Get list of Spaces where the Google hangout chat bot is installed? - hangouts-chat
I am using this to get a list of all spaces where the bot is installed, but am not able to get a response:
Here is the code snippet.
credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(
'service-account.json', scopes)
http = Http()
chat = build('chat', 'v1', http=http)
res = chat.spaces().list()
print res.body. ----- this gives null
am I missing something here ?

For anyone still facing this issue,
Use res = chat.spaces().list().execute()
instead of res = chat.spaces().list()


Twitter REST API: tweet extraction

The following code has been written by me to extract tweets with specific hashtags.
import json
import oauth2
import time
import io
Consumer_Key = ""
Consumer_Secret = ""
access_token = ""
access_token_secret = ""
def oauth_req(url, key, secret, http_method="GET", post_body="", http_headers=None):
consumer = oauth2.Consumer(key="", secret="")
token = oauth2.Token(key=key, secret=secret)
client = oauth2.Client(consumer, token)
content = client.request( url, method=http_method, body=post_body, headers=http_headers )
return content
tweet_url = ''
jsn = oauth_req( tweet_url, access_token, access_token_secret )
print jsn
My hashtags are: IPv4, IPv6, ISP, Internet, Modem. I want my code to see if a tweet has at least one of the hashtags that tweet should be written to my file.
But, unfortunately it is returning the html tags instead.
The output is as follows:
({'content-length': '338352', 'x-xss-protection': '1; mode=block', 'x-content-type-options': 'nosniff',........................
.............................-post-iframe" name="tweet-post-iframe"></iframe>\n <iframe aria-hidden="true" class="dm-post-iframe" name="dm-post-iframe"></iframe>\n\n</div>\n\n </body>\n</html>\n')
Any lead in this regard will be appreciated.
Take a look at your tweet url which is
tweet_url = ''
which is the url of website.
But if you are trying to extract tweets through Twitter API just replace above url with this url :
tweet_url = ''

Invalid Runame In eapy api in getiing session

I am trying to get the ebay session id from ebay python sdk. When i make request to the api. I am getting the error invalid ru_name. I have cross checked with name. It's correct.
This is my GetSession python code, Works good for me.
from ebaysdk.exception import ConnectionError
from import Connection as Trading
myFlags = {'RuName': myRuName}
api = Trading(config_file=None, appid=myAppID, devid=myDevID, certid=myCertID)
response = api.execute('GetSessionID',myFlags)
print 'SessionID = '+response.reply.SessionID
except ConnectionError as e:
Hope this helps.

Sending form data with an HTTP PUT request using Grinder API

I'm trying to replicate the following successful cURL operation with Grinder.
curl -X PUT -d "title=Here%27s+the+title&content=Here%27s+the+content&signature=myusername%3A3ad1117dab0ade17bdbd47cc8efd5b08"
Here's my script:
from net.grinder.script import Test
from net.grinder.script.Grinder import grinder
from net.grinder.plugin.http import HTTPRequest
from HTTPClient import NVPair
import hashlib
test1 = Test(1, "Request resource")
request1 = HTTPRequest(url="")
log =
m = hashlib.md5()
class TestRunner:
def __call__(self):
params = [NVPair("title","Here's the title"),NVPair("content", "Here's the content")]
params.sort(key=lambda param: param.getName())
ps = ""
for param in params:
ps = ps + param.getValue() + ":"
ps = ps + "myapikey"
params.append(NVPair("signature", ("myusername:" + m.hexdigest())))
result = request1.PUT()
The test runs okay, but it seems that my script doesn't actually send any of the params data to the API, and I can't work out why. There are no errors generated, but I get a 401 Unauthorized response from the API, indicating that a successful PUT request reached it, but obviously without a signature the request was rejected.
This isn't exactly an answer, more of a workaround that I came up with, that I've decided to post since this question hasn't yet received any responses, and it may help anyone else trying to achieve the same thing.
The workaround is basically to use the httplib and urllib modules to build and make the PUT request instead of the HTTPClient module.
import hashlib
import httplib, urllib
params = [("title", "Here's the title"),("content", "Here's the content")]
params.sort(key=lambda param: param[0])
ps = ""
for param in params:
ps = ps + param[1] + ":"
ps = ps + "myapikey"
m = hashlib.md5()
params.append(("signature", "myusername:" + m.hexdigest()))
params = urllib.urlencode(params)
print params
headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("")
conn.request("PUT", "/api", params, headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
print response.status, response.reason
(Based on the example at the bottom of this documentation page.)
You have to refer to the multi-form posting example in Grinder script gallery, but changing the Post to Put. It works for me.
files = ( NVPair("self", ""), )
parameters = ( NVPair("run number", str(grinder.runNumber)), )
# This is the Jython way of creating an NVPair[] Java array
# with one element.
headers = zeros(1, NVPair)
# Create a multi-part form encoded byte array.
data = Codecs.mpFormDataEncode(parameters, files, headers)
grinder.logger.output("Content type set to %s" % headers[0].value)
# Call the version of POST that takes a byte array.
result = request1.PUT("/upload", data, headers)

Google task API authentication issue ruby

I am having the problem to authenticate a user for google tasks.
At first it authenticates the user and do things perfect. But in the second trip it throws an error.
Signet::AuthorizationError - Authorization failed. Server message:
"error" : "invalid_grant"
following is the code:
def api_client code=""
#client ||= (begin
client =
client.authorization.client_id = settings.credentials["client_id"]
client.authorization.client_secret = settings.credentials["client_secret"]
client.authorization.scope = settings.credentials["scope"]
client.authorization.access_token = "" #settings.credentials["access_token"]
client.authorization.redirect_uri = to('/callbackfunction')
client.authorization.code = code
get '/callbackfunction' do
code = params[:code]
c = api_client code
result = c.execute("tasks.tasklists.list",{"UserId"=>"me"})
unless result.response.status == 401
p "#{JSON.parse(result.body)}"
redirect ("/oauth2authorize")
get '/oauth2authorize' do
redirect api_client.authorization.authorization_uri.to_s, 303
What is the problem in performing the second request?
This is the link and parameters to user consent.
The problem is fixed.
In the callbackfunction the tokens which are received through the code provided by the user consent are stored in the database.
Then in other functions just retrieve those tokens from the database and use to process whatever you want against the google task API.
get '/callbackfunction' do
code = params[:code]
c = api_client code
# store the tokens in the database.
get '/tasklists' do
# Retrieve the codes from the database and create a client
result = client.execute("tasks.tasklists.list",{"UserId"=>"me"})
unless result.response.status == 401
p "#{JSON.parse(result.body)}"
redirect "/oauth2authorize"
I am using rails, and i store the token only inside DB.
then using a script i am setting up new client before calling execute, following is the code.
client = => 'my-app', :application_version => '1.0')
client.authorization.scope = ''
client.authorization.client_id =
client.authorization.client_secret =
client.authorization.access_token = auth.token
client.authorization.refresh_token = true
client.authorization.update_token!({access_token: auth.token})
if client.authorization.refresh_token && client.authorization.expired?
puts "Getting accounts list..."
result = client.execute(:api_method =>
puts " ===========> #{result.inspect}"
items = JSON.parse(result.response.body)['items']
But,it gives same error you are facing,
/signet-0.4.5/lib/signet/oauth_2/client.rb:875:in `fetch_access_token': Authorization failed. Server message: (Signet::AuthorizationError)
"error" : "invalid_grant"
from /signet-0.4.5/lib/signet/oauth_2/client.rb:888:in `fetch_access_token!'
Please suggest why it is not able to use the given token? I have used oauth2, so user is already authorized. Now i want to access the api and fetch the data...
===================UPDATE ===================
Ok, two issues were there,
Permission is to be added to devise.rb,
config.omniauth :google_oauth2,,,{
access_type: "offline",
approval_prompt: "" ,
:scope => ", userinfo.profile,, analytics.readonly"
refresh_token must be passed to the API call, otherwise its not able to authorize.
I hope this helps to somebody, facing similar issue.

Google Reader API Unread Count

Does Google Reader have an API and if so, how can I get the count of the number of unread posts for a specific user knowing their username and password?
This URL will give you a count of unread posts per feed. You can then iterate over the feeds and sum up the counts.
Here is a minimalist example in Python...parsing the xml/json and summing the counts is left as an exercise for the reader:
import urllib
import urllib2
username = ''
password = '******'
# Authenticate to obtain SID
auth_url = ''
auth_req_data = urllib.urlencode({'Email': username,
'Passwd': password,
'service': 'reader'})
auth_req = urllib2.Request(auth_url, data=auth_req_data)
auth_resp = urllib2.urlopen(auth_req)
auth_resp_content =
auth_resp_dict = dict(x.split('=') for x in auth_resp_content.split('\n') if x)
auth_token = auth_resp_dict["Auth"]
# Create a cookie in the header using the SID
header = {}
header['Authorization'] = 'GoogleLogin auth=%s' % auth_token
reader_base_url = ''
reader_req_data = urllib.urlencode({'all': 'true',
'output': 'xml'})
reader_url = reader_base_url % (reader_req_data)
reader_req = urllib2.Request(reader_url, None, header)
reader_resp = urllib2.urlopen(reader_req)
reader_resp_content =
print reader_resp_content
And some additional links on the topic:
How do you access an authenticated Google App Engine service from a (non-web) python client?
It is there. Still in Beta though.
Here is an update to this answer
import urllib
import urllib2
username = ''
password = '******'
# Authenticate to obtain Auth
auth_url = ''
#auth_req_data = urllib.urlencode({'Email': username,
# 'Passwd': password})
auth_req_data = urllib.urlencode({'Email': username,
'Passwd': password,
'service': 'reader'})
auth_req = urllib2.Request(auth_url, data=auth_req_data)
auth_resp = urllib2.urlopen(auth_req)
auth_resp_content =
auth_resp_dict = dict(x.split('=') for x in auth_resp_content.split('\n') if x)
# SID = auth_resp_dict["SID"]
AUTH = auth_resp_dict["Auth"]
# Create a cookie in the header using the Auth
header = {}
#header['Cookie'] = 'Name=SID;SID=%s;;Path=/;Expires=160000000000' % SID
header['Authorization'] = 'GoogleLogin auth=%s' % AUTH
reader_base_url = ''
reader_req_data = urllib.urlencode({'all': 'true',
'output': 'xml'})
reader_url = reader_base_url % (reader_req_data)
reader_req = urllib2.Request(reader_url, None, header)
reader_resp = urllib2.urlopen(reader_req)
reader_resp_content =
print reader_resp_content
Google Reader removed SID auth around June, 2010 (I think), using new Auth from ClientLogin is the new way and it's a bit simpler (header is shorter). You will have to add service in data for requesting Auth, I noticed no Auth returned if you don't send the service=reader.
You can read more about the change of authentication method in this thread.
In the API posted in [1], the "token" field should be "T"