How to automate upload file with double click without using send keys in selenium java? - selenium

Trying to automate using the below code but not working
Actions actions = new Actions(driver);
fileupoladbtn.sendKeys(System.getProperty("user.dir") +"/Images/zoom_out.jpg");
actions.dragAndDrop(fileupoladbtn, fileupoladbtn1);

what I could understand from your short described question , you need to interact with windows file upload which is not handled by selenium , you need to use auto it scrip and call that in your selenium can download Auto it and SCiTE which is the editor.
below is the autoit file upload script -
It will be saved when you go to tools and compile it in autoit editor, note the name from here.
once action to popup file upload is done, and Window handler to file upload is visible call above script.
for Java
for Python
subprocess.Popen('C:\\Handle\\FileUpload.exe '+File_path, shell=True)
More Details


autoit +selanium on jenkins does not work

enter image description hereI have a selenium test implement for web application and implemented autoit to do a folder upload to my application. This folder upload initiates a chrome popup warning which has no title but 2 buttons "Upload" and "Cancel" (default selected). The folder upload is in the control of my application and has title for the popup window. So I could see controlfocus worked on upload folder popup even when my test was deployed on jenkins. But it does not click on the Chrome popup warning
#include <WinAPIFiles.au3>
ControlFocus("Select Folder to Upload","","Edit1")
ControlSetText("Select Folder to Upload","","Edit1","<Myfolder Path>")
ControlClick("Select Folder to Upload","","Button1")
;this is for the popup warning from chrome
ControlFocus("[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]","","Edit1")
Send("{LEFT}") <===== this and below does not ever work on jenkins but works on local
my selenium code has
String filepath = ".\\uploadfile.bat";
Process p1 = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( filepath );
uploadfile.bat is ....
START /wait c:\AutoIT\uploadfld.exe
As first step run yours AutoIt script, and just after that click the HTML element using selenium.
Do not try to run AutoIt script after clicking the HTML element in selenium, as this stops your selenium because browser waits for file selection.
And as I said in one other cases (question which I answer some time ago), there should be other possibilities to do that without AutoIt, even without invoking the pop up window.

Handle Windows Open File dialog in Selenium

How can handle Window Open File dialog (set file path and import) using javascript (or some other way) in Selenium ?
If you are trying to upload a file, and the page in question uses the standard upload mechanisms provided by HTML, you can do this directly with Selenium itself. The standard HTML mechanism is with an <input type=‘file’> element. Once you’ve found that file upload element on the page, you can use element.sendKeys(“full/path/and/file/name/here”);. This is documented in Step 10 of the algorithm for the Element Send Keys command of the W3C WebDriver Specification, and is used in several file upload tests in the Selenium project’s test code (example).
//set file path

automate image upload from windows explore with selenium and AutoIT

I have to automate a scenario like a upload an image from windows explorer to TinyMCE component using Selenium. Since Selenium does not support OS control, I used AutoIt to upload the image.
AutiIt sets the image path to "File name" and seems like it clicks on 'Open' button as well. But the image is not loading to my "source" field.
Here is my Selenium command:
// Path of the AutoIT script file
AutoIT script:
Refer the attached screenshot
Not sure if I have got the questions correct, Did you compile the script.
Can you please go through link below for script compilation and step by step info how to upload a file.
You do not need to use AutoIt. Auto will make your script dependable on windows machine only.
Instead of it find element using locator(i.e. xpath) of upload button which is having tag as type="file". Now pass this simple sendKeys with absolute path of your image in your machine like below:-
Or use
Append the path of file exluding your project path and filename inside your project
Example :-
below link contains more option to upload file like below :-
Using SendKeys command.
Using AutoIt scripting.
Using Jacob com interface.
Hope it will help you :)
I'm not going to add full source code here. You can call the AutoIT script using this command inside your test case.
// Call to AutoIT script to upload the image
AutoIT Scrip
For more information refer the following link

How to download the *.jar file from http:// using selenium WebDriver code?

Steps: open the Browser > enter URL >
Click Download tab > click Download version “2.46.0” link
It opens a dialog window. Click “Save File” button
Note: I have tried download *.xls file example code from URL: it is working fine in my system. It automatically handling the dialog box and saving the file in destination location.
But the same code not working to download the *.jar file.
Could you please look into this one and help me to resolve this?
If you are downloading Selenium Standalone Server try this:
profile.setPreference("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk", "application/java-archive");
If downloading selenium java webdriver:
profile.setPreference("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk", "application/zip");
Here is a nice link for a detailed list of file format MIME type list: ClickME

Script to upload a file,in selenium IDE

Script to upload a file,in selenium IDE or
How to automate uploading a file using selenium
You can use
selenium.type("xpath of text box","path of your file")
selenium.type("id=cvfile", "D:\\Automation\\resume.doc");