Cannot Reload React Native App on Mobile Using Expo - react-native

I am new to React Native, I am using Expo for building react native project and when I make any change in app I can see reload message in browser but the app does not reload in mobile (Note: I am using android mobile). TIA

you can press refresh like below image to reload app in phone

Fixed it I had both Hot Reloading and Live Reload enabled in Expo Mobile App. I turned off Live Reload. Now its working great using Tunnel option. Thanks for help #kivul


react native ToastAndroid in ios

I have created several android apps by using react native, I always and like to use ToastAndroid because it can pop up message and app user don't have to close it by clicking screen. Now I want to create IOS version from my apps. I want to ask what is your alternatives for android toast in ios.
You can use react-native-root-toast to make a Toast for both android and iOS.
I also recommend react-native-customizable-toast. It's updated and works with android,ios and expo

difference between standalone Expo app and expo go

I want to implement google sign in expo app.
But while reading doc, it says expo-google-sign-in cannot be used in Expo Go. but it only works for standalone Expo apps
I don't understand what this means.
I have created expo app using expo init command.
Is this standalone app or Expo go?
Please let me clear about this.
Wild guess here :
Expo Go is an app where you can test your app in it (when you scan the QR Code after expo start, your app is launched inside Expo Go app).
Standalone Expo app is your application when you upload it on the store.
I had the same issue for notifications : inside Expo Go app, notifications didn't work for my app but when I uploaded my app on the AppStore, notifications worked fine.

Can you reload a React Native app from React Native Debugger?

I've just switched from debugging my React Native app in the browser using the console to React Native Debugger. In the browser, there is a button to reload the app which is very useful and something that I need to do a lot. Now using React Native Debugger I can't find a way to reload the app which means I need to shake the device (very annoying).
I've searched the docs but can't find way of doing it.
Is there a way I'm missing?
Yes, a reload can be done I think. Right click -> reload Js.
You can find this under the shortcut references:

React Native hot reloading is not show in iPhone expo app

I used expo.
if i modified my code, the app is not reload.
and it didn't reload if forced to reload button.
help me.
my phone is iphone. and my project expo init..
enter image description here
Shake your phone and the hot reloading button will appear.
Just uninstall and re-install expo-client on your phone. Solved

React Native stand alone app showing expo icon before my first screen is shown

I just detached my RN apps since I need to use native lib. Then, I tried to generate my APK from Android Studio. However, after installing to my phone, my apps shows expo icon (similar with expo building javascript bundle...) before it redirects to my first screen. It did not happen before I detaching my RN project.
It shows that picture for few secs, before go to my first screen. Is it an issue or I need to do something after I detached my project?
(Expo ver: 23.0.4)
Thank you.
Expo is opensource , they don't force to that , You can set your own icon in app.json , see here :