How do I define a from method to convert the error in a foreign result type? [duplicate] - error-handling

This question already has answers here:
Is it possible to implement methods on type aliases?
(1 answer)
Rust proper error handling (auto convert from one error type to another with question mark)
(5 answers)
How to do error handling in Rust and what are the common pitfalls?
(2 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have a pair of Result type aliases, AResult and BResult. AResult is from another crate, and embeds its own error type AError. I have my result (BResult) and I want to convert errors from AError to BError so I can embed them in the BResults that I return.
TIO demo
struct AError(u32);
struct BError(i64);
type AResult = Result<(), AError>;
type BResult = Result<(), BError>;
impl From<AError> for BError {
fn from(item: AError) -> Self {
(item as i64)
impl From<AResult> for BResult {
fn from(item: AResult) -> Self {
fn main() {
let result_as_a: AResult = Err(5u32);
let result_as_b = result_as_a;
if let Err(value) = result_as_b {
print!("{}", value);
I have defined a conversion for the errors from AError to BError (impl From<AError> for BError { ... }) and I'm trying to define a conversion for the Result which uses it, thinking I could do:
impl From<AResult> for BResult {
fn from(item: AResult) -> Self {
But Rust complains that I can't define things from another crate:
error[E0117]: only traits defined in the current crate can be implemented for arbitrary types
--> src/
12 | impl From<AResult> for BResult {
| ^^^^^-------------^^^^^-------
| | | |
| | | `std::result::Result` is not defined in the current crate
| | `std::result::Result` is not defined in the current crate
| impl doesn't use only types from inside the current crate
= note: define and implement a trait or new type instead
I'm trying to define an implementation on BResult, not AResult?!
Am I doing something very stupid? Is there a better way to do this?


How to pass a stm32f3discovery API into a function?

I am trying to create a separate file/module that has functions that can deal with the LEDs or gyro for the stm32f3discovery. I am trying to pass the stm32f3 API that holds all of the registers into a function to then use inside.
When I run this code, I get an error saying "there is no field '###' on type '##'". How can I do this?
use stm32f3::stm32f303;
mod my_api;
fn main() -> ! {
let periph = stm32f303::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let gpioe = periph.GPIOE;
let rcc = periph.RCC;
my_api::led::setup_led(&gpioe, &rcc);
loop {
pub mod led {
pub fn setup_led<G, R>(gpio: &G, rcc: &R) {
*rcc.ahbenr.modify(|_, w| w.iopeen().set_bit()); //enables clock
*gpio.moder.modify(|_, w| {
pub fn all_led_on<G>(gpio: &G) {
*gpio.odr.modify(|_, w| {
pub fn all_led_off<G>(gpio: &G) {
*gpio.odr.modify(|_, w| {
error[E0609]: no field `odr` on type `&G`
--> src/
29 | pub fn all_led_off <G> (gpio: &G) {
| - type parameter 'G' declared here
30 | *gpio.odr.modify(|_,w| {
| ^^^
It has this error for all of the calls onto any of the registers
Instead of using a generic to try and force our way into passing in a type that you don't know use something like:
let my_name: () = 39.2;
It will give an error that will tell you what the value on the right is and you can use that to work out what data type you can pass into the function. As shown printing variable type in rust

Why isn't an error type implicitly converted when I return it?

The following code fails to compile
#[macro_use] extern crate err_derive;
extern crate windows_service;
use windows_service::service_manager::{ServiceManager, ServiceManagerAccess};
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum WinServiceError {
#[error(display = "could not query windows services api")]
impl From<windows_service::Error> for WinServiceError {
fn from(error: windows_service::Error) -> Self {
fn get_manager(request_access: ServiceManagerAccess) -> Result<ServiceManager, WinServiceError> {
ServiceManager::local_computer(None::<&str>, request_access)
pub fn main() {
// get_manager();
I am getting the error
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/
185 | fn get_manager(request_access: ServiceManagerAccess) -> Result<ServiceManager, Error> {
| ----------------------------- expected `std::result::Result<windows_service::service_manager::ServiceManager, winservice::Error>` because of return type
186 | ServiceManager::local_computer(None::<&str>, request_access)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected enum `winservice::Error`, found enum `windows_service::Error`
= note: expected type `std::result::Result<_, winservice::Error>`
found type `std::result::Result<_, windows_service::Error>`
Why isn't the Rust compiler auto converting the return type from windows_service::Error to winservice::Error?
Thanks to #Shepmaster's help, I was able resolve the error.
I did not realize that I was returning the result object directly. I had to unwrap the result object for the conversion to work.
The following code attempts to return a value of type Result<_, windows_services::Error> as Result<_, WinServiceError>.
fn get_manager(request_access: ServiceManagerAccess) -> Result<ServiceManager, WinServiceError> {
ServiceManager::local_computer(None::<&str>, request_access)
But the following code works, because we are now creating a new Result object of the correct signature, and rust compiler performs the conversion between the error types while creating the new object.
fn get_manager(request_access: ServiceManagerAccess) -> Result<ServiceManager, WinServiceError> {
Ok(ServiceManager::local_computer(None::<&str>, request_access)?)

Why do I get "the method exists but the following trait bounds were not satisfied" when extending Result for failure types?

I'm trying to add a more concise version of the failure crate's .with_context(|e| format!("foo: {}", e)) to my code. Like this playground:
use failure::{Context, Fail, ResultExt}; // 0.1.5
/// Extension methods for failure `Result`.
pub trait ResultContext<T, E> {
/// Wraps the error type in a context type generated by looking at the
/// error value. This is very similar to `with_context` but much more
/// concise.
fn ctx(self, s: &str) -> Result<T, Context<String>>;
impl<T, E> ResultContext<T, E> for Result<T, E>
E: Fail,
fn ctx(self, s: &str) -> Result<T, Context<String>> {
self.map_err(|failure| {
let context = format!("{}: {}", s, failure);
pub fn foo() -> Result<i32, failure::Error> {
pub fn main() -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
// This works.
let _ = foo().with_context(|_| "foo".to_string())?;
// This doesn't.
I get the following error:
error[E0599]: no method named `ctx` found for type `std::result::Result<i32, failure::error::Error>` in the current scope
--> src/
31 | foo().ctx("foo")?
| ^^^
= note: the method `ctx` exists but the following trait bounds were not satisfied:
`std::result::Result<i32, failure::error::Error> : ResultContext<_, _>`
= help: items from traits can only be used if the trait is implemented and in scope
= note: the following trait defines an item `ctx`, perhaps you need to implement it:
candidate #1: `ResultContext`
I can't work out why. I more or less copied the existing with_context code.
As the compiler tells you, Result<i32, failure::error::Error> doesn't implement ResultContext<_, _>. You have added a bound to your implementation:
E: Fail,
But failure::Error doesn't implement failure::Fail:
use failure; // 0.1.5
fn is_fail<F: failure::Fail>() {}
pub fn main() {
error[E0277]: the trait bound `failure::error::Error: std::error::Error` is not satisfied
--> src/
6 | is_fail::<failure::Error>();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `std::error::Error` is not implemented for `failure::error::Error`
= note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `failure::Fail` for `failure::error::Error`
note: required by `is_fail`
--> src/
3 | fn is_fail<F: failure::Fail>() {}
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
You will need to alter your bounds or your type.

Iterating over a range of generic type

I have a trait
trait B {
type Index: Sized + Copy;
fn bounds(&self) -> (Self::Index, Self::Index);
I want to get all the Indexes within bounds:
fn iterate<T: B>(it: &T) {
let (low, high) = it.bounds();
for i in low..high {}
This won't work since there's no constraint that the type T can be "ranged" over, and the compiler says as much:
error[E0277]: the trait bound `<T as B>::Index: std::iter::Step` is not satisfied
--> src/
8 | for i in low..high {}
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `std::iter::Step` is not implemented for `<T as B>::Index`
= help: consider adding a `where <T as B>::Index: std::iter::Step` bound
= note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `std::iter::Iterator` for `std::ops::Range<<T as B>::Index>`
I tried adding the Step bound to Index
use std::iter::Step;
trait B {
type Index: Sized + Copy + Step;
fn bounds(&self) -> (Self::Index, Self::Index);
but apparently it isn't stable:
error: use of unstable library feature 'step_trait': likely to be replaced by finer-grained traits (see issue #42168)
--> src/
1 | use std::iter::Step;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: use of unstable library feature 'step_trait': likely to be replaced by finer-grained traits (see issue #42168)
--> src/
4 | type Index: Sized + Copy + Step;
| ^^^^
Am I missing something or is it just not possible to do so right now?
If you want to require that a Range<T> can be iterated over, just use that as your trait bound:
trait Bounded {
type Index: Sized + Copy;
fn bounds(&self) -> (Self::Index, Self::Index);
fn iterate<T>(it: &T)
T: Bounded,
std::ops::Range<T::Index>: IntoIterator,
let (low, high) = it.bounds();
for i in low..high {}
fn main() {}
To do this kind of thing generically the num crate is helpful.
extern crate num;
use num::{Num, One};
use std::fmt::Debug;
fn iterate<T>(low: T, high: T)
T: Num + One + PartialOrd + Copy + Clone + Debug,
let one = T::one();
let mut i = low;
loop {
if i > high {
println!("{:?}", i);
i = i + one;
fn main() {
iterate(0i32, 10i32);
iterate(5u8, 7u8);
iterate(0f64, 10f64);

Extract chain of iterator calls to a helper function [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the correct way to return an Iterator (or any other trait)?
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I'm trying to write a function that will encapsulate a series of chained iterator method calls (.lines().map(...).filter(...)) which I currently have duplicated. I can't figure out the type signatures to get this to compile. If this is impossible or highly unidiomatic for Rust, I'm open to suggestions for an idiomatic approach.
use std::fs;
use std::io;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::iter;
const WORDS_PATH: &str = "/usr/share/dict/words";
fn is_short(word: &String) -> bool {
word.len() < 7
fn unwrap(result: Result<String, io::Error>) -> String {
fn main_works_but_code_dupe() {
let file = fs::File::open(WORDS_PATH).unwrap();
let reader = io::BufReader::new(&file);
let count = reader.lines().map(unwrap).filter(is_short).count();
println!("{:?}", count);
let mut reader = io::BufReader::new(&file);;
let sample_size = (0.05 * count as f32) as usize; // 5% sample
// This chain of iterator logic is duplicated
for line in reader.lines().map(unwrap).filter(is_short).take(sample_size) {
println!("{}", line);
fn short_lines<'a, T>
(reader: &'a T)
-> iter::Filter<std::iter::Map<std::io::Lines<T>, &FnMut(&str, bool)>, &FnMut(&str, bool)>
where T: io::BufRead
fn main_dry() {
let file = fs::File::open(WORDS_PATH).unwrap();
let reader = io::BufReader::new(&file);
let count = short_lines(reader).count();
println!("{:?}", count);
// Would like to do this instead:
let mut reader = io::BufReader::new(&file);;
let sample_size = (0.05 * count as f32) as usize; // 5% sample
for line in short_lines(reader).take(sample_size) {
println!("{}", line);
fn main() {
I can't figure out the type signatures to get this to compile.
The compiler told you what it was.
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/
35 | reader.lines().map(unwrap).filter(is_short)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected reference, found fn item
= note: expected type `std::iter::Filter<std::iter::Map<_, &'a for<'r> std::ops::FnMut(&'r str, bool) + 'a>, &'a for<'r> std::ops::FnMut(&'r str, bool) + 'a>`
found type `std::iter::Filter<std::iter::Map<_, fn(std::result::Result<std::string::String, std::io::Error>) -> std::string::String {unwrap}>, for<'r> fn(&'r std::string::String) -> bool {is_short}>`
Now, granted, you can't just copy+paste this directly. You have to replace the _ type with the actual one you already had (it left it out because it was already correct). Secondly, you need to delete the {unwrap} and {is_short} bits; those are because function items have unique types, and that's how the compiler annotates them. Sadly, you can't actually write these types out.
Recompile and...
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/
32 | -> std::iter::Filter<std::iter::Map<std::io::Lines<T>, fn(std::result::Result<std::string::String, std::io::Error>) -> std::string::String>, for<'r> fn(&'r std::string::String) -> bool>
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- expected `std::iter::Filter<std::iter::Map<std::io::Lines<T>, fn(std::result::Result<std::string::String, std::io::Error>) -> std::string::String>, for<'r> fn(&'r std::string::String) -> bool>` because of return type
35 | reader.lines().map(unwrap).filter(is_short)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected fn pointer, found fn item
= note: expected type `std::iter::Filter<std::iter::Map<_, fn(std::result::Result<std::string::String, std::io::Error>) -> std::string::String>, for<'r> fn(&'r std::string::String) -> bool>`
found type `std::iter::Filter<std::iter::Map<_, fn(std::result::Result<std::string::String, std::io::Error>) -> std::string::String {unwrap}>, for<'r> fn(&'r std::string::String) -> bool {is_short}>`
Remember what I said about function items have unique types? Yeah, that. To fix that, we cast from a function item to a function pointer. We don't even need to specify what we're casting to, we just have to let the compiler know we want it to do a cast.
fn short_lines<'a, T>
(reader: &'a T)
-> std::iter::Filter<std::iter::Map<std::io::Lines<T>, fn(std::result::Result<std::string::String, std::io::Error>) -> std::string::String>, for<'r> fn(&'r std::string::String) -> bool>
where T: io::BufRead
reader.lines().map(unwrap as _).filter(is_short as _)
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/
41 | let count = short_lines(reader).count();
| ^^^^^^ expected reference, found struct `std::io::BufReader`
= note: expected type `&_`
found type `std::io::BufReader<&std::fs::File>`
= help: try with `&reader`
Again, the compiler tells you exactly what to do. Make the change and...
error[E0507]: cannot move out of borrowed content
--> src/
35 | reader.lines().map(unwrap as _).filter(is_short as _)
| ^^^^^^ cannot move out of borrowed content
Right, that's because you got the input of short_lines wrong. One more change:
fn short_lines<T>
(reader: T)
-> std::iter::Filter<std::iter::Map<std::io::Lines<T>, fn(std::result::Result<std::string::String, std::io::Error>) -> std::string::String>, for<'r> fn(&'r std::string::String) -> bool>
where T: io::BufRead
reader.lines().map(unwrap as _).filter(is_short as _)
And now all you have to deal with are warnings.
In short: read the compiler messages. They're useful.
I'd suggest doing it the simple way - collecting the iterator into a vector:
use std::fs;
use std::io;
use std::io::prelude::*;
const WORDS_PATH: &str = "/usr/share/dict/words";
fn main() {
let file = fs::File::open(WORDS_PATH).unwrap();
let reader = io::BufReader::new(&file);
let short_lines = reader.lines()
.map(|l| l.unwrap())
.filter(|l| l.len() < 7)
.collect::<Vec<_>>(); // the element type can just be inferred
let count = short_lines.len();
println!("{:?}", count);
let sample_size = (0.05 * count as f32) as usize; // 5% sample
for line in &short_lines[0..sample_size] {
println!("{}", line);