Case statement handling logic differently than expected - sql

I'm trying to assign a status based on the number of IDs using a metric. This is the query I've written (and it works):
when ((x.is_100 = 'true') or size(collect_set(x.list)) >10) then 'implemented'
when ((x.is_100 = 'false') and size(collect_set(x.list)) between 1 and 10) then 'first contact'
else 'no contact'
end as impl_status,
size(collect_set(x.list)) as array_size,
collect_set(x.list) as list
lateral view explode(ids) e as list
) x
group by
However, the impl_status is incorrect for the second condition in the case statement. In the result set, I can see rows with is_100 = false, array_size between 1 and 10, however the impl_status ends up being 'no contact' instead of 'first contact'. I was thinking maybe between isn't inclusive but it seems to be according to the docs.

I am curious if this works:
(case when x.is_100 or count(distinct x.list) > 10
then 'implemented'
when (not x.is_100) and count(x.list) > 0
then 'first contact'
else 'no contact'
end) as impl_status,
This should be the same logic without the string comparisons -- here is an interesting viewpoint on booleans in Hive. I also think that COUNT() is clearer than the array functionality.

Be sure you have not some hidden space in the string
when (( trim(x.is_100) = 'false') and size(collect_set(x.list)) between 1 and 10) then 'first contact'


how do I join two tables sql

I have an issue that I'm hoping you can help me with. I am trying to create charting data for performance of an application that I am working on. The first step for me to perform two select statements with my feature turned off and on.
SELECT onSet.testName,
avg(onSet.elapsed) as avgOn,
0 as avgOff
FROM Results onSet
WHERE onSet.pll = 'On'
GROUP BY onSet.testName
SELECT offSet1.testName,
0 as avgOn,
avg(offSet1.elapsed) as avgOff
FROM Results offSet1
WHERE offSet1.pll = 'Off'
GROUP BY offSet1.testName
This gives me data that looks like this:
Evidently union is not the correct feature. Since the data needs to look like:
I've been trying to get inner joins to work but I can't get the syntax to work.
Removing the union and trying to put this statement after the select statements also doesn't work. I evidently have the wrong syntax.
inner join xxx ON onSet.testName=offset1.testName
After getting the data to be like this I want to apply one last select statement that will subtract one column from another and give me the difference. So for me it's just one step at a time.
Thanks in advance.
I think you can use a single query with conditional aggregation:
AVG(CASE WHEN pll = 'On' THEN elapsed ELSE 0 END) AS avgOn,
AVG(CASE WHEN pll = 'Off' THEN elapsed ELSE 0 END) AS avgOff
FROM Results
GROUP BY testName
I just saw the filemaker tag and have no idea if this work there, but on MySQL I would try something along
SELECT testName, sum(if(pll = 'On',elapsed,0)) as sumOn,
sum(if(pll = 'On',1,0)) as numOn,
sum(if(pll ='Off',elapsed,0)) as sumOff,
sum(if(pll ='Off',1,0)) as numOff,
sumOn/numOn as avgOn,
sumOff/numOff as avgOff
FROM Results
WHERE pll = 'On' or pll='Off'
GROUP BY testName ;
If it works for you then this should be rather efficient as you do not need to join. If not, thumbs pressed that this triggers another idea.
The difficulty you have with the join you envisioned is that the filtering in the WHERE clause is performed after the join was completed. So, you would still not know what records to use to compute the averages. If the above is not implementable with FileMaker then check if nested queries work. You would then
SELECT testName, on.avg as avgOn, off.avg as avgOff
FROM ( SELECT ... FROM Results ...) as on, () as off
JOIN on.testName=off.testName
If that is also not possible then I would look for temporary tables.
OK guys... thanks for the help again. Here is the final answer. The statement below is FileMaker custom function that takes 4 arguments (platform, runID, model and user count. You can see the sql statement is specified. FileMaker executeSQL() function does not support nested select statements, does not support IF statements embedded in select statements (calc functions do of course) and finally does not support the SQL keyword VALUES. FileMaker does support the SQL keyword CASE which is a little more powerful but is a bit wordy. The select statement is in a variable named sql and result is placed in a variable named result. The ExecuteSQL() function works like a printf statement for param text so you can see the swaps do occur.
sql =
"SELECT testName, (sum( CASE WHEN PLL='On' THEN elapsed ELSE 0 END)) as sumOn,
sum( CASE WHEN PLL='On' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as countOn,
sum( CASE WHEN PLL='Off' THEN elapsed ELSE 0 END) as sumOff,
sum( CASE WHEN PLL='Off' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as countOff
FROM Results
WHERE Platform = ?
and RunID = ?
and Model = ?
and UserCnt = ?
GROUP BY testName";
result = ExecuteSQL ( sql ; "" ; ""
; platform
; runID
; model
; userCnt )
getAverages ( Result ; "" ; 2 )
For those interested the custom function looks like this:
getAverages( result, newList, pos )
Let (
curValues = Substitute( GetValue( data; pos ); ","; ¶ );
sumOn = GetValue( curValues; 2 ) ;
countOn = GetValue( curValues; 3 );
sumOff = GetValue( curValues; 4 );
countOff = GetValue( curValues; 5 );
avgOn = sumOn / countOn;
avgOff = sumOff / countOff
newItem = ((avgOff - avgOn) / avgOff ) * 100
newList & If ( pos > ValueCount( data); newList;
getAverages( data; If ( not IsEmpty( newList); ¶ ) & newItem; pos + 1 ))

how to prevent converting the text into boolean by the use of when statement in postgresql?

select fti.pa_serial_,fti.homeownerm_name,fti.ward_,fti.villagetole,fti.status,
ftrq.date_reporting, ftrq.name_of_recorder_reporting,
when fti.status='terminate' then ftrq.is_the_site_cleared ='1' end as is_the_site_cleared from fti join ftrq on ftrq.fulcrum_parent_id = fti.fulcrum_id
Here, is_the_site_cleared is text type of column which is converted into boolean by the when statement written and hence does not print as 1 and takes as true. I explicitly used print '1'. But this also did not work. My aim is to display '1' in the column 'is_the_site_cleared' when the value of fti.status='terminate'. Please help!!!
How about using integers rather than booleans?
select fti.pa_serial_, fti.homeownerm_name, fti.ward_,
fti.villagetole, fti.status, ftrq.date_reporting,
(case when fti.status = 'terminate' -- and ftrq.is_the_site_cleared = '1'
then 1 else 0
end) as is_the_site_cleared
from fti join
on ftrq.fulcrum_parent_id = fti.fulcrum_id ;
From the description, I cannot tell if you want to include the condition ftrq.is_the_site_cleared = '1' in the when condition. But the idea is to have the then and else return numbers if that is what you want to see.

SQL Subquery to replace all values

I have a query which returns a bunch of different data, however I want to have it replace all the values upon a certain condition.
What I have written below kind of gives me the result I want but not really. It creates a new column instead of replacing the other one:
WHEN T4.[U_DestType] = '6'
'Company Limited' AS [ShipToCode]
END AS [ShipToCode],
WHEN T4.[Country] = 'GB'
ELSE T4.[Country]
END AS [Country],
The end goal is to replace all of the columns with some preset values instead of just ShipToCode as above.
I tried putting an EXIST subquery after FROM too but that didn't work either.
Is this possible? I'm probably missing something very obvious.
Many thanks!
You can use an ELSE in your CASE expression to combine the two "columns":
WHEN T4.[U_DestType] = '6'
'Company Limited' AS [ShipToCode]
ELSE T2.[ShipToCode]
END AS [ShipToCode],
And by the way, you didn't need to use a Sub-Select. This would work just as well and is easier to read:
WHEN T4.[U_DestType] = '6' THEN 'Company Limited'
ELSE T2.[ShipToCode]
END AS [ShipToCode],

SQL Server 2008 view error with case statement

I cant figure out why this code executes as a query but when I execute it in a view it throws a the multi-part identifier could not be bound, error.
When I take out the case statement It works in the view, so I believe it is something that has to do with the case statement.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
WITH [cteFrostSum] AS
SELECT ID AS ID, theMonth as Mo,
SUM(dbo.Frost.[DRAmount]) AS [DRAmount]
FROM dbo.Frost
GROUP BY [ID], theMonth
cte.[DRAmount] AS [SUM_Frost_Balance],
cte.[DRAmount] - dbo.ternean.TotalCost AS Diff,
WHEN dbo.Frost.RTNum <> SUBSTRING(dbo.ternean.ACH_RoutingNo, 2, 20)
THEN 'DO not match'
WHEN dbo.Frost.RTNum = SUBSTRING(dbo.ternean.ACH_RoutingNo, 2, 20)
THEN 'match'
END AS [Routing # match],
WHEN SUBSTRING(dbo.ternean.ACH_AcctNo, 2, 20) <> dbo.Frost.AccountNumber
THEN 'DO not match'
WHEN SUBSTRING(dbo.ternean.ACH_AcctNo, 2, 20) = dbo.Frost.AccountNumber
THEN 'match'
END AS [Account # match],
FROM dbo.Frost
INNER JOIN dbo.ternean ON dbo.Frost.ID = dbo.ternean.CustomerID
AND dbo.Frost.theMonth = dbo.ternean.theMonth
INNER JOIN [cteFrostSum] cte ON dbo.Frost.ID = cte.ID
AND dbo.Frost.theMonth = cte.Mo
ORDER BY dbo.ternean.theMonth
I tried to replicate your error but couldn't.
Why are you using multi-part identifiers the field names anyway? The list of fields in the select statement can only refer to the tables in the from clause, at first reading this query seems to be referring to the tables directly in the dbo schema.
Give your tables some nice easy aliases i.e.
FROM dbo.Frost AS F
and use them like this
Secondly you can simplify your case statements and only do one test i.e.:
CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(T.ACH_AcctNo, 2, 20) <> F.AccountNumber
THEN 'DO not match'
ELSE 'match'
END AS [Account # match]

Modify Return Value of SELECT-Statement (TSQL) [Optimizing query]

A Database collumn has a Tristate (0,1,2).
Each of the values are used serversidely.
The Clientcode (which cant be changed anymore) is only able to understand '0,1'.
In the Clients view '1' is identic with '2'. So I want to change the SQL Query in the Database to return '1', if the specific value is > 0.
My current Solution is combining 2 Selects (using UNION SELECT) with different WHERE-Clauses and returning '1' or '0' as static values. Now I'm looking for a solution to 'translate' the value within only ONE SELECT statement.
This is my current Solution:
dbo.Nachricht.NachrichtID, dbo.Nachricht.Bezeichnung, '1' AS BetrifftKontoeinrichtung,
FROM dbo.Nachricht INNER JOIN dbo.AdditionalData
ON dbo.Nachricht.NachrichtID = dbo.AdditionalData.NachrichtID
WHERE (dbo.Nachricht.NachrichtID in ( 450,439 ))
AND dbo.AdditionalData.BetrifftKontoeinrichtung > 0
dbo.Nachricht.NachrichtID, dbo.Nachricht.Bezeichnung, '0' AS BetrifftKontoeinrichtung,
FROM dbo.Nachricht INNER JOIN dbo.AdditionalData
ON dbo.Nachricht.NachrichtID = dbo.AdditionalData.NachrichtID
WHERE (dbo.Nachricht.NachrichtID in ( 450,439 ))
AND dbo.AdditionalData.BetrifftKontoeinrichtung = 0
You can use a case statement, like this:
dbo.Nachricht.NachrichtID, dbo.Nachricht.Bezeichnung,
CASE WHEN dbo.AdditionalData.BetrifftKontoeinrichtung = 0
THEN '0' ELSE '1'
END AS BetrifftKontoeinrichtung,
FROM dbo.Nachricht
INNER JOIN dbo.AdditionalData
ON dbo.Nachricht.NachrichtID = dbo.AdditionalData.NachrichtID
WHERE (dbo.Nachricht.NachrichtID in ( 450,439 ))
Looks like you need to use CASE. A decent tutorial here
See the worked example
If you just CAST(CAST(val AS BIT) AS INT) you will get integer 0 for 0 and integer 1 for everything else.