Can someone explain what does a question mark before an equal symbol mean?
lo_obj ?= <lo_kernel>.
?= is used for explicit downcast. Although it is not required for character type but recommended to use for other data type to avoid any unexpected short dump.
The best way is to check if the data element has any Routine(i.e Conversion Exit).
?= is the casting operator, a shorter synonym for CAST.
I'm fluent in ABAP and have a grasp on OO and light reference variables, but can't seem to get a deeper handle on reference variables and dynamic types etc. I've done a bit of reading, but can't seem to get the deep understanding I feel I need.
Does anyone know of some great tutorials or websites that might give clear and concise? Thanks!
First of all just google this post title and You're golden.
I'm not sure if I understand You correctly, do You want to know about such constructions as:
DATA lo_ref_var TYPE REF TO zcl_my_class.
And by dynamic types do You mean in ABAP 7.4/7.5 (ex. DATA(lv_var) = 123)?
If yes, I'll try to give You the general idea:
Reference variable is just a variable that's "ready to become" an object.
If You'll take this for example:
DATA lo_ref_var TYPE REF TO zcl_my_class.
CREATE OBJECT lo_ref_var.
Then assuming the constructor doesn't need any variables You'll get an instance of zcl_my_class Class with all it's attributes and methods. Also if You have an abstract class zcl_abs_class as a super-class and zcl_sub_class1 and zcl_sub_class2 as it's non-abstract subclass' than:
lo_abs TYPE REF TO zcl_abs_class,
lo_sub1 TYPE REF TO zcl_sub_class1,
lo_sub2 TYPE REF TO zcl_sub_class2.
CREATE OBJECT: lo_sub1, lo_sub2.
lo_abs ?= lo_sub1.
lo_abs ?= lo_sub2.
What You can do (as seen above) is cast a subclass object to the super-class reference variable since the subclass' inherits from zcl_abs_class.
For more, do some digging.
Dynamic types:
This is in fact very simple, all You need to remember is that a variable has to have a type when being created dynamically. So for example:
DATA(lv_text) = text-000.
DATA(lv_int) = 1.
Line with lv_text will not work (will not compile) since text-000 does not have a precise type.
The second line on the other hand will take the type I.
If one would like to decide which type to choose You can do this by writing:
DATA(lv_bukrs) = CONV bukrs( '1234' ).
You can even use the type that an already existing variable has by writing:
DATA(lv_bukrs2) = CONV #( lv_bukrs ).
since the "#" means "use the type of variable inside brackets".
Hope this will help You start :)
How can I put what a method - in this example get_properties - is giving me into a local variable when the type of the parameter is ANY?
some_object->get_properties( IMPORTING es_attributes = ????? ).
I tried to put it into this variable, but that didn't work:
<ls_attributes> TYPE any.
In ABAP, it means that you may use a data object of any type (the simplest way is to declare it with DATA).
But it may be more restrictive according to the way the developer has coded his method.
Here, I recognize a method of WebUI Components (CRM, SOLMAN, …) so the data object must correspond to the "some_object" you are accessing. Do a debug of GET_PROPERTIES if you are not sure.
Actually as a caller, you should know the type you want to import for this ANY parameter.
You have to know the protocol of GET_PROPERTIES and debug it to know the return type of the parameter. In your method, you create a DATA REFERENCE and have it assigned to a ANY field symbol.
lr_data type ref to data.
<lt_properties> type any.
create data lr_data type TYPE_NAME. 'You should know the type
assign lr_data->* to <lt_properties>.
From my personal view, it is not a very good practice to define a method with EXPORTING parameter type ANY.
You either define a interface with IF_**_PROPERTY and you have a return TABLE of this interface.
or you return a name-value pair table. (From the method signature, it should return a TABLE, GET_PROPERTIES).
PhpStorm does a great job of reading type hints and inferring types of variables from their usage. But it gives no warning when it cannot determine a reasonable type for a variable. The obvious downside is if you use a variable in a way thats illegal when it doesn't know the type it will never raise a warning.
Is it possible to raise a warning or highlight a variable if it cannot determine the type of it? The fix would be add an explicit type hint or missing return annotations.
I have read some documents about the syntax ->*, but i still don't get it. Can anyone explain what it means and in what scenarios I can use it?
I have that syntax in this example:
assign ovs_callback_object->query_parameters->* to <ls_query_params> CASTING.
refvar->* is used to de-reference an unstructured reference variable. For a structured reference, you would use structref->component to access a component of the referenced object (an attribute of an object or a component of a structure). If you have something like TYPE REF TO i, there's no inner structure, so you have to use the special syntax ->*. It's all in the documentation...
The ->* operator is the "Dereference" operator. It turns a TYPE REF TO something into a TYPE something.
In your example, ovs_callback_object->query_parameters is likely a reference, but you don't want to assign the reference to the field-symbol, you want to assign the actual field the reference points to.
As you seen in this picture below, for some reason my DirectCast wont except ANYTHING for the second argument. It says it requires a type, but, it won't take any object at all!
Thanks for any help! I'm using so all .net answers are acceptable :)
Ok, so apparently I'm not giving it the right kind of type. Could somebody please clarify this? Assuming the type it needs to cast to is gridElement, what should I replace objType with?
DirectCast requires an object prototype (i.e. just giving it the intended class name) rather than a System.Type descriptor object. To cast an object using a System.Type, you will want to utilize CTypeDynamic():
Return CTypeDynamic(createElementByIdAndLayer.MemberwiseClone(), objType)
The error is essentially telling you a class with the type name "objType" does not exist.
Its expecting a "Type", not a "Type Object".
What is the return value of the function?