Multi-GPU training does not reduce training time - tensorflow

I have tried training three UNet models using keras for image segmentation to assess the effect of multi-GPU training.
First model was trained using 1 batch size on 1 GPU (P100). Each training step took ~254ms. (Note it is step, not epoch).
Second model was trained using 2 batch size using 1 GPU (P100). Each training step took ~399ms.
Third model was trained using 2 batch size using 2 GPUs (P100). Each training step took ~370ms. Logically it should have taken the same time as the first case, since both GPUs process 1 batch in parallel but it took more time.
Anyone who can tell whether multi-GPU training results in reduced training time or not? For reference, I tried all the models using keras.

I presume that this is due to the fact that you use a very small batch_size; in this case, the cost of distributing the gradients/computations over two GPUs and fetching them back (as well as CPU to GPU(2) data distribution) outweigh the parallel time advantage that you might gain versus the sequential training(on 1 GPU).
Expect to see a bigger difference for a batch size of 8/16 for instance.


tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy - suggestion for improving test mean_iou for segmentation network using distributed training

I am using tensorflow 2.5.0 and implemented semantic segmatation network. used DeepLab_v3_plus network with ResNet101 backbone, adam optimizer and Categorical cross entropy loss to train network. I have first build code for single gpu and achieved test accuracy (mean_iou) of 54% trained for 96 epochs. Then added tf MirroredStrategy (one machine) in code to support for multi gpu training. Surprisingly with 2 gpus, training for 48 epochs, test mean_iou is just 27% and training with 4 gpus, for 24 epochs, test mean_iou can around 12% for same dataset.
Code I have modified to support multi-gpu training from single-gpu training.
By following tensorflow blog for distributed training, created mirrored strategy and created model, model compilation and dataset_generator inside strategy scope. As per my understanding, by doing so, method will take care of synchronization of gradients and distributing data on each gpus for training. Though code was running without any error, and also training time reduced compared to single gpu for same number of image training, test mean_iou keep getting worst with more number of gpus.
Replaced BatchNormalization with SyncBatchNormalization, but no improvement.
used warmup learning rate with linear scaling of learning rate with number of gpus, but no improvement.
in cross entropy loss, used both losses_utils.ReductionV2.AUTO and losses_utils.ReductionV2.NONE.
loss = ce(y_true, y_pred)
# reshape loss for each sample (BxHxWxC -> BxN)
# Normalize loss by number of non zero elements and sum for each sample and mean across all samples.
using .AUTO/.NONE options, I am not scaling loss by global_batch_size understanding tf will take care of it and I am already normalizing for each gpus. but with both options, didn't get any luck.
changed data_generator to obj. Though it has helped in training time, but test mean_iou become even worst.
I would appreciate if any lead or suggestion for improving test_iou in distributed training.
let me know if you need any additional details.
Thank you

Time taken to train Resnet on CIFAR-10

I was writing a neural net to train Resnet on CIFAR-10 dataset.
The paper Deep Residual Learning For Image Recognition mentions training for around 60,000 epochs.
I was wondering - what exactly does an epoch refer to in this case? Is it a single pass through a minibatch of size 128 (which would mean around 150 passes through the entire 50000 image training set?
Also how long is this expected to take to train(assume CPU only, 20-layer or 32-layer ResNet)? With the above definition of an epoch, it seems it would take a very long time...
I was expecting something around 2-3 hours only, which is equivalent to about 10 passes through the 50000 image training set.
The paper never mentions 60000 epochs. An epoch is generally taken to mean one pass over the full dataset. 60000 epochs would be insane. They use 64000 iterations on CIFAR-10. An iteration involves processing one minibatch, computing and then applying gradients.
You are correct in that this means >150 passes over the dataset (these are the epochs). Modern neural network models often take days or weeks to train. ResNets in particular are troublesome due to their massive size/depth. Note that in the paper they mention training the model on two GPUs which will be much faster than on the CPU.
If you are just training some models "for fun" I would recommend scaling them down significantly. Try 8 layers or so; even this might be too much. If you are doing this for research/production use, get some GPUs.

Avoiding overfitting while training a neural network with Tensorflow

I am training a neural network using Tensorflow's object detetction API to detect cars. I used the following youtube video to learn and execute the process.
Part 1 to 6 of his series.
Now in his video, he has mentioned to stop the training when the loss value reaches ~1 or below on an average and that it would take about 10000'ish' steps.
In my case, it is 7500 steps right now and the loss values keep fluctuating from 0.6 to 1.3.
Alot of people complained in the comment section about false positives on this series but I think this happened because of the unnecessary prolonged process of training (because they din't know maybe when to stop ?) which caused overfitting!
I would like to avoid this problem. I would like to have not the most optimum weights but fairly optimum weights while avoiding false detection or overfitting. I am also observing 'Total Loss' section of Tensorboard. It fluctuates between 0.8 to 1.2. When do I stop the training process?
I would also like to know in general, which factors does the 'stopping of training' depend on? is it always about the average loss of 1 or less?
Additional information:
My training data has ~300 images
Test data ~ 20 images
Since I am using the concept of transfer learning, I chose ssd_mobilenet_v1.model.
Tensorflow version 1.9 (on CPU)
Python version 3.6
Thank you!
You should use a validation test, different from the training set and the test set.
At each epoch, you compute the loss of both training and validation set.
If the validation loss begin to increase, stop your training. You can now test your model on your test set.
The Validation set size is usually the same as the test one. For example, training set is 70% and both validation and test set are 15% each.
Also, please note that 300 images in your dataset seems not enough. You should increase it.
For your other question :
The loss is the sum of your errors, and thus, depends on the problem, and your data. A loss of 1 does not mean much in this regard. Never rely on it to stop your training.

Training TensorFlow model with summary operations is much slower than without summary operations

I am training an Inception-like model using TensorFlow r1.0 with GPU Nvidia Titan X.
I added some summary operations to visualize the training procedure, using code as follows:
def variable_summaries(var):
"""Attach a lot of summaries to a Tensor (for TensorBoard visualization)."""
with tf.name_scope('summaries'):
mean = tf.reduce_mean(var)
tf.summary.scalar('mean', mean)
with tf.name_scope('stddev'):
stddev = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(var - mean)))
tf.summary.scalar('stddev', stddev)
tf.summary.scalar('max', tf.reduce_max(var))
tf.summary.scalar('min', tf.reduce_min(var))
tf.summary.histogram('histogram', var)
When I run these operations, the time cost of training one epoch is about 400 seconds. But when I turn off these operations, the time cost of training one epoch is just 90 seconds.
How to optimize the graph to minimize the summary operations time cost?
Summaries of course slow down the training process, because you do more operations and you need to write them to disc. Also, histogram summaries slow the training even more, because for histograms you need more data to be copied from GPU to CPU than for scalar values.
So I would try to use histogram logging less often than the rest, that could make some difference.
The usual solution is to compute summaries only every X batches. Since you compute summaries only one per epoch and not every batch, it might be worth trying even less summaries logging.
Depends on how many batches you have in your dataset, but usually you don't lose much information by gathering a bit less logs.

Difference of training steps or complete run through

on in the beginner-mnist tutorial they train with 1000 steps, 100 examples. Which is more than the training set which only includes 55,000 points ? In the expert-mnist tutorial they train with 20000 steps, 50 examples.
I think the training steps are done, so that one could every training step make a print-output what loss or/and accuracy one got without waiting till the end or processing.
But could one also simply pipe all examples through the train_operation in 1 step and then look at the outcome, or is not possible ?
Training on the whole dataset at each iteration is called batch gradient descent. Training on minibatches (e.g. 100 samples at a time) is called stochastic gradient descent. You can read more about the two and the reasons for choosing larger or smaller batch sizes in this question on Cross Validated.
Batch gradient descent typically isn't feasible because it requires too much RAM. Each iteration will also take significantly longer and the tradeoff often isn't worth it even if you have the computational resources.
That said, the batch size is a hyperparameter that you can play around with to find a value that works well.