EDSDK Live view problems using canon example - edsdk

I need to make a function for live view image in canon camera, but when I try to use the example code provided from canon I got some errors in variables. So I modified the code so that it could work. But the function EDSDK.EdsGetPropertyData returns the error code 98 (in hex 62) which represents the error EDS_ERR_INVALID_POINTER. I would like to know what is wrong in my code, and how can I proceed it.
IntPtr outData;
public void startLiveview(IntPtr camera)
uint err = EDSDK.EDS_ERR_OK;
EDSDK.EdsDataType device = new EDSDK.EdsDataType();
int size;
// Get the output device for the live view image EdsUInt32 device; err = EdsGetPropertyData(camera, kEdsPropID_Evf_OutputDevice, 0 , , sizeof(device), &device );
// PC live view starts by setting the PC as the output device for the live view image. if(err == EDS_ERR_OK) { device |= kEdsEvfOutputDevice_PC;
err = EDSDK.EdsGetPropertySize(camera, EDSDK.PropID_Evf_OutputDevice, 0,out device, out size);
MessageBox.Show("Error result:"+err.ToString());
err = EDSDK.EdsGetPropertyData(camera, EDSDK.PropID_Evf_OutputDevice, 0, size, outData);
if (err == EDSDK.EDS_ERR_OK)
//device |= EDSDK.PropID_Evf_OutputDevice;
// err = EDSDK.EdsSetPropertyData(camera, EDSDK.PropID_Evf_OutputDevice, 0, sizeof(device), &device);
MessageBox.Show("Error result:" + err.ToString());

EdsGetPropertyData expects the outData pointer to have a value but you are passing a zero pointer.
You need to allocate memory first and then call EdsGetPropertyData, i.e. something like this:
outData = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);
err = EDSDK.EdsGetPropertyData(camera, EDSDK.PropID_Evf_OutputDevice, 0, size, outData);
Once you are done, you must release that allocated memory or you'll have a memory leak:
In the C# examples of the Canon SDK (since version 13.x, I believe) you should find methods that already implement EdsGetPropertyData methods for several data types. Why not use those instead of writing it yourself?


Problems connecting to the input pins of GMFBridge Sink Filter

I am experiencing a strange problem when trying to use the GMFBridge filter with the output of an Euresys UxH264 card.
I am trying to integrate this card into our solution, that relies on GMFBridge to handle the ability of continuous capture to multiple files, performing muxing and file-splitting without having to stop the capture graph.
This card captures video and audio from analog inputs. It provides a DirectShow filter exposing both a raw stream of the video input and a hardware-encoded H.264 stream. The audio stream is provided as an uncompressed stream only.
When I attempt to directly connect any of the output pins of the Euresys source filters to the input pins of the GMFBridge Sink, they get rejected, with the code VFW_E_NO_ALLOCATOR. (In the past I have successfully connected both H.264 and raw audio streams to the bridge).
Grasping at straws, I plugged in a pair of SampleGrabber filters between the Euresys card filters and the bridge sink filter, and -just like that- the connections between sample grabbers and sink were accepted.
However, I am not getting any packets on the other side of the bridge (the muxing graph). I inspected the running capture graph with GraphStudioNext and somehow the sample grabbers appear detached from my graph, even though I got successful confirmations when I connected them to the source filter!.
Here's the source code creating the graph.
void EuresysSourceBox::BuildGraph() {
CComPtr<IGraphBuilder> pGraph;
_rotEntry1 = FilterTools::RegisterGraphInROT(IntPtr(pGraph), "euresys graph");
// [*Video Source*]
String^ filterName = "Ux H.264 Visual Source";
FilterMonikerList^ videoSourceList = FilterTools::GetFilterMonikersByName(category, filterName);
CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pVideoSource;
int monikerIndex = config->BoardIndex; // a filter instance will be retrieved for every installed board
clr_scoped_ptr<CComPtr<IMoniker>>^ ppVideoSourceMoniker = videoSourceList[monikerIndex];
COM_CALL((*ppVideoSourceMoniker->get())->BindToObject(NULL, NULL, IID_IBaseFilter, (void**)&pVideoSource));
COM_CALL(pGraph->AddFilter(pVideoSource, L"VideoSource"));
// [Video Source]
// [*Audio Source*]
filterName = "Ux H.264 Audio Encoder";
FilterMonikerList^ audioSourceList = FilterTools::GetFilterMonikersByName(category, filterName);
CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pAudioSource;
clr_scoped_ptr<CComPtr<IMoniker>>^ ppAudioSourceMoniker = audioSourceList[monikerIndex];
COM_CALL((*ppAudioSourceMoniker->get())->BindToObject(NULL, NULL, IID_IBaseFilter, (void**)&pAudioSource));
COM_CALL(pGraph->AddFilter(pAudioSource, L"AudioSource"));
CComPtr<IPin> pVideoCompressedOutPin(FilterTools::GetPin(pVideoSource, "Encoded"));
CComPtr<IPin> pAudioOutPin(FilterTools::GetPin(pAudioSource, "Audio"));
CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pSampleGrabber;
COM_CALL(pGraph->AddFilter(pSampleGrabber, L"SampleGrabber"));
CComPtr<IPin> pSampleGrabberInPin(FilterTools::GetPin(pSampleGrabber, "Input"));
COM_CALL(pGraph->ConnectDirect(pVideoCompressedOutPin, pSampleGrabberInPin, NULL)); // DOES NOT FAIL!!
CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pSampleGrabber2;
COM_CALL(pGraph->AddFilter(pSampleGrabber2, L"SampleGrabber2"));
CComPtr<IPin> pSampleGrabber2InPin(FilterTools::GetPin(pSampleGrabber2, "Input"));
COM_CALL(pGraph->ConnectDirect(pAudioOutPin, pSampleGrabber2InPin, NULL)); // DOES NOT FAIL!!
// [Video Source]---
// |-->[*Bridge Sink*]
// [Audio Source]---
CComPtr<IPin> pSampleGrabberOutPin(FilterTools::GetPin(pSampleGrabber, "Output"));
CComPtr<IPin> pSampleGrabber2OutPin(FilterTools::GetPin(pSampleGrabber2, "Output"));
// Root graph to parent object
_ppCaptureGraph.reset(new CComPtr<IGraphBuilder>(pGraph));
COM_CALL is my HRESULT checking macro, it will raise a managed exception if the result is other than S_OK. So the connection between pins succeeded, but here is how the graph looks disjointed when it is running:
So, I have three questions:
1) What could VFW_E_NO_ALLOCATOR mean in this instance? (the source filter can be successfully connected to other components such as LAV Video decoder or ffdshow video decoder).
2) Is there a known workaround to circumvent the VFW_E_NO_ALLOCATOR problem?
3) Is it possible that a filter gets disconnected at runtime as it seems to be happening in my case?
I found a reference by Geraint Davies giving a reason as to why the GMFBridge sink filter may be rejecting the connection.
It looks as though the parser is insisting on using its own allocator
-- this is common with parsers where the output samples are merely pointers into the input samples. However, the bridge cannot implement
suspend mode without using its own allocator, so a copy is required.
With this information, I decided to create an ultra simple CTransformFilter filter that simply accepts the allocator offered by the bridge and copies to the output sample whatever comes in from the input sample. I am not 100% sure that what I did was right, but it is working now. I could successfully plug-in the Euresys card as part of my capture infrastructure.
For reference, if anyone experiences something similar, here is the code of the filter I created:
class SampleCopyGeneratorFilter : public CTransformFilter {
HRESULT CheckInputType(const CMediaType* mtIn) override { return S_OK; }
HRESULT GetMediaType(int iPosition, CMediaType* pMediaType) override;
HRESULT CheckTransform(const CMediaType *mtIn, const CMediaType *mtOut) override { return S_OK; }
HRESULT DecideBufferSize(IMemAllocator *pAlloc, ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES *pProp) override;
HRESULT Transform(IMediaSample *pSource, IMediaSample *pDest) override;
: CTransformFilter(NAME("SampleCopyGeneratorFilter"), NULL, GUID_NULL)
HRESULT SampleCopyGeneratorFilter::GetMediaType(int iPosition, CMediaType* pMediaType) {
if( iPosition < 0 )
CComPtr<IPin> connectedTo;
CComPtr<IEnumMediaTypes> pMTEnumerator;
AM_MEDIA_TYPE* pIteratedMediaType;
for( int i = 0; i <= iPosition; i++ ) {
if( pMTEnumerator->Next(1, &pIteratedMediaType, NULL) != S_OK )
if( i == iPosition )
*pMediaType = *pIteratedMediaType;
return S_OK;
HRESULT SampleCopyGeneratorFilter::DecideBufferSize(IMemAllocator *pAlloc, ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES *pProp) {
try {
pProp->cbBuffer = DIBSIZE(*pBMI); // format is compressed, uncompressed size should be enough
if( !pProp->cbAlign )
pProp->cbAlign = 1;
pProp->cbPrefix = 0;
pProp->cBuffers = 4;
COM_CALL(pAlloc->SetProperties(pProp, &actualProperties));
if( pProp->cbBuffer > actualProperties.cbBuffer )
return E_FAIL;
return S_OK;
} finally{
HRESULT SampleCopyGeneratorFilter::Transform(IMediaSample *pSource, IMediaSample *pDest) {
BYTE* pBufferIn;
BYTE* pBufferOut;
long destSize = pDest->GetSize();
long dataLen = pSource->GetActualDataLength();
if( dataLen > destSize )
memcpy(pBufferOut, pBufferIn, dataLen);
pDest->SetSyncPoint(pSource->IsSyncPoint() == S_OK);
return S_OK;
Here is how I inserted the filter in the capture graph:
CComPtr<IPin> pAACEncoderOutPin(FilterTools::GetPin(pAACEncoder, "XForm Out"));
CComPtr<IPin> pVideoSourceCompressedOutPin(FilterTools::GetPin(pVideoSource, "Encoded"));
CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pSampleCopier;
pSampleCopier = new SampleCopyGeneratorFilter();
COM_CALL(pGraph->AddFilter(pSampleCopier, L"SampleCopier"));
CComPtr<IPin> pSampleCopierInPin(FilterTools::GetPin(pSampleCopier, "XForm In"));
COM_CALL(pGraph->ConnectDirect(pVideoSourceCompressedOutPin, pSampleCopierInPin, NULL));
CComPtr<IPin> pSampleCopierOutPin(FilterTools::GetPin(pSampleCopier, "XForm Out"));
Now, I still have no idea why inserting the sample grabber instead did not work and resulted in detached graphs. I corroborated this quirk by examining the graphs with Graphedit Plus too. If anyone can offer me an explanation, I would be very grateful indeed.

AudioQueue | Change audio device while audioQueue is running

i am using audio queue for playback and for record on OSX | Mac and have a use case,
Its something like, user may change the Audiodevice ( Input and output both ) while audio queue is running either for playback or for record,
This is what i have done so far,
OSStatus result = noErr;
// get the device list
AudioObjectPropertyAddress thePropertyAddress = { kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice, kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster };
UInt32 thePropSize;
CFStringRef theDeviceName;
// get the device name
thePropSize = sizeof(CFStringRef);
thePropertyAddress.mSelector = kAudioObjectPropertyName;
thePropertyAddress.mScope = kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal;
thePropertyAddress.mElement = kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster;
// get the name of the device
result = AudioObjectGetPropertyData( (AudioObjectID)input,
&thePropertyAddress, 0, NULL, &thePropSize, &theDeviceName);
if ( result != noErr){
log("Error while getting property");
// get the uid of the device
CFStringRef theDeviceUID;
thePropertyAddress.mSelector = kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceUID;
result = AudioObjectGetPropertyData( (AudioObjectID)input,
&thePropertyAddress, 0, NULL, &thePropSize, &theDeviceUID);
XThrowIfError(AudioQueueSetProperty(mQueue,kAudioQueueProperty_CurrentDevice,&theDeviceUID, sizeof(CFStringRef)),"set input device");
catch (CAXException e) {
char buf[256];
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s (%s)\n", e.mOperation, e.FormatError(buf));
but its throwing an exception kAudioQueueErr_InvalidRunState , referencesaying its can't be done while queue is running;
Is there any other way to achieve the same ?
Unfortunately there isn't any other way to achieve this (AudioQueue has too few functions at all). You need firstly to stop audio queue, then change its property, and finally start it again.

Embedded: SDHC SPI write issue

I am currently working at a logger that uses a MSP430F2618 MCU and SanDisk 4GB SDHC Card.
Card initialization works as expected, I also can read MBR and FAT table.
The problem is that I can't write any data on it. I have checked if it is write protected by notch, but it's not. Windows 7 OS has no problem reading/writing to it.
Though, I have used a tool called "HxD" and I've tried to alter some sectors (under Windows). When I try to save the content to SD card, the tool pop up a windows telling me "Access denied!".
Then I came back to my code for writing to SD card:
uint8_t SdWriteBlock(uchar_t *blockData, const uint32_t address)
uint8_t result = OP_ERROR;
uint16_t count;
uchar_t dataResp;
uint8_t idx;
for (idx = RWTIMEOUT; idx > 0; idx--)
SdCommand(CMD24, address, 0xFF);
dataResp = SdResponse();
if (dataResp == 0x00)
if (0x00 == dataResp)
//send command success, now send data starting with DATA TOKEN = 0xFE
//send 512 bytes of data
for (count = 0; count < 512; count++)
//now send tow CRC bytes ,through it is not used in the spi mode
//but it is still needed in transfer format
//now read in the DATA RESPONSE TOKEN
dataResp = SdRead();
while (dataResp == 0x00);
//following the DATA RESPONSE TOKEN are a number of BUSY bytes
//a zero byte indicates the SD/MMC is busy programing,
//a non_zero byte indicates SD/MMC is not busy
dataResp = dataResp & 0x0F;
if (0x05 == dataResp)
dataResp = SdRead();
if (0x0 == dataResp)
result = OP_OK;
while (idx != 0);
return result;
The problem seems to be when I am waiting for card status:
dataResp = SdRead();
while (dataResp == 0x00);
Here I am waiting for a response of type "X5"(hex value) where X is undefined.
But most of the cases the response is 0x00 (hex value) and I don't get out of the loop. Few cases are when the response is 0xFF (hex value).
I can't figure out what is the problem.
Can anyone help me? Thanks!
We need to see much more of your code. Many µC SPI codebases only support SD cards <= 2 GB, so using a smaller card might work.
You might check it yourself: SDHC needs a CMD 8 and an ACMD 41 after the CMD 0 (GO_IDLE_STATE) command, otherwise you cannot read or write data to it.
Thank you for your answers, but I solved my problem. It was a problem of timing. I had to put a delay at specific points.

How can I modify the SpeakHere sample app to record in mono format on iPhone?

I am new to iPhone. Could you please help me to modify the SpeakHere app from Apple to record in mono format. What should I have to set for mChannelsPerFrame and what else should I set?
I already change some part for record on linearPCM WAVE format.
Here is link to speakHere.
Here is what I think they allow me to change but I don't quite understand on sound:
void ChangeNumberChannels(UInt32 nChannels, bool interleaved)
// alter an existing format
Assert(IsPCM(), "ChangeNumberChannels only works for PCM formats");
UInt32 wordSize = SampleWordSize(); // get this before changing ANYTHING
if (wordSize == 0)
wordSize = (mBitsPerChannel + 7) / 8;
mChannelsPerFrame = nChannels;
mFramesPerPacket = 1;
if (interleaved) {
mBytesPerPacket = mBytesPerFrame = nChannels * wordSize;
mFormatFlags &= ~kAudioFormatFlagIsNonInterleaved;
} else {
mBytesPerPacket = mBytesPerFrame = wordSize;
mFormatFlags |= kAudioFormatFlagIsNonInterleaved;
On iPhone you will only be able to record in mono.
You shouldn't need to do anything to set this up in the SpeakHere example. It's done automatically. For example in AQRecorder::SetupAudioFormat:
size = sizeof(mRecordFormat.mChannelsPerFrame);
XThrowIfError(AudioSessionGetProperty( kAudioSessionProperty_CurrentHardwareInputNumberChannels,
&mRecordFormat.mChannelsPerFrame), "couldn't get input channel count");
That gets the supported hardware input channels and sets it as an ivar. Elsewhere, the buffer size calculations will factor that in.

AudioQueue fails to start

I create an AudioQueue in the following steps.
Create a new output with AudioQueueNewOutput
Add a property listener for the kAudioQueueProperty_IsRunning property
Allocate my buffers with AudioQueueAllocateBuffer
Call AudioQueuePrime
Call AudioQueueStart
The problem is, when i call AudioQueuePrime it outputs following error on the console
AudioConverterNew returned -50
Prime failed (-50); will stop (11025/0 frames)
What's wrong here?
I got this error on iOS (Device & Simulator)
The output callback installed when calling AudioQueueNewOutput is never called!
The file is valid and the AudioStreamBasicDescription does match the format (AAC)
I tested the file with Mat's AudioStreamer and it seems to work there
Sample Init Code:
// Get the stream description from the first sample buffer
OSStatus err = noErr;
EDSampleBuffer *firstBuf = [sampleBufs objectAtIndex:0];
AudioStreamBasicDescription asbd = firstBuf.streamDescription;
// TODO: remove temporary format setup, just to ensure format for now
asbd.mSampleRate = 44100.00;
asbd.mFramesPerPacket = 1024; // AAC default
asbd.mChannelsPerFrame = 2;
// -----------------------------------
// Create a new output
err = AudioQueueNewOutput(&asbd, _audioQueueOutputCallback, self, NULL, NULL, 0, &audioQueue);
if (err) {
[self _reportError:kASAudioQueueInitializationError];
goto bail;
// Add property listener for queue state
err = AudioQueueAddPropertyListener(audioQueue, kAudioQueueProperty_IsRunning, _audioQueueIsRunningCallback, self);
if (err) {
[self _reportError:kASAudioQueuePropertyListenerError];
goto bail;
// Allocate a queue buffers
for (int i=0; i<kAQNumBufs; i++) {
err = AudioQueueAllocateBuffer(audioQueue, kAQDefaultBufSize, &queueBuffer[i]);
if (err) {
[self _reportError:kASAudioQueueBufferAllocationError];
goto bail;
// Prime and start
err = AudioQueuePrime(audioQueue, 0, NULL);
if (err) {
printf("failed to prime audio queue %ld\n", err);
goto bail;
err = AudioQueueStart(audioQueue, NULL);
if (err) {
printf("failed to start audio queue %ld\n", err);
goto bail;
These are the format flags from the audio file stream
rate: 44100.000000
framesPerPacket: 1024
format: aac
bitsPerChannel: 0
reserved: 0
channelsPerFrame: 2
bytesPerFrame: 0
bytesPerPacket: 0
formatFlags: 0
cookieSize 39
AudioConverterNew returned -50
Prime failed (-50); will stop (11025/0 frames)
What's wrong here?
You did it wrong.
No, really. That's what that error means, and that's ALL that error means.
That's why paramErr (-50) is such an annoying error code: It doesn't say a damn thing about what you (or anyone else) did wrong.
The first step to formulating guesses as to what it's complaining about is to find out what function returned that error. Change your _reportError: method to enable you to log the name of the function that returned the error. Then, log the parameters you're passing to that function and figure out why it's of the opinion that those parameters to that function don't make sense.
My own wild guess is that it's because the values you forced into the ASBD don't match the characteristics of the sample buffer. The log output you included in your question says “11025/0 frames”; 11025 is a common sample rate (but different from 44100). I assume you'd know what the 0 refers to.