How to create AWS Admin User with Unconfirmed state - amazon-cognito

I am using AWS cognito API to create User in pool. User is being created successfully in Pool.
Following is the code for that . But this code create user with FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD state but I want to create user in UNCONFIRMED state. Can someone help me on this?
AdminCreateUserRequest cognitoRequest =
new AdminCreateUserRequest().withUserPoolId(id)
.withUserAttributes(new AttributeType().withName(Constants.EMAIL).withValue(r.getEmail().trim()))
.withUserAttributes(new AttributeType().withName(Constants.EMAI_VERIFIED).withValue("false"))
.withUserAttributes(new AttributeType().withName(Constants.GIVEN_NAME).withValue(r.getFirstName().trim()))
.withUserAttributes(new AttributeType().withName(Constants.FAMILY_NAME).withValue(r.getLastName().trim()));

You can use SignUpRequest to create user with unconfirmed status
SignUpRequest request = new SignUpRequest().withClientId(clientId)
.withUserAttributes(emailAttr, groupAttr);
return cognitoClient.signUp(request)
After signup, user will get code on the email mentioned during signup.You can confirm user signup using different request taking code from user as input.


Removing a user from backend created by IdentityServer4

I am debugging confirmation email flow when signing up a new User in Asp.Net Core web application with Identity Server 4.
Since I had already signed up with my actual email, to reuse it, I modified the UserName and Email in AspNetUsers table using SQL Update to some random value.
Now when I am signing up with the original email again. I am getting a duplicate user error
result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password);
I have already:
Cleared browser cache.
Closed local IIS Express
Restarted Visual Studio.
Used_userManager.DeleteAsync() after updating the UserName and Email back to original values but this gives an Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityError with description Optimistic concurrency failure, object has been modified.
On running this query on Sql Server
select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where COLUMN_NAME in ( 'UserName' , 'Email')
I get the following:
I know that this is not a good practice to mess with backend, but this is development environment and I could continue my work with another email.
I would request readers to help in understanding how the User could be safely scorched to be able to reuse the email.
Appreciate your time
I agree with Kyle's comment and to further speed up your debug process you should note that if you use gmail to do this you can debug this process using one email.
from google/gmails perspective == == etc etc just try it out, google disregards all period characters in the email. you can enumerate/exhaust ~2^8 emails (in this example) if you just enumerate through the local-part of the e-mail address. but from your applications side, is not the same as, ie they are different user accounts. Basically you can use one email to test out this feature of yours without having to delete the user.
Here is how I did it and finally got passed the pesky "concurrency failure" error message... This works in ASP.NET CORE 2.2
Obtain the user object through the FindByName method first.
Remove the user from their assigned Role (in this case I hard coded "Admin" because that is the role I'm interested in but fill in your own), then delete the user.
//Delete user.
//Obtain the user object through the FindByName method first.
//Remove the user from their assigned Role, then delete the user.
var userManager = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<UserManager<ApplicationUser>>();
ApplicationUser delAppUser = new ApplicationUser
Email = "SomeEmailForindividualAdminUser",
UserName = "SomeUsernameindividualAdminUser"
Task <ApplicationUser> taskGetUserAppUser = userManager.FindByNameAsync(delAppUser.UserName);
Task<IdentityResult> taskRemoveFromRoleAppUser = userManager.RemoveFromRoleAsync(taskGetUserAppUser.Result, "Admin");
Task<IdentityResult> taskDeleteAppUser = userManager.DeleteAsync(taskGetUserAppUser.Result);

Master password authentication?

I am trying to create a user by retrieving username, password and database_name from a web page using a route /web/my_route. It successfully create the user. But i need to add a field master_password in web page and authenticate it to create user. I tried to find out master_password authentication functionality, but nothing find except below code
#http.route('/web/database/create', type='json', auth="none")
def create(self, fields):
params = dict(map(operator.itemgetter('name', 'value'), fields))
db_created = request.session.proxy("db").create_database(
if db_created:
request.session.authenticate(params['db_name'], 'admin', params['create_admin_pwd'])
return db_created
But i couldn't find the function create_database.
How can i do it? any suggestion ??
Create the field on the form, and on submit check it against['admin_passwd']. This is the master admin password.

Laravel 4, reset password only with token (howto check it and get user)

What is the best way to reset password only with token?
Now it mades with token and email, I want to get an email by checking tocket in reminders table.
Resolved this by:
$email = DB::table(Config::get('auth.reminder.table'))->where('token', $token)->pluck('email');
Here's how I do password resets.
User clicks Forgot Password link and is taken to a form with one field for email.
They enter their registered email address and I check the email exists in the DB. If it does, I store a random reset code for that user using Str::random(60). I then save the user and email them a link with a reset code (eg.
User clicks the link and is taken to the URL above which checks the CODE. If the CODE exists in the DB, the password for the matching user is reset to something random using Str::random(10) and this new password is mailed to the user.
Not sure if this is right/wrong, but it works for me.

How to get useID/Email of logged in user in Google Contacts API after OauTh Token

I developed a program which works well and I can import data from gmail but. I want to keep track how is the user given permission to manage contacts. But after a hard search I did not get any Idea about the loged in user. My code is as follows.
var parameters = new OAuth2Parameters
ClientId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientID"].ToString(),
ClientSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientSecret"].ToString(),
RedirectUri = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RedirectURL"].ToString(),
Scope =""
parameters.AccessCode = Request.QueryString["Code"].ToString();
Session["Token"] = parameters.AccessToken;
But I dont how to get email of logged in user. Please let me that
Thanks in advance
Request an additionall scope of and then you can access the user info as well. There is also a userinfo.profile witch contains other info on the user like name, profile picture, language and so on.
Your code looks like C# but I only have a Python example of using multiple scopes and sharing tokens.

Verify user through PayPal GetVerifiedStatus API

I have been trying to get this GetVerifiedStatus API to work but it just doesn't work.
I have tried using a valid email address on
As well as directly and through curl but they all give error of 'Api credentials are incorrect'.
Does anyone know how to do it?
Then I have another question, paypal says that GetVerifiedStatus API takes in email,first name and last name. (as mentioned in )
However there is this guy who says that he verified using email, password and signature successfully... anybody has any idea where do password and signature comes in it from?
The link you're referring to is talking about an API username, password and signature.
To use GetVerifiedStatus, you must send email, firstName, lastName and matchCriteria.
See also page 63 of
To use GetVerifiedStatus.php here is what you have to do:
Create an account paypal sandboc
Create a preconfigured account
Click on API and Payment Card Credentials to view your account credentials
Update the following code with the credentials you got from step 3
//PayPal API Credentials
$API_UserName = ""; //TODO
$API_Password = "1287090610"; //TODO
$API_Signature = "ANFgtzcGWolmjcm5vfrf07xVQ6B9AsoDvVryVxEQqezY85hChCfdBMvY"; //TODO
I hope this help.