the same thing but slight differences in different contexts.
Just going off formal English definitions:
Provider: a person or thing that provides something.
i.e. the provider does a service by controlling some process.
Service: the action of helping or doing work for someone.
i.e. the service is provided by controlling some work process.
Controller: a person or thing that directs or regulates something.
i.e. the controller directs something to provide a service.
These definitions are just listed to the explain how the developer looks at common English meanings when defining the terminology of a framework or language; it's not always one for one and the similarity in terminology actually provides the developer with a means of naming things that are very very similar but still are slightly different.
So for example, lets take AngularJS. Here the developers decided to use the term Controller to imply "HTML Controller", a Service to imply something like a "Quasi Class" since they are instantiated with the New keyword and a Provider is really a super-set of Service and Factory which is also similar. You could really program any application using any of them and really wouldn't lose anything much; though one might be a little better than another in certain context, I don't personally believe its worth the extra confusion... essentially they are all providers. The Angular people could have just defined factory, provider and service as a single term "provider" and then passed in modifiers for things like "static" and "void" like most languages and the exact same functionality could have been provided; this would have been my preference, however I've learned not to fight the conventions and terminology of the frameworks your working no matter how strongly you disagree.
Looking myself too for a more meaningful name than Provider :)
And found this useful post
Old dev here that stumbled on this. My opinion and how I’ve seen it used over the last 20 years shows that it varies by language but the Java C# crowd mostly uses them as follows.
A service handles business logic and deals with domain objects. You find services in controllers and other services.
A repository does NOT handle business logic, but instead acts like a pool of domain objects (with helper methods for finding or persisting them. Services often contain repositories. Repositories often contain a context and are responsible for mapping from infrastructure shaped data to domain shaped data if the definitions have drifted apart. Controllers also often contain repositories for crud endpoints.
A context handles infrastructure the domain owns. Most often this is a database, but context means that anything that touches this data does so through (in) this context. A context returns infrastructure shaped data. A repository often contains a context. Context directly in services is sometimes appropriate. Context in controller is a hard no.
A provider provides access to infrastructure some other app owns. Most often these are rest apis, but can also be kafka streams or rpc classes that read data from or push data to someone else. If the source of truth for some of your domain objects fields changes you will probably see a provider next to a context in your repository, and your repository handles insulating the rest of your code from that change. Providers that provide rpc functionality are often found in services. In micro services or gateways or vertical slice architecture you sometimes see providers directly in controllers.
One old guy’s opinion but I hope it helps.

Service oriented vs API oriented

I've seen several questions revolving around that theme on SO, but no answer that really satisfies me.
I'm trying to put words on things I feel without always being able to express them clearly enough to convince people around me. Might be that I'm wrong. Might be that my understanding is not deep enough to find proper arguments.
How would you contrast developing applications according to a "service oriented approach" instead of a "traditional" API approach?
Let's be totally clear here that, by services, I don't necessarily mean Web Services.
Here are some differences I see. Please correct me if I'm wrong:
a service is a "living thing" that you can talk to, according to a given and explicit protocol. A service has its own runtime while a library uses the runtime of your application. You can move that "living thing" wherever you want
a library allows code-based integration, while services traditionally use a message-based integration (however, nothing really prevents you to write a library based on exchanging messages)
services are discoverable
contracts are explicit and expressed "outside" the running code
services are autonomous (but here again, you could write autonomous APIs, couldn't you?)
boundaries are explicit
What am I missing here? What else really distinguishes services from a high-level API?
Service oriented architecture implies that the exposed interface does not live on the same host where the client runs and the service is completely decoupled from the client code (loose coupling). You can easily call an API by loading the necessary library and executing your code, on the same node. Rather than defining the API, service oriented architecture is focusing on the functionality, many times you can access the same feature using different protocols.
I would go for the loose code coupling if there was anything which would distinguish SOA and AOA.
You have covered most important points. I would add one :
Usually, a Service is stateless. Each Service request is independent. This is in contrast to a library interface where you may make certain calls in a sequence to get the desired result.

Boiler plate for WCF project, versioning anticipated

I'm starting to find myself getting more and more in to using WCF for projects I implement for internal use (automating company tasks, making sure all clients are on the same page, etc.) This is largely due to the 3-10 clients I am automating at once whenever I do implement a solution, and (even if it was a small sample) the company is growing which continually adds more clients in the pool and thus a higher demand for reliability/consistency. With that said, I'm recognizing how important it is to make sure I make things expandable as (previously) pushing a release was getting harder the more clients I have depending on the service.
My latest project has a potential of being externalized. Until now I've done it the way I know works, but I'd still like to travel down the "right" path in terms of future updates. How should I be setting up my project file to make this as easy and seamless as possible to keep maintained, up-to-date and expansive? Should I be placing version numbers in to the namespace (as in Company.Interfaces.Contracts.June2011.IMyService), using pseudo folders, ...?
I just don't feel confident in this aspect of moving forward. I'd like to know that whatever ground work I have in place now won't place burdens on future expansion/customizing later. I'd also like to stick to the "development norm" as much as possible as it's getting more plausible that we'll hire additional programmers to help the work load.
Does anyone with this kind of experience have any thoughts, suggestions, guidance in this field? I would really appreciate any examples, books, documentation, etc. that you can provide.
Update (06-17-2011)
To give some insight, I'm also looking for some specific questions. These include:
How do you decorate a service class vs a DTO in terms of namespace? I've seen used on the Service class itself & used on the DTOs. Is this common? (Separate the namespace in to a type and service collection?)
Should I be implementing IExtensibleDataObject on all my objects on the basis that they could potentially be evolved in future released? (Lay the ground work out now)
If my database has constraints on it for (e.g.) string length, I should be extending IParameterInspector and using that method for validity (keeping logic and validation separate), correct?
Should the "actual service" be broken out in to its own class so, as I version, the Service Contract classes just call the code (keeping each new version release with an minimal code as possible?) Or should I keep it within the service class and inherit from it with any new methods (likewise, what happens should you remove a method?)
I'm sorry if I have a lot of questions, I just see two ends of the spectrum in documentation. I see "Setting up wcf" then directly to "this is a versioned WCF"--no segue/steps between. I'm assuming it's going to just "click" once I get enough information, but I'm (sadly) not there yet.
When you start writing a WCF service that you know is going to hit several iterations, how do you setup your project(s) to make it as easy as possible in the future (on yourself and teammates)?
I have had success using a "strict" versioning policy (it seems from past experience you are heading in this direction anyway) where you simply create new endpoint/s each time a new definition is released. This means you won't have any contract backwards compatibility concerns for legacy clients - older versions can easily be turned off once logging indicates all clients have upgraded. It is generally necessary however to write bridging code for any legacy endpoint/s so they can continue to call into the modified business logic.
In terms of project organisation, I would create a new project for each version so they can easily be deployed separately. Namespaces using v1, v2 are normally works well enough. The endpoint names can also include a version number which should easily distinguish them from each other.
Alternately you could try using a "lax" versioning policy where you can have the ability to add or remove data members by implementing the IExtensibleDataObject interface in all your services. Some useful MSDN article links can be found in a popular response to a similar question: WCF client's and versioning.
Another "lax" kind of option is to move more towards a messaging solution (which WCF can support through message contracts and/or the MSMQ binding). Here podcast by SOA guru Udi Dahan that provides an interesting perspective and is definitely worth a listen - there is no IDog2.
Finally here is a good blog post with some further more fine-grained guidelines on whichever strategy you end up using:

Do you use AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) in production software?

AOP is an interesting programming paradigm in my opinion. However, there haven't been discussions about it yet here on stackoverflow (at least I couldn't find them). What do you think about it in general? Do you use AOP in your projects? Or do you think it's rather a niche technology that won't be around for a long time or won't make it into the mainstream (like OOP did, at least in theory ;))?
If you do use AOP then please let us know which tools you use as well. Thanks!
Python supports AOP by letting you dynamically modify its classes at runtime (which in Python is typically called monkeypatching rather than AOP). Here are some of my AOP use cases:
I have a website in which every page is generated by a Python function. I'd like to take a class and make all of the webpages generated by that class password-protected. AOP comes to the rescue; before each function is called, I do the appropriate session checking and redirect if necessary.
I'd like to do some logging and profiling on a bunch of functions in my program during its actual usage. AOP lets me calculate timing and print data to log files without actually modifying any of these functions.
I have a module or class full of non-thread-safe functions and I find myself using it in some multi-threaded code. Some AOP adds locking around these function calls without having to go into the library and change anything.
This kind of thing doesn't come up very often, but whenever it does, monkeypatching is VERY useful. Python also has decorators which implement the Decorator design pattern ( to accomplish similar things.
Note that dynamically modifying classes can also let you work around bugs or add features to a third-party library without actually having to modify that library. I almost never need to do this, but the few times it's come up it's been incredibly useful.
Orthogonal concerns, like security, are best done with AOP-style interception. Whether that is done automatically (through something like a dependency injection container) or manually is unimportant to the end goal.
One example: the "before/after" attributes in (an open source project I run) are a form of AOP-style method interception. You decorate your test methods with these attributes, and just before and after that test method runs, your code is called. It can be used for things like setting up a database and rolling back the results, changing the security context in which the test runs, etc.
Another example: the filter attributes in ASP.NET MVC also act like specialized AOP-style method interceptors. One, for instance, allows you to say how unhandled errors should be treated, if they happen in your action method.
Many dependency injection containers, including Castle Windsor and Unity, support this behavior either "in the box" or through the use of extensions.
I don't understand how one can handle cross-cutting concerns like logging, security, transaction management, exception-handling in a clean fashion without using AOP.
Anyone using the Spring framework (probably about 50% of Java enterprise developers) is using AOP whether they know it or not.
At Terracotta we use AOP and bytecode instrumentation pretty extensively to integrate with and instrument third-party software. For example, our Spring intergration is accomplished in large part by using aspectwerkz. In a nutshell, we need to intercept calls to Spring beans and bean factories at various points in order to cluster them.
So AOP can be useful for integrating with third party code that can't otherwise be modified. However, we've found there is a huge pitfall - if possible, only use the third party public API in your join points, otherwise you risk having your code broken by a change to some private method in the next minor release, and it becomes a maintenance nightmare.
AOP and transaction demarcation is a match made in heaven. We use Spring AOP #Transaction annotations, it makes for easier and more intuitive tx-demarcation than I've ever seen anywhere else.
We used aspectJ in one of my big projects for quite some time. The project was made up of several web services, each with several functions, which was the front end for a complicated document processing/querying system. Somewhere around 75k lines of code. We used aspects for two relatively minor pieces of functionality.
First was tracing application flow. We created an aspect that ran before and after each function call to print out "entered 'function'" and "exited 'function'". With the function selector thing (pointcut maybe? I don't remember the right name) we were able to use this as a debugging tool, selecting only functions that we wanted to trace at a given time. This was a really nice use for aspects in our project.
The second thing we did was application specific metrics. We put aspects around our web service methods to capture timing, object information, etc. and dump the results in a database. This was nice because we could capture this information, but still keep all of that capture code separate from the "real" code that did the work.
I've read about some nice solutions that aspects can bring to the table, but I'm still not convinced that they can really do anything that you couldn't do (maybe better) with "normal" technology. For example, I couldn't think of any major feature or functionality that any of our projects needed that couldn't be done just as easily without aspects - where I've found aspects useful are the kind of minor things that I've mentioned.
I use AOP heavily in my C# applications. I'm not a huge fan of having to use Attributes, so I used Castle DynamicProxy and Boo to apply aspects at runtime without polluting my code
We use AOP in our session facade to provide a consistent framework for our customers to customize our application. This allows us to expose a single point of customization without having to add manual hook support in for each method.
Additionally, AOP provides a single point of configuration for additional transaction setup and teardown, and the usual logging things. All told, much more maintainable than doing all of this by hand.
The main application I work on includes a script host. AOP allows the host to examine the properties of a script before deciding whether or not to load the script into the Application Domain. Since some of the scripts are quite cumbersome, this makes for much faster loading at run-time.
We also use and plan to use a significant number of attributes for things like compiler control, flow control and in-IDE debugging, which do not need to be part of the final distributed application.
We use PostSharp for our AOP solution. We have caching, error handling, and database retry aspects that we currently use and are in the process of making our security checks an Aspect.
Works great for us. Developers really do like the separation of concerns. The Architects really like having the platform level logic consolidated in one location.
The PostSharp library is a post compiler that does the injection of the code. It has a library of pre-defined intercepts that are brain dead easy to implement. It feels like wiring in event handlers.
Yes, we do use AOP in application programming . I preferably use AspectJ for integrating aop in my Spring applications. Have a look at this article for getting a broader prospective for the same.