Kendo UI: grid and panelbar -

I want to implement the following:
so, Kendo UI Grid and inside each row it has a panelbar. I try to find a solution, but most cases are vice versa: add a grid to panelbar.
As I understand, I just need to add a child row to every row of grid. How to implement it?
I use ASP.NET Core.

You can do it with the Detail Template of Grid.
Here is the sample : Dojo Sample
Check the reference here : Detail template


Create Grids with Dynamic Columns and Data Types( Vue.Js)

I want to create a Grid with column and data-field information that is retrieved during run time in Kendo Vue UI
just like demo here
but in Vue
i m developer working on kendo vue js
Here is a simple where a similar scenario is implemented -
You could also check and example with the brand new Native Kendo Grid that was just released where dynamic columns are an easy task- .

How to add filter row widget in rally tree grid

I have a rally tree grid. I want a filter widget just above the tree grid.
How we can add internal filter rally tree grid.
PFA screenshot.filter widget
There is an example in the docs:
2.0 will give you the black popover style one:!/example/filterable-grid-board
2.1 will give you the newer advanced filter:!/example/filterable-grid-board
Both examples show using it with a board, but it should be straightforward to combine your existing code with the grid board component in the example- you just specify a gridConfig rather than a boardConfig.

Xpages, Bootstrap and Data Views

I have a Data View in an Xpage application which is using the Bootstrap theme. I started to use a View, but could never get the pagers lines up, and the data view is working better.
But I do not understand where to put my table class css. For example, if I want a stripped table I enter "table table-striped" in the styleClass of the view (or maybe it is the dataStyleClass). If I do that in the styleClass of the data view, I do not get strips.
I tried the suggestion from Mark below, but something is not working. I added a script call and used the id of the tableview. It already has a class of "cleearfix table" on it.
I have added Chrome's web inspector to show what is going on.
The xe:dataView control does have a styleClass attribute, but classes that you set there are added to the div element that wraps the dataview, not the table (and that's where Bootstrap needs the table-striped class. I would solve this with some JavaScript to add the classes you need on the table element
$("table.dataview").addClass("table-striped table-hover")

change cell styling in KendoGrid

Just discovered the KendoGrid and was trying to change the style of an individual column(cell) after changing another cellvalue. For example I have a grid with a shipname and shipcity column. Suppose I have a business rule that says :
'Make shipcity cell value disabled when the shipname on the same row has the same value'
I found this sample which uses the blur event which I probably use, what would be a good way of implementing this rule?
Also nice to know your opinion in relation to mvc integration.
jsfiddle link:
Updated the link:
You can try the updated fiddle example here
Basically conditional editor templates are not supported out of the box. You have two options.
Either use the edit event of the Grid find the editor inside e.containder and disable it the way it needs to be (if using Kendo widget use the enable(false) method, or add the readonly attribute if regular input).
The other options is to define custom editor like demonstrated in this JsBin example.

how to create a Richfaces/JSF Dynamic Accordion?

I want to create a dynamic Accordion, My usecase is like, On every click of a Action button I want to add 1 Accordion Item.
I am using JSF 2.0 and Richfaces 4.1.0 Final
Pls help me guys.
You would need to maintain a list of items in your managed bean. Then you could use a4j:repeat to iterate over this list in your jsf page and create a rich:accordionItem for each of element in the list. The action method for the button could add items to the list on the bean.