is Elm's List faster than Javascript's Array? - elm

I'm currently working on a mathematics web app, may need to deal with large array (over 150m elements) and a lot of calculation, compositing with different math function sound a good idea. Thought using a functional style should be a good idea. Based on article, is Elm's built-in List and iteration is faster than Native javascript?
Note: Performance is the first priority.


Haskell: list/vector/array performance tuning

I am trying out Haskell to compute partition functions of models in statistical physics. This involves traversing quite large lists of configurations and summing various observables - which I would like to do as efficiently as possible.
The current version of my code is here:
Some strange things happen when trying to choose between lists and vectors to enumerate the configurations; in particular, to truncate the list, using V.toList . V.take (3^n) . V.fromList (where V is Data.Vector) is faster than just using take, which feels a bit counter-intuitive. In both cases the list is evaluated lazily.
The list itself is built using iterate; if instead I use Vectors as much as possible and build the list by using V.iterateN, again it becomes slower ...
My question is, is there a way (other than splicing V.toList and V.fromList at random places in the code) to predict which one will be the quickest? (BTW, I compile everything using ghc -O2 with the current stable version.)
Vectors are strict, and have O(1) subsets (e.g. take). They also have an optimized insert and delete. So you will sometimes see performance improvements by switching data structures on the fly. However, it is usually the wrong approach -- keeping all data in either one form or the other is better. (And you're using UArrays as well -- further confusing the issue).
General rules:
If the data is large and being transformed only in bulk fashion, using a dense, efficient structures like vectors make sense.
If the data is small, and traversed linearly, rarely, then lists make sense.
Remember that operations on lists and vectors have different complexity, so while iterate . replicate on lists is O(n), but lazy, the same on vectors will not necessarily be as efficient (you should prefer the built in methods in vector to generate arrays).
Generally, vectors should always be better for numerical operations. It might be that you have to use different functions that you do in lists.
I would stick to vectors only. Avoid UArrays, and avoid lists except as generators.

How to make a 2D Soft-body physics engine?

The definition of rigid body in Box2d is
A chunk of matter that is so strong
that the distance between any two bits
of matter on the chunk is completely
And this is exactly what i don't want as i would like to make 2D (maybe 3D eventually), elastic, deformable, breakable, and even sticky bodies.
What I'm hoping to get out of this community are resources that teach me the math behind how objects bend, break and interact. I don't care about the molecular or chemical properties of these objects, and often this is all I find when I try to search for how to calculate what a piece of wood, metal, rubber, goo, liquid, organic material, etc. might look like after a force is applied to it.
Also, I'm a very visual person, so diagrams and such are EXTREMELY HELPFUL for me.
Ignore these questions, they're old, and I'm only keeping them here for contextual purposes
1.Are there any simple 2D soft-body physics engines out there like this?
preferably free or opensource?
2.If not would it be possible to make my own without spending years on it?
3.Could i use existing engines like bullet and box2d as a start and simply transform their code, or would this just lead to more problems later, considering my 1 year of programming experience and bullet being 3D?
4.Finally, if i were to transform another library, would it be the best change box2D's already 2d code, Bullet's already soft code, or mixing both's source code?
(1) Both Bullet and PhysX have support for deformable objects in some capacity. Bullet is open source and PhysX is free to use. They both have ports for windows, mac, linux and all the major consoles.
(2) You could hack something together if you really know what you are doing, and it might even work. However, there will probably be bugs unless you have a damn good understanding of how Box2D's sequential impulse constraint solver works and what types of measures are going to be necessary to keep your system stable. That said, there are many ways to get deformable objects working with minimal fuss within a game-like environment. The first option is to take a second (or higher) order approximation of the deformation. This lets you deal with deformations in much the same way as you deal with rigid motions, only now you have a few extra degrees of freedom. See for example the following paper:
A second method is pressure soft bodies, which basically model the body as a set of particles with some distance constraints and pressure forces. This is what both PhysX and Bullet do, and it is a pretty standard technique by now (for example, Gish used it):
If you google around, you can find lots of tutorials on implementing it, but I can't vouch for their quality. Finally, there has been a more recent push to trying to do deformable objects the `right' way using realistic elastic models and finite element type approaches. This is still an area of active research, so it is not for the faint of heart. For example, you could look at any number of the papers in this year's SIGGRAPH proceedings:
(3) Probably not. Though there are certain 2D style games that can work with a 3D physics engine (for example top down type games) for special effects.
(4) Based on what I just said, you should probably know the answer by now. If you are the adventurous sort and got some time to kill and the will to learn, then I say go for it! Of course it will be hard at first, but like anything it gets easier over time. Plus, learning new stuff is lots of fun!
On the other hand, if you just want results now, then don't do it. It will take a lot of time, and you will probably fail (a lot). If you just want to make games, then stick to the existing libraries and build on whatever abstractions it provides you.
Quick and partial answer:
rigid body are easy to model due to their property (you can use physic tools, like "Torseur+ (link on french on wikipedia, english equivalent points to screw theory) to modelate forces applying at any point in your element.
in comparison, non-solid elements move from almost solid (think very hard rubber : it can move but is almost solid) to almost liquid (think very soft ruber, latex). Meaning that dynamical properties applying to that knd of objects are much complex and depend of the nature of the object
Take the example of a spring : it's easy to model independantly (f=k.x), but creating a generic tool able to model that specific case is a nightmare (especially if you think of corner cases : extension is not infinite, compression reaches a lower point, material is non linear...)
as far as I know, when dealing with "elastic" materials, people do their own modelisation for their own purpose (a generic one does not exist)
now the answers:
Probably not, not that I know at least
not easily, see previously why
Unless you got high level background in elastic materials, I fear it's gonna be painful
Hope this helped
Some specific cases such as deformable balls can be simulated pretty well using spring-joint bodies:
Here is an implementation example with cocos2d:
Depending on the complexity of the deformable objects that you need, you might be able to emulate them using box2d, constraining rigid bodies with joints or springs. I did it in the past using a box2d clone for xna (farseer) and it worked nicely. Hope this helps.
The physics of your question breaks down into two different topics:
Inelastic Collisions: The math here is easy, and you could write a pretty decent library yourself without too much work for 2D points/balls. (And with more work, you could learn the physics for extended bodies.)
Materials Bending and Breaking: This will be hard. In general, you will have to model many of the topics in Mechanical Engineering:
Continuum Mechanics
Structural Analysis
Failure Analysis
Stress Analysis
Strain Analysis
I am not being glib. Modeling the bending and breaking of materials is, in general, a very detailed and varied topic. It will take a long time. And the only way to succeed will be to understand the science well enough that you can make clever shortcuts in limiting the scope of the science you need to model in your game.
However, the other half of your problem (modeling Inelastic Collisions) is a much more achievable goal.
Good luck!

What's the fastest force-directed network graph engine for large data sets? [duplicate]

We currently have a dynamically updated network graph with around 1,500 nodes and 2,000 edges. It's ever-growing. Our current layout engine uses Prefuse - the force directed layout in particular - and it takes about 10 minutes with a hefty server to get a nice, stable layout.
I've looked a little GraphViz's sfpd algorithm, but haven't tested it yet...
Are there faster alternatives I should look at?
I don't care about the visual appearance of the nodes and edges - we process that separately - just putting x, y on the nodes.
We do need to be able to tinker with the layout properties for specific parts of the graph, for instance, applying special tighter or looser springs for certain nodes.
Thanks in advance, and please comment if you need more specific information to answer!
EDIT: I'm particularly looking for speed comparisons between the layout engine options. Benchmarks, specific examples, or just personal experience would suffice!
I wrote a JavaScript-based graph drawing library VivaGraph.js.
It calculates layout and renders graph with 2K+ vertices, 8.5K edges in ~10-15 seconds. If you don't need rendering part it should be even faster.
Here is a video demonstrating it in action: WebGL Graph Rendering With VivaGraphJS.
Online demo is available here. WebGL is required to view the demo but is not needed to calculate graphs layouts. The library also works under node.js, thus could be used as a service.
Example of API usage (layout only):
var graph = Viva.Graph.graph(),
layout = Viva.Graph.Layout.forceDirected(graph);
graph.addLink(1, 2);; // runs 50 iterations of graph layout
// print results:
graph.forEachNode(function(node) { console.log(node.position); })
Hope this helps :)
I would have a look at OGDF, specifically
I have not used OGDF, but I do know that Fast Multipole Multilevel is a good performant algorithm and when you're dealing with the types of runtimes involved with force directed layout with the number of nodes you want, that matters a lot.
Why, among other reasons, that algorithm is awesome: Fast Multipole method. The fast multipole method is a matrix multiplication approximation which reduces the O() runtime of matrix multiplication for approximation to a small degree. Ideally, you'd have code from something like this: but I can't find it anywhere; maybe a CUDA solution isn't up your alley anyways.
Good luck.
The Gephi Toolkit might be what you need: some layouts are very fast yet with a good quality:
30 secondes to 2 minutes are enough to layout such a graph, depending on your machine.
You can use the ForAtlas layout, or the Yifan Hu Multilevel layout.
For very large graphs (+50K nodes and 500K links), the OpenOrd layout wil
In a commercial scenario, you might also want to look at the family of yFiles graph layout and visualization libraries.
Even the JavaScript version of it can perform layouts for thousands of nodes and edges using different arrangement styles. The "organic" layout style is an implementation of a force directed layout algorithm similar in nature to the one used in Neo4j's browser application. But there are a lot more layout algorithms available that can give better visualizations for certain types of graph structures and diagrams. Depending on the settings and structure of the problem, some of the algorithms take only seconds, while more complex implementations can also bring your JavaScript engine to its knees. The Java and .net based variants still perform quite a bit better, as of today, but the JavaScript engines are catching up.
You can play with these algorithms and settings in this online demo.
Disclaimer: I work for yWorks, which is the maker of these libraries, but I do not represent my employer on SO.
I would take a look at its open source which is beneficial in your case so you can customize it to your needs. The github account can be found here.

What's the best language for physics modeling?

I've been out of the modeling biz, so to speak, for a while now. When I was in college, most of the models I worked with were written in FORTRAN, which I never liked. I'm looking to get back into science, so I'm wondering if there are modern languages with feature sets suited for this kind of application. What would you consider to be an optimal language for simulating complex physics systems?
While certainly Fortran was the absolute ruler for this, Python is being used more and more exactly for this purpose. While it is very hard to say which is the BEST program for this, I've found python pretty useful for physics simulations and physics education.
It depends on the task
C++ is good at complicated data structures, but it is bad at slicing and multiply matrices. (This task equires you to spend a lot of time writing for loops.)
FORTRAN has a nice notation for slicing and multiplying matrices, but it is clumsy for creating complicated data structure such as graphs and linked lists.
Python/scipy has a nice notation for everything, but python is an interepreted language, so it is slow at certain tasks.
Some people are interested in languages like CUDA that allow you to use your GPU to speed up your simulations.
In the molecular dynamics community c++ seems to be popular, because you need somewhat complicated data structures to represent the shapes of the molecules.
I think it's arguable that FORTRAN is still dominant when it comes to solving large-scale problems in physics, as long as we're talking about serial calculations.
I know that parallelization is changing the game. I'm less certain about whether or not parallelized versions of LINPACK and other linear algebra packages are still written in FORTRAN.
A lot of engineers are using MATLAB and Mathematica these days, because they combine numerical and graphics capabilities.
I'd also point out that there's a difference between calculation and display engines. The former might still be written in FORTRAN, but the latter may be using more modern languages and OpenGL.
I'm also unsure about how much modeling has crept into biology. Physical chemistry might be a very different animal altogether.
If you write a terrific parallel linear algebra package in Scala or F# or Haskell that performs well, the world will beat a path to your door.
Python + Matplotlib + NumPy + α
The nuclear/particle/high energy physics community has moved heavily toward c++ (in part due to ROOT and Geant4), with some interest in Python (because it has ROOT bindings).
But you'll note that this is sub-discipline dependent..."physics" and "modeling" are big, broad topics, so there is no one answer.
Modelica is a specialized language for modeling (and simulating) physical systems. OpenModelica is an open source implementation of Modelica.
Python is very popular among science-oriented people, as is Matlab. The issue with these is that they are both VERY slow (to run). If you want to do large simulations that may take minutes/hours/days, you're going to have to pick another language.
As long as you are picking a language for speed, suck it up and use C/C++, maybe with CUDA depending on your needs.
Final thought though: if it takes you two days longer to write and debug your model in C than in python, and the resulting code takes 10 minutes to run instead of an hour, have your really saved any time?
There's also a lot of capability with MATLAB. Especially when interfacing your simulations with hardware, or if you need your results visualised.
I'll chime in with Python but you should also look to R for any statistical work you may need to do. You should really be asking more about what packages for which languages to use rather than the language itself.

How to optimize MATLAB loops?

I have been working lately on a number of iterative algorithms in MATLAB, and been getting hit hard by MATLAB's performance (or lack thereof) when it comes to loops. I'm aware of the benefit of vectorizing code when possible, but are there any tools for optimization when you need the loop for your algorithm?
I am aware of the MEX-file option to write small subroutines in C/C++, although given my algorithms, this can be a very painful option given the data structures required. I mainly use MATLAB for the simplicity and speed of prototyping, so a syntactically complex, statically typed language is not ideal for my situation.
Are there any other suggestions? Even other languages (python?) which have relatively painless matrix tools are an option.
It was once true that vectorization would improve the speed of your MATLAB code. However, that is largely no longer true with the JIT-accelerator
This video demonstrating the MATLAB profiler might help.
PROFILER is very useful tool to find bottlenecks in Matlab code. it does not change your code of course, but helps to find which functions/lines to optimize with vectorization or mex.
If you have a choice, be sure to set up your loops so you scan the data column-wise which is how the data in MATLAB are arranged. In addition, be sure to preallocate any output arrays before the loop and index into them instead of growing the array inside the for-loop.
If you can cast your code so your operations are called on the whole matrix then you will see great improvement in the speed of your code. Many functions are much quicker when operating on the whole matrix rather than in an element-wise fashion with loops.
You might want to investigate MATLAB's Parallel Computing Toolbox which can make a big difference if you have the right hardware. I re-wrote about 12 lines of code and got 4 - 6 times speedup for one of our loop-intensive programs on and eight core PC.