Master password authentication? - authentication

I am trying to create a user by retrieving username, password and database_name from a web page using a route /web/my_route. It successfully create the user. But i need to add a field master_password in web page and authenticate it to create user. I tried to find out master_password authentication functionality, but nothing find except below code
#http.route('/web/database/create', type='json', auth="none")
def create(self, fields):
params = dict(map(operator.itemgetter('name', 'value'), fields))
db_created = request.session.proxy("db").create_database(
if db_created:
request.session.authenticate(params['db_name'], 'admin', params['create_admin_pwd'])
return db_created
But i couldn't find the function create_database.
How can i do it? any suggestion ??

Create the field on the form, and on submit check it against['admin_passwd']. This is the master admin password.


Create user in Readers Account Snowflake

I have created a share and added that share to a reader account.
Now I have executed a create user statement there in the reader account i.e.
CREATE or replace USER client_test
PASSWORD = 'Client4321'
LOGIN_NAME = 'client'
DISPLAY_NAME = 'client test'
FIRST_NAME = 'client'
LAST_NAME = 'test'
EMAIL = ''
DEFAULT_ROLE = sysadmin;
This statement gets executed without any error and also I can see the user details under the account tab in snowflake UI
but still, when I am trying to login into this newly created user, there is an error of incorrect username or password coming up.
Is creating a user in a reader account not allowed or anything like there in snowflake?
I haven't found documentation on this as such. It will be appreciated if anyone helps me out with this.
The issue here is that the login_name is the one which should be used for logging in to the SF application. Use "client" and "Client4321" to login and it will be successful.

How to create AWS Admin User with Unconfirmed state

I am using AWS cognito API to create User in pool. User is being created successfully in Pool.
Following is the code for that . But this code create user with FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD state but I want to create user in UNCONFIRMED state. Can someone help me on this?
AdminCreateUserRequest cognitoRequest =
new AdminCreateUserRequest().withUserPoolId(id)
.withUserAttributes(new AttributeType().withName(Constants.EMAIL).withValue(r.getEmail().trim()))
.withUserAttributes(new AttributeType().withName(Constants.EMAI_VERIFIED).withValue("false"))
.withUserAttributes(new AttributeType().withName(Constants.GIVEN_NAME).withValue(r.getFirstName().trim()))
.withUserAttributes(new AttributeType().withName(Constants.FAMILY_NAME).withValue(r.getLastName().trim()));
You can use SignUpRequest to create user with unconfirmed status
SignUpRequest request = new SignUpRequest().withClientId(clientId)
.withUserAttributes(emailAttr, groupAttr);
return cognitoClient.signUp(request)
After signup, user will get code on the email mentioned during signup.You can confirm user signup using different request taking code from user as input.

Parameterisation for login feature in Karate

I want to parameterise the login feature file so that is can be used for multiple user credentials. Can anyone please help me here? Below is the code that I am using:
Given url baseUrl
And form field username = 'admin'
And form field password = 'admin'
When method GET
Then status 200
I want to parameterise the value for username and password so that it can be passed from another feature file and can be reused again.

How to connect LDAP With username and password?

I have my Ldap working the only issue i'm facing was when I try to login with email that is when I land in the else part in the below code. If my username is different from email then it throws error. i.e if my email is '' and my username is 'saurakumar' then it will through invalid username password error.
As internally I'm using username to make email i.e if the user login with name 'karan' then i'm expecting the email to be karan which is not true in many scenario and the Authentication fails. I'm looking for some solution wherein I can login either via email or via username I'll be able to authenticate user. Below is the snippet of my code. Please suggest?
ldapEnv.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, initialContextFactory);
ldapEnv.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, url);
if (email == null) {
lContext = new InitialLdapContext(ldapEnv, null);
entryResult = searchUserEntry(lContext, user, searchCtrls);
final String usrDN = ((Context) entryResult.getObject()).getNameInNamespace();
lContext.addToEnvironment(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
lContext.addToEnvironment(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, usrDN);
lContext.addToEnvironment(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, pass);
} else {
ldapEnv.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, email);
ldapEnv.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, credentials);
lContext = new InitialLdapContext(ldapEnv, null);
return lContext;
searchUserEntry(lContext, user, searchCtrls);
Normally this is a 3-step process:
Bind to LDAP as an administrative user. Note that this should not be the master user defined in the configuration file: that's for OpenLDAP's use itself. Instead it should be a user mentioned in the DIT that has the appropriate search access for the next step.
Search for the user via some unique attribute, e.g. in your case email.
Using the found DN of the user and the password he specified, attempt to bind as that user (with the reconnect() method, after changing the environment of the context appropriately).
If all that succeeds, you have a login success. If (2) or (3) fail, you have a failure, and note that you should not tell the user which it was: otherwise you are leaking information to attackers. You should not mention whether it was the username (email) or the password that was wrong.

How do I administratively set a new password for Identity User who forgot their password?

I am not looking for a solution that involves the user, a token generated, and emailing in order to reset a user's password.
The scenario is a user contacts the admins and asks them to reset their password (internal organization web app). They are then told what that new temporary password is so they can log in and change it.
I see no function that lets me do the above. My attempt:
string passwordToken = await UM.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user.Id);
IdentityResult res = await UM.ResetPasswordAsync(user.Id, passwordToken, "newPassword##!$%");
UM is UserManager.
I get error "No IUserTokenProvider is registered". I think GeneratePasswordResetToken is the one causing the error. If so, why?
How do I properly do what I need?
Use the combination of RemovePasswordAsync and AddPasswordAsync
UserManager.AddPasswordAsync(user.Id, tempPassword);