Spock Unroll seems to print something odd with boolean parameter - testing

I just put this test method together:
def 'super start edit should be called if cell is not empty'( boolean empty ){
DueDateEditor editor = GroovySpy( DueDateEditor ){
isEmpty() >> empty
if( empty){
0 * editor.callSuperStartEdit()
else {
1 * editor.callSuperStartEdit()
empty | _
true | _
false | _
... it works OK in terms of the two tests passing... but when you make it fail it's very odd: the output if the parameter empty is false is
super start edit should be called if cell is not empty[1]
... and it is 0 if the parameter empty is true. Is this a bug?

I am writing an additional answer because
there is a small bug in Tim's solutions with regard to the title (but still his answer is technically absolutely correct!),
you don't need a GroovySpy here, a simple Spy absolutely suffices,
I want to show you an alternative way of testing without stubbing isEmpty(),
I want to show you how you can use just one interaction with the number of calls in a ternary expression instead of an if-else (even though error reporting is ugly then),
I want to comment on your way of testing in general (see the end of this post).
package de.scrum_master.stackoverflow.q61032514;
import java.time.LocalDate;
public class DueDateEditor {
String text;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return text == null || text.trim() == "";
public void startEdit() {
if (!isEmpty())
public void callSuperStartEdit() {}
package de.scrum_master.stackoverflow.q61032514
import spock.lang.Specification
import spock.lang.Unroll
class DueDateEditorTest extends Specification {
def 'super start edit #shouldMsg be called if the cell is #cellStateMsg'() {
DueDateEditor editor = Spy() {
isEmpty() >> empty
(empty ? 0 : 1) * editor.callSuperStartEdit()
empty << [true, false]
shouldMsg = empty ? 'should not' : 'should'
cellStateMsg = empty ? 'empty' : 'not empty'
def "super start edit #shouldMsg be called if cell text is '#text'"() {
DueDateEditor editor = Spy()
editor.text = text
(editor.isEmpty() ? 0 : 1) * editor.callSuperStartEdit()
// Or, if 'isEmpty()' has a side effect:
// (text ? 1 : 0) * editor.callSuperStartEdit()
text << ["foo", "", null, "line 1\nline 2"]
shouldMsg = text ? 'should' : 'should not'
cellStateMsg = text ? 'not empty' : 'empty'
General remarks:
I would not test the internal wiring of a single class with interactions. The test will be brittle and if you refactor the class internally without changing the API at all, the test might break if the interactions are no longer as expected. I think this is over-specification and I would only use interaction testing for crucial interactions between different classes or maybe different instances of one class - "crucial" meaning things like the functionality of design patterns like Observer.
Having an if-else for differentiating two cases by two different interaction patterns if the whole test only knows exactly those two cases just makes the test less readable and more complex, see your own code as well as mine and Tim's. In such a case I would rather write two feature methods with simple titles and simple functionality, but without if-else or ternary expressions, without helper variables for titles etc.
P.S.: Sorry, I had to make up a sample class under test DueDateEditor in order to make my test compile and run as expected. As usual, Mike unfortunately didn't provide an MCVE but just a part of it.
Update: We talked about GroovySpy in our comments and, as I said, it will not work if your classes are Java classes and there is a final method in you want to stub, see the Spock manual. Here is proof for you:
package de.scrum_master.stackoverflow.q61032514;
public class TreeTableCell<A, B> {
String text;
public final boolean isEmpty() {
return text == null || text.trim() == "";
package de.scrum_master.stackoverflow.q61032514;
import java.time.LocalDate;
public class DueDateEditor extends TreeTableCell<String, LocalDate> {
public void startEdit() {
if (!isEmpty())
public void callSuperStartEdit() {}
package de.scrum_master.stackoverflow.q61032514
import spock.lang.Specification
import spock.lang.Unroll
class DueDateEditorTest extends Specification {
def 'super start edit #shouldMsg be called if the cell is #cellStateMsg'() {
DueDateEditor editor = GroovySpy() {
isEmpty() >> empty
(empty ? 0 : 1) * editor.callSuperStartEdit()
empty << [true, false]
shouldMsg = empty ? 'should not' : 'should'
cellStateMsg = empty ? 'empty' : 'not empty'
The test would work if your application classes were Groovy classes only. But if they are Java classes like in my example, the test will fail like this:
Too few invocations for:
(empty ? 0 : 1) * editor.callSuperStartEdit() (0 invocations)
Unmatched invocations (ordered by similarity):
1 * editor.startEdit()
methodName == "callSuperStartEdit"
| |
startEdit false
10 differences (44% similarity)
So in this case you cannot just use Groovy magic to check interactions. But as I said, you shouldn't do that anyway. Rather make sure that both startEdit() and callSuperStartEdit() do the right things. Check their results or, if they are void, check their side effects on the state of the subject under test or its collaborators.
Update 2: Regarding your original question about indexed method naming, actually #tim_yates gave the correct answer. I just want to add the corresponding Spock manual link explaining method unrolling and how you can influence naming using variables from the where: block.

No it's not a bug
You didn't tell spock how to name your tests differently so it adds the iteration (0 then 1) to the name
Change it to
def 'super start edit should be called if isEmpty for the cell returns #empty'(){
DueDateEditor editor = GroovySpy( DueDateEditor ){
isEmpty() >> empty
if( empty){
0 * editor.callSuperStartEdit()
else {
1 * editor.callSuperStartEdit()
empty << [true, false]
I changed the where section, as a table with one column felt odd
You can also do this:
def 'super start edit should be called if the cell is #msg'(){
DueDateEditor editor = GroovySpy( DueDateEditor ){
isEmpty() >> empty
if( empty){
0 * editor.callSuperStartEdit()
else {
1 * editor.callSuperStartEdit()
empty << [true, false]
msg = empty ? 'empty' : 'not empty'


password validation with Kotlin [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Regular Expression In Android for Password Field
(13 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I'm new in Kotlin and trying to find the most elegant solution of password validation with conditions:
Password must be at least 8 characters.
It must have at least 1 lowercase and at least 1 uppercase letter.
It must have one special character like ! or + or - or similar
It must have at least 1 digit
"Elegant" is subjective!
Here's a functional approach to it:
// you can define each rule as a separate checking function,
// adding more doesn't change the complexity
fun String.isLongEnough() = length >= 8
fun String.hasEnoughDigits() = count(Char::isDigit) > 0
fun String.isMixedCase() = any(Char::isLowerCase) && any(Char::isUpperCase)
fun String.hasSpecialChar() = any { it in "!,+^" }
// you can decide which requirements need to be included (or make separate lists
// of different priority requirements, and check that enough of each have been met)
val requirements = listOf(String::isLongEnough, String::hasEnoughDigits)
val String.meetsRequirements get() = requirements.all { check -> check(this) }
fun main() {
val password = "hiThere2!+"
I think the benefit is it's easy to add new rules and they can be very simple and readable, and you can handle the validation logic in a separate step (e.g. if you're implementing a "password strength" metric, where meeting some requirements counts more than others).
I've used some fancier language features in there, but it's to keep it concise really. The String.whatever() extension functions just mean you don't need to reference the string parameter in the function (it's this), and the function references (String::hasEnoughDigits) let you do that requirements.all call instead of going if (isLongEnough(password) && hasEnoughDigits(password) && ...) and so on. You could do it that way if you wanted!
Lots of options and ways to approach it. Regexes can definitely be elegant, but they can also be hard to work with
You can do like this ...
internal fun isValidPassword(password: String): Boolean {
if (password.length < 8) return false
if (password.filter { it.isDigit() }.firstOrNull() == null) return false
if (password.filter { it.isLetter() }.filter { it.isUpperCase() }.firstOrNull() == null) return false
if (password.filter { it.isLetter() }.filter { it.isLowerCase() }.firstOrNull() == null) return false
if (password.filter { !it.isLetterOrDigit() }.firstOrNull() == null) return false
return true

Xbase Interpreter: Could not access field on instance: null

I am testing the idea of making my dsl Jvm compatible and I wanted to test the possibility of extending Xbase and using the interpreter. I have tried to make a minimal test project to use with the interpreter but I am getting a runtime error. I think I understand the general concepts of adapting Xbase, but am unsure about how the setup/entrypoints for the interpreter and could not find any information regarding the error I am getting or how to resolve. Here are the relevant files for my situation:
import "http://www.eclipse.org/xtext/xbase/Xbase" as xbase
import "http://www.eclipse.org/xtext/common/JavaVMTypes" as types
Program returns Program:
'program' name=ID '{'
Var_Section returns VarSection:
'variables' '{'
#Override // Change syntax
XVariableDeclaration returns xbase::XVariableDeclaration:
type=JvmTypeReference name=ID '=' right=XLiteral ';'
#Override // Do not allow declarations outside of variable region
XExpressionOrVarDeclaration returns xbase::XExpression:
def dispatch void infer(Program element, IJvmDeclaredTypeAcceptor acceptor, boolean isPreIndexingPhase) {
acceptor.accept(element.toClass(element.fullyQualifiedName)) [
documentation = element.documentation
if (element.variables !== null) {
for (decl : element.variables.decls) {
members += decl.toField(decl.name, decl.type) [
static = true
initializer = decl.right
visibility = JvmVisibility.PUBLIC
if (element.run !== null) {
members += element.run.toMethod('main', typeRef(Void::TYPE)) [
parameters += element.run.toParameter("args", typeRef(String).addArrayTypeDimension)
visibility = JvmVisibility.PUBLIC
static = true
body = element.run
Test case:
#Inject ParseHelper<Program> parseHelper
#Inject extension ValidationTestHelper
#Inject XbaseInterpreter interpreter
def void basicInterpret() {
val result = parseHelper.parse('''
program program1 {
variables {
int var1 = 0;
double var2 = 3.4;
var1 = 13
var interpretResult = interpreter.evaluate(result.run)
Partial stack trace:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not access field: program1.var1 on instance: null
at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.interpreter.impl.XbaseInterpreter._assignValueTo(XbaseInterpreter.java:1262)
at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.interpreter.impl.XbaseInterpreter.assignValueTo(XbaseInterpreter.java:1221)
at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.interpreter.impl.XbaseInterpreter._doEvaluate(XbaseInterpreter.java:1213)
at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.interpreter.impl.XbaseInterpreter.doEvaluate(XbaseInterpreter.java:216)
at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.interpreter.impl.XbaseInterpreter.internalEvaluate(XbaseInterpreter.java:204)
at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.interpreter.impl.XbaseInterpreter.evaluate(XbaseInterpreter.java:190)
at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.interpreter.impl.XbaseInterpreter.evaluate(XbaseInterpreter.java:180)
The interpreter does only support expressions, but does not work with types that are created by a JvmModelInferrer. Your code tries to work with fields of such an inferred type.
Rather than using the interpreter, I'd recommend to use an InMemoryCompiler in your test. The domainmodel example may serve as an inspiration: https://github.com/eclipse/xtext-eclipse/blob/c2b15c3ec118c4c200e2b28ea72d8c9116fb6800/org.eclipse.xtext.xtext.ui.examples/projects/domainmodel/org.eclipse.xtext.example.domainmodel.tests/xtend-gen/org/eclipse/xtext/example/domainmodel/tests/XbaseIntegrationTest.java
You may find this project interesting, which (among other stuff) implements an interpreter for Xtend based on the Xbase interpreter. It might be a bit outdated, though, and also will not fully support all Xtend concepts. But it could be a starting point, and your contrbutions are welcome :-)

Assigning values to attributes in the BUILD phaser for an object

When a BUILD phaser is called, it overrides default attribute assignment in Perl6. Suppose we have to use that BUILD phaser, like we do in this module (that's where I met this problem). What's the way of assigning values to attributes in that phase?
I have used this
class my-class {
has $.dash-attribute;
submethod BUILD(*%args) {
for %args.kv -> $k, $value {
self."$k"( $value );
my $my-instance = my-class.new( dash-attribute => 'This is the attribute' );
And I get this error
Too many positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 2
Other combinations of $!or $., direct assignment, declaring the attribute as rw (same error) yield different kind of errors. This is probably just a syntax issue, but I couldn't find the solution. Any help will be appreciated.
There are two things wrong in your example, the way I see it. First of all, if you want an attribute to be writeable, you will need to mark it is rw. Secondly, changing the value of an attribute is done by assignment, rather than by giving the new value as an argument.
So I think the code should be:
class my-class {
has $.dash-attribute is rw;
submethod BUILD(*%args) {
for %args.kv -> $k, $value {
self."$k"() = $value;
my $my-instance = my-class.new( dash-attribute => 'attribute value' );
dd $my-instance;
# my-class $my-instance = my-class.new(dash-attribute => "attribute value")
You could do it the same way the object system normally does it under the hood for you.
(not recommended)
class C {
has $.d;
submethod BUILD ( *%args ){
for self.^attributes {
my $short-name = .name.substr(2); # remove leading 「$!」
next unless %args{$short-name}:exists;
.set_value( self, %args{$short-name} )
say C.new(d => 42)
C.new(d => 42)

how to create and export dynamic operators

I have some classes (and will need quite a few more) that look like this:
use Unit;
class Unit::Units::Ampere is Unit
method TWEAK { with self {
.si = True;
# m· kg· s· A ·K· mol· cd
.si-signature = [ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ];
.singular-name = "ampere";
.plural-name = "ampere";
.symbol = "A";
sub postfix:<A> ($value) returns Unit::Units::Ampere is looser(&prefix:<->) is export(:short) {
return Unit::Units::Ampere.new( :$value );
sub postfix:<ampere> ($value) returns Unit::Units::Ampere is looser(&prefix:<->) is export(:long) {
I would like to be able to construct and export the custom operators dynamically at runtime. I know how to work with EXPORT, but how do I create a postfix operator on the fly?
I ended up basically doing this:
return %(
"postfix:<A>" => sub is looser(&prefix:<->) {
#do something
which is disturbingly simple.
For the first question, you can create dynamic subs by returning a sub from another. To accept only an Ampere parameter (where "Ampere" is chosen programmatically), use a type capture in the function signature:
sub make-combiner(Any:U ::Type $, &combine-logic) {
return sub (Type $a, Type $b) {
return combine-logic($a, $b);
my &int-adder = make-combiner Int, {$^a + $^b};
say int-adder(1, 2);
my &list-adder = make-combiner List, {(|$^a, |$^b)};
say list-adder(<a b>, <c d>);
say list-adder(1, <c d>); # Constraint type check fails
Note that when I defined the inner sub, I had to put a space after the sub keyword, lest the compiler think I'm calling a function named "sub". (See the end of my answer for another way to do this.)
Now, on to the hard part: how to export one of these generated functions? The documentation for what is export really does is here: https://docs.perl6.org/language/modules.html#is_export
Half way down the page, they have an example of adding a function to the symbol table without being able to write is export at compile time. To get the above working, it needs to be in a separate file. To see an example of a programmatically determined name and programmatically determined logic, create the following MyModule.pm6:
unit module MyModule;
sub make-combiner(Any:U ::Type $, &combine-logic) {
anon sub combiner(Type $a, Type $b) {
return combine-logic($a, $b);
my Str $name = 'int';
my $type = Int;
my package EXPORT::DEFAULT {
OUR::{"&{$name}-eater"} := make-combiner $type, {$^a + $^b};
Invoke Perl 6:
perl6 -I. -MMyModule -e "say int-eater(4, 3);"
As hoped, the output is 7. Note that in this version, I used anon sub, which lets you name the "anonymous" generated function. I understand this is mainly useful for generating better stack traces.
All that said, I'm having trouble dynamically setting a postfix operator's precedence. I think you need to modify the Precedence role of the operator, or create it yourself instead of letting the compiler create it for you. This isn't documented.

How does one write custom accessor methods in Perl6?

How does one write custom accessor methods in Perl6?
If I have this class:
class Wizard {
has Int $.mana is rw;
I can do this:
my Wizard $gandalf .= new;
$gandalf.mana = 150;
Let's say I want to add a little check to a setter in my Perl6 class without giving up the $gandalf.mana = 150; notation (in other words, I don't want to write this: $gandalf.setMana(150);). The program should die, if it tries to set a negative mana. How do I do this? The Perl6 documentation just mentions it is possible to write custom accessors, but does not say how.
With more recent versions of Rakudo there is a subset named UInt that restricts it to positive values.
class Wizard {
has UInt $.mana is rw;
So that you're not stuck in a lurch if you need to something like this; here is how that is defined:
( you can leave off the my, but I wanted to show you the actual line from the Rakudo source )
my subset UInt of Int where * >= 0;
You could also do this:
class Wizard {
has Int $.mana is rw where * >= 0;
I would like to point out that the * >= 0 in the where constraint is just a short way to create a Callable.
You could have any of the following as a where constraint:
... where &subroutine # a subroutine that returns a true value for positive values
... where { $_ >= 0 }
... where -> $a { $a >= 0 }
... where { $^a >= 0 }
... where $_ >= 0 # statements also work ( 「$_」 is set to the value it's testing )
( If you wanted it to just not be zero you could also use ... where &prefix:<?> which is probably better spelled as ... where ?* or ... where * !== 0 )
If you feel like being annoying to people using your code you could also do this.
class Wizard {
has UInt $.mana is rw where Bool.pick; # accepts changes randomly
If you want to make sure the value "makes sense" when looking at all of the values in the class in aggregate, you will have to go to a lot more work.
( It may require a lot more knowledge of the implementation as well )
class Wizard {
has Int $.mana; # use . instead of ! for better `.perl` representation
# overwrite the method the attribute declaration added
method mana () is rw {
FETCH => -> $ { $!mana },
STORE => -> $, Int $new {
die 'invalid mana' unless $new >= 0; # placeholder for a better error
$!mana = $new
You can get the same accessor interface that saying $.mana provides by declaring a method is rw. Then you can wrap a proxy around the underlying attribute like so:
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use v6;
use Test;
plan 2;
class Wizard {
has Int $!mana;
method mana() is rw {
return Proxy.new:
FETCH => sub ($) { return $!mana },
STORE => sub ($, $mana) {
die "It's over 9000!" if ($mana // 0) > 9000;
$!mana = $mana;
my Wizard $gandalf .= new;
$gandalf.mana = 150;
ok $gandalf.mana == 150, 'Updating mana works';
throws_like sub {
$gandalf.mana = 9001;
}, X::AdHoc, 'Too much mana is too much';
Proxy is basically a way to intercept read and write calls to storage and do something other than the default behavior. As their capitalization suggests, FETCH and STORE are called automatically by Perl to resolve expressions like $gandalf.mana = $gandalf.mana + 5.
There's a fuller discussion, including whether you should even attempt this, at PerlMonks. I would recommend against the above -- and public rw attributes in general. It's more a display of what it is possible to express in the language than a useful tool.