SQL string value - sql

Have a large XML file stored in a field within a table, many values have already been extracted and stored in the table, but I'm looking to capture (2) additional: account type = "current" status="X" and account type = "former" status ="Y". In the partial output below there is no former account type so I need a strategy for missing as well.
<ncf_report xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://cp.com/rules/client">
<score status="XXXXXXXXXX">
<subject type="Primary" relationship_to_data="Subject">
<name type="Report Subject">
<name type="Alias">
<address type="residence" ref="1" />
<address type="former" ref="2" />
<address type="former" ref="3" />
<address id="1">
<address id="X">
<includes_bankruptcies flag="false" />
<includes_other_records public_records="false" collection="false" consumer_statement="false" />
<credit_range high="12345" low="123" number_trade_lines="123" />
<!-- here --> <account type="current" description="Pays Account as Agreed" status="1">12</account>
<account type="Open-ended">
<account type="Revolving">
<account type="Installment">
<inquiry_history count="0" />
<job entry="current" indirectly_verified="false">
<job entry="first_former" indirectly_verified="false">
<credit_trade automated_tape_supplier="false">
<message code="XX">XXXXXXXXXXXXXX</message>
<message code="XX">XXXXXXXXXXXXXX</message>
<inquiry date="mm/dd/yyyy" name="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" member="12345X1234" />
<inquiry date="mm/dd/yyyy" name="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" member="12345Y1234" />
<inquiry date="mm/dd/yyyy" name="CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" member="12345Z1234" />
<inquiry date="mm/dd/yyyy" name="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX & X" member="12345W1234" />
<inquiry date="mm/dd/yyyy" name="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" member="12345V1234" />
<inquiry date="mm/dd/yyyy" name="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" member="12345U1234" />
<inquiry date="mm/dd/yyyy" name="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" member="12345T1234" />
I'm looking to extract the X value from account type = "current" status="X" and and Y value if an account type = "former" exists. In this case the value 1. added to XML to highlight area of interest. I started by pairing down the data set into a temp table.
select id,
LEFT(SUBSTRING(CreditscoreXML,charindex('<account type="current"',CreditscoreXML),charindex('</account>',CreditscoreXML)),charindex('">',SUBSTRING(CreditscoreXML,charindex('<account type="current"',CreditscoreXML),charindex('</account>',CreditscoreXML)))) [Current_Status]
Current_Status, --just so I see output is correct in temp table
substring(Current_Status, charindex('status="',
Current_Status)+8,len(Current_Status)-charindex('status',Current_Status)) [Current_Status]
from #TempCurrent
From here I further tried to refine the text search. Trying to figure out how to eliminate the " after 1 or a better solution to extract both current and former status, former can be missing, need this grouped by Id.
Current Output
Current_Worse_Score Current_Worse_Score Former_Worse
Original Text 1"

Rather than manipulating string data try using the built-in XML functions in SQL Server to make your life easier. For example:
create table dbo.Foo (
id int not null,
bar xml not null
insert dbo.Foo (id, bar) values (47, N'<ncf_report xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://cp.com/rules/client">
<!-- the rest of your xml... -->
;with xmlnamespaces(default 'http://cp.com/rules/client')
x.a.value(N'#description', N'nvarchar(50)') as [Description],
x.a.value(N'#status', N'nvarchar(50)') as [Status],
x.a.value(N'.', N'nvarchar(50)') as [Account]
from dbo.Foo
cross apply bar.nodes(N'/ncf_report/report/summary/account_status_counters/account[#type="current"]') x(a)
Which yields the result...
id Description Status Account
47 Pays Account as Agreed 1 12

You can use the built-in XML data type methods to query required values from an XML instance which is stored as XMLType column.
SET #X = '<ncf_report xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" ....>'; -- provided XML instance
ncfreportcol XML NOT NULL
INSERT INTO ncfreport (ncfreportcol) values (#X); -- inserting the XML instance stored temporarily in above variable X
WITH xmlnamespaces ('http://cp.com/rules/client' as NR)
SELECT T.acc.value('(#status)[1]', 'int') AS Status,
T.acc.value('(#type)[1]', 'varchar(20)') AS AccType,
T.acc.value('(text())[1]', 'int') AS Acc
FROM ncfreport cross apply ncfreport.ncfreportcol.nodes ('/NR:ncf_report/NR:report/NR:summary/NR:account_status_counters/NR:account') as t(acc);
This will result in the following output:
Status AccType Acc
1 current 12
It will produce one row in the output for each account if you have multiple account tags defined in the XML instance. I also noticed that there are missing opening or closing tags in the above XML fragment. It would be a good idea to also have a look at validating the XML before entering into the table. Please have a look at various XML data type methods here - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/xml/xml-data-type-methods?view=sql-server-ver15


How to extract attribute value from XML in SQL Server 2019 (v15)?

I would need to extract elements from this XML into a tabular form, but I can't seem to get my head around how this would work on SQL Server via something like XQuery.
I have all the data in a temporary table called "#1" and the XML itself lies in a field called "Message" in that temporary table. How can I extract the values "Test1" and "2,2 %" into separate fields called "W08003" and "W1A081", respectively? The attribute names and the schema will remain the same over time? I would also need to do this on a row by row basis for each XML in the current temporary table.
<Individual xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<status xmlns:d3p1="http://www.uc.se/schemas/ucOrderReply/" xmlns="http://www.uc.se/schemas/ucOrderReply/" d3p1:result="ok" />
<uc xmlns="http://www.uc.se/schemas/ucOrderReply/">
<reports xmlns:d5p1="http://www.uc.se/schemas/ucOrderReply/" d5p1:lang="eng">
<d5p1:report d5p1:id="7605089247" d5p1:name="Test1 Test2" d5p1:styp="K39" d5p1:index="0">
<d5p1:group d5p1:id="W080" d5p1:index="0" d5p1:key="" d5p1:name="ID particulars">
<d5p1:term d5p1:id="W08001">9760508923</d5p1:term>
<d5p1:term d5p1:id="W08002">7605089277</d5p1:term>
<d5p1:term d5p1:id="W08003">Test1</d5p1:term>
<d5p1:term d5p1:id="W08004">Test2</d5p1:term>
<d5p1:group d5p1:id="W1A0" d5p1:index="0" d5p1:key="" d5p1:name="UC RPB">
<d5p1:term d5p1:id="W1A003">000000000000000022</d5p1:term>
<d5p1:term d5p1:id="W1A081">2,2 %</d5p1:term>
<d5p1:term d5p1:id="W1A082">2,18839</d5p1:term>
Current SQL code:
WITH XMLNAMESPACES('http://www.uc.se/schemas/ucOrderReply/' AS ns,'http://www.uc.se/schemas/ucOrderReply/' AS d5p1)
,X.g.value('(#d5p1:id)','varchar(20)') AS id
,X.g.value('(text())[1]','varchar(20)') AS term
into #2
FROM #1 as ok
CROSS APPLY(ok.[Message].nodes('Individual/Content/ns:uc/ns:xmlReply/ns:reports/ns:report/ns:group/ns:term') X(g)
With no expected results, perhaps this is enough to get you started.
As you define a default namespace only once you get to status, you can't use a DEFAULT namespace in XMLNAMESPACES, so I name it ns and reference that instead. This gives you the value of all the terms and their id attribute:
DECLARE #XML xml = '<Individual xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<status xmlns:d3p1="http://www.uc.se/schemas/ucOrderReply/" xmlns="http://www.uc.se/schemas/ucOrderReply/" d3p1:result="ok" />
<uc xmlns="http://www.uc.se/schemas/ucOrderReply/">
<reports xmlns:d5p1="http://www.uc.se/schemas/ucOrderReply/" d5p1:lang="eng">
<report d5p1:id="7605089247" d5p1:name="Test1 Test2" d5p1:styp="K39" d5p1:index="0">
<group d5p1:id="W080" d5p1:index="0" d5p1:key="" d5p1:name="ID particulars">
<term d5p1:id="W08001">9760508923</term>
<term d5p1:id="W08002">7605089277</term>
<term d5p1:id="W08003">Test1</term>
<term d5p1:id="W08004">Test2</term>
<group d5p1:id="W1A0" d5p1:index="0" d5p1:key="" d5p1:name="UC RPB">
<term d5p1:id="W1A003">000000000000000022</term>
<term d5p1:id="W1A081">2,2 %</term>
<term d5p1:id="W1A082">2,18839</term>
WITH XMLNAMESPACES('http://www.uc.se/schemas/ucOrderReply/' AS ns,'http://www.uc.se/schemas/ucOrderReply/' AS d5p1)
SELECT X.g.value('(#d5p1:id)','varchar(20)') AS id,
X.g.value('(text())[1]','varchar(20)') AS term
FROM #XML.nodes('Individual/Content/ns:uc/ns:xmlReply/ns:reports/ns:report/ns:group/ns:term') X(g);
I note that the XML has been changed since the initial version I used to write this answer. This answer has not been (read "won't be") adjusted for that.

How to return multiple values from XML element in SQL?

I need to pull information from the "Name" element from an XML column in SQL. An example of the XML is below:
<ArrayOfTarget xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/TriTech.InformRMS.Domain.Core.ComplexTypes">
<AgencyName i:nil="true" />
<Name>Case Number WB21-006637</Name>
<Type>Case Management</Type>
<AgencyName i:nil="true" />
<Name>Incident Supplement Number WB21-006637.006</Name>
<Type>Data Entry</Type>
<AgencyName i:nil="true" />
<Name i:nil="true" />
<AgencyName i:nil="true" />
<Name>Default Workflow</Name>
<AgencyId i:nil="true" />
<AgencyName i:nil="true" />
<Id i:nil="true" />
<Type>Workflow Step</Type>
I have this SQL Query which works for returning five of the "Name" elements:
;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' AS i,
'http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/TriTech.InformRMS.Domain.Core.ComplexTypes' AS s)
TargetData_Xml.value('(/s:ArrayOfTarget/s:Target/s:Name)[1]', 'varchar(100)') as Context1,
TargetData_Xml.value('(/s:ArrayOfTarget/s:Target/s:Name)[2]', 'varchar(100)') as Context2,
TargetData_Xml.value('(/s:ArrayOfTarget/s:Target/s:Name)[3]', 'varchar(100)') as Context3,
TargetData_Xml.value('(/s:ArrayOfTarget/s:Target/s:Name)[4]', 'varchar(100)') as Context4,
TargetData_Xml.value('(/s:ArrayOfTarget/s:Target/s:Name)[5]', 'varchar(100)') as Context5
CaseNumber = 'RP21-010802'
Date desc
That would be sufficient if every record had only five "Name" elements in the XML, but the number of "Name" elements varies from record to record.
How could I change my query to handle the variation from record to record?
Please try the following solution.
As #Larnu pointed out, it is much better to shred the XML as rows.
If needed it is very easy to filter out names with NULL values.
-- DDL and sample data population, start
INSERT INTO #tbl (TargetData_Xml) VALUES
(N'<ArrayOfTarget xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<AgencyName i:nil="true"/>
<Name>Case Number WB21-006637</Name>
<Type>Case Management</Type>
<AgencyName i:nil="true"/>
<Name>Incident Supplement Number WB21-006637.006</Name>
<Type>Data Entry</Type>
<AgencyName i:nil="true"/>
<Name i:nil="true"/>
<AgencyName i:nil="true"/>
<Name>Default Workflow</Name>
<AgencyId i:nil="true"/>
<AgencyName i:nil="true"/>
<Id i:nil="true"/>
<Type>Workflow Step</Type>
-- DDL and sample data population, end
WITH XMLNAMESPACES (DEFAULT 'http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/TriTech.InformRMS.Domain.Core.ComplexTypes')
, c.value('(Name/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(100)') AS [Name]
FROM #tbl
CROSS APPLY TargetData_Xml.nodes('/ArrayOfTarget/Target') AS t(c);
| ID | Name |
| 1 | Case Number WB21-006637 |
| 1 | Incident Supplement Number WB21-006637.006 |
| 1 | NULL |
| 1 | Default Workflow |
| 1 | Complete |

Stripping data from xml in SQL Server

One of my tables with xml datatype has the following xml information:
<RequestMetaData xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<MetaData Type="DocImport">
<Key Name="Zone" Value="MIO" />
<Key Name="ClassificationStrategy" Value="NeedClassification" />
<Key Name="Folder" Value="0456e6ca" />
<MetaData Type="SourceResponse">
<Key Name="NotificationResponse_20180427-150426" Value="Received successful response from Source" />
I need to write an SQL query to fetch the value of Classification strategy based on key name.
I have added the xml in a variable #xml and used the following code. It is returning NULL.
select A.b.value('ClassificationStrategy[1]', 'VARCHAR(30)') AS CS
FROM #xml.nodes('/RequestMetaData/MetaData/Keywords') AS A(b)
Can someone please help me with this.
You can read your XML in various ways. Use a simple .value() with an XPath/XQuery expression to retrieve a single value, use .query to retrieve a part of the XML or use .nodes() to return repeated elements as derived table:
N'<RequestMetaData xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<MetaData Type="DocImport">
<Key Name="Zone" Value="MIO" />
<Key Name="ClassificationStrategy" Value="NeedClassification" />
<Key Name="Folder" Value="0456e6ca" />
<MetaData Type="SourceResponse">
<Key Name="NotificationResponse_20180427-150426" Value="Received successful response from Source" />
--Read the whole lot
SELECT md.value('#Type','nvarchar(max)') AS MetaDataType
,k.value('#Name','nvarchar(max)') AS KeyName
,k.value('#Value','nvarchar(max)') AS KeyValue
FROM #xml.nodes('/RequestMetaData/MetaData') A(md)
OUTER APPLY md.nodes('Keywords/Key') B(k);
--Get one key's value by name (anywhere in the doc)
DECLARE #keyName VARCHAR(100)='ClassificationStrategy';
SELECT #xml.value('(//Key[#Name=sql:variable("#keyName")]/#Value)[1]','nvarchar(max)');
--Use the meta data type as additional filter (if key names are not unique per doc)
DECLARE #kName VARCHAR(100)='ClassificationStrategy';
DECLARE #mdType VARCHAR(100)='DocImport';
SELECT #xml.value('(/RequestMetaData

Parsing XML in SQL without a namespace

The code will be self explanatory to the right person for this, but any questions please shout...
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<installer type="A" Xversion="101" iniSizeInBytes="22480" dataSizeInBytes="23396349" msiSizeInBytes="4732928" />
<installer type="B" Yversion="201" iniSizeInBytes="22480" dataSizeInBytes="116687353" msiSizeInBytes="5807616" webconfigModifierSizeInBytes="11800" />
<installer type="A" Xversion="102" iniSizeInBytes="22480" dataSizeInBytes="23396349" msiSizeInBytes="4732928" />
<installer type="B" Yversion="202" iniSizeInBytes="22480" dataSizeInBytes="116687353" msiSizeInBytes="5807616" webconfigModifierSizeInBytes="11800" />
<update setNumber="1" XVersion="101" YVersion="201">
<detail Ref="1000">some detail info for 101 and 201</detail>
<update setNumber="2" XVersion="102" YVersion="202">
<detail Ref="1001">some detail info for 102 and 202</detail>
r.value('#ref','NVARCHAR(250)') as 'Ref', --This is wrong, but you can probably see i'm wanting the value of Ref, eg 1000 for line 1, 1001 for line 2
t.r.query('./detail').value('.','nvarchar(max)') as 'Detail'
FROM #XML.nodes('/updates/update') AS t(r);
You need detail element in value method to get the value in Ref attribute
r.value('#Ref','NVARCHAR(250)') as 'Ref', -- It should be #Ref instead of #ref
r.query('.').value('.','nvarchar(max)') as 'Detail'
FROM #XML.nodes('/updates/update/detail') AS t(r);
Note : Elements and attributes in xml is case sensitive you cannot use #ref in query when xml attribute is Ref
Rextester Demo

Given the following XML in SQL Server, how do I get a value?

Here is my SQL. I cannot seem to get one single value out of this thing. It only works if I remove all of the xmlns attributes.
I think the problem is that this xml contains 2 default namespaces, one attached to the Response element and one attached to the Shipment element.
SET #xml = '<TrackResponse xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<Response xmlns="http://www.ups.com/XMLSchema/XOLTWS/Common/v1.0">
<TransactionReference />
<Shipment xmlns="http://www.ups.com/XMLSchema/XOLTWS/Track/v2.0">
<Description>Shipper Address</Description>
<AddressLine>123 HWY X</AddressLine>
<PostalCode>20291 1234</PostalCode>
<Description>UPS GROUND</Description>
<Description>Signature Required</Description>
<Description>Damage reported. / Damage claim under investigation.</Description>
<Description>All merchandise discarded. UPS will notify the sender with details of the damage.</Description>
select Svc.Dsc.value('(/TrackResponse/Shipment/Service/Description)[1]', 'varchar(25)')
from #xml.nodes('/TrackResponse') as Svc(Dsc)
As #marc_s said, you are ignoring xml namespaces. Here is a sql fiddle example. This gives X, I think that is what you need. Read this article for more. Note : *:TrackResponse[1]/*: in the xpath
--Results: X
declare #xmlTable as table (
xmlData xml
insert into #xmlTable
select '<TrackResponse xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<Response xmlns="http://www.ups.com/XMLSchema/XOLTWS/Common/v1.0">
;with xmlnamespaces(default 'http://www.ups.com/XMLSchema/XOLTWS/Track/v2.0')
x.xmlData.value('(/*:TrackResponse[1]/*:Shipment[1]/Package[1]/Activity[1]/Status[1]/Type[1])','varchar(100)') as all_snacks
from #xmlTable x
Two problems:
you're blatantly ignoring the XML namespace that's defined on the <shipment> element
your XQuery expression was a bit off
Try this:
-- define XML namespace
;WITH XMLNAMESPACES('http://www.ups.com/XMLSchema/XOLTWS/Track/v2.0' AS ns)
Svc.Dsc.value('(ns:Shipment/ns:Service/ns:Description)[1]', 'varchar(25)')
-- this already selects all <TrackResponse> nodes - no need to repeat that in
-- your above call to .value()
#xml.nodes('/TrackResponse') as Svc(Dsc)
Gives me a result of: