Parsing JSON files from a column with invalid token in BigQuery - sql

This is the JSON File:
I am trying to parse the "Value" from the file
The tricky part is because of the "$" or the ":" from "maxValue:$1"
Please note that "response" is the column

Below is for BigQuery Standard SQL
In cases where a JSON key uses invalid JSONPath characters, you can escape those characters using single quotes and brackets as in example below
See more in documentation - JSON Functions in Standard SQL


Error parse JSON missing comma pos <number>

I have a column with a varchar and want to convert it to a JSON by parse_Json.
({u'meta': {u'removedAt': None, u'validation': {u'createdTime': 157....)
When I use :
select get_path(PARSE_JSON(OFFER), 'field') from
this error occours: SQL-Fehler [100069] [22P02]: Error parsing JSON: missing colon, pos 3.
So I try to add a Colon at position 3
select get_path(PARSE_JSON(REPLACE (offer,'u','u:')), 'field') from
So this error occurred SQL-Fehler [100069] [22P02]: Error parsing JSON: misplaced colon, pos 10
By now I don't know how do handle this and the information by snowflake doesnt really help.
Thanks for your help
Your 'JSON input' is actually a Python representation string of its dictionary data structure, and is not a valid JSON format. While dictionaries in Python may appear similar to JSON when printed in an interactive shell, they are not the same.
To produce valid JSON from your Python objects, use the json module's dump or dumps functions, and then use the proper string serialized JSON form in your parse_json function.

Custom delimiter while exporting Google Cloud SQL to CSV

I've been successfully exporting GCloud SQL to CSV with its default delimiter ",". I want to import this CSV to Google Big Query and I've succeed to do this.
However, I'm experiencing a little problem. There's "," in some of my cell/field. It causes Big Query import process not working properly. For Example:
"Budi", "19", "Want to be hero, and knight"
My questions are:
Is it possible to export Google Cloud SQL with custom delimiter e.g. "|"?
If not, how to make above sample data to be imported in Google Big Query and become 3 field/cell?
Is it possible to export Google Cloud SQL with custom delimiter e.g. "|"?
Yes it's, See the documentation page of BigQuery how to set load options provided in this link
You will need to add --field_delimiter = '|' to your command
From the documentation:
(Optional) The separator for fields in a CSV file. The separator can be any ISO-8859-1 single-byte character. To use a character in the range 128-255, you must encode the character as UTF8. BigQuery converts the string to ISO-8859-1 encoding, and uses the first byte of the encoded string to split the data in its raw, binary state. BigQuery also supports the escape sequence "\t" to specify a tab separator. The default value is a comma (,).
As far as I know there's no way of setting a custom delimiter when exporting from CloudSQL to CSV. I attempted to introduce my own delimiter by formulating my select query like so:
select column_1||'|'||column_2 from foo
But this only results in CloudSQL escaping the whole result in the resulting CSV with double quotes. This also aligns with the documentation which states:
Exporting in CSV format is equivalent to running the following SQL statement:

Getting Unescaped JSON from SQL

I've created a stored procedure to pull data as a JSON object from my SQL Server database. All my data is relational and I'm trying to get it out as a JSON string.
Currently, I am able to get out a JSON string from SQL Server just fine, however this object ALWAYS includes escape characters (e.g. "{\"field\":\"value\"}). I'd like to pull the same JSON but without escaped characters. To test this I'm using some simple queries and getting them into .NET with a SqlDataAdapter using my stored procedure.
The thing that puzzles me is that when I run my query within SSMS, I never see any escape characters, but as soon as it's pulled a .NET application, the escape characters appear. I'd like to prevent this from happening and have my applications get only the unescaped JSON string.
I've tried several suggestions I've found during my research but nothing has produced my desired results. The changes I've seen (documented in MSDN and in other SO posts) have dealt with getting unescaped results, but only within SSMS and not within other applications.
What I've tried:
Simple Json query set to param and then using JSON_QUERY to select the param:
DECLARE #JSON varchar(max)
SET #JSON = (SELECT '{"Field":"Value"}' AS myJson FOR JSON PATH)
This produces the following in a .NET application:
This produces the following in SSMS:
Simple Json query without param using JSON_QUERY:
SELECT JSON_QUERY('{"Field":"Value"}') AS 'JsonResponse' FOR JSON PATH
This produces the following in a .NET application
This produces the following in SSMS
Simple Json query with temp tables using JSON_QUERY:
jsoncol varchar(255)
INSERT INTO #temp VALUES ('{"Field":"Value"}')
SELECT JSON_QUERY(jsoncol) AS 'JsonResponse' FROM #temp FOR JSON PATH
This produces the following in a .NET application:
This produces the following in SSMS:
I'm lead to believe that there is no way to get out a JSON string from SQL Server without having the escaped characters. In case the examples above weren't enough, I've included my stored procedure here. Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.
This depends where you look at the string...
In SSMS a string is marked with single quotes. The double quote can exist within a string without problems:
DECLARE #SomeString = 'This can include "double quotes" but you have to double ''single quote''';
In a C# application the double quote is the string marker. So the above example would look like this:
string SomeString = "This must escape \"double quotes\" but you can use 'single quote' without problems";
Within your IDE (is it VS?) you can look at the string as is or as you'd need to be used in code. Your example shows " at the beginning and at the end of your string. That is a clear hint, that this is the option as in code. You could use this string and place it into your code. The real string, which is used and processed will not contain escape characters.
Hint: Escape characters are only needed in human-readable formats, where there are characters with special meaning (a ; in a CSV, a < in HTML and so on)...
UPDATE Some more explanation
Escape characters are needed to place a string within a string. Somehow you have to mark the beginning and the end of the string, but there is nothing else you can use then some magic characters.
In order to use these characters within the embedded string you have to go one the following ways:
escaping (e.g. XML will replace & with & and JSON will replace a " with \" as JSON uses the " to mark its labels) or
Magic borders (e.g. a CDATA-section in XML, which allows to place unescaped characters as is: <![CDATA[forbidden characters &<> allowed here]]>)
Whatever you do, you must distinguish between the visible string in an editor or in a text-based container like XML or JSON and the value the application will pick out of this.
An example:
<root><a>this & that</a></root>
visible string: "this & that"
real value: "this & that"

Unexpected token \n in JSON when parsing with Elm.Json

Actually I'm working with Elm but I have few issues with the json parsing in this language, the error that give me the compiler is:
Err "Given an invalid JSON: Unexpected token \n in JSON at position 388"
What I need to do is this:
At the char_meta I want its something like this:
[("Biographical Information", [("Japanese Name", "緑谷出久"), ...]), ...]
Here the code:
Ellie link
PD: The only constant keys are character_name, lang, summary and char_meta, they keys inside of char_meta are dynamic (thats why I use keyvaluepair) and the length its always different of this array (sometimes its empty)
Thanks, hope can help me.
The Ellie link now redirect to the fixed code
The issue is that elm (or JS once transcoded) interprets the \n and \" sequences when parsing the string literal, and they are replaced with an actual new line and double quotes respectively, which results in invalid JSON.
If you want to have the JSON inline in the code, you need to escape the 5 \s by doubling them (\\n and \\").
This only applies for literals, you won't have the issue if you load JSON from the network for instance.

Convert escaped unicode character to unicode notation

I have a DB2 LUW table with escaped unicode characters in it.
I want to convert this to a real unicode string.
$ db2 "select loc_longtext from fh01tq07 where loc_longtext like '%\\u%'"
After long time try and error I'm at this point:
$ db2 "select loc_longtext, xmlquery('fn:replace(\$LOC_LONGTEXT,''\\\u([0-9a-f]{1,4})'',''&#x\$1;'')') from fh01tq07 where loc_longtext like '%\\u%'"
SQL16002N An XQuery expression has an unexpected token "&#x" following "]{1,4})','". Expected tokens may include: "<". Error QName=err:XPST0003. SQLSTATE=10505
But fn:normalize-unicode requests this type of escaped unicode format.
Any suggestions?