v-app-bar component bug since update my dependencies - vue.js

I'm new here.
I use the vueJS and vuetify framework for almost 1 year and the v-app-bar component bug since I updated all my dependencies.
My version of vue js : 2.6.11
My version of vuetify before the bug : 2.2.3
I took screenshots and modified them with paint. I highlighted the divs with a black fill and yellow border.
As shown in the following picture :
I have an app-bar upstairs,
a navigation-drawer under the app bar on the left side of the screen
a v-content under the app bar in the middle
picture before bug
So far, so good. Yesterday I updated my dependencies (which I will do more often now). Below is the update:
picture maj
My version of vuetify with the bug : 2.2.18
Then by relaunching the application, my bug appears.
The app bar is still on top - OK
The navigation-drawer does not take into account the app bar and is placed behind it and in top 0 - KO
The v-content has the same behaviour as the navigation-drawer - KO
All divs below the app-bar do not calculate the app-bar. But be careful, the weird thing is that this bug disappears when I refresh the page.
Look at the following image that shows the bug:
picture now bug
To better understand I have highlighted the divs above the app bar in the following image:
picture better now bug
What has changed in "vuetify" to have creating this bug?
I've tried to improve my architecture but I always find this bug.
I found the version of vuetify when the bug appears : 2.2.5
The problem was due to my architecture. Thanks to the community for the help.


bootstrap 3 to 4 modal lightbox broke

I'm very new to Bootstrap. I've literally written the code and put the links where instructed. I haven't downloaded any plugins or any other support files as I don't understand it.
Anyway, I've been told (after writing my website) that I should've used Bootstrap 4 not 3. So I'm currently re-writing it. Which is going OK until I got to my image galleries with popup lightbox using modals. I changed the link in the header to the Bootstrap 4.1 version but it's made my lightbox modal popup go wrong in the image gallery. The arrows are in the wrong place to flow forward and back throught the images and the images are now vertical not horizontal in the modal gallery.
This is my Bootstrap 3 version:
And this is my Boostrap 4 version:
People keep telling me that Bootstrap is the way to go as it's easier but tbh I'm finding it tricky! Perhaps the more I use it the better it will be? Or am I missing something??
I can't paste all the coding as it's too long, but all I'm using is in the source files for these two pages.
Can anyone tell me what's gone wrong?

Button styling not not respecting styleName=""

I am using the latest install of ShoutemUI 0.21.3 and RN 0.42.2. All buttons just have a white background. I am not using Shoutem Themes right now. I have tried styleName="confirmation" and still just a white button and no border. Am I missing something?
Here is the code on the left and the results on the right in the simulator.
Here is a screenshot of my imports.
The UI package has a theme.js file with all these styleName's. In order to utilize it, you need #shoutem/theme installed. It's a dependency of #shoutem/ui.
Furthermore, the dark styleName is obsolete. You should utilize secondary instead for the desired effect.

Issue with skrollr and declaring doctype

I'm experiencing a weird issue with skrollr - I followed the steps at https://ihatetomatoes.net/how-to-create-a-parallax-scrolling-website/ using just two slides - a background image with a header that fades and then page content. If I have !doctype set, the first slide doesn't go full-height - but works if I just use
I've seen Strange !doctype bug with parallax plugin 'skrollr', but I can't see anywhere where I'm defining an ambiguous height.
The site I'm working on is http://he.dev.binaryitsystems.com/
I got this fixed up by using the more up to date examples in the github repo.

Sencha Touch 2 App FieldSet not rendering

I am developing Sencha Touch 2 app, using the sdk version Sencha-touch-gpl 2.2.1. I am facing a very peculiar issue, I have a navigation view, in which the first view is a List Screen on itemdisclosure of individual item in the list the Detail Screen is displayed. The Detail screen comprises of fieldset & another list within a panel.
Until yesterday the app was working perfectly fine. Now I am facing an issue,
1) The toolbar Title is now not getting displayed, it shows for fraction of secs and then disappears (No code change is done and it was working perfectly fine a day before).
2)The List screen displays properly, on itemDisclosure, in the detail screen the FieldSet is not getting displayed but the list in the detail screen is getting displayed perfectly fine.
I was populating the Detail screen with the record from the selected list item, I use the following code on itemdisclosure
showDetail : function(list, record) {
xtype : 'ticketdetail',
data : record,
record holds the value, I have checked it via printing the ticketid on Console.
I have tried the following things,
Cleared browser cache
Generated another workspace, copied the project and run the project from there.
Used older version of the code in which these issues were not there
NONE OF Them worked :(
Has anyone faced this kind of issue or anyone has any suggestion. Please help!
This looks like the problem caused by the auto-update to Chrome 29. See the fix here: http://www.sencha.com/forum/announcement.php?f=90&a=43

Divshot Page Editor - No Navigator?

I'm checking out DivShot for the first time, and have fallen at the first hurdle.
On launching the app, I get the page editing screen, as expected, with the Inspector, Components and Page Options tabs on the right hand side of the screen.
But on the left hand side, there is no Navigator. And I can find no reference to the Navigator anywhere on the screen (thinking it might be a collapsed area, or something).
Looking at the Intro video on the Divshot website, there do seem to be some minor differences (the lack of the Navigator notwithstanding), so I am wondering whether something has changed in the latest release...
In any case, I can see no way of add files/resources/folder structures other than new pages, because of the absence of the Navigator.
Can anyone shed any light?
Much appreciated :)
It sounds like you're using the now legacy version of Divshot. We recently launched Divshot 1.0 with file support and a completely revamped project structure.
Legacy: http://app.divshot.com
New Divshot: http://builder.divshot.com
It's on a separate instance so beta users have time to export their pages and finish anything up in the old version before upgrading. Since we moved from generic folders and pages to actual files we're offering a manual upgrade.
If you'd like to update you can just go to https://api.divshot.com/upgrade and follow the instructions there. We're pushing a notice to the old version right away to eliminate any confusion. Sorry about that!