Can I have the output as a directory with input having wildcards in Snakemake? To get around jobs that fail and force rule order - snakemake

I have a rule that runs a tool on multiple samples (some fail), I use -k option to proceed with remaining samples. However, for my next step I need to check the output of the first rule and create a single text summary file. I can not get the next rule to execute after the first rule.
I have tried various things, including rule fastQC_post having the output with wildcards. But then if I use this as input for the next rule I can't have one output file. If I use expand in the input of rule checkQC with the {sample} as the list of all samples determined at initiation this breaks as not all samples successfully reached the fastQC stage.
I really just want to be able to create the post_fastqc_reports folder in the fastQC_post rule and use this as input for my checkQC rule. OR be able to force it to run checkQC after fastQC_post has finished, but again checkpoints doesn't work as some of the jobs for fastQC_post fail.
I would like something like below: (this does not work as the output directory does not use the wildcard)
Surely there is an easier way to force rule order?
rule fastQC_post:
runs FastQC on the trimmed reads
output: directory(projectDir+batch+"post_fastqc_reports/")
p = fastqcParams,
/home/apps/pipelines/FastQC/CURRENT {params.p} -o {output} {input}
rule checkQC:
input: rules.parse_sampleFile.output[0],rules.parse_sampleFile.output[1], rules.parse_sampleFile.output[2], directory(projectDir+batch+"post_fastqc_reports/")
, projectDir+"summaries/"+batch+"_listForFastqc.txt"
, projectDir+"summaries/"+batch+"_trimmingResults.txt"
, projectDir+"summaries/"+batch+"_summary_fq.txt"
python python_scripts/ --input_file {log} --output {output[1]} {batchCmd}
python python_scripts/ --list_file {input[0]} --single {input[1]} --pair {input[2]} --log {log} --output {output[0]} --trimDir {trimDir} --sampleFile \
{input[3]} {batchCmd}
With the above I get the error that not all output and log contain same wildcard as input for the fastqc_post rule.
I just want to be able to run my checkQC rule after my fastqc_post rule (regardless of failures of jobs in the fastqc_post rule)


How does snakemake handle possible corruptions due to a rule run in parallel simultaneously appending to a single file?

I would like to learn how snakemake handles following situations, and what is the best practice avoid collisions/corruptions.
rule something:
expand("/path/to/out-{asd}.txt", asd=LIST)
"cat {input} >> {output}"
With snakemake -j10 the command will try to append to the same file simultaneously, and I could not figure out if this could lead to possible corruptions or if this is already handled.
Also, how are more complicated cases handled e.g. where it is not only cat but a return value of another process based on input value being appended to the same file? Is the best practice first writing them to individual files then catting them together?
rule get_merged_total_distinct:
RCT=$(samtools view -#4 -c -F1 -F4 -q 30 {params.with_dups})
RCD=$(samtools view -#4 -c -F1 -F4 -q 30 {input})
printf "{wildcards.tomerge},${{RCT}},${{RCD}}\n" >> {output}
or cases where an external script is being called to print the result to a single output file?
expand("infile/{x}",...) # expanded as above
bash {params.x} {input} {params.y} >> {output}
With your example, the shell directive will expand to
cat /path/to/out-SAMPLE1.txt /path/to/out-SAMPLE2.txt [...] >> /path/to/merged.txt
where SAMPLE1, etc, comes from the LIST. In this case, there is no collision, corruption, or race conditions. One thread will run that command as if you typed it on your shell and all inputs will get cated to the output. Since snakemake is pull based, once the output exists that rule will only run again if the inputs change at which points the new inputs will be added to the old due to using >>. As such, I would recommend using > so the old contents are removed; rules should be deterministic where possible.
Now, if you had done something like
rule something:
"cat {input} >> {params.output}"
# then invoke
snakemake -j10 /path/to/merged-{a..z}.txt
Things are more messy. Snakemake will launch all 10 jobs and output to the single merged.txt. Note that file is now a parameter and we are targeting some dummy files. This will behave as if you had 10 different shells and executed the commands
cat /path/to/out-a.txt >> /path/to/merged.txt
# ...
cat /path/to/out-z.txt >> /path/to/merged.txt
all at once. The output will have a random order and lines may be interleaved or interrupted.
As some guidance
Try to make outputs deterministic. Given the same inputs you should always produce the same outputs. If possible, set random seeds and enforce input ordering. In the second example, you have no idea what the output will be.
Don't use the append operator. This follows from the first point. If the output already exists and needs to be updated, start from scratch.
If you need to append a bunch of outputs, say log files or to create a summary, do so in a separate rule. This again follows from the first point, but it's the only reason I can think of to use append.
Hope that helps. Otherwise you can comment or edit with a more realistic example of what you are worried about.

Snakemake: MissingInputException with inconsistent naming scheme

I am trying to process MinION cDNA amplicons using Porechop with Minimap2 and I am getting this error.
MissingInputException in line 16 of /home/sean/Desktop/reo/antisera project/20200813/MinIONAmplicon.smk:
Missing input files for rule minimap2:
I understand what the error telling me, I just understand why its being its not trying to make the rule before it. Porechop is being used to check for all the possible barcodes and will output more than one fastq file if it finds more than barcode in the directory. However since I know what barcode I am looking for I made a barcodes section in the config.yaml file so I can map them together.
I think the error is happening because my target output for Porechop doesn't match the input for minimap2 but I do not know how to correct this problem as there can be multiple outputs from porechop.
I thought I was building a path for the input file for the minimap2 rule and when snakemake discovered that the porechop output was not there it would make it, but that is not what is happening.
Here is my pipeline so far,
configfile: "config.yaml"
rule all:
expand("{sample}.bam", sample = config["samples"])
rule porechop_strict:
lambda wildcards: config["samples"][wildcards.sample]
"porechop -i {input} -b {output} --barcode_threshold 85 --threads 8 --require_two_barcodes"
rule minimap2:
lambda wildcards: "{sample}_strict/" + config["barcodes"][wildcards.sample]
"minimap2 -ax map-ont -t8 ../concensus.fasta {input} | samtools sort -o {output}"
and the yaml file
samples: {
'8413_19': relabeled_reads/8413_19.raw.fastq.gz,
'8417_19': relabeled_reads/8417_19.raw.fastq.gz,
'8445_19': relabeled_reads/8445_19.raw.fastq.gz,
'8466_19_104': relabeled_reads/8466_19_104.raw.fastq.gz,
'8466_19_105': relabeled_reads/8466_19_105.raw.fastq.gz,
'8467_20': relabeled_reads/8467_20.raw.fastq.gz,
barcodes: {
'8413_19': BC01.fastq.gz,
'8417_19': BC02.fastq.gz,
'8445_19': BC03.fastq.gz,
'8466_19_104': BC04.fastq.gz,
'8466_19_105': BC05.fastq.gz,
'8467_20': BC06.fastq.gz,
First of all, you can always debug the problems like that specifying the flag --printshellcmds. That would print all shell commands that Snakemake runs under the hood; you may try to run them manually and locate the problem.
As for why your rule doesn't produce any output, my guess is that samtools requires explicit filenames or - to use stdin:
Samtools is designed to work on a stream. It regards an input file '-'
as the standard input (stdin) and an output file '-' as the standard
output (stdout). Several commands can thus be combined with Unix
pipes. Samtools always output warning and error messages to the
standard error output (stderr).
So try that:
"minimap2 -ax map-ont -t8 ../concensus.fasta {input} | samtools sort -o {output} -"
So I am not 100% sure why this way works, I imagine it has to do with the way snakemake looks at the targets however here is the solution I found for it.
rule minimap2:
suffix=lambda wildcards: config["barcodes"][wildcards.sample]
"minimap2 -ax map-ont -t8 ../consensus.fasta\
{input}/{params.suffix} | samtools sort -o {output}"
by using the params feature in snakemake I was able to match up the correct barcode to the sample name. I am not sure why I could just do that as the input itself, but when I returned the input to the match the output of the previous rule it works.

Workflow always results in "Nothing to do" even when forcing rules

So as the title says I can't bring my workflow to execute anything, except the all rule...
When Executing the all rule it correctly finds all the input files, so the configfile is okay, every path is correct.
when trying to run without additional tags I get
Building DAG of jobs...
Checking status of 0 jobs.
Nothing to be done
Things I tried:
-f rcorrector -> only all rule
filenameR1.fcor_val1.fq -> MissingRuleException (No Typos)
--forceall -> only all rule
Some more fiddling I can't formulate clearly
please Help
from os import path
RNA_DIR = config["RAW_RNA_DIR"]
FILES = glob_wildcards(path.join(RNA_DIR, '{sample}R1.fastq.gz')).sample
rule all:
r1=expand(path.join(RNA_DIR, '{sample}R1.fastq.gz'), sample=FILES),
r2=expand(path.join(RNA_DIR, '{sample}R2.fastq.gz'), sample=FILES)
rule rcorrector:
r1=path.join(RNA_DIR, '{sample}R1.fastq.gz'),
r2=path.join(RNA_DIR, '{sample}R2.fastq.gz')
o1=path.join(RESULT_DIR, 'trimmed_reads/corrected/{sample}R1.cor.fq'),
o2=path.join(RESULT_DIR, 'trimmed_reads/corrected/{sample}R2.cor.fq')
#group: "cleaning"
threads: 8
params: "-t {threads}"
rule FilterUncorrectabledPEfastq:
r1=path.join(RESULT_DIR, 'trimmed_reads/corrected/{sample}R1.cor.fq'),
r2=path.join(RESULT_DIR, 'trimmed_reads/corrected/{sample}R2.cor.fq')
o1=path.join(RESULT_DIR, "trimmed_reads/filtered/{sample}R1.fcor.fq"),
o2=path.join(RESULT_DIR, "trimmed_reads/filtered/{sample}R2.fcor.fq")
#group: "cleaning"
#TODO: load as module
rule trim_galore:
r1=path.join(RESULT_DIR, "trimmed_reads/filtered/{sample}R1.fcor.fq"),
r2=path.join(RESULT_DIR, "trimmed_reads/filtered/{sample}R2.fcor.fq")
o1=path.join(RESULT_DIR, "trimmed_reads/{sample}.fcor_val1.fq"),
o2=path.join(RESULT_DIR, "trimmed_reads/{sample}.fcor_val2.fq")
threads: 8
#group: "cleaning"
"--paired --retain_unpaired --phred33 --length 36 -q 5 --stringency 1 -e 0.1 -j {threads}"
In snakemake, you define final output files of the pipeline as target files and define them as inputs in first rule of the pipeline. This rule is traditionally named as all (more recently as targets in snakemake doc).
In your code, rule all specifies input files of the pipeline, which already exists, and therefore snakemake doesn't see anything to do. It just instead needs to specify output files of interest from the pipeline.
rule all:
expand(path.join(RESULT_DIR, "trimmed_reads/{sample}.fcor_val{read}.fq"), sample=FILES, read=[1,2]),
Why your attempted methods didn't work?
-f not working:
As per doc:
--force, -f
Force the execution of the selected target or the first rule regardless of already created output.
Default: False
In your code, this means rule all, which doesn't have output defined, and therefore nothing happened.
This doesn't match output of any of the rules and therefore the error MissingRuleException.
Same reasoning as that for -f flag in your case.
--forceall, -F
Force the execution of the selected (or the first) rule and all rules it is dependent on regardless of already created output.
Default: False

Snakemake shell command should only take one file at a time, but it's trying to do multiple files at once

First off, I'm sorry if I'm not explaining my problem clearly, English is not my native language.
I'm trying to make a snakemake rule that takes a fastq file and filters it with a program called Filtlong. I have multiple fastq files on which I want to run this rule and it should output a filtered file per fastq file but apparently it takes all of the fastq files as input for a single Filtlong command.
The fastq files are in separate directories and the snakemake rule should write the filtered files to separate directories aswell.
This is how my code looks right now:
from os import listdir
configfile: "config.yaml"
DATA = config["DATA"]
SAMPLES = listdir(config["RAW_DATA"])
RAW_DATA = config["RAW_DATA"]
rule all:
expand("{FILT_DIR}/{sample}/{sample}_filtered.fastq.gz", FILT_DIR=FILT_DIR, sample=SAMPLES)
rule filter_reads:
expand("{RAW_DATA}/{sample}/{sample}.fastq", sample=SAMPLES, RAW_DATA=RAW_DATA)
"filtlong --keep_percent 90 --target_bases 300000000 {input} | gzip > {output}"
And this is the config file:
The separate directories with the fastq files are in RAW_DATA and the directories with the filtered files should be in FILTERED_DIR,
When I try to run this, I get an error that looks something like this:
Error in rule filter_reads:
jobid: 30
output: all_samples/filtered_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode10/cell_18-07-19_barcode10_filtered.fastq.gz
filtlong --keep_percent 90 --target_bases 300000000 all_samples/raw_samples/cell3_barcode11/cell3_barcode11.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/barcode01/barcode01.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/barcode03/barcode03.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/barcode04/barcode04.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/barcode05/barcode05.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/barcode06/barcode06.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/barcode07/barcode07.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/barcode08/barcode08.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/barcode09/barcode09.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell3_barcode01/cell3_barcode01.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell3_barcode02/cell3_barcode02.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell3_barcode03/cell3_barcode03.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell3_barcode04/cell3_barcode04.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell3_barcode05/cell3_barcode05.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell3_barcode06/cell3_barcode06.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell3_barcode07/cell3_barcode07.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell3_barcode08/cell3_barcode08.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell3_barcode09/cell3_barcode09.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell3_barcode10/cell3_barcode10.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell3_barcode12/cell3_barcode12.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode01/cell_18-07-19_barcode01.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode02/cell_18-07-19_barcode02.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode03/cell_18-07-19_barcode03.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode04/cell_18-07-19_barcode04.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode05/cell_18-07-19_barcode05.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode06/cell_18-07-19_barcode06.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode07/cell_18-07-19_barcode07.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode08/cell_18-07-19_barcode08.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode09/cell_18-07-19_barcode09.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode10/cell_18-07-19_barcode10.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode11/cell_18-07-19_barcode11.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode12/cell_18-07-19_barcode12.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode13/cell_18-07-19_barcode13.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode14/cell_18-07-19_barcode14.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode15/cell_18-07-19_barcode15.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode16/cell_18-07-19_barcode16.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode17/cell_18-07-19_barcode17.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode18/cell_18-07-19_barcode18.fastq all_samples/raw_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode19/cell_18-07-19_barcode19.fastq | gzip > all_samples/filtered_samples/cell_18-07-19_barcode10/cell_18-07-19_barcode10_filtered.fastq.gz
(exited with non-zero exit code)
As far as I can tell, the rule takes all of the fastq files as input for a single Filtlong command, but I don't quite understand why
You shouldn't use the expand function in your input section of the filter_reads rule. What you are doing now is requiring all your samples to be the input of each filtered file: that is what you can observe in your error message.
There is another complication that you introduce out of nothing: you mix both wildcards and variables. In your example the {FILT_DIR} is just a predefined value while the {sample} is a wildcard that Snakemake uses to match the rules. Try the following (pay special attention on single/double brackets and on the formatted string (the one that has the form f"")):
rule filter_reads:
"filtlong --keep_percent 90 --target_bases 300000000 {input} | gzip > {output}"

Proxy file on snakemake code

I want to do alignment using star and I use proxy file for star the alignment.
Without a proxy file star-align run also without reference. So if I gave as input constrain of the alignment process the presence of database.done the alignment process can start.
How can manage this situation?
rule star_index:
'STAR --limitGenomeGenerateRAM 54760833024 --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir {output.genome} --genomeFastaFiles {input}'
rule star_map:
# out2=touch("Star.align.done")
genomedir = config['references']['basepath'],
threads: 12
log: "ALIGN/log/{params.sample}_star.log"
'mkdir -p ALIGN/;STAR --runMode alignReads --genomeDir {params.genomedir} '
r' --outSAMattrRGline ID:{params.sample} SM:{params.sample} PL:{config[platform]} PU:{params.platform_unit} CN:{params.cente} '
'--readFilesIn {input.forward_paired} {input.reverse_paired} \
--readFilesCommand zcat
--outWigType wiggle \
--outWigStrand Stranded --runThreadN {threads} --outFileNamePrefix {output.out2} 2> {log} '
How can start a module only after all the previous function have finished.
I mean.Here i create the index then I trim ll my data and then I staart the alignment. I want after finishis all this sstep for all the sample start a new function like run fastqc. How can decode this in snakemake?
thanks so much for patience help
Without any mention of the genome as a required input for "star_map", I believe the rule is starting too early.
Try moving the genome reference from being a "Parameter" to being an "Input" requirement for star_map. Snakemake doesn't wait for parameters, only inputs. All reference genomes should be listed as inputs. In fact, all required files should be listed as input requirements. Param's are just for mostly convenience; ad-hoc strings and things on the fly.
I'm not entirely sure as to the connectivity across your files, some of these references are to a YAML file you have not provided, so I cannot guarantee the code will work.
rule star_map:
# Including the gnome as a required input, so Snakemake knows to wait for it too.
genomedir = config['references']['basepath'],
Snakemake doesn't check what files your shell commands are touching and modifying. Snakemake only knows to coordinate the files described in the "input" and "output" directives.