Can you reload a React Native app from React Native Debugger? - react-native

I've just switched from debugging my React Native app in the browser using the console to React Native Debugger. In the browser, there is a button to reload the app which is very useful and something that I need to do a lot. Now using React Native Debugger I can't find a way to reload the app which means I need to shake the device (very annoying).
I've searched the docs but can't find way of doing it.
Is there a way I'm missing?

Yes, a reload can be done I think. Right click -> reload Js.
You can find this under the shortcut references:


react native expo showing strange overla

i am learning react native with expo instalation and using react-native navigation drawer. after some time adding new plugin/packages, create new components, and clean up/remove basic default installation components (i use tab template), it shows something like this in the android emulator: strange overlay sliding from bottom to top when first reload.
do you guys know and experience same thing? what is that and how to remove it? i tried run it on web, it doesnt show

react native ToastAndroid in ios

I have created several android apps by using react native, I always and like to use ToastAndroid because it can pop up message and app user don't have to close it by clicking screen. Now I want to create IOS version from my apps. I want to ask what is your alternatives for android toast in ios.
You can use react-native-root-toast to make a Toast for both android and iOS.
I also recommend react-native-customizable-toast. It's updated and works with android,ios and expo

Cannot Reload React Native App on Mobile Using Expo

I am new to React Native, I am using Expo for building react native project and when I make any change in app I can see reload message in browser but the app does not reload in mobile (Note: I am using android mobile). TIA
you can press refresh like below image to reload app in phone
Fixed it I had both Hot Reloading and Live Reload enabled in Expo Mobile App. I turned off Live Reload. Now its working great using Tunnel option. Thanks for help #kivul

React native redux debugging on a physical device

So I know how to check the redux store for react native while using a simulator but how do you use check the store when you are on a physical Android device? Obviously the window console log wont work for this. This problem has been bugging me for a long time now
I wrote a thorough guide on how to get React Native Debugger working with Expo app. May help!

Is React Native slow, or is performance affected by using Expo?

I have an old Angular app that I packaged within an Android Webview. I've been rewriting it as a React Native app using create-react-native-app, and while it's super-easy to compile it that way, the performance can’t compare to the zippy old Angular app. Even just pressing a custom radio button, causing it to change state and styling, takes a half-second or so compared to near instantaneity with Angular. Is React Native this slow, or is it Expo? Before ejecting and finding out myself, thought I'd see if anyone knows.