Disable template layout, load component only - vue js - vue.js

I want to hide rest of the template, just want to view my component. How can I do that? Is there any way to disable the parent layout in vue js?
That's how I have set the route


Use a function defined in a siblings child component in Vue

So have a a MainLauyout.vue file
In that file I have a Toolbar component and a content component like so
<Toolbar />
Within Content component I have a search bar with #input
Within the Content component
I have a router-view that displays another vue.
Within that vue, I have a table with a search function defined.
I was wondering how its possible to put that function in the #input that is in the Toolbar component. From what I was able to search they say to use refs but I'm not sure how to get that to work with my layout structure. Can anyone let me know the best way to do this?

How to append nuxt element with js

I want to create a nuxt-link from js and put it in a div
I am not able to add nuxt-link from js. Can someone help me on this.
mounted() {
$(".creator-content .row").append(`
<nuxt-link to="/">GG</nuxt-link>
You cannot add references to Vue components by using "vanilla JavaScript" or JQuery operations (unless you use Vue via tag, which isn't possible via Nuxt).
Instead, this should be part of you Vue component's template. You can then load the component conditionally via directives as #kissu described in his comment.

Is there any way to hide vue props in page-source?

i'm using vue single component and passing props inside my blade fie...!
is there any way that i can hide props when viewing page-source ?
here is my output from page-source in chrome!
<my-component name="name" :brand="user_id":1,"created_at":null,"updated_at":null}" ></my-component>
i know that i can use spa but i want to know if there is any way that we hide theme when viewing page-source?!

VueJS 2 - Default click event on component

Is it possible in VueJS to have a default click event on a custom component?
E.g. we have built a component called editable. Now on click, we always want it to fire the same function, no matter where we call that component.
<editable #click="doSomething" ...></editable>
Can I define that somewhere in the JS side?
In case of custom component, you need to bind to native event:
<editable #click.native="doSomething" ...></editable>
For documentation, refer to Vue.js docs here.

sweetaler2 import vuetify components

I'm trying to create a sweetalert2 that that renders a component that uses vuetify elements, is that possible?
I have already tried using swal's HTML and that doesn't work
I want to be able to render a vuetify form component from a sweetalert2 pop-up.