VB.net filtering access database - vb.net

I need help, I am making application for one medical practice.
I have one database where are all patients and one more where is all services (text), something like subdatabase. And when I make profile for patient, than I need to add some text to access DB. I know how to add new value to database but I don't know how to display only values for this patient. When I click Save I can see every value in this second database, I need to filter it with Patient ID.


How can i control the multiple users accessing the same database

I am making my first project using vb.net and access. I am trying to develop a project in which the data of patients of the is added from different counters. what I developed is working fine when only one counter adds data in database but when two counters access the same database and try to save the record it gives error primary key can not be duplicate.
I doing what, first I am generating a primary key number i.e. patient no that is unique to every patient. patient no. is one increment to the last saved record. then the user enter (counter data entry operator) adds the patient details and then hit the save button.
In multi-user environment both the operators generate the same patient no. when they hit the new record button as both see the same last saved record. while saving the record one operator save the record successfully but other operator get the duplicate primary key error.
Pessimistic and optimistic locks are not working for me or i am not understanding how to use them.
rsS As New ADODB.Recordset
rsS.Open(str, conn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockPessimistic)
What I have tried:
I also tried to solve this problem by saving the patient no. in another variable oldPatientno and beore saving the record checked if there is any change in the database if so then regenerate the patient no. but this is not working.

Access 2010 VBA and filtering

Good Day,
I need some assistance please. I am rebuilding a third party Access database after it's catastrophic failure and the failure of the 3rd party developer to fix his mess. I am an avid Access Developer and know my way around an Access Database well. I am not a super VBA coder, but I can do more than my bit in VBA as well as a few other languages.
Currently, I have a database test bed with a login form that stores 3 values as public variables (gstrLevel as String, gstrUser as String, gintID as Integer). I am able to set my own "permissions" with ease in that once they login I can use the values to control the switchboard etc.
My problem now is the following. We have people recording prospective client interactions and interviews. As part of the process, every time they make contact, they record this into the database and in the process a "followup date" is created. This works like a charm. What I now need to do is warm the users if these followup dates are close or have passed so that prompt action can be taken lest we lose a prospective client.
I have a query that takes the prospective table information, and the notes table information (where the followup date is stored) and then filters the dates correctly. This in turn has been used to create a continues form to display the records that need followup soon. What I cannot seem to do is to get it to only show the logged in users followup records.
I should note that the user/agent field is a lookup field in the prospective table, and thus also creates a combo box in the Followup form. I can lock the form from changes etc, but I can't seem to get it to only display the relevant user/agent details.
I have tried:
Me.FilterOn = True
DLookup as criteria
Using my public variables directly as query criteria
And a few other weird combinations with no success.
My problem, I believe, is the fact that the user/agent is a lookup field, and I am not sure how to filter based on that fact. If I use the gstrUser variable directly I get a type mismatch and if I use gintID directly it shows nothing.
Any ideas or advice would be greatly appreciated.
You probably have a Users table, with a numeric Primary Key (PK), while your gstrUser stores the userName.
So in the source of your Followup form, just add the Users table (joined to the Prospective table on UserId) and apply the filter on the userName field in the Users table (or whatever it's called that matches the contents of gstrUser).

How to join two objects in Rally

I would like to join the user object and project permission object to see how many users have been assigned to a project, for audit purpose. I don't see a common field with common values (email address or first name/last name) between these objects. I used Excel plugin to retrieve two separate data sheet and unable to map them. Any thoughts on this on how to do this?
You're probably seeing something similar to the following when you query on ProjectPermissions:
In this situation, the default User object selected from the "Columns" picker in the query dialog, gives you the User's DisplayName, which doesn't unambiguously map to a Rally UserID.
Note, however, that you can add dot-notation sub-fields of Objects manually by typing them into the Columns field. In the following example, I've included User.Username and User.LastLoginDate as additional fields I want to show on the Permissions report:
Of course, you could also just include User.Username, and run a second query on the User object with all fields selected, and do a join in Excel.
One note of caution - if you have many users (say 1,000), and a lot of projects, (say 1,000, which is not uncommon in large Rally subscriptions), querying directly against the ProjectPermissions endpoint can rapidly result in total results that number on the order of 10^6. This will probably time out in an Excel query.
The Rally User Management: User Permissions Summary script works around this by querying Permissions in a loop on a user-by-user basis. It's slow, but it returns results without timeouts. Certainly not as convenient as Excel either - you need to install Ruby 1.9.2+ and the rally_api gem to get it working.

MS Access 2007 - Select multiple records and assign a value into a field

I am using a Multiple Items Form to list CASES (records) where there is no TECHNICIAN assigned (Maybe I should use a Datasheet to list the records?).
I would like the user to select a TECHNICIAN from a dropdown field that gets its values from an Employee Table (I can do this). Then I would like the user to select multiple CASES (records) in order to assign that one TECHNICIAN to the Technician field in all of the selected CASES.
Basically, I'm trying to keep the user from having to assign a technician from within each and every incoming case request. I want them to "batch" assign a tech to multiple cases.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
Ok so I did some more research. This may not be the best answer but it works for now.
I created a Multiple Item Form.
I added an unbound dropbox that lists Employees from the table
I added a button on the detail section (for each record) with the follow line of code:
Me.Technician = Me.Choose_Technician
Now the user can pick a technician from the dropdown and then click the button to assign that technician to the record/casefile.
This is a simple solution if you only have a couple of records/casefiles to assign. If the amount of incoming casefiles increases there will have to be a way to select multiple records using the shift key. I'll keep researching this.

what editable control should i use to display my spreadsheet in a vb.net application?

I have a spreadsheet in excel with three headers:
Project Name
The name of a project i'm working on.
Requested Role
The job title/profession of the project employee. (example: mechanic, manager, engineer)
The name of the employee.
When i click on the Person's name i want another page or tab (specific to this person) to appear showing details about them such as their name, job title, how long they worked, what project they are doing... etc. (similar to a Facebook profile)
When i click on the project name i want another page or tab (specific to this project) to appear showing details about it such as the requirements, the deadline, who is currently working on it... etc.
Furthermore, i would like to set up two levels of access:
People who can add new information but not change or delete existing information
(write-only permissions)
People who can have full access to all information.
All highest level of access.
I don't know how i would go about displaying and/or organizing so much information in a vb.net application. if anyone could provide some suggestions as to some possible layouts of the GUI it would be greatly appreciated!
Additional Details:
For the specific pages i was thinking of using the tab control but i want it so that i can search through the list of projects or names, select one, and then it brings up the page about it.
The levels of access is the least of my worries... although it is still a worry.
You don't want to store that information in an excel spreadsheet, a database is much, much better. For what you've described here I'm going to assume that you have Projects and Employees, and that multiple Employees can work on a project. You'll need a few tables then:
ProjectSeq 'Int - unique sequence for this project record
Name 'String - name of project
Descr 'String - description of project
... 'Various - other fields as needed
EmployeeSeq 'Int - unique sequence for this employee record
Name 'String - Name of employee
Title 'String - Job title of this employee
IsManager 'Boolean - Is this employee a manager?
IsAdmin 'Boolean - Is this employee an administrator?
... 'Various - other fields as needed
ProjEmplSeq 'Int - unique sequence for this project-employee record
ProjSeq 'Int - link to project record
EmployeeSeq 'Int - link to employee record
... 'Various - other fields that apply to this project-employee combination
Once you have your tables all set up and populated with data, you'll want to read the data and transfer it to your .NET application. There are a few ways of doing this, you'll have to decide which works best for your needs. I'm a big fan of DataSets, they always work nicely.
To fill the grid, you'll need to use a sql statement that fills a datatable from the three tables (I'm using notepad as my IDE, so this may not be exact):
SELECT pe.*, p.Name as ProjName, e.Name as EmplName, e.Title
FROM ProjEmpl pe, Project p, Employee e
WHERE p.ProjectSeq = pe.ProjectSeq AND
e.EmployeeSeq = pe.EmployeeSeq
To display the data to the end user, you would use a DataGridView control. Set the datagrid.DataSource to use the datatable you just populated and the data should show up.
To display the related Employee & Project information, I'd use a tab control underneath the datagrid. One tab for Project, and one tab for Employee. Use individual controls for each field in the table. When the user changes rows in the datagrid, load the related Project and Employee information for that row into two datatables and populate the controls from that.
Lastly, to set permissions on the program you'll need to have the employee log onto the application. Once they've logged on you can look them up in the Employee table, find out if they are a manager or an administrator, and set the permissions accordingly.