Kotlin - Data class type String or some Object - kotlin

Say I have this data class in Kotlin:
#Document(collection = Approval.COLLECTION)
data class Approval(
val id: String,
val detailId: <UNSURE HERE>
) {
companion object {
const val COLLECTION: String = "approval"
That detailID can either be a String or an object like so:
data class AIDConfiguration(
val sId: String,
val cId: String
However how do go about setting that type - as I can't use something like
val detailId: AIDConfiguration | String
I thought maybe make an interface, but not sure any syntax of getting that to be just a String
interface ParentConfiguration
data class AIDConfiguration(
val sId: String,
val cId: String
): ParentConfiguration
And then
val detailId: ParentConfiguration
Any help appreciated.

One way could be:
val detailId: Any
This is loose cause it will allow any type to be assigned to detailId.
So before usage you would have to check for the type.
fun useConfig(detailId: Any) {
if (detailId is AIDConfiguration) {
//Use detailId.sId and detailId.cId. Compiler smart casts to AIDConfiguration
} else if (detailId is String)
//Use detailId. Compiler will smart cast to String
} else {
//throw some exception here.
You might want to use some validations when setting the configuration as well. Check whether the type is AIDConfiguration or String.
A little more tighter would be to have a parent configuration class. Such as ParentConfiguration and have AIDConfiguration and StringConfiguration as subclasses.
So then it becomes:
interface ParentConfiguration
data class AIDConfiguration(
val sId: String,
val cId: String
): ParentConfiguration
data class StringConfiguration(
val conf: String
): ParentConfiguration
data class Approval(
val id: String,
val detailId: ParentConfiguration
val stringConfigApproval = Approval(id = "Test1", detailId = StringConfiguration("String Conf"))
val aidConfApproval = Approval(id = "Test2", detailId = AIDConfiguration(sId = "SID", cId = "CID"))
Would recommend checking out the kotlin docs.

Kotlin being a statically typed language, you can't just specify multiple types. An interface is a good option to do so, but since String is not implemented by you, you cannot change its signature.
One of the work around should be to use Either like this:
sealed class Either<out L, out R> {
data class Left<out L>(val a: L) : Either<L, Nothing>()
data class Right<out R>(val b: R) : Either<Nothing, R>()
* Returns true if this is a Right, false otherwise.
* #see Right
val isRight get() = this is Right<R>
* Returns true if this is a Left, false otherwise.
* #see Left
val isLeft get() = this is Left<L>
* Applies fnL if this is a Left or fnR if this is a Right.
* #see Left
* #see Right
fun fold(fnL: (L) -> Any, fnR: (R) -> Any): Any =
when (this) {
is Left -> fnL(a)
is Right -> fnR(b)
And then specify your variable like this:
val detailId: Either<AIDConfiguration, String>
And when you want to do some specific operation, just call the fold method like:
detailId.fold({ /* use $it as AIDConfiguration */ }, { /* use $it as String */ })
EDIT: You could also make aliases for your purpose in your projects for better readability check https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/type-aliases.html


kotlin data class constructors not getting picked up

I am creating a data class in kotlin as such
data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)
constructor(name: String, age: Int, size: String): this(name, age) {
In my main function, I can access the objects as such:
fun main(){
val x = User("foo", 5, "M")
println(x.size) // does not work
My problem is that I can't get access to size.
What I am trying to do is, create a data class where top level params are the common items that will be accessed, and in the constructors, have additional params that fit certain situations. The purpose is so that I can do something like
// something along the lines of
if (!haveSize()){
val person = User("foo", 5, "M")
} else {
val person = User("foo", 5)
Any ideas?
In Kotlin you do not need separate constructors for defining optional constructor params. You can define them all in a single constructor with default values or make them nullable, like this:
data class User(val name: String, val age: Int, val size: String = "M")
fun main(){
val x = User("foo", 5, "L")
val y = User("foo", 5)
println(x.size) // "L" from call site
println(y.size) // "M" from default param
You can not access size variable, because this is from secondary construct, but we have alternative variant.
data class User(var name: String, var age: Int) {
var size: String
init {
size = "size"
constructor(name: String, age: Int, size: String) : this(name, age) {
this.size = size
In short, you want to have one property that can be one of a limited number of options. This could be solved using generics, or sealed inheritance.
Here I've added an interface, MountDetails, with a generic parameter, T. There's a single property, val c, which is of type T.
data class User(
val mountOptions: MountOptions,
val mountDetails: MountDetails<*>,
data class MountOptions(
val a: String,
val b: String
interface MountDetails<T : Any> {
val c: T
data class MountOneDetails(override val c: Int) : MountDetails<Int>
data class MountTwoDetails(override val c: String) : MountDetails<String>
Because the implementations MountDetails (MountOneDetails and MountTwoDetails) specify the type of T to be Int or String, val c can always be accessed.
fun anotherCaller(user: User) {
fun main() {
val mt = MountOptions("foo", "bar")
val mountOneDetails = MountOneDetails(111)
anotherCaller(User(mt, mountOneDetails))
val mountTwoDetails = MountTwoDetails("mount two")
anotherCaller(User(mt, mountTwoDetails))
MountTwoDetails(c=mount two)
Generics have downsides though. If there are lots of generic parameters it's messy, and it can be difficult at runtime to determine the type of classes thanks to type-erasure.
Sealed inheritance
Since you only have a limited number of mount details, a much neater solution is sealed classes and interfaces.
data class User(val mountOptions: MountOptions)
sealed interface MountOptions {
val a: String
val b: String
data class MountOneOptions(
override val a: String,
override val b: String,
val integerData: Int,
) : MountOptions
data class MountTwoOptions(
override val a: String,
override val b: String,
val stringData: String,
) : MountOptions
The benefit here is that there's fewer classes, and the typings are more specific. It's also easy to add or remove an additional mount details, and any exhaustive when statements will cause a compiler error.
fun anotherCaller(user: User) {
// use an exhaustive when to determine the actual type
when (user.mountOptions) {
is MountOneOptions -> println(user.mountOptions.integerData)
is MountTwoOptions -> println(user.mountOptions.stringData)
// no need for an 'else' branch
fun main() {
val mountOne = MountOneOptions("foo", "bar", 111)
val mountTwo = MountTwoOptions("foo", "bar", "mount two")
mount two
This is really the "default values" answer provided by Hubert Grzeskowiak adjusted to your example:
data class OneDetails(val c: Int)
data class TwoDetails(val c: String)
data class MountOptions(val a: String, val b: String)
data class User(
val mountOptions: MountOptions,
val detailsOne: OneDetails? = null,
val detailsTwo: TwoDetails? = null
fun main() {
fun anotherCaller(user: User) = println(user)
val mt = MountOptions("foo", "bar")
val one = OneDetails(1)
val two = TwoDetails("2")
val switch = "0"
when (switch) {
"0" -> anotherCaller(User(mt))
"1" -> anotherCaller(User(mt, detailsOne = one))
"2" -> anotherCaller(User(mt, detailsTwo = two))
"12" -> anotherCaller(User(mt, detailsOne = one, detailsTwo = two))
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException(switch)

Kotlin Creating a generic function that accepts any enum that implements an interface

Currently I have multiple enums each with a userFriendly : string, e.g.
enum class TestGroup(val userFriendly: String) {
For each enum I now have a separate function transforming them to a class SelectField:
class SelectField(
val value: String, /** The value which gets submitted e.g. a UUID or other identifier */
val text: String /** The human-friendly label e.g. the name of an organisation */
fun transformTestGroups(testGroups: Array<TestGroup>): List<SelectField> =
testGroups.map {
value = it.name,
text = it.userFriendly
I found that enums could implement an interface:
interface UserFriendly {
val userFriendly: String
enum class TestGroup(override val userFriendly: String) : UserFriendly {
However, I don't know how to make a genericTransform(values:Array<Enum<UserFriendly>>):List<SelectField>. Is this possible in Kotlin?
Arrays in Kotlin are mutable and hence invariant. That's a fancy way of saying that an Array<Int> is not an Array<Any>. The reason for that is: If we could cast x: Array<Int> up to Array<Any>, then we could write x[0] = "ABC", since "ABC" is a valid Any, and now x would contain a value that is not an integer.
So simply using the supertype won't work here. But generics will. Specifically, we'll use the curiously recurring template pattern to require that our generic argument be an enum and a UserFriendly.
fun<T> transformTestGroups(testGroups: Array<T>): List<SelectField>
where T: UserFriendly,
T: Enum<T> =
// Same implementation as before :)
testGroups.map {
value = it.name,
text = it.userFriendly
Complete runnable example:
interface UserFriendly {
val userFriendly: String
enum class TestGroup(override val userFriendly: String): UserFriendly {
data class SelectField(
val value: String,
val text: String
fun<T> transformTestGroups(testGroups: Array<T>): List<SelectField>
where T: UserFriendly,
T: Enum<T> =
testGroups.map {
value = it.name,
text = it.userFriendly
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
println(transformTestGroups(arrayOf(TestGroup.A, TestGroup.B)))
Try it online!

Kotlin pass through constructor parameters to parent without declaring in child

My use case:
I have a large number of POJO models that are different types of requests for a third-party API. All of them have several common fields and a couple unique ones.
I was hoping to build something that conceptually looks like this
class RequestBase(
val commonField1: String,
val commonField2: String,
val commonFieldX: String
class RequestA(
val uniqueFieldA: String
): RequestBase()
class RequestB(
val uniqueFieldB: String
): RequestBase()
fun main() {
val requestA = RequestA(
commonField1 = "1",
commonField2 = "2",
uniqueFieldA = "A"
I can of course override the common fields in every child request and then pass them to the parent constructor, but this ends up producing a lot of boilerplate code and bloats the model. Are there any options I can explore here?
Notice that what you are doing in the parentheses that follow a class declaration is not "declaring what properties this class has", but "declaring the parameters of this class' primary constructor". The former is just something you can do "along the way", by adding var or val.
Each class can have its own primary constructor that take any number and types of parameters that it likes, regardless of what class its superclass is. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to have to specify all the parameters of the constructor:
open class RequestBase(
val commonField1: String,
val commonField2: String,
val commonFieldX: String
class RequestA(
// notice that the parameters for the inherited properties don't have the
// "val" prefix, because you are not declaring them in the subclass again.
// These are just constructor parameters.
commonField1: String,
commonField2: String,
commonFieldX: String,
val uniqueFieldA: String,
): RequestBase(
If you find this unpleasant, there are a bunch of ways to work around this.
One way is to use composition and delegation - create an interface having the common properties. The specific requests' primary constructors will take a RequestBase and their unique properties, and implement the interface by delegating to the RequestBase:
interface Request {
val commonField1: String
val commonField2: String
val commonFieldX: String
open class RequestBase(
override val commonField1: String,
override val commonField2: String,
override val commonFieldX: String
): Request
class RequestA(
val requestBase: RequestBase,
val uniqueField: String
): Request by requestBase
This allows you to access someRequestA.commonFieldX directly, without doing someRequestA.requestBase.commonFieldX, but to create a RequestA, you need to create a RequestBase first:
uniqueField = ...
Another way is to change your properties to vars, give them default values, and move them out of the constructor parameters:
open class RequestBase {
var commonField1: String = ""
var commonField2: String = ""
var commonFieldX: String = ""
class RequestA: RequestBase() {
var uniqueField: String = ""
Then to create an instance of RequestA, you would just call its parameterless constructor, and do an apply { ... } block:
RequestA().apply {
commonField1 = "foo"
commonField2 = "bar"
commonFieldX = "baz"
uniqueField = "boo"
The downside of this is of course that the properties are all mutable, and you have to think of a default value for every property. You might have to change some properties to nullable because of this, which might not be desirable.
You can't do it with constructors of base class. Without constructors it's possible:
open class RequestBase {
lateinit var commonField1: String
lateinit var commonField2: String
lateinit var commonFieldX: String
class RequestA(
val uniqueFieldA: String
): RequestBase()
class RequestB(
val uniqueFieldB: String
): RequestBase()
fun main() {
val requestA = RequestA(
uniqueFieldA = "A"
).apply {
commonField1 = "1"
commonField2 = "2"
commonFieldX = "X"

Map Key Values to Dataclass in Kotlin

how can I set properties of a dataclass by its name. For example, I have a raw HTTP GET response
and a data class in Kotlin
data class Test(var propA: String = "", var propB: String = ""){}
in my code i have an function that splits the response to a key value array
val test: Test = Test()
rawResp?.split('\n')?.forEach { item: String ->
run {
val keyValue = item.split('=')
In JavaScript I can do the following
response.split('\n').forEach(item => {
let keyValue = item.split('=');
this.test[keyValue[0]] = keyValue[1];
Is there a similar way in Kotlin?
You cannot readily do this in Kotlin the same way you would in JavaScript (unless you are prepared to handle reflection yourself), but there is a possibility of using a Kotlin feature called Delegated Properties (particularly, a use case Storing Properties in a Map of that feature).
Here is an example specific to code in your original question:
class Test(private val map: Map<String, String>) {
val propA: String by map
val propB: String by map
override fun toString() = "${javaClass.simpleName}(propA=$propA,propB=$propB)"
fun main() {
val rawResp: String? = """
val props = rawResp?.split('\n')?.map { item ->
val (key, value) = item.split('=')
key to value
}?.toMap() ?: emptyMap()
val test = Test(props)
println("Property 'propA' of test is: ${test.propA}")
println("Or using toString: $test")
This outputs:
Property 'propA' of test is: valueA
Or using toString: Test(propA=valueA,propB=valueB)
Unfortunately, you cannot use data classes with property delegation the way you would expect, so you have to 'pay the price' and define the overridden methods (toString, equals, hashCode) on your own if you need them.
By the question, it was not clear for me if each line represents a Test instance or not. So
If not.
fun parse(rawResp: String): Test = rawResp.split("\n").flatMap { it.split("=") }.let { Test(it[0], it[1]) }
If yes.
fun parse(rawResp: String): List<Test> = rawResp.split("\n").map { it.split("=") }.map { Test(it[0], it[1]) }
For null safe alternative you can use nullableString.orEmpty()...

Kotlin: How to specify a named arguent with a variable?

Suppose I have two methods:
private fun method1(a: A): A {
return a.copy(v1 = null)
private fun method2(a: A): A {
return a.copy(v2 = null)
Can I write something like:
private fun commonMethod(a: A, variableToChange: String): A {
return a.copy($variableToChange = null)
Another words, can I use a variable to refer to a named argument?
If I understand correctly what you are trying to archive I would recommend to pass a setter to the method e.g.
fun <A> changer (a: A, setter: (a: A) -> Unit ) {
// do stuff
Is this what you are looking for?
A possible solution for this problem (with usage of reflection) is:
inline fun <reified T : Any> copyValues(a: T, values: Map<String, Any?>): T {
val function = a::class.functions.first { it.name == "copy" }
val parameters = function.parameters
return function.callBy(
values.map { (parameterName, value) ->
parameters.first { it.name == parameterName } to value
}.toMap() + (parameters.first() to a)
) as T
This works with all data classes and all classes that have a custom copy function with the same semantics (as long as the parameter names are not erased while compiling). In the first step the function reference of the copy method is searched (KFunction<*>). This object has two importent properties. The parameters property and the callBy function.
With the callBy function you can execute all function references with a map for the parameters. This map must contain a reference to the receiver object.
The parameters propery contains a collection of KProperty. They are needed as keys for the callBy map. The name can be used to find the right KProperty. If a function as a parameter that is not given in the map it uses the default value if available or throws an exception.
Be aware that this solution requires the full reflection library and therefore only works with Kotlin-JVM. It also ignores typechecking for the parameters and can easily lead to runtime exceptions.
You can use it like:
data class Person (
val name: String,
val age: Int,
val foo: Boolean
fun main() {
var p = Person("Bob", 18, false)
p = copyValues(p, mapOf(
"name" to "Max",
"age" to 35,
"foo" to true
// Person(name=Name, age=15, foo=false)
// Person(name=Max, age=35, foo=true)