How to make a 2D Soft-body physics engine? - physics

The definition of rigid body in Box2d is
A chunk of matter that is so strong
that the distance between any two bits
of matter on the chunk is completely
And this is exactly what i don't want as i would like to make 2D (maybe 3D eventually), elastic, deformable, breakable, and even sticky bodies.
What I'm hoping to get out of this community are resources that teach me the math behind how objects bend, break and interact. I don't care about the molecular or chemical properties of these objects, and often this is all I find when I try to search for how to calculate what a piece of wood, metal, rubber, goo, liquid, organic material, etc. might look like after a force is applied to it.
Also, I'm a very visual person, so diagrams and such are EXTREMELY HELPFUL for me.
Ignore these questions, they're old, and I'm only keeping them here for contextual purposes
1.Are there any simple 2D soft-body physics engines out there like this?
preferably free or opensource?
2.If not would it be possible to make my own without spending years on it?
3.Could i use existing engines like bullet and box2d as a start and simply transform their code, or would this just lead to more problems later, considering my 1 year of programming experience and bullet being 3D?
4.Finally, if i were to transform another library, would it be the best change box2D's already 2d code, Bullet's already soft code, or mixing both's source code?

(1) Both Bullet and PhysX have support for deformable objects in some capacity. Bullet is open source and PhysX is free to use. They both have ports for windows, mac, linux and all the major consoles.
(2) You could hack something together if you really know what you are doing, and it might even work. However, there will probably be bugs unless you have a damn good understanding of how Box2D's sequential impulse constraint solver works and what types of measures are going to be necessary to keep your system stable. That said, there are many ways to get deformable objects working with minimal fuss within a game-like environment. The first option is to take a second (or higher) order approximation of the deformation. This lets you deal with deformations in much the same way as you deal with rigid motions, only now you have a few extra degrees of freedom. See for example the following paper:
A second method is pressure soft bodies, which basically model the body as a set of particles with some distance constraints and pressure forces. This is what both PhysX and Bullet do, and it is a pretty standard technique by now (for example, Gish used it):
If you google around, you can find lots of tutorials on implementing it, but I can't vouch for their quality. Finally, there has been a more recent push to trying to do deformable objects the `right' way using realistic elastic models and finite element type approaches. This is still an area of active research, so it is not for the faint of heart. For example, you could look at any number of the papers in this year's SIGGRAPH proceedings:
(3) Probably not. Though there are certain 2D style games that can work with a 3D physics engine (for example top down type games) for special effects.
(4) Based on what I just said, you should probably know the answer by now. If you are the adventurous sort and got some time to kill and the will to learn, then I say go for it! Of course it will be hard at first, but like anything it gets easier over time. Plus, learning new stuff is lots of fun!
On the other hand, if you just want results now, then don't do it. It will take a lot of time, and you will probably fail (a lot). If you just want to make games, then stick to the existing libraries and build on whatever abstractions it provides you.

Quick and partial answer:
rigid body are easy to model due to their property (you can use physic tools, like "Torseur+ (link on french on wikipedia, english equivalent points to screw theory) to modelate forces applying at any point in your element.
in comparison, non-solid elements move from almost solid (think very hard rubber : it can move but is almost solid) to almost liquid (think very soft ruber, latex). Meaning that dynamical properties applying to that knd of objects are much complex and depend of the nature of the object
Take the example of a spring : it's easy to model independantly (f=k.x), but creating a generic tool able to model that specific case is a nightmare (especially if you think of corner cases : extension is not infinite, compression reaches a lower point, material is non linear...)
as far as I know, when dealing with "elastic" materials, people do their own modelisation for their own purpose (a generic one does not exist)
now the answers:
Probably not, not that I know at least
not easily, see previously why
Unless you got high level background in elastic materials, I fear it's gonna be painful
Hope this helped

Some specific cases such as deformable balls can be simulated pretty well using spring-joint bodies:
Here is an implementation example with cocos2d:

Depending on the complexity of the deformable objects that you need, you might be able to emulate them using box2d, constraining rigid bodies with joints or springs. I did it in the past using a box2d clone for xna (farseer) and it worked nicely. Hope this helps.

The physics of your question breaks down into two different topics:
Inelastic Collisions: The math here is easy, and you could write a pretty decent library yourself without too much work for 2D points/balls. (And with more work, you could learn the physics for extended bodies.)
Materials Bending and Breaking: This will be hard. In general, you will have to model many of the topics in Mechanical Engineering:
Continuum Mechanics
Structural Analysis
Failure Analysis
Stress Analysis
Strain Analysis
I am not being glib. Modeling the bending and breaking of materials is, in general, a very detailed and varied topic. It will take a long time. And the only way to succeed will be to understand the science well enough that you can make clever shortcuts in limiting the scope of the science you need to model in your game.
However, the other half of your problem (modeling Inelastic Collisions) is a much more achievable goal.
Good luck!


Is there a standard way to breakdown huge optimization models to ensure the submodules are working correctly?

Apologies as this may be a general question for optimization:
For truly large scale optimization models it feels as if the model becomes quite complex and cumbersome before it is even testable. For small scale optimization problems, up to even 10-20 constraints its feasible to code the entire program and just stare at it and debug.
However, for large scale models with potentially 10s-100 of constraint equations it feels as if there should be a way to test subsections of the optimization model before putting the entire thing together.
Imagine you are writing a optimization for a rocket that needs to land on the moon the model tells the rocket how to fly itself and land on the moon safely. There might be one piece of the model that would dictate the gravitational effects of the earth and moon and their orbits together that would influence how the rocket should position itself, another module that dictates how the thrusters should fire in order to maneuver the rocket into the correct positions, and perhaps a final module that dictates how to optimally use the various fuel sources.
Is there a good practice to ensure that one small section (e.g the gravitational module) works well independently of the whole model. Then iteratively testing the rocket thruster piece, then the optimal fuel use etc. Since, once you put all the pieces together and the model doesn't resolve (perhaps due to missing constraints or variables) it quickly becomes a nightmare to debug.
What are the best practices if any for iteratively building and testing large-scale optimization models?
I regularly work on models with millions of variables and equations. ("10s-100 of constraint equations" is considered small-scale). Luckily they all have less than say 50 blocks of similar equations (indexed equations). Obviously just eyeballing solutions is impossible. So we add a lot of checks (also on the data, which can contain errors). For debugging, it is a very good idea to have a very small data set around. Finally, it helps to have good tools, such as modeling systems with type/domain checking, automatic differentiation etc.)
Often we cannot really check equations in isolation because we are dealing with simultaneous equations. The model only makes sense when all equations are present. So "iterative building and testing" is usually not possible for me. Sometimes we keep small stylized models around for documentation and education.

Information about CGAL and alternatives

I'm working on a problem that will eventually run in an embedded microcontroller (ESP8266). I need to perform some fairly simple operations on linear equations. I don't need much, but do need to be able work with points and linear equations to:
Define an equations for lines either from two known points, or one
point and a gradient
Calculate a new x,y point on an equation line that is a specific distance from another point on that equation line
Drop a perpendicular onto an equation line from a point
Perform variations of cosine-rule calculations on points and triangle sides defined as equations
I've roughed up some code for this a while ago based on high school "y = mx + c" concepts, but it's flawed (it fails with infinities when lines are vertical), and currently in Scala. Since I suspect I'm reinventing a wheel that's not my primary goal, I'd like to use someone else's work for this!
I've come across CGAL, and it seems very likely it's capable of all this and more, but I have two questions about it (given that it seems to take ages to get enough understanding of this kind of huge library to actually be able to answer simple questions!)
It seems to assert some kind of mathematical perfection in it's calculations, but that's not important to me, and my system will be severely memory constrained. Does it use/offer memory efficient approximations?
Is it possible (and hopefully easy) to separate out just a limited subset of features, or am I going to find the entire library (or even a very large subset) heading into my memory limited machine?
And, I suppose the inevitable follow up: are there more suitable libraries I'm unaware of?
The problems that you are mentioning sound fairly simple indeed, so I'm wondering if you really need any library at all. Maybe if you post your original code we could help you fix it--your problem sounds like you need to redo a calculation avoiding a division by zero.
As for your point (2) about separating a limited number of features from CGAL, giving the size and the coding style of that project, from my experience that will be significantly more complicated (if at all possible) than fixing your own code.
In case you want to try a simpler library than CGAL, maybe you could try Boost.Geometry

Optimizing assignments based on many variables

I was recently talking with someone in Resource Management and we discussed the problem of assigning developers to projects when there are many variables to consider (of possibly different weights), e.g.:
The developer's skills & the technology/domain of the project
The developer's travel preferences & the location of the project
The developer's interests and the nature of the project
The basic problem the RM person had to deal with on a regular basis was this: given X developers where each developers has a unique set of attributes/preferences, assign them to Y projects where each project has its own set of unique attributes/requirements.
It seems clear to me that this is a very mathematical problem; it reminds me of old optimization problems from algebra and/or calculus (I don't remember which) back in high school: you know, find the optimal dimensions for a container to hold the maximum volume given this amount of material—that sort of thing.
My question isn't about the math, but rather whether there are any software projects/libraries out there designed to address this kind of problem. Does anyone know of any?
My question isn't about the math, but rather whether there are any software projects/libraries out there designed to address this kind of problem. Does anyone know of any?
In my humble opinion, I think that this is putting the cart before the horse. You first need to figure out what problem you want to solve. Then, you can look for solutions.
For example, if you formulate the problem by assigning some kind of numerical compatibility score to every developer/project pair with the goal of maximizing the total sum of compatibility scores, then you have a maximum-weight matching problem which can be solved with the Hungarian algorithm. Conveniently, this algorithm is implemented as part of Google's or-tools library.
On the other hand, let's say that you find that computing compatibility scores to be infeasible or unreasonable. Instead, let's say that each developer ranks all the projects from best to worst (e.g.: in terms of preference) and, similarly, each project ranks each developer from best to worst (e.g.: in terms of suitability to the project). In this case, you have an instance of the Stable Marriage problem, which is solved by the Gale-Shapley algorithm. I don't have a pointer to an established library for G-S, but it's simple enough that it seems that lots of people just code their own.
Yes, there are mathematical methods for solving a type of problem which this problem can be shoehorned into. It is the natural consequence of thinking of developers as "resources", like machine parts, largely interchangeable, their individuality easily reduced to simple numerical parameters. You can make up rules such as
The fitness value is equal to the subject skill parameter multiplied by the square root of the reliability index.
and never worry about them again. The same rules can be applied to different developers, different subjects, different scales of projects (with a SLOC scaling factor of, say, 1.5). No insight or real leadership is needed, the equations make everything precise and "assured". The best thing about this approach is that when the resources fail to perform the way your equations say they should, you can just reduce their performance scores to make them fit. And if someone has already written the tool, then you don't even have to worry about the math.
(It is interesting to note that Resource Management people always seem to impose such metrics on others in an organization -- thereby making their own jobs easier-- and never on themselves...)

Is Chipmunk overkill for simple collision detection?

I'm working on a game where the physics are very simple. I just need to detect when a ball (point) hits a wall (line segment). There is no gravity, no friction, and the collisions are perfectly elastic.
I've already written collision detection code, but I'm about to make some major changes to the project, so there's an opportunity to replace it all with the Chipmunk physics library. Is this a good idea?
On the one hand, Chipmunk will be more heavily tested and optimized than my own code, and I won't have to do the work of maintaining it.
On the other, maybe Chipmunk will be less performant in my case, since it was designed to support a lot of features I won't be using.
I'm hoping someone more familiar with Chipmunk will spare me the effort of profiling it or reading the code myself to make this determination.
The only real advantage Chipmunk would have here is if you are colliding that ball (or many balls) against many walls as it uses a spatial index to only check the collisions of objects that are near each other. This means that you can scale up to hundreds or thousands of objects without slowing to a crawl, but offers no real advantage if you only have a dozen objects in the scene.
It sounds like what you've implemented so far works just fine for your needs. "If it's not broke don't fix it" is a good rule of thumb here. On the other hand, it would be really easy to implement the same thing in Chipmunk. If you want the experience and the possibility of scalability in return for the hassle of a dependency, go for it I guess.
Scott (the Chipmunk Physics guy)
I've found Chipmunk to be incrediblly easy to use, I would recommend it to anyone starting a 2D project. I can't answer the performance question without knowing your code. I know it uses a spatial hash for collision determination, it may end up doing less collision tests than your code. (On the other hand if there are a very small number of balls and walls, this may not be an issue).
It is open source, so another possibility would be to use Chipmunk, but remove all the features you don't need - gravity, friction, moments of inertia, etc. Again, it's hard to say this is a good option without knowing exactly what you have already implemented.
It really comes down to what you want it to do. I have not used chipmunk itself, but from what it sounds like I'd say you aren't really in need of a full physics library.
Now, if you have plans to expand it beyond a ball and a wall such that you would have use for the expanded physics, then learning it now on a simple problem now may be a good idea. Overall though, unless you either want to learn the physics library or plan on raising the complexity/number of types of physics calculations, I'd say just do it yourself.

What model best suits optimizing for a real-time strategy game?

An article has been making the rounds lately discussing the use of genetic algorithms to optimize "build orders" in StarCraft II.
The initial state of a StarCraft match is pre-determined and constant. And like chess, decisions made in this early stage of the match have long-standing consequences to a player's ability to perform in the mid and late game. So the various opening possibilities or "build orders" are under heavy study and scrutiny. Until the circulation of the above article, computer-assisted build order creation probably wasn't as popularity as it has been recently.
My question is... Is a genetic algorithm really the best way to model optimizing build orders?
A build order is a sequence of actions. Some actions have prerequisites like, "You need building B before you can create building C, but you can have building A at any time." So a chromosome may look like AABAC.
I'm wondering if a genetic algorithm really is the best way to tackle this problem. Although I'm not too familiar with the field, I'm having a difficult time shoe-horning the concept of genes into a data structure that is a sequence of actions. These aren't independent choices that can be mixed and matched like a head and a foot. So what value is there to things like reproduction and crossing?
I'm thinking whatever chess AIs use would be more appropriate since the array of choices at any given time could be viewed as tree-like in a way.
Although I'm not too familiar with the field, I'm having a difficult time shoe-horning the concept of genes into a data structure that is a sequence of actions. These aren't independent choices that can be mixed and matched like a head and a foot. So what value is there to things like reproduction and crossing?
Hmm, that's a very good question. Perhaps the first few moves in Starcraft can indeed be performed in pretty much any order, since contact with the enemy is not as immediate as it can be in Chess, and therefore it is not as important to remember the order of the first few moves as it is to know which of the many moves are included in those first few. But the link seems to imply otherwise, which means the 'genes' are indeed not all that amenable to being swapped around, unless there's something cunning in the encoding that I'm missing.
On the whole, and looking at the link you supplied, I'd say that genetic algorithms are a poor choice for this situation, which could be accurately mathematically modelled in some parts and the search tree expanded out in others. They may well be better than an exhaustive search of the possibility space, but may not be - especially given that there are multiple populations and poorer ones are just wasting processing time.
However, what I mean by "a poor choice" is that it is inefficient relative to a more appropriate approach; that's not to say that it couldn't still produce 98% optimal results in under a second or whatever. In situations such as this where the brute force of the computer is useful, it is usually more important that you have modelled the search space correctly than to have used the most effective algorithm.
As TaslemGuy pointed out, Genetic Algorithms aren't guaranteed to be optimal, even though they usually give good results.
To get optimal results you would have to search through every possible combination of actions until you find the optimal path through the tree-like representation. However, doing this for StarCraft is difficult, since there are so many different paths to reach a goal. In chess you move a pawn from e2 to e4 and then the opponent moves. In StarCraft you can move a unit at instant x or x+1 or x+10 or ...
A chess engine can look at many different aspects of the board (e.g. how many pieces does it have and how many does the opponent have), to guide it's search. It can ignore most of the actions available if it knows that they are strictly worse than others.
For a build-order creator only time really matters. Is it better to build another drone to get minerals faster, or is it faster to start that spawning pool right away? Not as straightforward as with chess.
These kinds of decisions happen pretty early on, so you will have to search each alternative to conclusion before you can decide on the better one, which will take a long time.
If I were to write a build-order optimizer myself, I would probably try to formulate a heuristic that estimates how good (close the to the goal state) the current state is, just as chess engines do:
Score = a*(Buildings_and_units_done/Buildings_and_units_required) - b*Time_elapsed - c*Minerals - d*Gas + e*Drone_count - f*Supply_left
This tries to keep the score tied to the completion percentage as well as StarCraft common knowledge (keep your ressources low, build drones, don't build more supply than you need). The variables a to f would need tweaking, of course.
After you've got a heuristic that can somewhat estimate the worth of a situation, I would use Best-first search or maybe IDDFS to search through the tree of possibilities.
I recently found a paper that actually describes build order optimization in StarCraft, in real time even. The authors use depth-first search with branch and bound and heuristics that estimate the minimum amount of effort required to reach the goal based on the tech tree (e.g. zerglings need a spawning pool) and the time needed to gather the required minerals.
Genetic Algorithm can be, or can sometimes not be, the optimal or non-optimal solution. Based on the complexity of the Genetic Algorithm, how much mutation there is, the forms of combinations, and how the chromosomes of the genetic algorithm is interpreted.
So, depending on how your AI is implemented, Genetic Algorithms can be the best.
You are looking at a SINGLE way to implement genetic algorithms, while forgetting about genetic programming, the use of math, higher-order functions, etc. Genetic algorithms can be EXTREMELY sophisticated, and by using clever combining systems for crossbreeding, extremely intelligent.
For instance, neural networks are optimized by genetic algorithms quite often.
Look up "Genetic Programming." It's similar, but uses tree-structures instead of lines of characters, which allows for more complex interactions that breed better. For more complex stuff, they typically work out better.
There's been some research done using hierarchical reinforcement learning to build a layered ordering of actions that efficiently maximizes a reward. I haven't found much code implementing the idea, but there are a few papers describing MAXQ-based algorithms that have been used to explicitly tackle real-time strategy game domains, such as this and this.
This Genetic algorithm only optimizes the strategy for one very specific part of the game: The order of the first few build actions of the game. And it has a very specific goal as well: To have as many roaches as quickly as possible.
The only aspects influencing this system seem to be (I'm no starcraft player):
build time of the various units and
allowed units and buildings given the available units and buildings
Larva regeneration rate.
This is a relatively limited, relatively well defined problem with a large search space. As such it is very well suited for genetic algorithms (and quite a few other optimization algorithm at that). A full gene is a specific set of build orders that ends in the 7th roach. From what I understand you can just "play" this specific gene to see how fast it finishes, so you have a very clear fitness test.
You also have a few nice constraints on the build order, so you can combine different genes slightly smarter than just randomly.
A genetic algorithm used in this way is a very good tool to find a more optimal build order for the first stage of a game of starcraft. Due to its random nature it is also good at finding a surprising strategy, which might have been an additional goal of the author.
To use a genetic algorithm as the algorithm in an RTS game you'd have to find a way to encode reactions to situations rather than just plain old build orders. This also involves correctly identifying situations which can be a difficult task in itself. Then you'd have to let these genes play thousands of games of starcraft, against each other and (possibly) against humans, selecting and combining winners (or longer-lasting losers). This is also a good application of genetic algorithms, but it involves solving quite a few very hard problems before you even get to the genetic algorithm part.