How to call the TensorFlow api tf.raw_ops.ApplyAdaMax? - tensorflow2.0

No example of this api is given in the TensorFlow documentation. And also I didn't find any code snippet related to this api elsewhere. So I use ChatGPT to generate some code snippet, but they didn't work well😭.
Has anyone ever called this api successfully, if so, could you please provide some code snippets for my reference? And the version of tensorflow is 2.0+.


Migration from 0.9.5 to 1.0.1 - ScriptBridge class equivalent

We would like to move our api test created using karate framework to karate framework 1.0.1. I see that there is no such class as ScriptBridge which is used by us to attach screenshots and get information about test status, tags of currently running scenario.
What is the equivalent for the ScriptBridge class?
My question is related with Attaching screenshots to json report where I asked how to attach screenshots to report.
Short answer to your question, the class you are looking for is ScenarioBridge.
But the HTML reporting has been overhauled and hopefully you will be able to achieve what you need without hacking into internal classes. There is a somewhat undocumented doc keyword, you will find an example in the link below. If you feel helpers for handling images need to be part of Karate, do contribute or suggest a feature request.
Please read this:

I can't find a class API DOC reference for tensorflow

I am struggling to find the API for a particular class in tensorflow.
For example, I am interested in finding the specs for this class:
Sorry if this sounds as a stupid question.
Tensorflow is not that well documented yet. The docs are generated from the comments (the project is hosted at GitHub) and in your case, there are none.
For insights like that, you will have to read the source code.

Where can I find more information about the tests made to verify the functionality of the Tenserflow Object Detection API

I'm in a group project in school and we are currently using the tensorflow object detection API. The object detection works great but we are very interested in how the developers of this API have tested it. Is there anyone who has contributed to the project or knows where I can find more information about testing?
Yes, the API is well tested.
You can find the tests of each module in a python file at the same level and with the same name + the suffix "_test"
As an example the module:
Is tested in:

Test vectors for LTE kasme generation in authentication

I am working on LTE authentication framework and have written an EPS-AKA algorithm to generate KASME.
However, I dont have any sample to test it. Can someone provide me any reference of test vectors.
Not sure if you are still working on this, but the following link should answer your question:
Using this person's application discussed in the link above, it appears that you can generate the vectors you are looking for. The screenshot below demonstrates some of the functionality, however there is much more than what I have shown here. If you have further questions, I would recommend contacting the author of the application directly (fasferraz at gmail dot com).

Highcharts Java Api wrapper for JSF?

I am looking on the official site of Highcharts for Api wrappers and it does not contain an Api wrapper for Java. It only has highcharts-serverside-export which is for generating images on server side. Does anybody know if something like DotNet.Highcharts exists for JSF? I have come across this question as how to use Highcharts with JSF, but surely there must be some Api like that from .NET?
I came across the same problem as you. I started writing my own custom components to bridge JSF and highcharts. I have made my code available. It's not a full wrapper, but it's better than nothing.