SQL Query for counting >2 orders in a particular year - sql

I have two tables. salesreps with columns: SRepID, SRepName, SRepPhone
orders with columns: OrderID, CustomerID, SRepID, OrderDate
I need to return all the SRepName who have handled at least two orders in the year 2019.
I am completely lost on this one and would love a push in the right direction.
I'm doing this in SQL Workbench.

select SRepName from salesReps
inner join Orders on salesReps.SRepID = orders.SRepID
where orderDate >= '2019-01-01' and orderDate < '2020-01-01'
group by sRepName
having count(OrderId) >1

You can use a correlated subquery to count the number of orders per sales rep:
select s.*
from salesrep s
where (
select count(*)
from orders o
o.repId = s.sRepId
and o.orderDate >= '2019-01-01'
and o.orderDate < '2020-01-01'
) >= 2
Or you can use aggregation. This requires you to enumerate the columns that you want to return, but also gives you the possibility to use aggregate functions on the orders:
count(*) no_orders,
max(o.OrderDate) last_order_date
from salesrep s
inner join orders o on o.repId = s.sRepId
where o.orderDate >= '2019-01-01' and o.orderDate < '2020-01-01'
group by s.sRepId, s.sRepName
having count(*) > 1

select SRepName
from salesreps s
inner join orders o
on s.SRepID = o.SRepID
where year(OrderDate) = '2019'
group by SRepName
having count(OrderID) >= 2


New record after a year of no records

I want to find returning customers who have placed an order after a year without orders. I have managed the below but am having a tough time adding the year gap. Something like "and count of orders between dates = 0"... any ideas would be appreciated, I cant seem to figure out the required syntax at all.
Min(Orders.[Order Date]) AS [MinOfOrder Date],
Max(Orders.[Order Date]) AS [MaxOfOrder Date],
INNER JOIN Orders ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID
((Min(Orders.[Order Date])) < Date() -365)
AND ((Max(Orders.[Order Date])) > Date() -30)
You can use exists and not exists to get the first order after a year gap:
select o.*
from orders as o
where exists (select 1
from orders as o2
where o2.customerid = o.customerid and
o2.orderdate < dateadd("yyyy", o.orderdate, -1)
) and
not exists (select 1
from orders as o2
where o2.customerid = o.customerid and
o2.orderdate >= dateadd("yyyy", o.orderdate, -1) and
o2.orderdate < o.orderdate
You can join in the customers information if you need that.
Selecting records based on values in other records is tricky. Use a correlated subquery to pull value from another record. Need a unique identifier field - autonumber should serve. Consider:
SELECT Orders.*, (SELECT Max(OrderDate)
FROM Orders AS Dupe
WHERE Dupe.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID
AND Dupe.ID < Orders.ID) AS PrevOrderDate
FROM Orders;
SELECT Query1.* FROM Query1 WHERE ((([OrderDate]-[PrevOrderDate])>365));

SQL -percent calculation

Make a report on the sales in 2015 of the products by categories (total value and
quantity sold). Also determine what% of the value of sales
for a given category represent the sales of each of the products in the category.
My query so far:
WITH sales AS
(SELECT t1.category_name
, t2.product_name
, (t3.unit_price*t3.quantity) Total_sales
, EXTRACT (YEAR FROM order_date) Year
FROM categories t1
products t2
ON t2.category_id=t1.category_id
order_details t3
ON t3.product_id=t2.product_id
orders t4
ON t4.order_id=t3.order_id
WHERE EXTRACT (YEAR FROM order_date) = '2015'
GROUP BY t1.category_name
, t2.product_name
, (t3.unit_price*t3.quantity)
, EXTRACT (YEAR FROM order_date)
SELECT s.category_name
, s.product_name
, SUM (Total_sales)
FROM sales s
GROUP BY s.category_name
, s.product_name
How to calculate %? Thank you
I think that you want window functions - if your database, that you did not specify, supports them:
SUM(od.unit_price * od.quantity) as total_sales
1.0 * SUM(od.unit_price * od.quantity)
/ SUM(SUM(od.unit_price * od.quantity)) OVER(PARTITION BY c.category_id)
as category_sales_ratio
FROM categories c
INNER JOIN products t2 p ON p.category_id = c.ategory_id
INNER JOIN order_details od ON od.product_id = p.product_id
INNER JOIN orders o ON o.order_id = od.order_id
WHERE o.order_date >= '2015-01-01' AND o.order_date < '2016-01-01'
GROUP BY c.category_id, c.ategory_name, p.product_id, p.product_name
ORDER BY c.category_name, p.product_name
The window sum computes the total sales for the whole category, that you can divide the sales of the current product with.
Note that I changed your query in serveral ways:
meaningful table aliases make the query easier to write, read and maintain
filtering dates without transformation is much more efficient that using date functions
there is no need for a subquery
it is always a good idea to put the relevant primary keys in the GROUP BY clause (in case two different products or categories have the same name) - on the other hand, you also had additiona uneeded columns in that clause

Getting max value before given date

I am pretty new to using MS SQL 2012 and I am trying to create a query that will:
Report the order id, the order date and the employee id that processed the order
report the maximum shipping cost among the orders processed by the same employee prior to that order
This is the code that I've come up with, but it returns the freight of the particular order date. Whereas I am trying to get the maximum freight from all the orders before the particular order.
select o.employeeid, o.orderid, o.orderdate, t2.maxfreight
from orders o
inner join
select employeeid, orderdate, max(freight) as maxfreight
from orders
group by EmployeeID, OrderDate
) t2
on o.EmployeeID = t2.EmployeeID
inner join
select employeeid, max(orderdate) as mostRecentOrderDate
from Orders
group by EmployeeID
) t3
on t2.EmployeeID = t3.EmployeeID
where o.freight = t2.maxfreight and t2.orderdate < t3.mostRecentOrderDate
Step one is to read the order:
select o.employeeid, o.orderid, o.orderdate
from orders o
where o.orderid = #ParticularOrder;
That gives you everything you need to go out and get the previous orders from the same employee and join each one to the row you get from above.
select o.employeeid, o.orderid, o.orderdate, o2.freight
from orders o
join orders o2
on o2.employeeid = o.employeeid
and o2.orderdate < o.orderdate
where o.orderid = #ParticularOrder;
Now you have a whole bunch of rows with the first three values the same and the fourth is the freight cost of each previous order. So just group by the first three fields and select the maximum of the previous orders.
select o.employeeid, o.orderid, o.orderdate, max( o2.freight ) as maxfreight
from orders o
join orders o2
on o2.employeeid = o.employeeid
and o2.orderdate < o.orderdate
where o.orderid = #ParticularOrder
group by o.employeeid, o.orderid, o.orderdate;
Done. Build your query in stages and many times it will turn out to be much simpler than you at first thought.
It is unclear why you are using t3. From the question it doesn't sound like the employee's most recent order date is relevant at all, unless I am misunderstanding (which is absolutely possible).
I believe the issue lies in t2. You are grouping by orderdate, which will return the max freight for that date and employeeid, as you describe. You need to calculate a maximum total from all orders that occurred before the date that the order occurred on, for that employee, for every row you are returning.
It probably makes more sense to use a subquery for this.
SELECT o.employeeid, o.orderid, o.orderdate, m.maxfreight
(SELECT max(freight) as maxfreight
FROM orders AS f
WHERE f.orderdate <= o.orderdate AND f.employeeid = o.employeeid
) AS m
Hoping this is syntactically correct as I'm not in front of SSMS right now. I also included a left outer join as your previous query with an inner join would have excluded any rows where an employee had no previous orders (i.e. first order ever).
You can do what you want with a correlated subquery or apply. Here is one way:
select o.employeeid, o.orderid, o.orderdate, t2.maxfreight
from orders o outer apply
(select max(freight) as maxfreight
from orders o2
where o2.employeeid = o.employeid and
o2.orderdate < o.orderdate
) t2;
In SQL Server 2012+, you can also do this with a cumulative maximum:
select o.employeeid, o.orderid, o.orderdate,
max(freight) over (partition by employeeid
order by o.orderdate rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding
) as maxfreight
from orders o;

query with subquery with 1 result(max) for each year

I have to make a query where I show for each year wich shipper had the maximum total cost.
My query now show for each year the total cost of each shipper. So in the result i must have a list of the years, for each year the shipper and the total cost.
Thanks in advance.
select year(OrderDate), s.ShipperID, sum(freight)
from orders o
join shippers s on o.ShipVia = s.ShipperID
group by year(OrderDate),s.ShipperID
Select a.FreightYear, a,ShipperID, a.FreightValue
select year(OrderDate) FreightYear, s.ShipperID, sum(freight) FreightValue
from orders o
join shippers s on o.ShipVia = s.ShipperID
group by year(OrderDate),s.ShipperID
) a
inner join
select FreightYear, max(FrieghtTotal) MaxFreight
select year(OrderDate) FreightYear, s.ShipperID, sum(freight) FreightTotal
from orders o
join shippers s on o.ShipVia = s.ShipperID
group by year(OrderDate),s.ShipperID
) x
group by FreightYear
) max on max.FreightYear = a.FreightYear and max.MaxFreight = a.FreightValue
order by FreightYear
Inner query a is your original query, getting the value of freight by shipper.
Inner query max gets the max value for each year, and then query max is joined to query a, restricting the rows in a to be those with a value for a year = to the max value for the year.
Cheers -
It's marginally shorter if you use windowing functions.
select shippers_ranked.OrderYear as OrderYear,
shippers_ranked.ShipperId as ShipperId,
shippers_ranked.TotalFreight as TotalFreight
select shippers_freight.*, row_number() over (partition by shippers_freight.OrderYear order by shippers_freight.TotalFreight desc) as Ranking
select year(OrderDate) as OrderYear,
s.ShipperID as ShipperId,
sum(freight) as TotalFreight
from orders o
inner join shippers s on o.ShipVia = s.ShipperID
group by year(OrderDate), s.ShipperID
) shippers_freight
) shippers_ranked
where shippers_ranked.Ranking = 1
order by shippers_ranked.OrderYear
You need to decide what you would like to happen if two shippers have the same TotalFreight for a year - as the code above stands you will get one row (non-deterministically). If you would like one row, I would add ShipperId to the order by in the over() clause so that you always get the same row. If in the same TotalFreight case you would like multiple rows returned, use dense_rank() rather than row_number().

Filter by virtual column?

I have the following database structure :
Every Order can have X payment rows. I want to get only the list of orders where the sum of all the payments are < than the order Total.
I have the following SQL but I will return all the orders paid and unpaid.
SELECT o.OrderId,
COALESCE(SUM(p.Amount),0) AS Paid
FROM [Order] o
LEFT JOIN Payment p ON p.OrderId = o.OrderId
GROUP BY o.OrderId, o.Total, o.UserId, o.DateCreated
I have tried to add Where (Paid < o.Total) but it does not work, any idea?
BTM I'm using SQL CE 3.5
What you are looking for is the HAVING clause.
Instead of "Where (COALESCE(SUM(p.Amount),0) < o.Total)", try "HAVING (COALESCE(SUM(p.Amount),0) < o.Total)"
Check out the MSDN Reference on HAVING.
Select Order.* From Order
Left Join
(Select OrderID, Sum(Amount) As t From Payment Group By OrderID) As s On s.OrderID = Oder.OrderID
Where IsNULL(s.t,0) < Order.Total