What is the most efficient way to compute "colocation" in BigQuery? - sql

Assuming that you have a table of the form:
vehicle_id | timestamp | lat | lon
What is the most efficient way to create a query to compute "colocation"?
Colocation means two vehicles at nearly the same location at the same time.
What I am doing is to first create cell_id from a grid (for example created by rounding lat/lon to the 4th decimal digit) and then running a groupby on the cell_id (and time). Is there a more efficient way?

I'd suggest using a GeoHash. Demonstrating this on NYC taxicab data and grouping by hour in time:
WITH top_pickup_locations AS (
TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(pickup_datetime, HOUR) AS hour,
ST_GeoHash( ST_GeogPoint(pickup_longitude, pickup_latitude), 15 ) AS geohash,
COUNT(*) AS num_pickups
FROM `bigquery-public-data.new_york.tlc_green_trips_2013`
GROUP BY hour, geohash
ORDER BY num_pickups DESC
FROM top_pickup_locations
To read more about GeoHash, see here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geohash
Increase the number of characters (I'm using 15) to control the precision.
The other alternative is to use ST_SnapToGrid() instead of the geohash:
WITH top_pickup_locations AS (
TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(pickup_datetime, HOUR) AS hour,
ST_ASGeoJson(ST_SnapToGrid( ST_GeogPoint(pickup_longitude, pickup_latitude), 0.0001)) AS cellid,
COUNT(*) AS num_pickups
FROM `bigquery-public-data.new_york.tlc_green_trips_2013`
GROUP BY hour, cellid
ORDER BY num_pickups DESC
FROM top_pickup_locations
When I did it, the geohash method took 11 seconds of slot time
while the snap-to-grid method took 57 seconds of slot time.
15 characters of geohash and 4 digits of lat-lon are approximately similar in the number of groups.


Clustering data points based on row "distance"

I have a dataset with a number of timestamps. I want to cluster them in groups where each group consists of data points that are not further than X hours apart. That means that each group with be a latest X hours apart.
Any ideas on how to do that?
You'd have to introduce a column by which you can cluster. If I understand you correctly it is about hours in time. Since you need to decide whether a row is in a cluster or not, you can not have a dynamic distance cluster.
But you can extract the hour information and use that to create your cluster.
E.g. using hour - modulo of (hour / group size)
TIME(0,40,0), TIME(1,23,0),
TIME(2,12,0), TIME(3,51,0),
TIME(4,1,0), TIME(5,51,0),
TIME(6,5,0), TIME(7,21,0),
TIME(8,56,0), TIME(9,34,0),
]) as time
So it's groups of hours of a certain size.

Multiple aggregate sums from different conditions in one sql query

Whereas I believe this is a fairly general SQL question, I am working in PostgreSQL 9.4 without an option to use other database software, and thus request that any answer be compatible with its capabilities.
I need to be able to return multiple aggregate totals from one query, such that each sum is in a new row, and each of the groupings are determined by a unique span of time, e.g. WHERE time_stamp BETWEEN '2016-02-07' AND '2016-02-14'. The number of records that satisfy there WHERE clause is unknown and may be zero, in which case ideally the result is "0". This is what I have worked out so far:
SELECT SUM(minutes) AS min
FROM downtime
WHERE time_stamp BETWEEN '2016-02-07' AND '2016-02-14'
SELECT SUM(minutes)
FROM downtime
WHERE time_stamp BETWEEN '2016-02-14' AND '2016-02-21'
SELECT SUM(minutes)
FROM downtime
WHERE time_stamp BETWEEN '2016-02-28' AND '2016-03-06'
SELECT SUM(minutes)
FROM downtime
WHERE time_stamp BETWEEN '2016-03-06' AND '2016-03-13'
SELECT SUM(minutes))
FROM downtime
WHERE time_stamp BETWEEN '2016-03-13' AND '2016-03-20'
SELECT SUM(minutes)
FROM downtime
WHERE time_stamp BETWEEN '2016-03-20' AND '2016-03-27'
1 | 119
2 | 4
3 | 30
4 |
5 | 62
6 | 350
That query gets me almost the exact result that I want; certainly good enough in that I can do exactly what I need with the results. Time spans with no records are blank but that was predictable, and whereas I would prefer "0" I can account for the blank rows in software.
But, while it isn't terrible for the 6 weeks that it represents, I want to be flexible and to be able to do the same thing for different time spans, and for a different number of data points, such as each day in a week, each week in 3 months, 6 months, each month in 1 year, 2 years, etc... As written above, it feels as if it is going to get tedious fast... for instance 1 week spans over a 2 year period is 104 sub-queries.
What I'm after is a more elegant way to get the same (or similar) result.
I also don't know if doing 104 iterations of a similar query to the above (vs. the 6 that it does now) is a particularly efficient usage.
Ultimately I am going to write some code which will help me build (and thus abstract away) the long, ugly query--but it would still be great to have a more concise and scale-able query.
In Postgres, you can generate a series of times and then use these for the aggregation:
select g.dte, coalesce(sum(dt.minutes), 0) as minutes
from generate_series('2016-02-07'::timestamp, '2016-03-20'::timestamp, interval '7 day') g(dte) left join
downtime dt
on dt.timestamp >= g.dte and dt.timestamp < g.dte + interval '7 day'
group by g.dte
order by g.dte;

Every 10th row based on timestamp

I have a table with signal name, value and timestamp. these signals where recorded at sampling rate of 1sample/sec. Now i want to plot a graph on values of months, and it is becoming very heavy for the system to perform it within seconds. So my question is " Is there any way to view 1 value/minute in other words i want to see every 60th row.?"
You can use the row_number() function to enumerate the rows, and then use modulo arithmetic to get the rows:
select signalname, value, timestamp
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (order by timestamp) as seqnum
from table t
) t
where seqnum % 60 = 0;
If your data really is regular, you can also extract the seconds value and check when that is 0:
select signalname, value, timestamp
from table t
where datepart(second, timestamp) = 0
This assumes that timestamp is stored in an appropriate date/time format.
Instead of sampling, you could use the one minute average for your plot:
select name
, min(timestamp)
, avg(value)
from Yourtable
group by
, datediff(minute, '2013-01-01', timestamp)
If you are charting months, even the hourly average might be detailed enough.

Group by data intervals

I have a single table which stores bandwidth usage on the network over a period of time. One column will contain the date time (primary key) and another column will record the bandwidth. Data is recorded every minute. We will have other columns recording other data at that moment in time.
If the user requests the data on 15 minute intervals (within a 24 hour period given start and end date), is it possible with a single query to get the data I require or would I have to write a stored procedure/cursor to do this? Users may then request 5 minute intervals data etc.
I will most likely be using Postgres but are there other NOSQL options which would be better?
Any ideas?
SELECT ts, (random()*100)::int AS bandwidth
FROM generate_series('2012-09-01', '2012-09-04', '1 minute'::interval) ts
SELECT date_trunc('hour', ts) AS hour_stump
,(extract(minute FROM ts)::int / 15) AS min15_slot
,count(*) AS rows_in_timeslice -- optional
,sum(bandwidth) AS sum_bandwidth
WHERE ts >= '2012-09-02 00:00:00+02'::timestamptz -- user's time range
AND ts < '2012-09-03 00:00:00+02'::timestamptz -- careful with borders
ORDER BY 1, 2;
The CTE t provides data like your table might hold: one timestamp ts per minute with a bandwidth number. (You don't need that part, you work with your table instead.)
Here is a very similar solution for a very similar question - with detailed explanation how this particular aggregation works:
date_trunc 5 minute interval in PostgreSQL
Here is a similar solution for a similar question concerning running sums - with detailed explanation and links for the various functions used:
PostgreSQL: running count of rows for a query 'by minute'
Additional question in comment
WITH -- same as above ...
date_trunc('hour', ts) AS hour_stump
,(extract(minute FROM ts)::int / 15) AS min15_slot
,bandwidth AS bandwith_sample_at_min15
WHERE ts >= '2012-09-02 00:00:00+02'::timestamptz
AND ts < '2012-09-03 00:00:00+02'::timestamptz
ORDER BY 1, 2, ts DESC;
Retrieves one un-aggregated sample per 15 minute interval - from the last available row in the window. This will be the 15th minute if the row is not missing. Crucial parts are DISTINCT ON and ORDER BY.
More information about the used technique here:
Select first row in each GROUP BY group?
date_trunc('hour', d) +
(((extract(minute from d)::integer / 5 * 5)::text) || ' minute')::interval
as "from",
date_trunc('hour', d) +
((((extract(minute from d)::integer / 5 + 1) * 5)::text) || ' minute')::interval
- '1 second'::interval
as "to",
sum(random() * 1000) as bandwidth
generate_series('2012-01-01', '2012-01-31', '1 minute'::interval) s(d)
group by 1, 2
order by 1, 2
That for 5 minutes ranges. For 15 minutes divide by 15.

Postgres SQL select a range of records spaced out by a given interval

I am trying to determine if it is possible, using only sql for postgres, to select a range of time ordered records at a given interval.
Lets say I have 60 records, one record for each minute in a given hour. I want to select records at 5 minute intervals for that hour. The resulting rows should be 12 records each one 5 minutes apart.
This is currently accomplished by selecting the full range of records and then looping thru the results and pulling out the records at the given interval. I am trying to see if I can do this purly in sql as our db is large and we may be dealing with tens of thousands of records.
Any thoughts?
Yes you can. Its really easy once you get the hang of it. I think its one of jewels of SQL and its especially easy in PostgreSQL because of its excellent temporal support. Often, complex functions can turn into very simple queries in SQL that can scale and be indexed properly.
This uses generate_series to draw up sample time stamps that are spaced 1 minute apart. The outer query then extracts the minute and uses modulo to find the values that are 5 minutes apart.
extract(minute from ts)::integer as minute
( -- generate some time stamps - one minute apart
current_time + (n || ' minute')::interval as ts
from generate_series(1, 30) as n
) as timestamps
-- extract the minute check if its on a 5 minute interval
where extract(minute from ts)::integer % 5 = 0
-- only pick this hour
and extract(hour from ts) = extract(hour from current_time)
ts | minute
19:40:53.508836-07 | 40
19:45:53.508836-07 | 45
19:50:53.508836-07 | 50
19:55:53.508836-07 | 55
Notice how you could add an computed index on the where clause (where the value of the expression would make up the index) could lead to major speed improvements. Maybe not very selective in this case, but good to be aware of.
I wrote a reservation system once in PostgreSQL (which had lots of temporal logic where date intervals could not overlap) and never had to resort to iterative methods.
http://www.amazon.com/SQL-Design-Patterns-Programming-Focus/dp/0977671542 is an excellent book that goes has lots of interval examples. Hard to find in book stores now but well worth it.
Extract the minutes, convert to int4, and see, if the remainder from dividing by 5 is 0:
select *
from TABLE
where int4 (date_part ('minute', COLUMN)) % 5 = 0;
If the intervals are not time based, and you just want every 5th row; or
If the times are regular and you always have one record per minute
The below gives you one record per every 5
select *
select *, row_number() over (order by timecolumn) as rown
from tbl
) X
where mod(rown, 5) = 1
If your time records are not regular, then you need to generate a time series (given in another answer) and left join that into your table, group by the time column (from the series) and pick the MAX time from your table that is less than the time column.
select thetimeinterval, max(timecolumn)
from ( < the time series subquery > ) X
left join tbl on tbl.timecolumn <= thetimeinterval
group by thetimeinterval
And further join it back to the table for the full record (assuming unique times)
select t.* from
tbl inner join
select thetimeinterval, max(timecolumn) timecolumn
from ( < the time series subquery > ) X
left join tbl on tbl.timecolumn <= thetimeinterval
group by thetimeinterval
) y on tbl.timecolumn = y.timecolumn
How about this:
select min(ts), extract(minute from ts)::integer / 5
as bucket group by bucket order by bucket;
This has the advantage of doing the right thing if you have two readings for the same minute, or your readings skip a minute. Instead of using min even better would be to use one of the the first() aggregate functions-- code for which you can find here:
This assumes that your five minute intervals are "on the fives", so to speak. That is, that you want 07:00, 07:05, 07:10, not 07:02, 07:07, 07:12. It also assumes you don't have two rows within the same minute, which might not be a safe assumption.
select your_timestamp
from your_table
where cast(extract(minute from your_timestamp) as integer) in (0,5);
If you might have two rows with timestamps within the same minute, like
2011-01-01 07:00:02
2011-01-01 07:00:59
then this version is safer.
select min(your_timestamp)
from your_table
group by (cast(extract(minute from your_timestamp) as integer) / 5)
Wrap either of those in a view, and you can join it to your base table.