sweetaler2 import vuetify components - vue.js

I'm trying to create a sweetalert2 that that renders a component that uses vuetify elements, is that possible?
I have already tried using swal's HTML and that doesn't work
I want to be able to render a vuetify form component from a sweetalert2 pop-up.


Display a vue component inside iframe

I want to display some of my pages (Vue components) on a modal, exactly the same identical components or routes that I've been using in my project, but the only difference is this time they won't be on the whole page but on a modal. I though I could use iframe but when I try to put the component name to :src attribute of iframe, Vue gives me <compName> is defined but not used error. Is there a way to put a component inside an iframe? I tried to use 3rd party npm packages like vue-friendly-iframe but couldn't get what I want. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Disable template layout, load component only - vue js

I want to hide rest of the template, just want to view my component. How can I do that? Is there any way to disable the parent layout in vue js?
That's how I have set the route

Convert Vue component to base64

I have a library of icons (icon system) in svg. Each svg has his own component inside Vue in the same way as Sarah Drasner's icon system.
I want to import an svg into a js library which allow only icon provided with url. I could have a separate svg file, but I want to style dynamically the fill color with my color system.
The only way I've found is to render and encode the component into base64.
I've found a simple helper for React, but I'm struggling to reproduce the idea with Vue, Vue.Compile, Render, etc.

How to add and run Three Js old code to Vue page component

I would like to know how I can add an old Three Js code to a page component in Vue Js, like just plain javascript grabed on html script tag, without using methods or computed objects from Vue
I'm using node 10.14, Vue-cli 3 and Vue scaffold
If I understand your question correctly, one way you could probably do this is to have the JavaScript extracted out into a helper file like /lib/3JS.js and then make sure to export it.
Then you could import it into your Vue file and use it there.

ag-grid theme malfunction using vuetify in vueJS 2

I am using ag-grid in my project which uses vuetify.js and is based on vueJS. I am facing problems with the ag-grid themes. Whenever I use the ag-material theme the outcome is different from the one shown ag-grid website. I just get a very basic theme when I add material theme. Can anyone help?
you need to make sure you import both
import "/node_modules/ag-grid/dist/styles/ag-grid.css";
import "/node_modules/ag-grid/dist/styles/theme-material.css";
and then, make sure you include both classes <ag-grid-vue class="ag-material ag-theme-material">