Workflow always results in "Nothing to do" even when forcing rules - snakemake

So as the title says I can't bring my workflow to execute anything, except the all rule...
When Executing the all rule it correctly finds all the input files, so the configfile is okay, every path is correct.
when trying to run without additional tags I get
Building DAG of jobs...
Checking status of 0 jobs.
Nothing to be done
Things I tried:
-f rcorrector -> only all rule
filenameR1.fcor_val1.fq -> MissingRuleException (No Typos)
--forceall -> only all rule
Some more fiddling I can't formulate clearly
please Help
from os import path
RNA_DIR = config["RAW_RNA_DIR"]
FILES = glob_wildcards(path.join(RNA_DIR, '{sample}R1.fastq.gz')).sample
rule all:
r1=expand(path.join(RNA_DIR, '{sample}R1.fastq.gz'), sample=FILES),
r2=expand(path.join(RNA_DIR, '{sample}R2.fastq.gz'), sample=FILES)
rule rcorrector:
r1=path.join(RNA_DIR, '{sample}R1.fastq.gz'),
r2=path.join(RNA_DIR, '{sample}R2.fastq.gz')
o1=path.join(RESULT_DIR, 'trimmed_reads/corrected/{sample}R1.cor.fq'),
o2=path.join(RESULT_DIR, 'trimmed_reads/corrected/{sample}R2.cor.fq')
#group: "cleaning"
threads: 8
params: "-t {threads}"
rule FilterUncorrectabledPEfastq:
r1=path.join(RESULT_DIR, 'trimmed_reads/corrected/{sample}R1.cor.fq'),
r2=path.join(RESULT_DIR, 'trimmed_reads/corrected/{sample}R2.cor.fq')
o1=path.join(RESULT_DIR, "trimmed_reads/filtered/{sample}R1.fcor.fq"),
o2=path.join(RESULT_DIR, "trimmed_reads/filtered/{sample}R2.fcor.fq")
#group: "cleaning"
#TODO: load as module
rule trim_galore:
r1=path.join(RESULT_DIR, "trimmed_reads/filtered/{sample}R1.fcor.fq"),
r2=path.join(RESULT_DIR, "trimmed_reads/filtered/{sample}R2.fcor.fq")
o1=path.join(RESULT_DIR, "trimmed_reads/{sample}.fcor_val1.fq"),
o2=path.join(RESULT_DIR, "trimmed_reads/{sample}.fcor_val2.fq")
threads: 8
#group: "cleaning"
"--paired --retain_unpaired --phred33 --length 36 -q 5 --stringency 1 -e 0.1 -j {threads}"

In snakemake, you define final output files of the pipeline as target files and define them as inputs in first rule of the pipeline. This rule is traditionally named as all (more recently as targets in snakemake doc).
In your code, rule all specifies input files of the pipeline, which already exists, and therefore snakemake doesn't see anything to do. It just instead needs to specify output files of interest from the pipeline.
rule all:
expand(path.join(RESULT_DIR, "trimmed_reads/{sample}.fcor_val{read}.fq"), sample=FILES, read=[1,2]),
Why your attempted methods didn't work?
-f not working:
As per doc:
--force, -f
Force the execution of the selected target or the first rule regardless of already created output.
Default: False
In your code, this means rule all, which doesn't have output defined, and therefore nothing happened.
This doesn't match output of any of the rules and therefore the error MissingRuleException.
Same reasoning as that for -f flag in your case.
--forceall, -F
Force the execution of the selected (or the first) rule and all rules it is dependent on regardless of already created output.
Default: False


snakemake - Missing input files for rule all

I am trying to create a pipeline that will take a user-configured directory in config.yml (where they have downloaded a project directory of .fastq.gz files from BaseSpace), to run fastqc on sequence files. I already have the downstream steps of merging the fastqs by lane and running fastqc on the merged files.
However, the wildcards are giving me problems running fastqc on the original basespace files. The following is my error when I try running snakemake.
Missing input files for rule all:
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Below is minimal code to reproduce this problem.
import glob
configfile: "config.yaml"
bsdir = '\w+_L\d+_ds.\w+',
lanenum = '\d+'
DIRECTORY, SAMPLES, LANENUMS = glob_wildcards(inputdirectory+"/{bsdir}/{sample}_L{lanenum}_R1_001.fastq.gz")
DIRECTORY, SAMPLES, LANENUMS = glob_wildcards(inputdirectory+"/{bsdir}/{sample}_L{lanenum}_R2_001.fastq.gz")
##### target rules #####
rule all:
#expand('qc/fastqc_premerge/{sample}_L{lanenum}_{bsdir}', sample=SAMPLES, bsdir=DIRECTORY, lanenum=LANENUMS)
expand('qc/fastqc_premerge/{sample}_L{lanenum}_{bsdir}', zip, sample=SAMPLES, bsdir=DIRECTORY, lanenum=LANENUMS) ##Changed to this from commenters suggestion, however, snakemake still wont run
rule fastqc_premerge_r1:
zip="qc/fastqc_premerge/{sample}_L{lanenum}_{bsdir}" # the suffix is necessary for multiqc to find the file. If not using multiqc, you are free to choose an arbitrary filename
params: ""
threads: 1
Directory structure:
In this above case, I would like to run fastqc on all 6 input R1/R2 files, then downstream, create a merged file for DEX_13_S9 (for the two inputs to merge) and BOMB-3_2_19D (which will be a copy of the 1 input). Then create 4 fastqc reports on these resulting R1 and R2 files.
EDIT: I had to change the following to get snakemake to run
PROJECTDIR, RANDOMINT, LANENUM1, BSSTRINGS, SAMPLES, LANENUMS = glob_wildcards(inputdirectory+"/{proj}-{randint}_L{lanenum1}_ds.{bsstring}/{sample}_L{lanenum}_R1_001.fastq.gz", followlinks=True)
PROJECTDIR, RANDOMINT, LANENUM1, BSSTRINGS, SAMPLES, LANENUMS = glob_wildcards(inputdirectory+"/{proj}-{randint}_L{lanenum1}_ds.{bsstring}/{sample}_L{lanenum}_R2_001.fastq.gz", followlinks=True)
##### target rules #####
rule all:
rule fastqc_premerge_r1:
zip="qc/fastqc_premerge/{sample}_L{lanenum}_{proj}-{randint}_L{lanenum1}_ds.{bsstring}" # the suffix is necessary for multiqc
params: ""
threads: 1
rule fastqc_premerge_r2:
zip="qc/fastqc_premerge/{sample}_L{lanenum}_{proj}-{randint}_L{lanenum1}_ds.{bsstring}" # the suffix is necessary for multiqc
params: ""
threads: 1
rule multiqc_pre:
expand("qc/fastqc_premerge/{sample}_L{lanenum}_{proj}-{randint}_L{lanenum1}_ds.{bsstring}", zip, sample=SAMPLES, lanenum=LANENUMS, proj=PROJECTDIR, randint=RANDOMINT, lanenum1=LANENUM1, bsstring=BSSTRINGS),
expand("qc/fastqc_premerge/{sample}_L{lanenum}_{proj}-{randint}_L{lanenum1}_ds.{bsstring}", zip, sample=SAMPLES, lanenum=LANENUMS, proj=PROJECTDIR, randint=RANDOMINT, lanenum1=LANENUM1, bsstring=BSSTRINGS)
In your rule all you have:
expand('qc/fastqc_premerge/{sample}_L{lanenum}_{bsdir}', sample=SAMPLES, bsdir=DIRECTORY, lanenum=LANENUMS)
This should generate all combinations of SAMPLES, DIRECTORY, and LANENUMS. Is this what you want? I suspect not since it means that all samples are in all directories and they are on all lanes. Maybe you want the zip function to expand the list:
expand('qc/fastqc_premerge/{sample}_L{lanenum}_{bsdir}', zip, sample=SAMPLES, bsdir=DIRECTORY, lanenum=LANENUMS)
It's telling you what files are missing; that's what the lines under "missing input files for rule all" are.
That being said, to answer your original question, if you do a dry run, that should tell you what the input/output files are for each planned rule you want to run (use flags -n -r) in your run command.

Snakemake running Subworkflow but not the Rest of my workflow (goes directly to rule All)

I'm a newbie in Snakemake and on StackOverflow. Don't hesitate to tell me if something is unclear or if you want any other detail.
I have written a workflow permitting to convert .BCL Illumina Base Calls files to demultiplexed .FASTQ files and to generate QC report (FastQC files). This workflow is composed of :
Subworkflow "convert_bcl_to_fastq" It creates FASTQ files in a directory named Fastq from BCL files. It must be executed before the main workflow, this is why I have chosen to use a subworkflow since my second rule depends on the generation of these FASTQ files which I don't know the names in advance. A fake file "convert_bcl_to_fastq.done" is created as an output in order to know when this subworkflow ran as espected.
Rule "generate_fastqc" It takes the FASTQ files generated thanks to the subworkflow and creates FASTQC files in a directory named FastQC.
When I try to run my workflow, I don't have any error but my workflow does not behave as expected. I only get the Subworkflow to be ran and then, the main workflow but only the Rule "all" is executed. My Rule "generate_fastqc" is not executed at all. I would like to know where I could possibly have been wrong ?
Here is what I get :
Building DAG of jobs...
Executing subworkflow convert_bcl_to_fastq.
Building DAG of jobs...
Job counts:
count jobs
1 convert_bcl_to_fastq
Processing completed with 0 errors and 1 warnings.
Touching output file convert_bcl_to_fastq.done.
Finished job 0.
1 of 1 steps (100%) done
Complete log: /path/to/my/working/directory/conversion/.snakemake/log/2020-03-12T171952.799414.snakemake.log
Executing main workflow.
Using shell: /usr/bin/bash
Provided cores: 40
Rules claiming more threads will be scaled down.
Job counts:
count jobs
1 all
localrule all:
input: /path/to/my/working/directory/conversion/convert_bcl_to_fastq.done
jobid: 0
Finished job 0.
1 of 1 steps (100%) done
And when all of my FASTQ files are generated, if I run again my workflow, this time it will execute the Rule "generate_fastqc".
Building DAG of jobs...
Executing subworkflow convert_bcl_to_fastq.
Building DAG of jobs...
Nothing to be done.
Complete log: /path/to/my/working/directory/conversion/.snakemake/log/2020-03-12T174337.605716.snakemake.log
Executing main workflow.
Using shell: /usr/bin/bash
Provided cores: 40
Rules claiming more threads will be scaled down.
Job counts:
count jobs
1 all
95 generate_fastqc
I wanted my workflow to execute itself entirely by running rule "generate_fastqc" just after the completion of the subworkflow execution but I am actually forced to execute my workflow 2 times. I thought that this workflow would work since all the files needed in the second part of the workflow will be generated thanks to the subworkflow... Do you have any idea of where I could have been wrong ?
My Code
Here is my Snakefile for the main workflow :
subworkflow convert_bcl_to_fastq:
workdir: WDIR + "conversion/"
snakefile: WDIR + "conversion/Snakefile"
SAMPLES, = glob_wildcards(FASTQ_DIR + "{sample}_R1_001.fastq.gz")
rule all:
expand(FASTQC_DIR + "{sample}_R1_001_fastqc.html", sample=SAMPLES),
expand(FASTQC_DIR + "{sample}_R2_001_fastqc.html", sample=SAMPLES)
rule generate_fastqc:
FASTQC_DIR + "{sample}_R1_001_fastqc.html",
FASTQC_DIR + "{sample}_R2_001_fastqc.html",
temp(FASTQC_DIR + "{sample}"),
temp(FASTQC_DIR + "{sample}")
"mkdir -p "+ FASTQC_DIR +" | " #Creates a FastQC directory if it is missing
"fastqc --outdir "+ FASTQC_DIR +" "+ FASTQ_DIR +"{wildcards.sample}_R1_001.fastq.gz "+ FASTQ_DIR + " {wildcards.sample}_R2_001.fastq.gz &" #Generates FASTQC files for each sample at a time
Here is my Snakefile for the subworkflow "convert_bcl_to_fastq" :
rule all:
rule convert_bcl_to_fastq:
"mkdir -p "+ FASTQ_DIR +" | " #Creates a Fastq directory if it is missing
"bcl2fastq --no-lane-splitting --runfolder-dir "+ INPUT_DIR +" --output-dir "+ FASTQ_DIR #Demultiplexes and Converts BCL files to FASTQ files
Thank you in advance for your help !
The documentation about subworkflows currently states:
When executing, snakemake first tries to create (or update, if necessary)
"test.txt" (and all other possibly mentioned dependencies) by executing the subworkflow.
Then the current workflow is executed.
In your case, the only dependency declared is "convert_bcl_to_fastq.done", which Snakemake happily produces the first time.
Snakemake usually does a one-pass parsing, and the main workflow has not been told to look for sample-files from the subworkflow. Since sample-files do not exist yet during the first execution, the main workflow gets no match in the expand() statements. No match, no work to be done :-)
When you run the main workflow the second time, it finds sample-matches in the expand() of rule all: and produces them.
Side note 1: Be happy to have noticed this. Using your code, if you actually had done changes that mandated re-run of the subworkflow, Snakemake would find an old "convert_bcl_to_fastq.done" and not re-execute the subworkflow.
Side note 2: If you want to make Snakemake be less 'one-pass' it has a rule-keyword checkpoint that can be used to re-evaluate what needs to be done as consequences of rule-execution. In your case, the checkpoint would have been rule convert_bcl_to_fastq . That would mandate the rules to be in the same logical snakefile (with include permitting multiple files though)

Snakemake shell command should only take one file at a time, but it's trying to do multiple files at once

First off, I'm sorry if I'm not explaining my problem clearly, English is not my native language.
I'm trying to make a snakemake rule that takes a fastq file and filters it with a program called Filtlong. I have multiple fastq files on which I want to run this rule and it should output a filtered file per fastq file but apparently it takes all of the fastq files as input for a single Filtlong command.
The fastq files are in separate directories and the snakemake rule should write the filtered files to separate directories aswell.
This is how my code looks right now:
from os import listdir
configfile: "config.yaml"
DATA = config["DATA"]
SAMPLES = listdir(config["RAW_DATA"])
RAW_DATA = config["RAW_DATA"]
rule all:
expand("{FILT_DIR}/{sample}/{sample}_filtered.fastq.gz", FILT_DIR=FILT_DIR, sample=SAMPLES)
rule filter_reads:
expand("{RAW_DATA}/{sample}/{sample}.fastq", sample=SAMPLES, RAW_DATA=RAW_DATA)
"filtlong --keep_percent 90 --target_bases 300000000 {input} | gzip > {output}"
And this is the config file:
The separate directories with the fastq files are in RAW_DATA and the directories with the filtered files should be in FILTERED_DIR,
When I try to run this, I get an error that looks something like this:
Error in rule filter_reads:
jobid: 30
output: all_samples/filtered_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode10/cell_18-07-19_barcode10_filtered.fastq.gz
filtlong --keep_percent 90 --target_bases 300000000 all_samples/raw_samples/cell3_barcode11/cell3_barcode11.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/barcode01/barcode01.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/barcode03/barcode03.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/barcode04/barcode04.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/barcode05/barcode05.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/barcode06/barcode06.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/barcode07/barcode07.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/barcode08/barcode08.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/barcode09/barcode09.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell3_barcode01/cell3_barcode01.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell3_barcode02/cell3_barcode02.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell3_barcode03/cell3_barcode03.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell3_barcode04/cell3_barcode04.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell3_barcode05/cell3_barcode05.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell3_barcode06/cell3_barcode06.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell3_barcode07/cell3_barcode07.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell3_barcode08/cell3_barcode08.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell3_barcode09/cell3_barcode09.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell3_barcode10/cell3_barcode10.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell3_barcode12/cell3_barcode12.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode01/cell_18-07-19_barcode01.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode02/cell_18-07-19_barcode02.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode03/cell_18-07-19_barcode03.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode04/cell_18-07-19_barcode04.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode05/cell_18-07-19_barcode05.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode06/cell_18-07-19_barcode06.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode07/cell_18-07-19_barcode07.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode08/cell_18-07-19_barcode08.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode09/cell_18-07-19_barcode09.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode10/cell_18-07-19_barcode10.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode11/cell_18-07-19_barcode11.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode12/cell_18-07-19_barcode12.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode13/cell_18-07-19_barcode13.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode14/cell_18-07-19_barcode14.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode15/cell_18-07-19_barcode15.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode16/cell_18-07-19_barcode16.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode17/cell_18-07-19_barcode17.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode18/cell_18-07-19_barcode18.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode19/cell_18-07-19_barcode19.fastq | gzip > all_samples/filtered_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode10/cell_18-07-19_barcode10_filtered.fastq.gz
(exited with non-zero exit code)
As far as I can tell, the rule takes all of the fastq files as input for a single Filtlong command, but I don't quite understand why
You shouldn't use the expand function in your input section of the filter_reads rule. What you are doing now is requiring all your samples to be the input of each filtered file: that is what you can observe in your error message.
There is another complication that you introduce out of nothing: you mix both wildcards and variables. In your example the {FILT_DIR} is just a predefined value while the {sample} is a wildcard that Snakemake uses to match the rules. Try the following (pay special attention on single/double brackets and on the formatted string (the one that has the form f"")):
rule filter_reads:
"filtlong --keep_percent 90 --target_bases 300000000 {input} | gzip > {output}"

How to stop snakemake from adding non file endings to wildcards when using expand function? (.g.vcf fails, .vcf works)

Adding .g.vcf instead of .vcf after the variable in expand rule is somehow adding the .g to a wildcard in another module
I have tried the following in the all rule :
all fail but {stuff}.gvcf or {stuff}.vcf work
InputFunctionException in line 21 of snake_modules/mark_duplicates.snakefile:
KeyError: 'Mother.g'
LANES = config["list2"].split()
rule all:
expand(projectDir+"results/alignments/variants/{stuff}.g.vcf", stuff=LANES)
rule mark_duplicates:
""" this will mark duplicates for bam files from the same sample and library """
" input=$(echo '{input}' |sed -e s'/ / I=/g') && java -jar /home/apps/pipelines/picard-tools/CURRENT MarkDuplicates I=$input O={projectDir}results/alignments/markdups/{wildcards.lane}.markdup.bam M={projectDir}results/alignments/markdups/{wildcards.lane}.markdup_metrics.txt &> {log}"
I want my final output to have the {stuff}.g.vcf notation. Please note this output is created in another snake module but the error appears in the mark duplicates which is before the other module.
I have tried multiple changes but it is the .g.vcf in the all rule that causes the issue.
My guess is that {lane} is interpreted as a regular expression and it's capturing more than it should. Try adding before rule all:
stuff= '|'.join([re.escape(x) for x in LANES]),
lane= '|'.join([re.escape(x) for x in LANES])
(See also this thread!topic/snakemake/wVlJW9X-9EU)

Can I have the output as a directory with input having wildcards in Snakemake? To get around jobs that fail and force rule order

I have a rule that runs a tool on multiple samples (some fail), I use -k option to proceed with remaining samples. However, for my next step I need to check the output of the first rule and create a single text summary file. I can not get the next rule to execute after the first rule.
I have tried various things, including rule fastQC_post having the output with wildcards. But then if I use this as input for the next rule I can't have one output file. If I use expand in the input of rule checkQC with the {sample} as the list of all samples determined at initiation this breaks as not all samples successfully reached the fastQC stage.
I really just want to be able to create the post_fastqc_reports folder in the fastQC_post rule and use this as input for my checkQC rule. OR be able to force it to run checkQC after fastQC_post has finished, but again checkpoints doesn't work as some of the jobs for fastQC_post fail.
I would like something like below: (this does not work as the output directory does not use the wildcard)
Surely there is an easier way to force rule order?
rule fastQC_post:
runs FastQC on the trimmed reads
output: directory(projectDir+batch+"post_fastqc_reports/")
p = fastqcParams,
/home/apps/pipelines/FastQC/CURRENT {params.p} -o {output} {input}
rule checkQC:
input: rules.parse_sampleFile.output[0],rules.parse_sampleFile.output[1], rules.parse_sampleFile.output[2], directory(projectDir+batch+"post_fastqc_reports/")
, projectDir+"summaries/"+batch+"_listForFastqc.txt"
, projectDir+"summaries/"+batch+"_trimmingResults.txt"
, projectDir+"summaries/"+batch+"_summary_fq.txt"
python python_scripts/ --input_file {log} --output {output[1]} {batchCmd}
python python_scripts/ --list_file {input[0]} --single {input[1]} --pair {input[2]} --log {log} --output {output[0]} --trimDir {trimDir} --sampleFile \
{input[3]} {batchCmd}
With the above I get the error that not all output and log contain same wildcard as input for the fastqc_post rule.
I just want to be able to run my checkQC rule after my fastqc_post rule (regardless of failures of jobs in the fastqc_post rule)