Why can't UE4 find the implementation of createAgoraRtcEngine? - agora.io

I am making an Android app in Unreal Engine4.
I want to apply Agora to the Android app.
I applied Agora in the way it is here.
However, if you use createAgoraRtcEngine, it will not build.
I don't know why the compiler can't find the implementation of the function.

Agora's Unreal plugin is currently only supporting PC and Mac development/builds.
There are plans in the future to support Android/iOS, however the Agora Unreal plugin beta was recently launched 04/06/2020.
Here are some links to the repos if you would like to try and get started on PC or Mac!
Otherwise, you are totally able to use Agora SDK on Android, just not with Unreal - yet.
Blueprints Quickstart Repo
C++ Quickstart Repo
If you - and anyone reading this - would like to get started with Agora in the Unreal Engine, we have a community program called Agora Allstars that recognizes creativity, and includes a rewards program for completing the Unreal beta!

FYI - this project says it supports Android now.
I, personally, have not tried it yet though.
There is also a C++ equivalent but the documentation does not say it supports Android.


Can we use a signle ionic-4 app for mobile and desktops

I am developing an ionic-4 app, Ionic provides cross platform apps but I am a bit confused and my confusion is can I use a single ionic-4 application for mobiles(e.g. Android and IOS) and desktops browsers(Chrome, firefox etc.) as website. Is it possible by using ionic version 4.
Yes, Ionic 4 provides a single code for the execution of multiple platforms.
Ionic Doc
here is help for you. You can check everything.
Yes, you can use Ionic for Android, IOS and Browser. Once the coding is done, you can add any platform to make its build. For example, if you add Android platform then you can take an Android build(APK).Before that you need to setup an environment for that . For example, you need Android studio for taking Android build and Xcode for taking IOS build. It's all depends on the platform that you use.
Please go through Ionic documentation and Youtube tutorials to get a correct picture.
Thank you

How to create program guide based on Android Tv Input Framework, as below shown diagram

I downloaded the google project from git repo link: https://github.com/googlesamples/androidtv-sample-inputs. But I am unable to find the understanding of module for the below-mentioned layout. I need to create channel and EPG view exactly same as the below-mentioned diagram, using the android lean-back library and TV Input framework concepts. So, kindly provide me with the understanding of the project as where I can find the working of this module.
The guide you see here is part of a reference TV App aka Live Channels which is a system app and ships with every Android TV system image. It is open-sourced under Apache 2.0 and you can check out the details and source code here:
It uses a different build system than Gradle but you should be able to refactor it to use Gradle.
EDIT: A nice alternative TV guide for Android TV recently appeared on GitHub here: https://github.com/egeniq/android-tv-program-guide

TensorFlow HVX Acceleration support

I successfully built and ran the test application from https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/contrib/hvx. I'd now like to benchmark HVX against the CPU implementation of https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/tools/benchmark, and if possible, the Android camera demo, to see how much it would help, but I wasn't able to find any documentation describing how to build said apps with HVX support (my builds run on the CPU). I'm testing on the Open-Q 820 development board with Android 7.0.
Is utilizing HVX acceleration outside the HVX test application, preferably with the benchmark and maybe the Android camera demos supported yet? If so, could someone please point me in the right direction? Thanks!
Currently, the Android demo app does not support the HVX runtime. But I'm sure that you can use the runtime with Android demo app by replacing .so file with HVX version. If you can wait for the official support, that would be happening soon, but no promise. Let me know if you have any questions :)

AIR Google Play Services library classes missing apk

I am working on a test app to test an ane I have built with Google Play Services included. I had things working fine, but recently I updated the version of the Google Play Services library I was using, and now when I built the project in Adobe Flash CC, it seems to be stripping out the Google Play Services classes from the apk. When I decompile the apk I can see they are missing. When I put back the old version of GPlay, I can see it doesn't strip them out.
This post mentions a tool within the AIR needs updating (dx.jar) and this post seems to have the same message. I did update that file but it did not fix the issue.
The problem will be with the AIR SDK. You need to update the dx.jar in your AIR SDK, I've logged an issue with Adobe about this but they haven't updated the build tools as yet so we have to do it manually:
Have a look here for the details: http://airnativeextensions.com/knowledgebase/tutorial/5
It's important that you have a recent version of the Android SDK installed and updated for this to work.
Also rather than packaging the Google Play Libraries into your ANE I suggest you use a shared ANE, like this one:
Otherwise you can cause conflicts with other ANE's that use the Google Play Library.

Cordova globalization plugin not working on intel xdk emulator

i'm trying to get the preferred language set on the device as following:
function (language) {
alert('language: ' + language.value + '\n');
function () {
And when I click on emulator i'm getting this pop-up:
I installed the cordova plug-in to use globalization:
cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.globalization
And I also added this line on the config.xml:
<plugin name="Globalization" value="org.apache.cordova.Globalization" />
I tested on the device and it's working.
Btw, I'm using cordova 3.5 version but when i launch the intel xdk emulator it shows 2.9 version. Maybe that's causing this problem? I'm also using Storage plugin for sql queries and it's working fine!
Cordova plugins generally consist of two parts: 1) JavaScript API and 2) underlying native code that is specific to the target platform (e.g., Java code for Android, Objective C code for iOS, etc.) The Intel XDK emulator is a simulator that simulates that native part, but only in a very generic way and only for a select number of Cordova APIs. For any APIs that it does not have an underlying "native simulation" it provides this message so you can at least exercise code. It doesn't actually simulate the underlying functionality, but it does allow you to trace through those parts of your code.
Ultimately, you need to run it on a real device with a real build, as you discovered.
Also, the APIs that the XDK emulator knows about, at this time, are the 2.9.0 APIs. It is being modified to support 3.x APIs in a future release. BTW, the emulator in the XDK is a customized implementation of the Ripple emulator.