Why is the server getting Kotlin compilation errors? - kotlin

Kotlin builds fine locally. However, it does not work properly on the server.
Below is the error log.
/root/.sdkman/candidates/kotlin/current/bin/kotlinc: line 80: 34 Killed "${JAVACMD:=java}" $JAVA_OPTS "${java_args[#]}" -cp "${kotlin_app[#]}" "${kotlin_args[#]}"
Why does this error occur?
The server is running as a docker command in the Ubuntu 18.04 environment.
Below is the dockerfile
RUN apt-get install sudo -y
RUN curl -s https://get.sdkman.io | bash
RUN chmod u+x "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/sdkman-init.sh"
RUN /bin/bash -c "source $HOME/.sdkman/bin/sdkman-init.sh && sdk install kotlin"
ENV PATH /root/.sdkman/candidates/kotlin/current/bin:$PATH
Additionally, I am using version 13 of jdk.

I solved it. It was docker container memory problem. I increased the docker container from 256mb to 1gb and it works fine. Thank you for trying to help.


Why is brew install redis not working for mac M1?

I have to install redis, but it is not working to install redis anymore using brew. Getting the following error when trying to install this way:
Warning: No available formula with the name "redis".
==> Searching for similarly named formulae and casks...
==> Casks
another-redis-desktop-manager ✔ redis-pro
jpadilla-redis redisinsight
To install another-redis-desktop-manager ✔, run:
brew install --cask another-redis-desktop-manager ✔
Tried the command brew install --cask another-redis-desktop-manager.
This also didn't work.
Actually found the answer. Basically the reason for the failure in installation was because the core homebrew packages were not correctly configured.
Identified the issue with brew doctor
The solution was
rm -rf "/opt/homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core"
brew tap homebrew/core
ARM Homebrew must be installed in the /opt/homebrew directory. Earlier, you need to manually create directories and run commands. However, you do not need to manually run commands to use the latest scripts.
Direct execution:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://gitee.com/ineo6/homebrew-install/raw/master/install.sh)"
PS: terminal type Run the echo $SHELL command. The command output is as follows:
/bin/bash => bash => .bash_profile
/bin/zsh => zsh => .zprofile
If you encounter invalid environment variables, you are advised to check the terminal type before setting the correct environment variables.
Starting with macOS Catalina(10.15.x), Macs use zsh as the default Shell, using.zprofile, so the corresponding command:
echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> ~/.zprofile
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
If you have macOS Mojave or later and have not configured zsh yourself, use.bash_profile:
echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
Hope this can help you

How to install MSSQL-Server on Ubuntu 22.04

I am trying to install MSSQL-Server on my Ubuntu 22.04. I know that it does not currently support Ubuntu 22.04. I need to find a workaround to install the software as I don't want to downgrade.
I tried installing but it keeps giving me dependency errors. How do I solve it? Any help would be appreciated.
Unfortunately, at this time, SQL Server 2019 only works on Ubuntu 20/21. 22.04 is not supported at this time.
So either you will have to use Ubuntu 20 or, as others have stated, use Docker Containers.
You can install Docker into Ubuntu 22.04. It's a multi-step process, but it isn't that difficult.
Install Docker Engine on Ubuntu (follow the Install using the repository section)
Install SQL Server Container
That should do it.
Also, in link #2, read further below on how to connect to your docker image to run SQLCMD from within the container.
Like SQL Server 2019, you cannot install the SQLCMD tools directly into your Ubuntu 22.04 installation. But the Docker container image contains the sqlcmd tool for you to be able to connect to the database.
Or, you can use Visual Studio Code with the SQL Server (mssql) extension and it can connect to your SQL Server instance in your running Docker container.
The connection string would be:
"Server=localhost;Database=your database name;User Id=user id;Password=password"
You can leave out the Database setting if you just want to connect to the default database.
If you create any databases, you can then connect to them directly by specifying the name.
I also have same problem like this. I also tried downgrading Openssl to 1.1.1k and 1.1.1s but still not works. And finally I found this explanation
So, keep use OpenSSL 3.0.2 and you just need to change the SECLEVEL to 0 instead of 1 in /etc/ssl/openssl.conf
CipherString = DEFAULT:#SECLEVEL=0
And it works, now I can connect to SQL Server using Ubuntu 22.04.
Looked at this
and it has worked for me!
So worth giving it a shot
cd /opt/mssql/lib
ls -la
sudo rm libcrypto.so libssl.so
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so.1.1 libcrypto.so
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.1 libssl.1.1
If libssl is not installed, try:
sudo apt install libssl1.1
Update: I had issues connecting using libssl1.1, so I switched to 1.0 after performing the previous steps, so I also did the following:
sudo systemctl stop mssql-server
sudo systemctl edit mssql-server
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.0.0 /opt/mssql/lib/libssl.so
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so.1.0.0 /opt/mssql/lib/libcrypto.so
Then started mysql-server and things just worked fine!

Installing Apache OpenWhisk using docker-compose on Amazon Linux instance gets stuck at "waiting for the Whisk invoker to come up..."

I am trying to install openwhisk for dev mode using docker compose on Amazon Linux EC2 Instance. I am following this link for doing so https://github.com/apache/incubator-openwhisk -> Get Started.
Although, it has worked for me before once, in this installation, I am facing an issue. These are the steps I followed:
sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install -y docker
sudo service docker start
sudo chkconfig docker on
sudo yum install -y python-pip
sudo pip install docker-compose
This step is because open whisk is using sudo for docker-compose, and based on previous steps, sudo docker-compose -v gives a command not found.
sudo cp /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /bin
sudo yum install -y git
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/apache/incubator-openwhisk-devtools.git
cd incubator-openwhisk-devtools/docker-compose
sudo make quick-start
Update: The problem is that the make command gets stuck at the stage where it is waiting for invokers.
I have not made any changes to any source code, nor I did any other steps before this on the instance. It was a freshly created instance.
Am I missing something in OpenWhisk or EC2 or the combination of both? Any help would be great.
Update: I tried the docker-compose method for installing open whisk on Amazon Linux 1, Amazon Linux 2, Ubuntu 16.04 as well as Ubuntu 14.04. On all platforms, it got stuck at sudo make quick-start where it is waiting for invokers.
Update: Instead of using python-pip for docker-compose installation, used the command from docker website as well.
sudo curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.22.0/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
if docker-compose command is not found it means you didn't install docker-compose correctly.
I don't think you can install docker-compose as a python library using pip
See the instructions here https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/#install-compose
someting like
sudo curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.22.0/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
Or take a look at https://medium.com/#khandelwal12nidhi/docker-setup-on-aws-ec2-instance-c670ff3d5f1b

creating docker file to run selenium Javascript based tests

I am trying to create a docker file to run selenium tests for a java script based project. Below is my docker file so far:
#base image
FROM selenium/standalone-chrome
#access to the project within docker container - Bundle app source
COPY ./seleniumTest/project /app
# Install Node.js
RUN sudo apt-get update
RUN sudo apt-get install --yes curl
RUN curl --silent --location https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | sudo bash -
#Define runtime
ENTRYPOINT /app/login.test.js
while building and running the docker image as: $ docker run -p 4000:8080 dockertest2 returns /bin/sh: 1: /app/login.test.js: Permission denied
why is the permission denied for it? P.S: I have changed to the dir which contains both Dockerfile and automation test JS files using (cd dir).
Create a Docker Container with all the dependencies needed for you app to run
Which can be specified in the DockerFile.
Attached a script at Entry point to Start Selenium Server Standalone.
Build and Run your Container and Remember to Bind and Expose the port your selenium is running

Apache doesn't start in AMPPS on Ubuntu

I'm trying to run the Ampps local server 3.8 on Ubuntu. Mysql works good but apache doen't run.
When I type
I get
/usr/local/ampps/apache/bin/httpd: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/ampps/apache/lib/libapr-1.so.0: undefined symbol: dlopen
How to solve?
I experienced a similar problem. Firstly you must check is there anything that uses 80 port.
If any you kill that.
Then you backup libapr and then install libs again.
Run following commands:
cd /usr/local/ampps/apache/lib
sudo mkdir backup
sudo mv ./libapr* ./backup/
sudo apt-get -y install libaprutil1 libaprutil1-dev libapr1 libapr1-dev
and try run ampps.