Godot: Unable to use get_node() to get the node - game-development

Using some python in the past, I decided to learn some godot and do some basic stuff like creating a main menu of a game. But,
I'm trying to create a main menu in which if the Controller is detected, the bottom two images will show "DPAD to select" and "A to select" whereas there are no controllers, no image will be shown.
I used two TextureRects and this is my code,
extends TextureRect
onready var TextureSprite = $"/root/DPAD"
func _process(delta):
if Input.get_connected_joypads() != []:
print("Joypad Connected")
elif Input.get_connected_joypads() == []:
print("Keyboard Gameplay")
The texturerect's name is DPAD and the scene tree's name is root. The scripts print correctly but I'm unable to change the image. The onready var line of code says that the node was not found although I'm sure it should.
My line of code with the scene tree as a screenshot


I want JAWS to tell the user what kind of node they are in while navigating the dijit.Tree

We have a dijit.Tree that indicates a node type by using an icon. The icon is a unique indicator that tells the person this node is a "book" or a "DVD" or a "magazine" for example.
dijit renders the icon as a background image in CSS which we know screen readers do not see.
I tried overriding the getTooltip method to provide a tooltip saying "book" or "DVD". It successfully adds the "title" attribute to the "dijitTreeRow". If I mouse over the node, I see the text. This is not ever focused on when the user moves down to get from one node to the next.
When navigating the tree, the up and down arrows traverse the nodes. The span with the visible text is focused on and that string is read. You can see the dotted line focus as well as hear this with JAWS in the most basic of examples: https://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.10/dijit/Tree.html
What I have not been able to figure out is how to create an indicator that the screen reader will pick up on that will read "Book" alongside "The Great Gatsby".
Does anyone have any tips on how they made this dijit widget accessible for the screen reader when the images are an indicator that should be heard by the blind user?
The tree supports HTML labels, via setting the labelType property on the model you give it.
Assuming you don't want to change the store data (or override the getLabel method), you can reimplement dijit/Tree.getLabel and produce the HTML label, and wrap it with a span with an aria-label.
(code lifted from the dijit.Tree reference).
var myModel = new ObjectStoreModel({
store: myStore,
labelType: "html", // Hack to tell the tree node to render as HTML
query: {id: 'world'}
var tree = new Tree({
model: myModel,
getLabel: function(item) {
var label = this.model.getLabel(item);
// dojo.string
return dstring.substitute("<span aria-label='dvd ${0}'>${0}</span>", [label]);
If your data might contain HTML-ish characters that you don't want to render, escape the characters in getLabel too.

How do I make it so that when 2 movie clips collide, I jump to another frame?

I'm a total newbie at flash.
I'm on flash CS6, and action script 2.0.
What I'm trying to do, is make it so that when a movie clip (bird_mc) collides with
another movie clip (missile_mc), then the movie jumps to a later frame.
My script below doesn't include missile_mc, and this is surely a problem, so how do
I get these two movie clips to when touch move the movie to another frame?
The bird_mc has action script to move up and down with the up and down arrow keys, and
the action script below is connected to frame 1.
Please help, I have no idea what is required to make this work, as I am a beginner!
My action script may be all completely wrong, so anything new or any edition of mine
is great.
Here is the action script on frame 1:
if (_root.bird_mc.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
If your movieClips and your actionScript code are all in frame 1:
this.onEnterFrame = function():Void {
if (bird_mc.hitTest(missile_mc._x, missile_mc._y, true)) {
If you put your code within the movieclip missile_mc:
this.onEnterFrame = function():Void {
if (_parent.bird_mc.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {

Frame Listener in QMLOgre Lib Freeze Window

I'm newbie in using ogre3D and I need help on a certain point!
I'm trying a library mixing ogre3D engine and qtml :
this library works fine when you want to draw some object and rotate or translate these objects already initialise in a first step.
void initialize(){
// we only want to initialize once
disconnect(this, &ExampleApp::beforeRendering, this, &ExampleApp::initializeOgre);
// start up Ogre
m_ogreEngine = new OgreEngine(this);
m_root = m_ogreEngine->startEngine();
//draw a small cube
new DebugDrawer(m_sceneManager, 0.5f);
but If you want to draw or change the scene after this initialisation step it is problematic!
In fact in Ogre3D only (without the qtogre library), you have to use a frameListener
which will connect the rendering thread and allow a repaint of your scene.
But here, we have two ContextOpengl: one for qt and the other one for Ogre.
So If you try to put the common part of code :
// La Boucle de rendu
std::cout<<"pRenderWindow close"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"root renderOneFrame"<<std::endl;
the app will freeze! I know that startRendering is a render loop itself, so the loop below never gets executed.
But I don't know where to put those line or how to correct this part!
I've also try to add a background buffer and to swap them :
void OgreEngine::updateOgreContext()
delete m_qtContext;
m_BackgroundContext= QOpenGLContext::currentContext();
// create a new shared OpenGL context to be used exclusively by Ogre
m_BackgroundContext = new QOpenGLContext();
but i've also the same error:
OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Cannot create GL vertex buffer in GLHardwareVertexBuffer::GLHardwareVertexBuffer at Bureau/bibliotheques/ogre_src_v1-8-1/RenderSystems/GL/src/OgreGLHardwareVertexBuffer.cpp (line 46)
I'm very stuck!
I don't know what to do?

Using a simulated event BecomeViewTarget to make an isometric camera

I'm following a tutorial on making a top down/isometric camera and have run into a bit of a snag. See, the following comes up when I compile.
BGCGamePawn.uc(15) : Error, Type mismatch in '='
Now, I've managed to get this far so I understand that the problem lies in the following bit of code. Line 15 is bold.
//override to make player mesh visible by default
simulated event BecomeViewTarget( PlayerController PC )
local UTPlayerController UTPC;
if (LocalPlayer(PC.Player) != None)
**UTPC = BGCGamePlayerController (PC);**
if (UTPC != None)
//set player ctrl to behind view and make mesh visible
UTPC.bNoCrosshair = true;
Does BGCGamePlayerController extend from UTPlayerController? If not, that would be the problem: you're trying to cast your PlayerController parameter into a BGCGamePlayerController but then store it in a local UTPlayerController variable. You'll need to change the type for your local variable or change the hierarchy for your BGCGamePlayerController.

Problems with adding/removing ContentPanes in AccordionContainer

I'm a complete newbie at Dojo, and Adobe AIR, which is my target. I'm
trying to put some panes into an AccordionContainer like so:
var mainview = dijit.byId("mainview");
var rand = randomString();
var widg = gtd_create_entry_widget(rand)
"mainview" is my AccordionContainer, and gtd_create_entry_widget() is:
function gtd_create_entry_widget(id) {
var entry = new dijit.layout.ContentPane();
entry.attr("title","title "+id);
return entry;
The pane shows up in the container, with the correct id and title, and
no errors, however, if I try to add another pane, the next one shows
up too, but I get the error:
TypeError: Result of expression '_7' [undefined] is not an object.
I get the same error if I run
var mainview = dijit.byId("mainview");
and also, only one pane is destroyed at a time, and I understand this
method should destroy all the children.
I can include full project code if required.
Thanks a lot
I'm not exactly sure if this is going to fix your problem, but you're supposed to use dijit.layout.AccordianPane (http://www.dojotoolkit.org/api/dijit/layout/AccordionPane.html) with the AccordianContainer.