I can't find a class API DOC reference for tensorflow - api

I am struggling to find the API for a particular class in tensorflow.
For example, I am interested in finding the specs for this class:
Sorry if this sounds as a stupid question.

Tensorflow is not that well documented yet. The docs are generated from the comments (the project is hosted at GitHub) and in your case, there are none.
For insights like that, you will have to read the source code.


How to call the TensorFlow api tf.raw_ops.ApplyAdaMax?

No example of this api is given in the TensorFlow documentation. And also I didn't find any code snippet related to this api elsewhere. So I use ChatGPT to generate some code snippet, but they didn't work well😭.
Has anyone ever called this api successfully, if so, could you please provide some code snippets for my reference? And the version of tensorflow is 2.0+.

Cannot find documentary for many things in tf.nn.seq2seq class in the tensorflow

I was searching the above function in tensorflow api. But I counln't find that by the exact name. But similar function was there in the class tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.embedding_attention_seq2seq .
Why they moved few from nn class to contrib class ?
Google just released TensorFlow 1.0 last week, where the API has been updated, so things have been moved around. Because of the various contributions from the TF community, the contrib directory is reserved for this code, which has not yet been finalized for acceptance into core TF.
Check out the README on contrib:
The contrib directory contains project directories, each of which has
designated owners. It is meant to contain features and contributions
that eventually should get merged into core TensorFlow, but whose
interfaces may still change, or which require some testing to see
whether they can find broader acceptance. We are trying to keep
duplication within contrib to a minimum, so you may be asked to
refactor code in contrib to use some feature inside core or in another
project in contrib rather than reimplementing the feature.

How do I find working examples of Cocoa/Carbon API?

I find it hard to find some working examples of Cocoa/Carbon framework functions, whereas there are well documented function prototypes from Apple.
For example, LSOpenItemsWithRole function has well defined prototype, but I guess some examples would be a great help for a mac programming beginners like me.
How can I find some working examples for Cocoa/Carbon API? Doesn't Apple provide that? MSDN has good working examples, I expect similar thing from Apple.
You can find some sample code on Apple's developer site, and some of it can also be found within the Xcode documentation viewer. In fact in some cases, but probably not enough, you'll see links to sample code right at the bottom of the API documentation.

Objective-C implementation of Shape Context algorithm (Image Matching)?

There is a very cool sounding technique called Shape Context matching, which can be used in an Image Recognition application to match an "unknown image" against a known "image library." There are numerous descriptions of the concept documented on the web (mostly all variations of the same original paper), for example: http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/Research/Projects/CS/vision/shape/sc_digits.html
I found a JAVA implementation and a MATLAB implementation of the algorithm described in the paper, but I cannot find an objective-c implementation. Anyone know if there is any objective-c code out there, anywhere, implementing these techniques? I sure would like to take advantage of it, rather than trying to write that stuff myself!
Here you can find an interesting c++ implementation (for non-commercial usage, didn't check it yet.. see the downloads):
I'm currently searching for a Java implementation of the algorithm. Could you please provide a link to the implementation you found?
The original matlab code can be downloaded at:
I also found a C# implementation:
Take a look at OpenCV. It is implemented in C so it can be used in obj-c pretty easily.

calculus engine in vb?

is there an easy to use library or engine for .NET that does calculus?
I posted an early version of some code I used in one of my classes in an answer to this thread:
Generated methods for polynomial evaluation (my answer includes classes for symbolic differentiation)
If I know exactly what you're looking for, I could try to post an updated version.
Google is suggesting you look through Wikipedia's list of free libraries that can do automatic differentiation, and see if any have a .NET or COM wrapper. EDIT: High-Performance Mark has pointed out that it appears you need symbolic differentiation, in which case these libraries won't help.
If you are keen, you possibly could create a .NET wrapper for one of the C++ libraries.